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Drowtales/Characters/Val'Illhar'dro Clan: Difference between revisions

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* [[Boldly Coming]] (their usual approach to diplomacy is to set up their relatives with members of the ruling clan and have children with them. Its noted in a podcast that because of this practice they are probably the only clan to care about the bloodline of their childrens' fathers.)
* [[Compelling Voice]] (one of the Illhar'dro applications of spellsong, which they mainly seem to use for crowd control. It's described as being a mix of [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1766 empathy, mana arts and sound])
* [[Deep -Cover Agent]] ({{spoiler|at least one Nidraa'chal, Shodun, is in their clan}})
* [[The Fashionista]] (Potentially rivaling the Sullisin'rune for this trope amongst the nine major clans.)
* [[Hufflepuff House]] (until chapters 33 and 34, which focus on their home city of Nuqrah'shareh)
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* [[Magikarp Power]] (Their spellsong technique. Kyo'nne even says that it's all but useless in a fight except in support roles. {{spoiler|Though Shodun proved in Sillice's flashback that it can be very deadly, using it to stun Sae'ryne and decapitate her, and later uses it to blast Sandaur out a window}})
* [[Merchant City]] (Val'Raveran and various outposts on the surface)
* {{spoiler|[[Royally Screwed -Up]]}} (chapter 33 shows that {{spoiler|all is not well in the royal family, and Balsii at least has a major chip on her shoulder}})
* [[Shining City]] (their home city of Nuqrah'shareh, described as "[http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=7936 the modern, peaceful and beautiful jewel of the west!]" {{spoiler|at least before the 15 year timeskip, since so many refugees have poured into the city that it's now anything ''but'' those}})
* [[Slobs Versus Snobs]] (as chapter 33 shows, they're very much on the snobbish side, and very very rich, with one Illhar'dro telling commoners to "return to your hovels" (<ref>a hovel being "a small, squalid, unpleasant, or simply constructed dwelling", aka not a compliment</ref>) which, naturally, backfires)
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* [[The High Queen]] (of Nuqrah'shareh, where she's Queen, and also projects this image when in Chel)
* [[Immigrant Patriotism]] (though originally from Val'Raveran and officially Queen in Nuqrah'shareh, Nega is shown to care a lot about Chel, and she implies that the decision to leave Chel and come to Nuqrah was a very hard one for her.)
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]] (during the timeskip the Illhar'dro left their base in Chel and withdrew to Nuqrah'shareh, and Nega had [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=8025 a long conversation with Zala'ess where she explained why this was necessary])
* [[Multicolored Hair]] (has blue highlights in her teal hair)
* [[Hundred -Percent Adoration Rating]] (it's implied that she has the support of most of the clan leaders in Nuqrah'shareh {{spoiler|despite Balsii's attempt at a coup}}, judging by the lengths the Jie'yen and Balvhakara heads go to ensure she remains queen-despite or perhaps even ''because'' of her pacifistic attitude.)
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] (from what we've seen of her she seems to be very concerned about following law and order. In chapter 33 she even seems to be willing to {{spoiler|forgive Balsii for her coup before Balsii tries to kill her}}, and in chapter 34 talks about trying to end the conflict with the least amount of bloodshed possible, and had ordered caravans to bring food to the hungry civilians from the Surface, though they never arrived. To say nothing of how {{spoiler|she actually ''does'' forgive Balsii after she surrenders, deciding to end the bloodshed there}})
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}} ({{spoiler|she seems to fall for Zala'ess claims against the Sarghress pretty quickly}})
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* [[Groin Attack]] (In Chapter 2 he shows the kids in Davya Tower that one should be a [[Combat Pragmatist]] with this)
* {{spoiler|[[In the Back]]}} ({{spoiler|1=What Balsii's guards do to him. Notably, all three swords [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1718 clearly go through his body], not that this stops him, and had he not been thrown out the window he likely would have died from his injuries}})
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]] (as is the custom for several male Vals, he wears his hair long)
* [[Neck Snap]] (the fate of one unfortunate guy he catches in Chapter 33)
* {{spoiler|[[Not the Fall That Kills You]]}} ({{spoiler|1=He was already injured and likely dying from his wounds, [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?id=1719 but falling straight onto the apex of a nearby roof] was the real death blow, and likely broke his back and/or neck.}})
* [[One-Scene Wonder|One Chapter Wonder]] (And how.)
