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m (Dai-Guard moved page Dubious Company (Webcomic)/Characters to Dubious Company/Characters: Remove TVT Namespaces from title)
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* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]] / [[Talk Like a Pirate]]: This is often lampshaded.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: has a degree in [[Magitek]] engineering and the only one that knows how to repair the [[Cool Ship]] without [[Stuff Blowing Up]].
{{quote| “Oh that’s fine, go ahead. It’ll just kill YOU.”}}
* [[Good Morning, Crono]]: in the [[High School AU]] arc.
* [[The Gunslinger]]
* [[Pirates Who Don't Do Anything]]: Averted. He does piracy, but he's just not good at it.
* [[Sky Pirate]]: First just Walter, then the rest of the crew.
* [[Who's Onon First?]]: Walter is the Costello to Tiren’s Abbott.
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: He comes from a race of winged people. The wings start out cute and ineffectual, but later capable of retracting and flight.
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<small>''Life has taught Tiren that often the most straight forward approaches yield the best results. That just happens to involve a lot of punching, or drinking. Tiren often finds herself acting as the brawn to the rest of the group’s lack of brain.''</small>
* [[Action Girl]]: In the first ten comics or so she takes down a Kraken single handedly. She only improves from there.
* [[Anguished Declaration of Love]]: she [[Through His Stomach|made it]] with Love ([[HPH.P. Lovecraft|craftian]] [[Pixellation|horror)]].
* [[Bottle Fairy]]
* [[Catgirl]] / [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: [[Word of God]] has released work stating she has a human mother. The mother in question has been mentioned, but not shown in the comic itself.
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* [[Extended Disarming]]: See hyperspace arsenal below. Marty is shocked when he "searches" her.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Through intense training Tiren has learned to hide an innumerable amount of weapons on her person, regardless of what she happens to be wearing.
{{quote| Walter: Lass, ya don’t have pockets. Where’d ya keep ‘em?<br />
(dope slap) Tiren: Shhh… [[Victoria's Secret Compartment|Ninja secret]]! }}
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]
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<small>''Elator is skittish, squeamish, and easily shocked. This mind set does leave him oddly capable when working under pressure, mostly because of the constant state of blind panic he’s under. He also disavows all knowledge of that infernal raccoon.''</small>
* [[Bedmate Reveal]] / [[Sleep Cute]]: with the raccoon. Cue girlish screams.
* [[The Chick]]: Very much the [[I'm Taking Her Home Withwith Me|Heart]] of the Pirates.
* [[The Comically Serious]]: He can be hilarious, mostly due to raccoon and pirate antics he has little to do with.
* [[Cry Cute]]: after getting punished by Walter.
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* [[Pretty Freeloaders]]: Until Walter caught on and made him lookout.
* [[Unwanted Harem]]: Mary, Marty, [[High School AU|HSUA]] Tria, and Raque. He thinks they’re icky.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Raccoons]]: Does [https://web.archive.org/web/20130103043957/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2009/07/30 this] remind you of [[Prison Rape|anything]]?
=== Salindorani “Sal” Tuzmenalozapinus ===
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* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Years of cliché kidnapping tend to do that.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]] Only person who comes up with a practical idea on figuring out who is Elly and who is {{spoiler|The King}} Oh, and she wasn't aware of what was going on before they told her.
* [[Designated Victim]] / [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: So common she treats kidnapping and rescuing like waiting for the bus.
* [[Overly Long Name]]: Fitting for the Future High Priestess of Zelotalinixia Ixalinlexa AKA Phred
* [[Religion Is Magic]]: Averted.
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* [[Church Militant]]: Lieutenant of the temple’s security for years. Reassigned to [[Bodyguard Crush|protect Sal]], and act as the crew’s second mate.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: He fights with a pair of daggers.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Namesake. He doesn't really charge into fights, though he does get overeager. Think of how he handled the [https://web.archive.org/web/20130103043840/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2009/04/23 hostage crisis].
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: He just wants to be special and beat Sal at cards.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
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<small>''Elly is also unnaturally attractive to raccoons, or at least, a particular raccoon.''</small>
* [[Bedmate Reveal]] / [[Sleep Cute]]: with Elly. Cue girlish screams.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]: if you believe the raccoon and Raque are one-in-the-same. Others with this theory believe it's [[She Is's All Grown Up|Came Back Sexy]].
* [[The Glomp]]: [[Ambiguous Gender|she]] will always land on the face.
* [[Team Pet]]
* [[Small Annoying Creature]]: "Elly, get rid of that raccoon!" "I'm trying!!"
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: if it appears during a dramatic moment, expect things to [[Diabolus Ex Machina|get embarrassingly derailed]].
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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: to Elly
* [[Informed Attribute]]: She’s smart. It’s just difficult to tell from the way she talks, and acts, and thinks.
* [[In the Name of Thethe Moon]]: "...we will band together and use the power of our friendship to..." *[[Shut UP, Hannibal|BAM!]]*
* [[Magical Girl]]: Mary’s original outfit is [[Expy|suspiciously]] [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Senshi-esque]].
* [[Mary Sue]] / [[Meaningful Name]]: deliberately a spoof.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Both sisters. Mostly Mary though.
