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== Anime & Manga ==
* Kouji Kabuto from ''[[Mazinger Z]]'' undoubtedly is a [[Hot -Blooded]] [[Badass]], an excellent [[Humongous Mecha]] pilot, a great sharpshooter and a competent fighter can take care of himself even when he is outside of his giant robot. However he often needed being rescued either because he had fallen into a trap or because the odds were brutally against him. It happened several times in ''[[Great Mazinger]]'', ''[[UFO Robo Grendizer]]'' and ''[[Mazinkaiser]]'', but it was specially glaring in ''[[UFO Robo Grendizer]]'', where he was demoted from [[The Hero]] to [[The Lancer]], and instead of a [[Humongous Mecha]] he piloted a support unit. However usually he was saved by a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment from Sayaka, Boss, Tetsuya or Duke, so even when he was in danger, usually it ended up in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
** {{spoiler|His adoptive brother}}, Tetsuya Tsurugi also found in that position at least once {{spoiler|and he had to be saved by his father's [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}. Duke Fleed also was captured sometimes.
* ''[[Flame of Recca]]'''s Mikagami Tokiya is at first noted as not only the smartest of the Hokage, he's also the cruelest and most ruthless. However, he suffers two cases of being captured, first being defeated by Aoi and ends up being used as a hostage to lower Recca's morale and stays unconscious until rescued, but he later makes it up by forcing Hiruko, who was on the same level of Aoi, into a draw. Then he gets hit AGAIN when [[Big Bad Wannabe]] Marie managed to drug him by luck and strap him into a contrapment, waiting for Domon and Recca to rescue him and rained with taunts and ridicule. Just so they make sure they didn't think of him [[Badass Decay|decayed]], he is pitted against his master Meguri Kyouza, who [[Badass Grandpa|even on deathbed instills fear on both Aoi and Hiruko and could've beaten Kurei if it wasn't for the deathbed tidbits]]... and Mikagami outsmarts and comes out victorious against him.
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** During the same arc, [[Badass|Natsu]] and Wendy were captured by the king of Edolas and drained of their magic; having been unable to use it in Edolas, they couldn't use their powers to escape and had to be rescued by Lucy, Erza and Gray.
* Ran, Kazuha, Heiji and Kogoro (though in his case it's more like [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]) have caught quite the [[Distress Ball|Distress Balls]] in [[Detective Conan]].
* ''[[Inuyasha]]'': The [[One-Man Army|most powerful]] character in the series is [[Badass Long Hair|Sesshoumaru]]. As he himself once [[Badass Boast|observes]], he's never been cornered into a desperate situation. He's also the only thing standing between [[Big Bad|Naraku]] and the [[Gotta Catch Them All|last shard]] of the [[Dismantled MacGuffin|Shikon no Tama]], resulting in {{spoiler|Magatsuhi, the [[Complete Monster|dark will]] of the [[Ultimate Evil|Shikon no Tama]],}} being sent after him to [[The Chessmaster|take advantage of]] Sesshoumaru's {{spoiler|[[Not So Invincible After All|weaponless state]]. [[The Strategist|Magatsuhi]]}} immediately exploits Sesshoumaru's {{spoiler|[[Handicapped Badass|one-armed status]] and succeeds.}} [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Younger brother]] [[The Hero|Inuyasha]] [[Badass in Distress|rescues]] him but not before {{spoiler|his [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!|remaining arm]] is [[I Can Still Fight|ripped]] to [[Healing Factor|shreds]].}} That doesn't stop {{spoiler|[[Magnificent Bastard|Magatsuhi]]}} rendering Inuyasha's [[BFS|sword]] [[Shoot the Hostage|useless]], {{spoiler|stabbing Sesshoumaru [[No One Could Survive That|through the heart]],}} and capturing Inuyasha. {{spoiler|Not only does [[Determinator|Sesshoumaru]] [[Not Quite Dead|not die]], but he ''[[Came Back Strong|comes]] [[Took a Level In Badass|back]] [[Up to Eleven|even]] [[Chain Reaction Destruction|stronger]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|than]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|before]]''.}}
* [[Action Girl|Moka]] recently got hit with this in ''[[Rosario to Vampire]]''. That only applies to [[Split Personality|Inner Moka]], whereas Outer Moka is a [[Distressed Damsel]].