* [[Overly Long Name]] (although the fact that the Commander of the Illhar'dro forces at the Great Bridge shares the "Recherrai" implies that it may be a subhouse name, and he's usually referred to just as "Sandaur")
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]] (See his nickname. Plus he's possibly the most bad ass male Drow we've seen in series.)
* [[Undying Loyalty]] (to Nega'fanea, even after {{spoiler|he gets stabbed multiple times by Balsii's guards}} his main concern is for her safety. It's probably why {{spoiler|Shodun killed him}})
* {{spoiler|[[We Hardly Knew Ye]]}} ( {{spoiler|After several pages of Sandaur kicking ass and taking names he gets one-shotted by Shodun out of the window and right onto the apex of the roof outside. This led several on the forums to state that it [[Failure Is the Only Option|must be tough being male]] in the world of Drowtales}})
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* [[Fashionable Asymmetry]] (her hairstyle, which has small sections of white on one side of her bangs)
* [[Klingon Promotion]] ( {{spoiler|tried this with Nega'fanea, but it seems that it didn't work after all since Nega survived}})
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]] ({{spoiler|Surrenders rather than tear Nuqrah'shareh further apart. Though as chapter 36 shows, it didn't do much good at stopping the violence.}})
* [[Parasol of Pain]] (a variation, in that she has a sword hidden inside it)
* [[Punny Name]] (she must be pretty ''ballsy'' to {{spoiler|pull a coup on her cousin, in the middle of a civil war, no less}})
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* [[Bald of Awesome]] / [[Bald Women]] (a common style for the Jie'yen. It also makes telling the gender of individual Jie'yen somewhat difficult.)
* [[BFG]] ([[Word of God]] is that the Balvhakara cannons [http://www.drowtales.com/wordpress/?p=3994 use a mana blast instead of regular ammo], which while making them less powerful than dwarven cannons gives them the advantage of being rechargeable with the user's mana (provided it has a sufficient core), not requiring heavy ammo or having a recoil)
* [[Bob Haircut]] (apparently standard issue for the Balvhakara, which makes sense since they spend a lot of time in helmets, and don't want to have to worry about their hair getting in the way. Even Agneya'mukhi, their leader, keeps most of her hair short with a smaller [[Short HairwithHair With Tail|long tail]] in the back.)
* [[Cheerful Child]] (when Sara'hilana {{spoiler|accompanies Chrys to take out the Whispering Tower}} [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=8443 she's giddy at the prospect of being able to use her cannon]. [[Word of God]] is that unlike the Chelian characters, most of whom were in at least one serous fight as adolescents, Sara's never actually fought before, so the seriousness of the situation has yet to sink in. This seems to be the norm in Nuqrah, which also explains Kyo'nne's attitude and relative lack of fight experience compared to her Chelian peers.)
* [[Chekhov's Gun]] ([http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1767 the dragon] seen in the Jie'yen clan page [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=6940 shows up in Vaelia's story] at the end of chapter 25, and it's heavily implied that the island the Highland Raiders are seen exploring is in fact the Jie'yen's old home)
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* [[Ninja]] (The Jie'yen)
* [[Powered Armor]] (worn by the Balvhakara troops)
* [[Short HairwithHair With Tail]] (Agneya'mukhi Balvhakara)
* [[Trouser Space]] ([http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?sid=8472 joked about] in a chibi page, playing off the fact that pants in Nuqrah'shareh tend to be baggier than in Chel)
* [[Warrior Monk]] (the Jie'yen, and apparently Sandaur learned his stuff from them)
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