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A Song of Ice and Fire/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** If Jon Snow turns out to be her nephew, he would be her natural heir. Or if he isn't actually of Targaryen blood, there are other ways to create a line of succession other than heredity. Dany could set up some kind of apprenticeship dynasty, taking in a worthy child and raising him/her to be her adopted heir. Or have an elected monarchy like in Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. Or if you like a rather whimsical solution, she could set up a constitutional republic and be done with the horrible excesses of aristocracy.
*** If Jon Snow turns out to be her Trueborn nephew, then he would become King automatically, as he has a stronger claim to the Throne than Dany. If he was still a bastard, but she intended for him to carry on the Targaryen dynasty, then he has to have his baseborn status removed, in which case he automatically becomes the rightful King over her (by being the heir of the last heir). The most sensible solution would be for Jon and Dany to marry and rule together, but Jon could have a polygamous marriage to a second wife (which the Targaryens ''did'' practice) in order to conceive heirs.
**** Dany doesn't have to remove Jon's baseborn status. Robb already did that when he, acting as King in the North, signed a document saying that he was legitimizing Jon and designating him the Heir to Winterfell in the event of Robb's death. At this point it's only the fact that most of the people who know about that document are dead and that Jon is still theoretically part of the Night's Watch that would keep him from either taking the name Jon Stark and becoming Lord of Winterfell (if he really is Ned's son), or Jon Targaryen and becoming King of Westeros (if he's Rhaegar's).
** Considering her age (fifteen), she seems to lack the maturity to fully understand what it means to rule. Until the end of ''A Storm of Swords'', her plan was to reclaim Westeros in the name of her family as soon as she could, and that was pretty much all the detail there was to that plan. No thought of what she'd do then or why she really should. If I remember correctly, she didn't even think about opposition until it was pointed out to her. And it wasn't until after she had conquered three cities and saw that the first two could not keep their peace that she realized some of the consequences to her actions. It looks like she may mature a bit more now that she's taken a break from warring to actually rule these cities. However, she still shows signs that she's a teenage girl in that, when thinking about who could be one of the other two 'dragon heads', she fancies choosing a [[Casanova|handsome, flirtatious man]] rather than someone better qualified to help her rule, which leads to another point regarding Dany and possible heirs...
** She has three dragons, and a Targaryen saying goes "the dragon has three heads". Since the dragons hatched, she's thought about who could be worthy enough to ride the other two. It's possible that she thinks that one or both of these people will be her heir in name rather than blood. But, really, I think it's that she's still too immature to have thought things through.
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