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The Incredible Hulk (comic book): Difference between revisions

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** There's also his daughter Lyra.
* [[Distinguished Gentleman's Pipe]]: Bruce Banner smoked a pipe in his first appearance, in The Incredible Hulk #1. In [[The Nineties]] when Hulk had Bruce Banner's brain he also smoked a normal sized pipe, which for him was very tiny.
** A one-shot character in the ''Hulk'' series was a brainy college student based very loosely on [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_Loeb:Leopold and Loeb|Richard Loeb]]; he smoked a pipe as part of his "smartest guy in the room" persona.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Umar capturing the Hulk...by using a giant, magic tongue to wrap around him, pulling him into a portal that looks like an open pair of lips. [http://www.comicbookresources.com/prev_img.php?pid=9307&pg=3 See for yourself.]
* [[Do Not Call Me Paul]]: The Hulk ''hates'' being called Bruce. Though, it's justified in that they actually are separate entities inhabiting the same body.
** This seems to be a recurring theme with Gamma mutates. The Leader also hates it when people call him Samuel Sterns.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)]]: Averted. In Future Imperfect, one of the Maestro's slave girls has sex with the temporarily paralyzed (and unwilling) Merged Hulk. It's not made a big deal, and the word "rape" is never used, but Banner regards it very seriously, and mentions how helpless and out of control it made him feel.
* [[Dumb Is Good]]: Depending on the story somewhat subverted, usually. Many of the times Hulk clashes with the heroes is due to some misunderstanding or someone fooling him into thinking one of the good guys did him wrong.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: The Abomination recently received an upgrade, [[Fridge Brilliance|and turned into]] [[Shout -Out|one of these]].
* [[Epiphany Therapy]] / [[Split Personality Merge]]: Doc Samson uses this with Bruce to create The Merged Hulk.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: The Abomination is another gamma-mutated monstrosity, whose baseline strength was originally greater than the Hulk's (not true anymore for a long time). He was recently replaced by the much more dangerous Red Hulk. There are also Madman, The Maestro, possibly the Leader, and tangentially on rare occasion Mister Hyde.
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** In contrast, the [[Ultimate Marvel]] version of the Hulk is a down right scary version of [[The Unfettered]]. In every way that Ultimate Banner restrains or represses himself(which is pretty much every way), the Hulk cuts loose. For instance, Ultimate Banner is a vegetarian. Ultimate Hulk is [[I Am a Humanitarian|a humanitarian.]]
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: [[Lighter and Softer|The Savage Hulk]].
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]: Occassionally his [[Magic Pants]] fail him and he's forced to battle in the nude; this is generally reserved for the more savage incarnations of the hulk, especially when he's the threat, not one of the protagonists.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: The Maestro.
* [[Galactic Conqueror]]: Arm'Chedon, also known as Armageddon, leader of the Troyjan Empire and foe of the Hulk during his days with the Pantheon. Arm'Chedon was so busy conquering planets that he literally did not notice that he had two sons until one of them died on earth(the other was later killed in combat with the Hulk). Interestingly, his relative obscureness might have worked in his favor, as there's no sign that his empire suffered the massive amounts of destruction that Marvel's other galactic empires(The Kree, Skrulls, and Shi'ar) have in recent years.
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* [[Hoist Hero Over Head]]: In ''Incredible Hulk'' [http://www.comics.org/issue/24429/cover/4/?style=default #142], Valkyrie holds the Hulk over her head.
{{quote| Every '''Male Chauvinist Pig''' in the world will '''Tremble'''...when he sees the '''Hulk''' hurled to his '''Death''' -- by a '''Woman'''!}}
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: The Hulk pretty much defines this trope.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Hulk and any human-sized love interest.
* [[Hulk Speak]]: ''Hulk [[Trope Namer]] for [[Hulk Speak]]!''
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* [[The Nicknamer]]: Hulk's generally not good with names, depending on the incarnation. Sometimes it's out of lack of intelligence, others out of lack of respect, and others its a sign of affection. [[Iron Man]] is usually Metal Man or Tin Man(or Tin Head), Thor is usually Blondie or Goldielocks, Sentry is Golden Man.
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: Shrugs off ground zero nuclear explosions, planet-splitting impacts, or solar temperatures, and swiftly heals virtually any damage beyond that point. This even extends to extremely resistance to mind-control or molecular manipulation of his body, and some adaptive evolution to build greater immunity or adapt to hostile environments.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Zeus vs. the Hulk. The god wins, enough so that only Hulk's [[Healing Factor]] keeps him alive long enough to be rescued.
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: The threat of the Hulk can be more terrifying than his actual presence. Issue #34 (from 2002, despite the low number), written by Bruce Jones, does a masterful job of this. We see Banner, but never the Hulk, other than Banner's eyes turning green as he's about to change. The results of the Hulk's actions, seen afterwards, have far more impact than seeing him in action.
* [[Nothing Is the Same Anymore]]: Originally, Banner's Hulk condition was a secret and all the US Military suspected was that Banner was somehow a compatriot of the monster. Unfortunately, Rick Jones later mistakenly thought Banner was dead and told Col. Glenn Talbot everything. With that, Banner's life ''really'' goes to hell with him becoming a fugitive.
** Jason Aaron's current run on the book decided it had to one up all earlier status quo changes by {{spoiler|separating the Hulk and Banner into two separate entities, driving Banner to do anything he can to be one with the Hulk again to the point that he basically becomes a mad scientist figure and makes a [[Face Heel Turn]].}}
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: The Green Scar persona is initially extremely angry with his son Skaar, for causing the death of his mother Caiera. In contrast, Skaar's initial motivation was to become a [[Self -Made Orphan]]. They both mellowed out eventually.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Is Hulk coming your way? Is he angry? This is the only sane reaction.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: May there be mercy upon you if you injure or threaten anyone the Hulk actually considers a friend. This also goes for anyone who harms his son.
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* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: So very, very much.
* [[Peter David]]: Had a hugely influential run as writer in the 80's and 90's.
* [[Post -Mortem Comeback]] After the Leader died (circa #345) and before he came [[Back From the Dead]], he implanted his memories into a loyal follower who had a similar gamma-induced mutation as he did.
* [[Power Limiter]]: Almost always strongly on, except against certain high-level [[Cosmic Entity]] characters, as othervise he could accidentally ignite reality-spanning destruction.
* [[The Power of Love]]: It turns out that since Hulk's power is emotion+based and quasi-mystical in nature, the love he felt for Jarella makes her even more powerful after dying than his father's spirit turned from his rage. His mother also said that she by far prefered his [[Pillars of Moral Character]] wife Jarella to his other wife, the [[Blood Knight]] Red She-Hulk.
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