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The Dresden Files/Summer Knight: Difference between revisions

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* [[Leave Your Quest Test]]: After completing the task he's given at the start of the book, {{spoiler|The Gatekeeper}} shows up and asks Harry whether he'll act on the newly uncovered knowledge that {{spoiler|the Summer Lady is attempting to do something which will result in the world's destruction}}, or go home, knowing his job is done. After Harry chooses the former, {{spoiler|The Gatekeeper}} says that if he had answered otherwise, he'd have killed him right then and there.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Ms. Sommerset, aka, Queen Mab. "Sommer" equates to "Summer", thus making the name "Summer set." Not only a reference to coming after Winter but {{spoiler|the fact Mid-Summer will come and Summer's reign over the Stone Table will end.}}
* [[Mother Nature, Father Science]]: All the Queens of Faerie are women. The Queen Mothers speak highly of Albert Einstein, referring to him as a sage.
* [[My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels]]: Harry's attempts at speaking Latin do not go well.
{{quote| "Damned correspondence course."}}
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