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[[File:rsz_sengoku_rance_829.jpg|frame|Characters, clockwise from top: [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|Rance]], [[Lady of War|Uesugi Kenshin]], [[The Archer|Yamamoto Isoroku]], [[Tagalong Kid|Kouhime]], [[Person of Mass Destruction|Kurusu Miki]], [[Tsundere|Nanjo Ran]], [[Happiness in Slavery|Sill Plain]]. This is going to be ''interesting''.]]
''Sengoku Rance'' is a [[Turn Based Strategy]] game created by [[Alice Soft]] and is the seventh installment in the [[Long Runner|long-running]] [[Rance (Franchise)|Rance]] series (the first was released in '''1989'''). It chronicles the adventures of the wandering swordsman Rance and his traveling companion/slave girl Sill Plain as they journey across the Tenma Bridge to the distant country of JAPAN (yes, it's capitalized for a reason). The game is known for its deep, challenging and engaging gameplay, as well as the no-less-impressive quality of its music...
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=== Provides {{examples of: ===}}
* [[Zero-Percent Approval Rating]]: Despite being called the Demon Army, the Shimazu troops don't truly believe in Xavier's cause and refuse to fight for him. It doesn't help that he keeps killing off potential recruits to intimidate the rest either.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]
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* [[The Shinsengumi]]: Parodied with the Hannys that stay behind in Kyo.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: In the main route, {{spoiler|after the Demon Army shows up, every few turns Xavier will slaughter the commanders of a nation you didn't defeat, making it impossible to get that nation's characters in your army, with the only exception being [[That One Sidequest|the Dokuganryuu family.]]}}
* [[Sidequest]]: [[Naughty Nuns|The Miko Institution]], [[Guns Are Worthless|Tanegashima House]], and [[That One Sidequest|Dokuganryuu House]] won't declare war on you, and invading them are pretty much optional outside of [[SandSandbox BoxMode|Kill The Monkey]] route.
** Tanegashima actually will declare war if its your first game and you aren't at war with either them or the Akagi. Mori Motonari will deliver an ultimatum to either Tanegashima or the Akagi ordering them to attack you or face annihilation. Since it never happens in subsequent games, most will miss this.
* [[Smug Snake]]: {{spoiler|Kensei Uesugi, Kenshin's uncle}}, is undeniably the most selfish character barring Xavier in the entire game. Hell, you can't help but cheer for Rance when he slashes him dead in front of Kenshin.