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The leader of the GPX Rangers, Sean is the former captain of a junior ice hockey team. Due to the fact that he became Red Ranger instead of Daisuke, the two have a hate / hate relationship. Initially skeptical, he eventually warms up to his job and comes to embrace it (or, in his words, "have hot, sweaty sex with it".)
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Hilariously averted, since he ''is'' a virgin and only had one kiss in his entire life (Maria did kiss him in an earlier episode, but it was a [["Shut Up" Kiss]] and Maria says it doesn't count).
** But also a positive aversion, since even though he's a virgin, he still kicks ass.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Sort of. He knows a few things about ''Power Rangers'', that's for certain.
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* [[Heroic Second Wind]]: He's practically a master at this.
* [[He's Back]]: See [[Heroic BSOD]] above.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: BIG TIME.
* [[Idiot Hero]]: Subverted, he had a high GPA in high school. He says the reason he won't quit is due to stubbornness.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Uses a blasted ''hockey stick'' as a weapon.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: A possible example where he doesn't try to hide his Heart Of Gold.
* [[Large Ham]]: When he's in [[Hot -Blooded]] mode.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Was bad with this at first, but eventually he stopped and began to think things through.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Mess with his niece, and he will ''kill you''.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: {{spoiler|Suffers a nasty one, just like Sean.}}
* [[He's Back]] {{spoiler|Recovers from his [[Heroic BSOD]]}}.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Not as much as Sean, but when he does get [[Hot -Blooded]], he's about as or maybe more [[Hot -Blooded]] than Sean.
* [[The Lancer]] / [[The Big Guy]]: He's second in command, but he's also the biggest member of the team physically.
* [[Military Superhero]]
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* [[Chilly Reception]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Oh, yes!
* [[Last-Name Basis]]: Sean called him this instead of "Newbie" until Mandla saved the others.
* [[Hey, You]]: Sean calls him "Newbie" until he asks Sean to at least calling him by his last name.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Again, just like Sean and Kevin, {{spoiler|she suffers one after getting beaten by Phaedos.}}
* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Knife Nut]] / [[Knife -Throwing Act]]: The Haz Daggers. They too, get and upgrade.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: She wears revealing clothes and is a nudist. She seems to recognize that though, and wears jeans to prevent [[Panty Shot|Panty Shots]].
* [[He's Back|She's Back]]: {{spoiler|after her [[Heroic BSOD]].}}
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Sean and [[Les Yay|Hitomi]].
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: Gives one to Sean in episode 13 after {{spoiler|Daisuke splits from the team in the previous episode.}}
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[Spicy Latina]]: Albeit a snarkier version.
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Sean's little brother. He's in Orlando with Bridget because their dad (As in Sean's, Bridget's and Tommy's dad) dumped him with Bridget.
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]: He seems to have the same attitude as Sean. Must run in the family.
* [[Has Two Mommies|Has Two Mommies?]]
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