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Final Fantasy VII/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** It could have been that Aerith had to be a required [[[Heroic Sacrifice]]] in order to call in Holy's power.
** Sephiroth attacked her from above. The angle at which the sword actually entered her is important. Explaining this in words is complicated but basically, because the sword entered her vertically it damaged more than just one general spot [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110403053821/finalfantasy/images/e/ee/AerithDeath3.jpg\]. There's also the fact that Aerith is very thin, and doesn't appear to have much muscle; the sword went through her like butter and kept going, with about a foot sticking out by the time it stops[http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110403054126/finalfantasy/images/9/91/AerithDeath4.jpg\]. Then her body slid down the sword, with the friction likely causing more damage. Although it's not shown, I'm assuming there's also some blood loss. That injury was definitely enough to kill.
** People die if they are killed.
== We can't let those Shinra jerks save the world! ==
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