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Damsel Errant/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Enforced''': [[All Women Are Lustful]], and similar paradigms
* '''Invoked''': Sir Bob meets Lady Alice by the river and [[Love At First Sight|instantly falls for her]].
* '''Exploited''': [[Anti -Sue|Lady Claire]] wants Sir Bob to [[Unholy Matrimony|join her side]], and she befriends [[Naive Everygirl|Lady Alice]] and uses her to help her achieve that end.
* '''Defied''': Lady Alice does not want to put her [[Love Interest]] in danger, even if he ''would'' do anything for her, and even if he ''is'' technically bound to the code of chivalry. So she wishes him the best, but does not manipulate anything behind the scenes.
* '''Discussed''': "What is she trying to pull?"
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