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* [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]]: Not many audience members were big fans of Angela, Jimmy's wife, but even the most ardent members of the character's [[Hatedom]] were shaken by {{spoiler|her brutal death at the hands of Manny at the end of "Georgia Peaches".}}
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: {{spoiler|Jimmy's}} death is this to a certain degree. No matter how much of a villain you feel he was in the second season, one has to admit the writers did a damn good job of generating sympathy for a character who, over the course of the season {{spoiler|tried to overthrow the main character, was a huge jerk to pretty much everyone around him, proved to be an incredibly incompetent leader and got his poor innocent wife killed because he was too selfish to pay back Manny money he legitimately owed him.}}
* [[Base Breaker]]: {{spoiler|The death of Jimmy at Nucky's hand}} was extremely divisive amongst the fanbase, causing many cries of "[[Ruined FOREVER]]" within moments of it airing.
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* [[The Scrappy]]: Lucy's not very popular among the [[Fandom]] to say the least, though this could change after episodes like "A Dangerous Maid" where she is more exposed<ref>In the other sense of the word</ref> and shows signs of [[Princess in Rags|falling into despair]].
** The second season is trying hard to get her [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]. It gets almost hilarious when you remember that she was probably built as [[The Scrappy]] in the season before to justify Margaret's supplantation of her place, and now Margaret is [[Took a Level In Jerkass|taking a level in Jerk Ass]] after another instead...
** Angela hasn't been well received by audiences, either. But see [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]] above.
** Season 2 made everybody pretty much hate Eli, but even more so when he {{spoiler|ended up surviving it.}}
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Mary, Angela's girlfriend that she sees while Jimmy's forced to flee Atlantic City. All their conversations seem to be about are Paris and how they'll flee there together, dragging Jimmy and Angela's son along, mind you, and be together forever. Really, if it weren't for [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]], this little ship wouldn't be worth the screentime it gets. When Mary later abandons Angela the same day they were supposed to elope, Angela goes home and seems to reconcile with Jimmy, though an apologetic postcard from Mary makes her cut her hair out of spite.
* [[Squick]]: This is HBO. Sex and violence are the name of the game. If nothing else, Steve Buscemi's O-face'll get ya.
** Jimmy's mom jumping over, wrapping her legs around and then kissing him. While "wearing" nothing more than panties and pasties.
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