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* In ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'', in "The Last Man", an alternate reality Carter rams a Wraith Hiveship with the Phoenix, a much smaller 304 Battlecruiser. The Phoenix not only destroys the Hiveship, but two more are destroyed when they get caught in the blast of the first. It is unknown whether Carter meant to go down with the ship, or whether she intended to beam down to the planet below but couldn't because the transporters were knocked out.
** It may be relevant, however, that yet another alternate reality Carter [[I Surrender, Suckers|blew herself and the Jaffa who'd just captured her]] "straight to hell" with a grenade.
* This almost happens to Captain Jack Harkness at the end of the two-part episode of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' that introduced him. He uses his ship to capture a German bomb about to kills the Doctor and Rose. Unfortunately, the bomb has already started the explosion sequence, and the only thing keeping it from exploding is a stasis field. However, the bomb ''is'' exploding slowly. Already in space, Jack orders the ship to jettison the bomb, only to receive the reply that this will cause the bomb to explode while inside the ship. Realizing it's over, he pours himself a glass of champagne and prepares to die in style. Then the Doctor shows up in the TARDIS to ruin the moment and saving the [[Lovable Rogue]].
** This happens with the captain of the space cruiser liner ''Titanic'' in "Voyage of the Damned". However, in this case, the captain is the one who causes its collision with meteors, having been paid to do so to care for his family. He stays on the bridge and dies during the impact. However, the Doctor manages to save the ship (but not {{spoiler|[[Always Save the Girl|the girl]]}}).
* In [[The Muppet Show]], Statler mentions that he was on the Titanic, to which Waldorf remarks that he still has the dress he(Statler) wore to get off.
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** Joker himself might be a better example of this; Shepard is told he won't abandon ship, though in the pilot's case it's less about dying honorably and more about trying to save the Normandy. (The fact that he probably couldn't walk on his own from the bridge to the escape pod may or may not have factored into his decision to stay.)
* Subverted by the Battlecruiser Captain in ''[[Star Craft 2]]''. One of his (joke) quotes is "We're going down. Stay with the ship. I'm out!". Not taking heavy damage or close to death. Just as soon as they're hit.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong|Recurring antagonist]] Admiral Amagi is assumed to go down with his ship the last time the player meets him in ''[[Naval Ops|Warship Gunner 2]]''.
* Occurs in ''[[Free Space]]'' when the ''Galatea'' is destroyed by the ''Lucifer''. The ''Galatea'' launches escape pods, which you are charged with defending, but the the mission debriefing states that the Captain stayed behind and went down with his ship.
* ''[[Tron Two Point Oh (Video Game)|Tron 2.0]]'' played it straight with {{spoiler|I-No, the old Tower Guardian}} who chose to de-rez with the server. However, it's discussed, then averted with {{spoiler|Alan and Jet}} when it comes to them {{spoiler|crashing the F-Con server}}.
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== Western Animation ==
* [[Bugs Bunny]] short "[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutiny_on_the_Bunny:Mutiny on the Bunny|Mutiny on the Bunny"]]. Yosemite Sam is the captain of a sailing ship. Bugs tricks him into thinking the ship is sinking and Sam jumps into a lifeboat. Bugs reminds him that "The captain goes down with his ship", so Sam resigns and makes Bugs the captain.
* An episode of ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'' parodies Titanic, using both the "adult men dressing as women and children" (specifically The Professor expressing his relief at not needing to be dressed as a child when they find that there's enough life pods) and [[Fake Ultimate Hero|Zap Branigan]] making Kif the new captain (interestingly, this leads to Kif [[Meet Cute|meeting Amy for the first time]] and thus their romance over the series).
* A variant in the pilot episode of ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers (Animation)|Galaxy Rangers]]''. Eliza orders the escape pod with her children to blast off, stranding her on the captured ship. While her kids make it to safety and the [[Ambadassador]] family friends manage to rescue her husband, this left her to face a [[Fate Worse Than Death]].
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* Admiral George Tryon, who went down with ''HMS Victoria'' in one of the worst naval accidents of the 19th Century. Due to a dreadful miscalculation on his part - his last recorded words were an admission of how he'd fucked up and "It's all my fault."
* An aviation crossover comes to us care of the immortal Captain Chesley Sullenberger, who put his crippled aircraft down on the Hudson River, deployed the rafts, got all the passengers out and walked through the cabin ''twice'' to make sure nobody was left behind.
* Averted by captain Avranas of the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Oceanos |Oceanos]], who was one of the ''first'' off the ship. He later stated that "abandon ship is for everybody. If some people want to stay, they can stay," but many people on board said there was no alarm raised and they ''had no idea that the ship was sinking''. To make matters worse, his crew didn't close the lower deck portholes, which made the sinking even ''faster''. The rescue operation was carried out by two ''entertainers''. People were furious with the captain and crew for abandoning them. Luckily, all people on board were rescued.
* Infamously averted again by Craptain Francesco Schettino of the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster:Costa Concordia disaster|Costa Concordia]], who not only left his ship before the evacuation was completed, but refused orders from a commander of the local Coast Guard to get back on board to supervise the search for survivors. Commander De Falco's frustrated exhortation "Vada a bordo, cazzo!" ("Get back on board, you dick!") to Schettino is adorning T-shirts not just in Italy, but around the world.
** Don't be unfair. He [[Blatant Lies|fell into the lifeboat]].
* The captain of ''IJN Yamato'' was said to have asked two junior officers to tie him to the ship's compass as the battleship was sinking. He then ordered the two to evacuate over their desires to die with him.
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