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*** Provided you can figure out the trick to damaging him -- he's immune to normal weapons fire.
*** But that shouldn't be too hard, as the resident [[Artifact of Doom]] gives you a not-so-subtle hint on how to kill it.
** Heck, the Cyberdemon from the ''original'' Doom can get like this, straddling the line between this and [[Wake Up Call Boss]]. Once you get past his [[Oh Crap|giant roar]] and [[Hell Is That Noise|KATHUNK-KATHUNK-KATHUNK]] footsteps, he's less of a boss and more of a [[Damage Sponge Boss|circle-strafing target]] because, unlike the Bruisers, there's only one of him and he hangs out in a much more open arena. His rockets are definitely faster than the fireballs you've been dodging up to this point, but after a while you will find yourself filing them under [[Painfully -Slow Projectile|Painfully Slow Projectiles]] all the same.
** Even the Spider Mastermind is anticlimactic if you collected the BFG in an earlier map, dying in only two or three hits at most. With some skill and a good bit of luck, it's possible to get a [[One-Hit Kill]], as you can have the maximum damage output from the BFG and have all the tracers hit.
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]: The finale for the [[Game Boy Advance]] edition of ''Doom'' shows the ending picture from ''Ultimate Doom's'' fourth episode, with the marine carrying the severed head of his luckless pet bunny, but it doesn't show the cutscene from episode three that gives the picture its context, leaving new players wondering why the hell Doomguy is just holding some rabbit's head.
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