* Recently in ''[[Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple]]'', {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster|Silcardo]] decides to take [[Cute Bruiser|Miu]] as HIS new Disciple and as a result she got hit with the [[Distress Ball]] HARD. Not only that, but then she was [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] and pit against fighting Kenichi: Silcardo hoped to have Miu mentally broken via killing Kenichi, and thus complete a [[Face Heel Turn]].}} How does this end? {{spoiler|In failure: Kenichi gets to Miu in the end, she returns to her senses, and they take on their enemies together. It wasn't a complete failure though as Silcardo brought up successful traces of a [[Blood Knight]] on her.}}
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* In [[Robert E Howard]]'s ''[[The Hour of the Dragon (Literature)|The Hour of the Dragon]]'' and ''[[Shadows in The Moonlight (Literature)|Shadows in The Moonlight]]'', [[Conan the Barbarian]] needs to be rescued. Then he kicks butt.
* In ''[[The Wheel of Time (Literature)|The Wheel of Time]]'' series, almost [[Loads and Loads of Characters|every major hero]] gets captured at some point by Seanchan, Shaido, Darkfriends, Forsaken, or even Rand by the Red Ajah.
* In the ''[[Dragonlance]]'' novel Dragons of Spring Dawning, [[Four -Star Badass|the Golden General, Laurana,]] is captured by her [[Arch Enemy]], [[Dark Action Girl|the Dragon Highlord Kitiara]], and [[[[Come to Gawk]] put on display at the Council of Highlords as Kitiara's gift to the [[Big Bad|evil goddess, Tahkisis.]] But even after being manhandled by Kitiara and with Takhisis, in her five headed dragon form, towering over her, Laurana stays defiant and, when the chance presents itself, breaks free, steals Kitiara's weapon, and single handedly fights her way out of the chamber, setting off an [[Enemy Civil War]] in the process.
* Michael, who does most of the fighting in the ''[[Knight and Rogue Series]]'' is, as a result, the one who's most likely to get captured, leaving Fisk to try and rescue him.
* Toward the end of the [[Time Scout (Literature)|Time Scout]] series, Malcolm Moore ends up getting shot by a bad guy and sent on his way in a hansom cab. He barely survives.
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** Other lesser example's include "Helpless" and "Halloween," although the circumstances are extenuating: In Helpless, Buffy is de-powered by the Watcher's Council is forced to play the helpless victim; she's rescued from a vampire mook by Giles in the end. Of course Buffy is still Buffy and holds her own against the deadlier foe. In Halloween, Buffy is transformed into an 18th century damsel and needs constant rescuing and reassurance, but it's not ''really'' Buffy who's helpless.
** There was also the time Faith and "Angelus" captured her. Had Angel actually been Angelus, she would have been five kinds of fucked. [[Foe Yay|Quite]] [[Les Yay|literally.]]
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''. The Doctor in "The Last of the Time Lords". Released from bondage and within five minutes has completely owned the Master and undone the events of the previous year.
* From ''[[Robin Hood (TV)|Robin Hood]]'': the titular character has been captured and is dangling over a snake pit, getting beaten around the abdomen by Guy of Gisborne, who is alternatively mocking him and demanding to know who the mysterious Night Watchman is. Robin just smiles, knowing full well what's going to happen, and answers Guy's question by saying: "I don't know who the Night Watchman is. But when I see him, I'll give him a kiss." Two seconds later, the Night Watchman turns up to save his ass. And yeah, in case you haven't guessed the obvious, the Night Watchman is {{spoiler|Maid Marian}}.
* Aeryn gets kidnapped in the last season of ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]''. She's tied up, tortured, and almost has her baby forcibly transplanted into another woman ([[It Makes Sense in Context|Chiana, actually.]]) The team finally pulls a [[Big Damn Heroes]] rescue and next episode she's back to kicking butt and taking names.
* This is the only trope that can explain why Lady Emily Merchant of ''[[Primeval]]'' can kick all kinds of dinosaur and terror bird ass yet can also get kidnapped/put in mortal danger about four times within seven episodes.
* In the ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' episode "Foul Play in the Sky", Kimberly is going for a flight with her uncle Steve. Rita sees this as an opportunity to kill Kimberly, and has Squatt and Baboo spike Steve's soda with a delayed-effect sleeping potion. Kimberly spends several minutes stuck on the plane, but with Alpha's help makes a [[Crash -Course Landing]] and then saves her friends and ''single-handedly kills the [[Monster of the Week]]''. In "Power Ranger Punks" she and Billy are confined to cages for most of the episode after Baboo spiked their fruit juice with a personality-deforming potion. Eventually they're cured, but Billy gets swallowed by the Terror Toad just like the others. Kimberly proceeds to free them and then kill the monster.
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