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A Song of Ice and Fire/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Oberyn Martell's duel with Gregor Clegane is confirmed by [[Word of God]] to be an homage to ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'', although it's also a brutal [[Deconstruction]] of the scene it's based on.
** Valyria: a island of dragon riders? With white-haired royalty with a taste for [[Brother-Sister Incest]]? And the largest, most advanced empire in the world? Sounds an awful lot like ''[[The Elric Saga]]''. Being a [[Evil Albino|morally ambiguous albino]] [[Evil Sorcerer|sorcerer]], Bloodraven has a particularly noticeable similarity to Elric.
* [[I Knew It!]]: {{spoiler|Based on correspondence with GRRM, who refused to confirm that Rhaegar's son Aegon was killed during the Sack of King's Landing, some fans began to believe that it was a decoy that The Mountain snatched from Elia's hands and smashed against a wall. Guess who shows up in Tyrion's chapters?}}
** Also, in [[DVD Commentary]] for the TV show, GRRM confirmed that {{spoiler|the undergaoler "Rugen" is one of Varys's disguises}}.
* [[Saved From Development Hell]]: ''A Feast for Crows'' and ''A Dance with Dragons'' both took years to write, causing some fan complaints to reach a fever-pitch, but both were eventually completed.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** Archmaester Rigney, who believes that "time is a wheel", and Lady Jordayne of Tor are both references to ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' by Robert Jordan (real name Jim Rigney), which is published by Tor. House Stark was confirmed to be a reference to [[Iron Man]], there are heraldic sigils in Tywin Lannister's army referencing the [[Blue Beetle]], [[Green Arrow]] and other comic book characters as well. Three soldiers who escort Catelyn to the Eyrie are references to [[The Three Stooges]] in name and appearance.
** One of the heraldic sigils is a [[Black Adder|blackadder]] (spelled as one word).
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