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=== Provides examples of: ===
* [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]: Despite being called the Demon Army, the Shimazu troops don't truly believe in Xavier's cause and refuse to fight for him. It doesn't help that he keeps killing off potential recruits to intimidate the rest either.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]
** Neither Yukkuru nor Mine are all that tore up over their (self inflicted) loss of eye and arm. Motomari Mouri doesn't bemoan his curse all that much (even if his daughters do), and Natori doesn't complain about her "Miko Of Death" curse all that much either.
** {{spoiler|Kouhime, post [[Rape As Drama]]}} is a subversion, given she's merely hiding the trauma, and even Rance realizes this.
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'''Rance''': No, this is just a crappy sword. }}
* [[Battle Couple]]: The most prominent example would be Rance and Sill Plain, even though they're master and slave. There's also Ranmaru and Shibata Katsuie, Akashi Kazemaru and Hibachi, and Sakamoto Ryoma and {{spoiler|either Yuzuru and Mine}} depending on player decision.
* [[Beef Gate]]: It's possible to declare war on nations like Takeda and Mouri early, just by conquering weak nations that border them. It just [[New Game Plus+|usually]] happens to be a '''very bad idea.'''
* [[Better Than Sex]]: Rance gets more satisfaction from finding rare shells than normal sex. This is an extremely unusual example since Rance is a [[Lovable Sex Maniac]] and a [[Harem Seeker]].
* [[BFS]]: Mouri Motonari himself. {{spoiler|Even more so when you [[Brought Down to Normal|bring him down to his normal size.]]}}
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** A full list of his out-and-out ''crimes'' would double or triple the length of the page; including situations where he acted despicably but not necessarily criminally would further triple it; and further stating every morally questionable action he takes or can take would produce an unreadable wall of text.
*** The game is pretty full of it even where Rance isn't involved.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: One of the [[New Game Plus+]] bonuses is an edit to Sill's schoolgirl outfit scene that references her disguise in the first Rance.
* [[Converse With the Unconscious]]: One of Rance's few serious moments in the game is his heartfelt attempts, culminating in a kiss, to {{spoiler|free Sill after she's frozen in ice protecting him. All the more of a shame it didn't work}}.
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: Okita Nozomi apparently has an aura that causes ''everyone'' to horribly abuse her. She ends up falling in love with Rance because he ''eventually'' becomes the first person to not torment her.
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* [[Grand Theft Me]]: {{spoiler|Xavier takes over Nobunaga's body. In the True and Yamamoto routes, both are killed. In Ran route, both are sealed and in Kenshin route Kenshin manages to free him from possession.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: It's not a joke, the country's name is really written as JAPAN.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Some of the character clears and recruitments have some rather arcane requirements. For example if you want to get the whole Mouri house and a certain H scene, you need to beat the Mori house before the demon army or Shimazu take it over. But there's more to it since you also need to beat them in an all out battle, which is only possible when they have three or more territories left. You can't capture Kikkawa Kiku before this. After that, you need to get her to trust before beating house Mori. Finally, you need to have beaten house Takuga and done a special event in Izumo followed by killing a certain youkai if you want Motonari himself. Unless you do all this, you won't be able to get the [[New Game Plus+]] Mori house bonus.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: The entire Takuga faction led by Sakamoto Ryouma. They vary from their eyes torn off, their hands cut off, or being cursed outright. Later on, {{spoiler|Isoroku becomes one in her own route by firing two arrows to Xavier while pregnant. Oh, and her left leg was cut off.}}
** Then there's {{spoiler|Gekkou who only has one arm and yet he's the best ninja of the whole game. You can only recruit him in [[New Game Plus+]].}}
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: Sill had a spell of absolute obedience cast upon her in a previous game which has now worn off. Despite this she still travels with Rance and even wishes on her birthday that these [[Blatant Lies|happy times]] could continue forever.
* [[Harder Than Hard]]: Mention Hard 3 to [[Sengoku Rance]] players and they WILL shudder.
* [[Hard Mode Perks]]: Selecting harder difficulties during a [[New Game Plus+]] starts you off with more points. This doesn't mean anything during the current playthrough, but finishing the game quickly means you can use the leftover points for subsequent [[New Game Plus+]] bonuses.
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords|Heroic Sociopaths Prefer Swords]]: Rance comes equipped with the demon sword Chaos and can't ever unequip it (but why would you?)
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Souun after you capture Ran during a battle. Damn guy can't even catch a break.
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* [[Love Epiphany]]: At the end of {{spoiler|Ran's path}}, assuming you cleared her events, she would mentally want to chase after her ex-lover but couldn't move her body. After watching her ex-lover walk away, she finally realized that she has fallen for Rance instead. Many of the other characters that originally hated Rance will come to realize that they are in love with him instead such as Naoi Ai and Yukihime.
