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Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception: Difference between revisions

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* [[Disc One Nuke]]: The XFA-27 may fit this. Also, the F-5E is equipped with QAAMs. It's balanced by only carrying four, but still, that's effectively four free air kills.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: ''Beautifully'' averted. Some allies outright fanboy Gryphus One in their radio conversations, and at the end it's shown that souvenir shops are selling stuff with his Southern Cross emblem.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: The Leasathian bombing of a defenceless city in the first mission clearly shows that they aren't quite the [[My Country, Right or Wrong]] [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villains]] of other titles.
* [[Fight in The Nude]]: Adding parts to planes doesn't change their appearance one bit.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Some Leasath Air Force bombers rain bombs on a defenceless city just because they can spare the ordnance.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: The Cariburn.
* [[Hero-Tracking Failure]]: The Meson Cannon can't keep up with Gryphus One if he flies fast enough.
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed]]: The Time Limit mission provides us with one as the player can'y accelerate very hard at first.
* [[Instant Death Radius]]: The Gleipnir's Shock Cannon. The mission "In Pursuit" also has an IDR with "high-performance SAMs" protecting a group of jammers from you.
* [[Interface Screw]]: A SWBM detonating or a firing of the Shock Cannon results in the screen shaking.
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* [[Mook Maker]]: You have carriers doing this.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: The Hamlet unit's use of a biochemical agent to attack Santa Elva makes it quite difficult to sympathise with Leasath's military.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: Averted in some cases; some Leasath soldiers aren't [[Just Following Orders]] but genuinely buy into Navarro's desire to see the destruction and downfall of Aurelia. Of course, he ''is'' a good speaker.
* [[My Nayme Is]]: We have the Ca'''r'''iburn with a R, whereas King Arthur's first sword is Ca'''l'''iburn with a L.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: The game offers you various ways of breaking it by choosing or ignoring missions, and the final one is a [[Sadistic Choice]] that you can't avoid.
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