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Gaunt's Ghosts/Funny: Difference between revisions

Punctuation edits, added one brief quote.
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* Shortly after [[Deadpan Snarker|Feygor]] gets an augmentic voice box that makes everything he says sound sarcastic, someone suggests that from now on he should raise a hand to let people know whenever he's actually being sarcastic. Feygor's reponse: "Oh, that's a good idea." [[Beat]] *Raises his hand*
* In ''His Last Command'', Ezrah doesn't get why Ayatani Zweil is bugging him... so he looks at Gaunt and asks if he can kill the man.
* In "''Sabbat Martyr"'', Rawne, Banda and Feygor are arguing whether or not {{spoiler|Saint Sabbat}} is staring at them in particular,. Banda says it has to be Rawne because, quote, "The major's sex on legs, real catnip for us womenfolk."
* The following exchange between Rawne and Wilder:
{{quote| '''Wilder:''' [[Buffy-Speak|"Rawne. I couldn't feel much more undermined if you ... if you got hold of a frigging land mine and ... and put me under it."]]<br />
'''Rawne:''' "That probably sounded better in your head, didn't it?"<br />
'''Wilder:''' "Yes. Really, much, much better." }}
* When the events of ''Blood Pact'' cause Gaunt to make an unscheduled and incognito visit to the museum of the fallen Tower of the Plutocrat on Balhaut, he finds there are several chapels dedicated to the heroes that died taking it. His reaction on finding onone dedicated to Commissar Ibram Gaunt of the Hyrkan 8th is priceless, and all the more funny that neither he nor his party can correct the mistake...
{{quote|Gaunt looked back at his companions. "Honestly, I didn't," he whispered.}}
* Meryn's beatdown in the medical clinic in ''Salvation's Reach'' after he [[Dirty Coward|proves to be too cowardly to shoot the assassin holding Yoncy hostage]]. [[Mama Bear|Tona CriidCridd]] goes after him first, only to get pulled off him by Gol Kolea and Major Rawne. Meryn starts demanding that Cridd be put up on charges while calling Captain Daur's fiance Elodie a "bitch" for apparently reporting his cowardice. Kolea pulls Cridd all the way off Meryn, and then tells him that he only did it so she'd be out of the way, and then [[Papa Wolf|decks Meryn with a punch of his own]]. Commissar Hark walks into the clinic and demands to know what happened, and while Meryn is demanding Kolea and Cridd be put up on charges, everyone present admits they have no idea what happened and saw nothing. Hark gets ready to dismiss the entire thing, when Ban Daur rolls up and punches Meryn in the face for calling Elodie a bitch, then says that they're done.
* When Beltayn kills a Gereon occupation officer as he steps inside a shed while searching a farmstead where some of the Ghosts are hiding out.
{{quote| '''Beltayn:''' [[Catch Phrase|Something awry]], sir? <br />
'''[[Boom! Headshot!|*BLAM*]]''' }}
* "In ''Sabbat Martyr"'', Curth telling Gaunt she'll only do him a favor because he's so good in bed. In front of the whole regiment.
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