* [[Love Martyr]]: Sill is clearly in love with Rance. However, as mentioned above, she is constantly the [[Butt Monkey]] to his jokes and abuses, as well as his womanizing tendencies. In the true path, Rance shows that he truly does care for her in the end.
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: Trying to capture specific commanders will probably make you scream at your monitor. Usual suspects would be Kikkawa Kiku (you need to capture her before conquering Mouri if you want to clear her), Nanjou Ran (if you want Souun in your party or to set up Ran route), the three Takeda generals (who more often than not simply disappeared from the face of JAPAN once Takeda fell), and Agireda (who you can only clear in True Route and that route definitely has a time limit).
** To explain: encountering them is half the trouble that's worth already. Then comes the REALLY fun part: capturing them. Due to the fact that either a.) they're behind the enemy lines, b.) if you kill too many units while having the Light Attack + Defeated Warrior Hunt even though you've used it on those specific units, they get to capture someone different instead, or c.) foot soldier units defend your target so that you can't even get to them to beat them in time.
** To make matters worse, some generals can only be recruited after their country is conquered, AND they must join another country first before they can be brought to your side. The three Takeda generals (Baba Shouen, Yamagata Masakage, and Yoshikage Kousaka) can be a real pain to search after Takeda's fall, to the point where trying to recruit them almost requires its own playthrough.
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** Leila's unfortunate fate if {{spoiler|you let Xavier capture her is related to how her unhappy end would trigger if you married her off to the Demon Oda Nobunaga in Kichikuou Rance.}}
** Sill is {{spoiler|frozen by the Demon King in Sengoku Rance. The same thing happens in one possible end of Kichikuou Rance except the Whale God does it.}}
* [[New Game Plus+]]: Finishing the game once allows you to play through again, but with added bonuses, and the ability to access new [[Multiple Endings|story paths]] at certain points.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Seriously Kenshin, does that helmet have to be so tall?
** If you look closely at Kenshin's Commander Charge animation, you'll see that she charges ''headfirst'' to the enemy troops. I think that's what that fancy helm is good for.
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* [[No Fair Cheating]]: Invoked by {{spoiler|Kentarou when you [[Unwinnable|"win"]] against the Demon King route. Rance promptly denies it. While it is possible to win the Demon King route with no cheating (Isoroku route plus Operation Permits come to mind), if you're going to attempt this in True Route at 5-star (Hard 3) difficulty, you might as well cheat in the game because it's next to almost impossible without those Operation Permits (plot takes those away from you).}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nonstandard Game Over]]: If you genderflip Rance, Nobunaga takes back over the body despite being dead because female Rance looks just like his deceased wife. No more demon army!}}
* [[The Not -Secret]]: Rance is supposed to be the secret ruler of Oda. Needless to say, word got out pretty quickly even without taking his actions into account.
* [[Nuns Are Mikos|Mikos Are Nuns]]: One territory is controlled by the Miko Institute, a kind of fusion of a traditional shrine and a convent.
** [[Naughty Nuns|Naughty Mikos]]: The Miko Institute holds a lottery and anyone who picks out a winning ticket gets to share a bed with one of the mikos there. For free!{{spoiler|It's part of a ritual designed to suppress the god Orochi.}}
* [[Never Got to Say Goodbye]]: The carriers of the apostles would probably have like the chance to do so. Especially {{spoiler|Ran}}.
** Or {{spoiler|Chinu}}. Having your last words simply be "Oh" is really terrible. Worse, since the guy who witnesses the whole thing dies moments later. Her family almost certainly never learns what happened to her...
* [[Oda Nobunaga]]: You know how, in [[Sengoku Basara]], he's called the "Demon King"? He's actually a nice guy! {{spoiler|Well, until he becomes possessed by an actual demon called [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Francis_Xavier:Saint Francis Xavier|Xavier]].}}
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Sill is 20. [http://i41.tinypic.com/2n99l08.jpg Does THAT look 20 to you?]
** Rizna tops that. She's '''FIFTY!'''
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** Some historians theorize that Uesugi Kenshin really was a woman.
** If you ignore the magic, the kunoinchi are pretty much completely accurate. Yes, they really did kill men using sex. In fact, the word kunoinchi is actually a dirty pun.
** How Tanegashima developed their muskets in this game is actually rather similar to how they were developed in real life, if you ignore the fact that they reverse-engineered them from [[Schizo -Tech|a bazooka]]. Traders from Portugal (the town JAPAN is connected to via bridge) brought firearms (the Tulip) that the locals were then able to mass-produce.
* [[Tsundere]]: Interestingly, none of the main characters (those who have their own routes, so to speak) show signs of this... whereas it's the side characters (as in, relatively irrelevant to the plot) who shows the signs of Tsundere-ness. Notable examples are Noir (part of a [[Sidequest]] involving the Dokuganryuu house), Hattori Hanzo (though it's rather uncertain if the youkai is male or female), and Elina (an extra character). Also, refer to [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] above.
** Magic the Gandhi is a pretty notable example as well, considering how she was a major character in the last game.
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