* [[Bash Brothers|Smash Sisters]]: Mary acts as a [[An Adventurer Is You|Mezzer/Buffer]] to Sue.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
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* [[Different As Night and Day]]: she is a stark contrast to her sister in both personality and [[Non-Identical Twins|looks]].
* [[Mary Sue]] / [[Meaningful Name]]: when combined with her sister.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Mostly Mary though.
* [[Bash Brothers|Smash Sisters]]: Sue providing most of the smash.
* [[Twin Telepathy]] + [[Wall of Blather]] = [[Head Desk]]
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* [[Allergic to Love]]: does not like crowds. Does not like being swarmed by women.
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Cultured Goth Guy]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]: in his intro. A shout-out to Latrine from [[Robin Hood: Men in Tights]].
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Promotion to Parent]]: Gary disciplines and nags Marty much like a parent. Their backstory art implies he took the role during the fight with Nonspecific Evil Mage #157675, as Gary is exercising the [[Papa Wolf|powers]] inherent thereof.
* [[The Radar]]: to Izor.
{{quote| “We have found the enemy and are pursuing instead of doing something useful.”}}
* [[The Stoic]]
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<small>''The younger of the Stu Brothers.''</small>
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]]: Big Freaking Sword/Axe/Hammer/Thing-that-kills.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: He has flirted with both Tiren and Elly [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|while fighting]] them.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]
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* [[Head Pet]]: during Izor's debrief, for simultaneous cuteness and embarrassment.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: it didn't use to be so cute. See below.
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: just look at [https://web.archive.org/web/20130104105451/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2010/07/20 the widdle guy.]
* [[Split Personality Makeover]]
* [[Square-Cube Law]]: Is it [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]?
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<small>''Remember this guy?''</small>
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Mutin…[[Running Gag|aaghh]]!
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: See [https://web.archive.org/web/20130417104549/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2006/04/09 here.] Need we say more?
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Straight down over the left eye, marks him as [[Anti-Hero]].
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: whenever it’s convenient.
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* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Conservation of Competence]]: [[Idiot Ball]] hog.
{{quote| Izor: Look, the man still thinks eating his broccoli will give him super strength. We’re not exactly dealing with a paragon of intelligence.}}
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Kreedor's hissy fits involve Izor [[Take Over the World|sacking]] another country.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
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<small>'' She may singlehandedly cause the world to fall apart by trying to fulfill a [[Erotic Dream|sex fantasy]]. And she is terrifying doing it.''</small>
* [[Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?]]: {{spoiler|Raque tries to invoke it. She calls it "Ravage" and it fails horribly}}
* [[Beneath the Mask]]: She originally looks kinda [https://web.archive.org/web/20130104105818/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2011/01/06 cute ] then we get moments like [https://web.archive.org/web/20150425101004/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2011/05/26 this].
* [[Bedmate Reveal]]: happens before {{spoiler|the seduction/rape attempts.}}
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: of lies. It's like she's playing [[Russian Roulette]]. Against herself. With an automatic.
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* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: {{spoiler|Elly’s resemblance to the king may have sparked her interest in him.}}
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Victim Falls For Rapist]]/[[Double Standard Rape (Female Onon Male)]]: {{spoiler|Played straight and averted when Raque tries to invoke this on Elly}}. The readers are left feeling deliberately uncomfortable.
* [[Yandere]]
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: She [[Right in Front of Me|tells Elly]] she is going to [[To the Pain|torture]] him because the king disappeared for a few hours.
* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: She puts on a good face before her subjects until...
* [[It Got Worse]]: See the torture issue? Yeah... [https://web.archive.org/web/20120207091621/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2011/08/18 It REALLY got worse]
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: She goes from a compassionate queen to {{spoiler|someone not out of place in ''[[Mortal Kombat]]''}}
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* [[The Casino]]
* [[Random Number God]]
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: it is a place of [https://web.archive.org/web/20130103044557/http://dubiouscompany.com/comics/2008/03/23 worship] after all.
=== Kreedor Empire ===
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* [[Lawful Stupid]]: half of the [[Redshirt Army]] are this.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: the other half of the [[Mooks]] are doing it for college money.
{{quote| "Are you nuts? The catgirl just killed like twenty guys!"}}
=== Elven Royal Court ===
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** The king is aware of the queen and Raque's mental issues.
** Raque might also qualify given her [[Reassigned to Antarctica|current position]] versus her desired position.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Elfs are a [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp|completely different]] race from elves.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: The kingdom is loaded with bunny girls, dalmatian guys, and raccoon sociopaths.
* [[Punctuation Shaker]] /TheUnpronounceable: King Elan'vi'dor? Queen Marl'vadr'via? Handmaiden Raqu’falicoona?
* [[Prince and Pauper]]: the king pulls this on an [[Mistaken for Special Guest|unwitting]] Elly.
* [[Royally Screwed-Up]]: The king wants to ditch. Whether its ditching the [[El Cid Ploy|kingdom]] or [[Abandon Shipping|his wife]] is hard to say. The queen ''[[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|might be]]'' on drugs. She at least puts on a [[Functional Addict|good front]].
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: The kingdom itself, as it attracts dimensional hoppers. They even make a festival out of it. The king seems relieved that this time they only got a bunch of fools.
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