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The hero is searching for a very special treasure. Too bad he doesn't know his way around. He meets a very nice person who offers to help the hero find the treasure. But wait, wasn't the temple supposed to be toward the south? Then why are you walking north? And why won't his guide answer his questions? And oh drat, there's the [[Big Bad]]. That "guide" was his minion, and thus evil all along.
Variation: If the guide turns out not to be just a minion, but the bad guy himself, he was the [[Big Bad]] all along. However, it may be that the [['''Evil All Along]]''' was fake, and the person in question was [[Good All Along]]. It could also be that the person in question made a [[Heel Face Turn]].
Compare and contrast [[Good All Along]]. [[Heel Face Turn]] might be an effect of this trope. See [[Hidden Evil]] for subtypes. Compare [[Big Bad Friend]].
{{Unmarked Spoilers}}
Since almost every example of this trope is a spoiler, expect '''OPEN SPOILERS!!!'''
== Anime &and Manga ==
* {{spoiler|Jack Vessalius}} of ''[[Pandora Hearts (Manga)|Pandora Hearts]]''.
* ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]''
** This trope is used all the times in the anime, with Team Rocket always disguising themselves.
** Other examples exist, like in the movie ''[[Pokémon Jirachi Wishmaker (Anime)|Pokémon: Jirachi Wishmaker]]'', where Butler seems like a good guy, but is actually evil and tries to abuse Jirachi. He does make a [[Heel Face Turn]], however.
** And Domino from ''[[Pokémon Mewtwo Returns (Anime)|Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns]]'', who seems like a good-natured ditzy teenage girl but actually a mean, hyper-efficient Team Rocket operative who is working directly under Giovanni.
* In ''[[Digimon Adventure 02 (Anime)|Digimon Adventure 02]]'', Ken was the evil Digimon emperor all along. This is made ''glaringly obvious'' from his first appearance onwards.
* Kabuto from ''[[Naruto (Manga)|Naruto]]'' actually did manage to pull off the "helpful, harmless stranger" routine pretty well. From his [[Affably Evil|personality]], to his [[Minored in Asskicking|appearance]] there's very little to tip you off to his being a threat. {{spoiler|He was trained from childhood specifically for this, having worked as a spy on behalf of the Hidden Leaf Village from within all of the other major ninja villages.}}
* Blackbeard from ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]'' encourages Luffy to continue to pursue his dreams after he is mocked by another pirate crew. This guy would go on to defeat Luffy's elder brother Ace, and hand him over to the World Government. Once his and Luffy's goals crossed over in Impel Down, he gloated about his in his face, provoking a small fight.
* The anime version of ''[[Blue Dragon]]'' has one of these in the form of {{spoiler|Zola}} near the end of the series. Though it appears at first that it's just a simple [[Face Heel Turn]], the characters try to fool themselves into thinking that. Evidence in the last episodes proves otherwise.
* In chapter 50 of ''[[Mirai Nikki (Manga)|Mirai Nikki]]'', Akise claims that {{spoiler|Yuno is the actual villain, who used Yukiteru, and plans to drive him to the brink of despair and kill him in order for her to become God. Of course, [[Single-Target Sexuality|Akise]] is the one who said it, so who knows if it's actually true}}. {{spoiler|As of chapter 53, it seems that Akise was right and wrong at the same time. [[Yandere|Yuno wants to kill him, but only so they can be]] ''[[Yandere|together forever]]'' via an endless cycle of [[Peggy Sue|Peggy Sues]]s. [[Mind Screw|Maybe.]]}}
* In the last minutes of the final episode of ''[[Panty and& Stocking Withwith Garterbelt (Anime)|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'' {{spoiler|we find out that Stocking is actually a demon.}}
* {{spoiler|Walter}} from ''[[Hellsing (Manga)|Hellsing]]'' (only in the manga).
