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** Subverted in text quests where you may encounter smart Maloqs and heroic Pelengs.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: They are non-existent in space, which is why you often get missions to patrol a system against pirates for a few months. The military will sometimes fill this role by scrambling some battleships to take down wanted pirates, but most of the time they stay on a planet and there is no way to call for their assistance.
* [[Obvious Rule Patch]]/[[Anti -Grinding]]: Using a [[Summon Bigger Fish|Transfactor Beacon]] now gives you radiation sickness. It's an incurable disease that lasts a couple months (likely the more you use those the longer it lasts) and dramatically reduces any [[Experience Points|experience]] you receive. This change came as a response to an exploit where, once you get a cool enough ship, you can load it with [[Herd -Hitting Attack|vertixes, IMHO-9000s and resonators]] and destroy entire crowds of enemies very quickly. Getting a load of Transfactor Beacons and summoning huge clouds of enemies used to be an insanely effective way of [[Level Grinding|experience farming]].
* [[Our Orcs Are Different]]: Maloqs. They are about as orky as it gets.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: The Maloqs. Trading or killing pirates might end up with you being very unpopular with Maloqs - they do not appreciate activities that don't involve war, and they think of piracy as an honorable career. The Maloqs' way of greeting is to punch the other person in the face. Maloqs despise any luxury, and ban any trading in luxurious items on their planets. In fact, the only luxury items they allow for themselves are stools.
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* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Some of text quests let you escape right at the beginning. Some give you a chance in the middle. Sometimes you can do it at any moment.
** Other rangers do that [[Dirty Coward|all the time]], even those whom you've hired to accompany you, making them effectively worthless.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Lots of.
** Maloqsoft is a software company that produces really crappy software.
** Linux is the name of a planet, as well as the name for superior software.
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* [[Summon Bigger Fish]]: A villainous example spanning the entire story of Space Rangers 1.
** In the sequel, the Transfactor Beacon summons an army of Dominators, usually Kelleroids. Since the Dominators are broken into three factions which are [[Enemy Civil War|at war with each other]], it is possible to summon them upon a system infested by another faction and watch the two fleets duke it out - then pick off the survivors (or pick up the remains).
* [[Take That]]: One of the text-quests involves a human computer system being infected by a virus called “Windows,” and the company providing anti-virus software is called "[[Shout -Out|Maloqsoft]]".
** In the sequel, Maloqsoft apparently switched to military research.
* [[Temporal Sickness]]/[[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: A text-quest in the first game involves using experimental gaalian [[Time Travel]] tech. It is explained that the shock of time travel scrambles the conscious memories of the rewinded period in the displaced individual, but leaves the subconscious memories intact, which manifest in constant strong ''deja vu''. This is known as Temporal Amnesia.
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[[Category:Wide Open Sandbox]]
[[Category:Space Rangers]]
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