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* [''Stops outside an office''] "Wait a minute... Did I see what I think I did? [''enters lab, looks at whiteboard''] Yep, I sure did. [[wikipedia:Law of Universal Gravitation|Newton's formula for gravitational force.]] Having trouble remembering that one, guys? What is this, are we back in high school now? My department's working on quantum displacement. Just what the hell are you guys doing? Jerking around in lab coats from the looks of things! [''leaves''] I just can't believe it. Those monkeys are having trouble learning about gravity. Whereas I can recite the [[wikipedia:Quantum chromodynamics|quantum chromodynamic]] [[wikipedia:Gauge invariance|gauge invariant]] [[wikipedia:Lagrangian|lagrangian]] in my sleep! There is no justice... am I hearing things?"
** [''walking into the "computer lab" for the first time''] "TURN DOWN THE MUSIC, YOU FRIGGIN' [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bass-head BASS-HEADS!] IT SOUNDS LIKE A STRIP CLUB IN HERE! GOD DAMN! LET'S GET SOME DANCING GIRLS IN CAGES, WHY DON'T YOU?! GOOD LORD!" [''walks out''] "Man! Programmers...who knows what they're doing in there! They're gonna go deaf by the end of the year at that rate. Next time I have to go in there, I'll bring some ear protection!"
{{quote| (The song is [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}xjj9umuLn0w&feature{{=}}related Power Plant] from ''[[One Must Fall]].'' There may even be a few [[YouTube]] videos of the song without comments quoting the above.)}}
* "Man, my voice falls on deaf ears... I wonder if [[wikipedia:Richard Feynman|Feynman]] felt the same way? [''opens locker''] What the hell...? Whose stuff is this? There my name, but... A bowling certificate? Baby pictures? A blue poncho? Where's all my stuff?! WHERE'S MY STASH!? This is freaking me out..."
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