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'''Christopher does not have Korsakoff's syndrome'''
Because the more you look at it the less sense the overt meaning of the mod (and [[Word of God|Word of God]]) makes. A major, if not the defining aspect of Korsakoff's syndrome is anterograde amnesia - the patient cannot form new memories. Yet Christopher is able to remember details like the number lock combination (in the patched version this is made more ambiguous because the player does not know the sequence of numbers, but we still have no reason to doubt that Christopher remembered them) and the identity of Dr Grayson. This is particularly glaring in the voice log where Dr Grayson says she 'cannot explain' how Christopher remembered her name, given his diagnosis. If this is delusion-Grayson - a hallucination of Christopher - he still remembers her name and voice, though this should be impossible for him!
In fact, the voice logs make no sense given the conceit - that what the player sees and hears is what a Korsakoff's patient sees and hears. If the sections where Dr Grayson reports on Christopher's progress as though to a third party or in a written medical report are real, how is the blind Christopher hearing them? The real Dr Grayson is presumably not reading out her reports in earshot of her patient. If they delusional, not only does this go against his diagnosis (he should be unable to retain details like the name of the clinic or even the name of the condition he suffers from), it contradicts his central 'delusion' - that the world has ended. Why would a paranoid delusional confabulate/hallucinate voices which tell them that their delusions are false and that they are in fact insane? Another point is that at no point is Christopher identified as an alcoholic or suffering from malnutrition, the cause of Korsakoff's.
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