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== [[Anime]] ==
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]''. The mecha of the series, called Gunmen, are powered by Spiral Energy, which comes from living things. The amount of Spiral Energy one produces is tied directly to their emotional state. Fear and despair lower it, hope and optimism increase it, and [[Hot -Blooded|Hot Blood]] blasts it to [[Over Nine Thousand]].
* ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' fits here. Subverted of course, since Haruhi ''doesn't know''.
** Also, it depends on mental ''instability'', and the rest of the cast spends a great deal of effort ''preventing'' this.
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* Goku of ''[[Dragonball]]''. When the chips are down, he'll take a beating and be on the ground battered and bruised -- but [[The Power of Love]] is Goku's secret weapon. Remind him his loved ones will suffer if he doesn't get back up, and he'll find hidden reserves of strength and deliver a curb stomp to the bad guys.
** It's true of his son Gohan even from childhood. As a small boy, his power level is a 1 when he's scared but when he's angry it climbs and keeps climbing, enough to nearly knock a full blood Saiyan off his feet.
* The I-field barriers used by the SUMOs in ''[[Turn a Gundam (Anime)|Turn a Gundam]]'' are said to operate at least partially on the pilot's willpower (which goes a long way to explaining why [[Hot -Blooded|Harry Ord's is so strong]]). The Moonlight Butterfly will also only manifest when the pilot has the proper amount of determination to activate it.
* The ''[[Gundam Unicorn]]'''s NT-D system only activates when the pilot is under a certain amount of emotional stress<ref>A Newtype must also be present on the battlefield</ref>... typically anger or fear (common battlefield emotions), but Banagher manages to activate it in episode 4 through determination to help someone.
* Dragon Slayer powers work this way in ''[[Fairy Tail]]''. [[The Smart Guy|Happy]] actually revs [[Hot -Blooded|Natsu]] up into beating a [[Big Bad]] by suggesting he should back off and let [[The Rival|Gray]] handle it.
* [[Chaos Head]] has the Di-Swords, only functional through... [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|delusions.]] Thus, in somewhat of a departure from the classics, the user ''has'' to be screwed up in order to use the weapons. This, though, [[Mind Screw|is only fitting]] in a show such as [[Chaos Head]].
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