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Wuthering Heights (band): Difference between revisions

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1) ''Tree'', 2) ''Longing For The Woods part 1'', 3) ''Longing For The Woods part 2'', 4) ''Lost Realms'', 5) ''Bad Hobbits Die Hard'' (instrumental), 6) ''Hunter In The Dark'', 7) ''Highland Winds''
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Erik Ravn – guitar, keyboards, mandolin, narration, backing vocals/Nils Patrik Johansson – [[Self -Backing Vocalist|all lead vocals, backing vocals]]/Morten Gade Sørensen – drums, percussion, backing vocals/Andreas Lindahl – keyboards, backing vocals/Martin Arendal – guitar/Teddy "Dr.Müller" Möller – bass
'''Guest musicians:'''
Lisbeth Sagen – violin/Tommy Hansen – hammond organ, keyboards, accordion, percussion, backing vocals/Tina Gunnarsson – backing vocals/Niklas Kupper – backing vocals
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* [[Epic Riff]]: When you play in a style as unique as they do, and make such frequent use of riffs, it would be surprising if they ''didn't'' manage to produce at least one such riff.
* [[Fade Out]]: This is a common way for their songs to end.
** [[Fake -Out Fade -Out]]: So is this.
* [[Grief Song]]: Lament for Lorien.
* [[Heavy Metal Umlaut]]: Averted in the band, [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in the band members as ''they '''are''' from Denmark''.
* [[Heavy Mithril]]: When a band combines elements from [[Power Metal]] and [[Folk Metal]], and used to go by the name Minas Tirith, what else do you expect?
* {{spoiler|[[Humans Are Bastards]]}}: The last line of ''A Sinner's Confession''.
* [["I Am Becoming" Song]]: Hunter In The Dark
* [["I Am" Song]]: [[The Raven]]
* [[I Am the Band]]: Erik Ravn, only original band member remaining, songwriter, vocalist, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist.
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* [[Sanity Slippage Song]]: Elements crop up in a lot of their song, chronologically we have Enter The Cave, Hunter In The Dark, Too Great Thy Gift, Sorrow In Memoriam and Dreamwalker from their first album, and The Desperate Poet and the Mad Sailor from the fifth. Tough you could make a case for a few others.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: I Shall Not Yield
* [[Self -Backing Vocalist]]: Nils Patrick Johanson on their ''Shadow Cabinet'' album.
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: A Sinner's Confession works its way through Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Envy Sloth, Lust and Wrath though not neccissarily all by name, then in Shadow Cabinet we have ''Demon Desire'' for Lust<ref>or Avice or Gluttony, but Lust is the popular interpretation</ref>, ''Beautifool'' for Pride, ''Envy'' [[Captain Obvious|for Envy]], ''Sleep'' for Sloth, and ''I Shall Not Yield'' for Wrath.
* [[Snow Means Death]]: Zig Zagged in ''Snow - Apathy Divine part 2'' at different points in the song its imagery is invoked, it is inverted<ref>possibly sarcasticly</ref>, averted, subverted, double subverted with an inversion<ref>where death comes when the snow leaves</ref>, and used as metaphor for the grief of death.
* [["Somewhere" Song]]: Highland Winds and Lament for Lorien from their third Album.
* [[Song of Courage]]: ''The Mad Sailor''
* [[Song Style Shift]]: Pretty much every riff, often repeatedly, sometimes the lyrics do this too like in ''Sleep'' and ''I Shall Not Yield''
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