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* [[Emo Teen]]: Raffi as he enters his teen years.
* [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory]]: An in-universe example occurs when Mo falls in love with a poet whose poems she insists have clever hidden meanings. (They don't really.)
* [[Five -Token Band]]: The cast includes just about every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, political view. On purpose: "Yes, this makes for a slightly more utopian community than most of us experience in real life, and I have been accused (albeit in a mainstream publication) of being 'racially diverse to a fault,' but so what? I know from experience the surprised thrill of catching a reflection of yourself in the cultural mirror - even if it's just a cartoon - when you're used to vampiric invisibility." - ''The Indelible Alison Bechdel''
* [[Gay Conservative]]: Cynthia is a rare lesbian example of this. Earlier strips have touched on Mo's inability to accept anyone being both gay and conservative, and her current girlfriend Sydney is a borderline example- hardly a Republican but enough of a capitalist, materialist and contrarian to serve as a foil for ultra [[Granola Girl]] Mo.
* [[Granola Girl]]: Most of the characters are well into what much of the heterosexual mainstream would consider this side of the spectrum, but it is played straight (for want of a better word). Ironically, in the last couple of years, straight male Stuart is the most [[Granola Girl]] character in the cast!
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* [[Not Making This Up Disclaimer]]: Thanks to Bechdel's use of [[Kent Brockman News|parodic newscasts]] in the background, she had to use one of these when recording General Wiranto of Indonesia publicly singing "Feelings." The following news item, in turn, gets a "Made Up" disclaimer. And when Mo is babysitting Raffi, she watches ''The 700 Club'' and there's a disclaimer saying "All 700 mClub dialogue guaranteed overheard".
* [[Or So I Heard]]: Clarice back-pedaling after letting it slip that the bookstore's competition has good coffee, thus admitting that she had shopped there.
* [[Politically -Motivated Teacher]] / [[Strawman U]]: Played with – Cynthia campaigns against what she sees as the liberal bias of her university, with much skepticism from the other characters.
{{quote| '''Cynthia:''' The evidence speaks for itself. On a faculty of 250, there are only 15 openly Republican professors. <br />
'''Ginger:''' What are you proposing? Ideological diversity through affirmative action? That’s real conservative. <br />
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