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[[File:um_4330.png|link=My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|rightframe|[[Punny Name|Ursa Major and Ursa Minor]].]]
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They tend to be [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]]/[[Reality Warper|Reality Warping]] objects of [[Pun|cosmic]] scale, and may occasionally also have a [[Stellar Name]].
See [[Star -Spangled Spandex]] for what someone with a [[Body of Stars]] usually seems to wear, but actually is.
Not to be confused with [[Our Angels Are Different|angels]] or [[Our Gods Are Greater|gods]], whose Celestial Bodies need not be ''a'' Celestial Body.
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== [[Comics]] ==
* [[Marvel Comics]]' [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternity_:Eternity (comics) |Eternity]].
* [[DC Comics]]' [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Kismet_:Kismet (DC_Comics)DC Comics)|Kismet]].
* ''[[Last Man Standing]]'' has [[God|Hex]], who has the entire universe in him in a [[Star -Spangled Spandex]] version of this trope.
* For a single panel, Thanos takes on this appearance in ''[[Infinity Gauntlet]]'' after {{spoiler|deafeating Eternity and assuming his position as embodiment of the universe}}.
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== [[Mythology]] and [[Religion]] ==
* The [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Nut_%28goddess%29:Nut chr(28)goddesschr(29)|Egyptian sky goddess Nut]] may have been the [[Ur Example|Ur-Example]].
* On a related note, a lot of people in [[Classical Mythology]] were turned into constellations, the most famous being Orion.
* In Hinduism, one interpretation of Vishnu's blue color is that he contains the entire universe within himself, and therefore resembles the night sky.
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[[Category:Magic and Powers]]
[[Category:Celestial Body]]
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