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* [[Post Final Boss]]: Xantan Reborn is reputed to be considerably easier than Jahbal and Mastermind, both of whom you fight immediately beforehand. Considering the fact that you can't restock on health potions between battles, and the fact that dying on InSaNe (the only level where you fight him) forces you to redo the ''entire game'', this may have been done on purpose.
* [[The Professor]]: Eleus Batrin, sure, but wait until you meet ''his'' teacher, Gali Yoj.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Probably more than one, but this line comes to mind:
{{quote| '''Mokti:''' Oh, you know how little brothers are... he wanted [[Star Wars|adventure, excitement. Bah! A Swamp Edge citizen craves not these things. He is reckless.]] Well, I hope he comes home soon, anyway.}}
* [[Storming the Castle]]: Again, the Two Rings.
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* [[Glass Cannon]]: Mipsy. She can use many powerful spells (offensive and defensive) and so is of valuable assistance in battle, but her HP doesn't leave the double digits until she hits level 23. That coupled with her low defense and the fact that many early-game monsters' normal attacks hit for around 10-20 HP at a time...
* [[The Hero]]: This fits Rohane the most out of the four main characters. And yes, Rohane does [[Heroes Prefer Swords|prefer a sword]] ''and'' is also [[The Captain]].
* [[Hot Skitty -On -Wailord Action]]: This pretty much happens with every NPC that has children. For example, in a village in Chapter 3, one family is made up of an Acara (a cat/goat hybrid) father and a Wocky (cat) mother, who have children who are a Cybunny (rabbit) and an Uni (unicorn).
* [[I Call It Vera]]: There is a NPC called Bledynn who calls his sword Vera.
* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: Again:
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* [[Lighter and Softer]]: The Happy Fun Non-Haunted House. You have to defeat the Four Faeries near the house to get Balthazar to hunt faeries again.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: [http://images.neopets.com/nq2/m/m5120_5fa1c.gif Corrupted light faeries.]
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]]: Subverted. Mipsy starts out as the damage powerhouse (especially when you invest in her 100 damage spell), with Rohane and Talinia simply picking up the slack. Unfortunately, that's just about the maximum damage she can dole out. By Chapter V, the swordsman and archer easily slide past the 100 damage barrier.
* [[Magic Wand]]: [[Stuff Blowing Up|It's not for blowing things up]], [http://items.jellyneo.net/?go=item&showitem=9507 But that's what it's best at.]
* [[Marathon Level]]: Hubrid Nox's dungeon. The IDNQ describes it as "nine levels of solid NQ torture".
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* [[Roguelike]]: Despite the easier difficulties, InSaNe will seem like this, with its [[Final Death]] rule in place. Made worse that all of the enemies have 2x health.
* [[Short Cuts Make Long Delays]]: [http://www.idnq-guide.com/index.php?page=nq2npc&npc=43 Implied with a group of NPCs in Terror Mountain on what's up ahead.]
* [[Shout -Out]]: There are a ''lot'' of them.
** One NPC in the Lost Desert has a sword. [[I Call It Vera|He calls it Vera.]]
** ''[[Playstation Two|"Live in your world, Get eaten by a vampire bearog in mine."]]''
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* [[Shoot the Medic First]]: The only way to win certain battles, particularly the Four Faeries.
** Luckily for the Neoquester, the mobs always go after Mipsy instead! Oh wait...
* [[Slippy -Slidey Ice World]]: Terror Mountain
* [[Snowed In]]: In Chapter II, the Snowager turned out to be trapped by an avalanche caused by Scuzzy. However, {{spoiler|in the simulation, it's more of a figurative blizzard caused by the clogging of data lines when the Snowager, which is actually a sentinel program, was kept from doing its job.}}
** A similar effect is halting travel in the Lost Desert, though it's a sandstorm.
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