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* Pity from the [[Sinister Six Trilogy (Literature)|Sinister Six Trilogy]] is able to roll with the rest of the Sinister Six and go toe-to-toe with Spider-man all by herself.
* [[Dark Future (Literature)|Jessamyn Bonney and Chantal Juillerat]]. The former; a teenage cyborg who's [[Heroic Host|host]] to a [[Eldritch Abomination|spirit ''thing'']] and is [[Made of Iron|virtually unkillable]]. The latter; a highly-skilled, superbly trained ninja nun and cyber-exorcist who doesn't need any help from the collection United States Road Cavalrymen she has following her around.
* Par for the course in the ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' novels, given that a bulk of it takes place during the titular HERO OF THE IMPERIUM's time in a mixed-gender [[Redshirt Army|Imperial]] [[Badass Normal|Guard]] regiment. Aside from commanding officer [[Colonel Badass|Colonel]] [[Lady of War|Kasteen]], recurring characters include [[Boisterous Bruiser|cheerfully sociopathic]] Mari Magot, perpetually unlucky (but still perfectly competent) "Jinxie" Penlan, and future ''[[Four -Star Badass|Lady General]]'' Jenit Sulla.
** Special note goes to said Hero's [[Love Interest]] [[Hero of Another Story|Inquisitor]] [[Silk Hiding Steel|Amberley]] [[Badass Bookworm|Vail]], who is described as being able to deck an ork. Without the golden [[Power Armor]].
** Then there was the [[Wrench Wench|Enginseer]] [[Plucky Girl|Felicia Tayber]], who converted a power lifter into [[Power Armor]]. And proceeded to run circles around the orks that had originally kept her as a POW. Did I mention the [[Kill It With Fire|flame thrower]]?
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