* ''[[Bleach (Manga)|Bleach]]''
** Aizen.
{{quote| "The Aizen you knew...'''never even existed'''."}}
** {{spoiler|And Ginjo}}.
* Rasati and Lillia's guardian in ''[[Elemental Gelade (Manga)|Elemental Gelade]]''. He broadcasts it from a mile away, but Rasati doesn't seem to notice.
* {{spoiler|Fuuma Kotarou}} from ''[[Nabari no Ou (Manga)|Nabari no Ou]]''.
* Hathcliff from ''[[Sword Art Online]]'' acted like a benefactor to the heroes for a long time, before being revealed to be the in-game avatar of the [[Big Bad]] himself. Ironically, most fans of the series find this rather obvious in hindsight, given how he seemed to be a [[Boring Invincible Hero]] before [[The Reveal]].
* Frost, from ''[[Dragon Ball| Dragon Ball Super]]''. Maybe fans - and Goku - were suspicious of him at first, seeing as he was, you know, an alternate dimension equivalent of Freiza, but at first the guy seemed to be a decent sort, acting polite, honorable, and courteous to the heroes. Turned out the initial suspicions were correct, and he was just as much a narcissistic fiend as the original, he just hid it better. (Seems [[Turtles Forever| one constant in the multiverse]] is that Freiza will ''always'' be a murderous weasel.) Still, this deception didn't help him much, as he not only got his ass soundly kicked by Goku, [[Other Me Annoys Me| but by the real Freiza too.]]
== Comic Books ==
* In ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' Rita’s alchemist [[Mook Maker|Finster]] seemed the least evil among the bad guys. [[Affably Evil|He was polite, good natured, and friendly]] and seemed to hold no personal malice towards the heroes; fans often considered him a [[Punch Clock Villain]] who was [[Loyal to the Position]]. However… The comic book adaptation ''Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual'' included a story called “Perfect” that gave a dark and tragic background to Rita’s alchemist. Thousands of years ago (over 10,000 at leasrt, seeing as that was how long he was imprisoned with Rita) he was a native of a peaceful and idyllic world called [[Prophetic Names|Claydoious]], where he was a simple craftsman, who had a loving wife named Plepra. He took to sculpting monsters, and later using alchemy to bring them to life, out of boredom. He claimed he saw an odd majesty in such monstrosities, claiming [[True Art Is Incomprehensible|there could be beauty even in the ugliest of things]]. One day, however, one of his creations turned feral and went on a rampage through his village. Finster did nothing to react to this other than watch the destruction out the window of his workshop, seemingly proud of what he had created. When Plepra discovered this, and his macabre hobby in the process, she tried to restrain him hoping to get him help (likely their world's version of a psychiatrist or exorcist, as she believed her husband was insane or cursed) but Finster didn't want help, a fight broke out, ending in poor Plepra falling and breaking her neck; he had killed her. While it was an accident, Finster panicked, horrified at what he had done (and also horrified at what his people would ''do'' to him) - but that was when Rita launched an attack on the village. Finster was the only one speared, Rita telling him she saw potential in his work and offering to let him use far more powerful magic to create his "art". Finster agreed, and would be Rita's servant from then on, but it got ''much'' worse. Over the centuries, Finster tried to use this craft in an attempt to restore his wife, creating new bodies for her out of clay and using her hair clippings to infuse her soul into the sculpture. But each time, she rejected him and his work, and each time he struck out and and killed her (clearly not by accident now), only to repeat the process again and again, each time telling himself that what he created was a crude copy, ultimately striving to create his wife in a way where she would accept him and his work. Ultimately, it seems Finster's cheery attitude is a result of hardening himself and refusing to accept that his "art" is an abomination, his wife is gone forever, and her death was nobody's fault but his.
== Films -- Animation ==
* In Disney's ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'', Jafar was the bad guy all along. This is fairly obvious to the audience; the characters themselves find out the hard way when Jafar tries to have Aladdin murdered, then steals the lamp and takes over.
* In Disney's ''[[Tarzan (Disney film)|Tarzan]]'', in turns out Clayton was planning all along to capture and sell Tarzan's gorilla family.
* Obviously, Ursula was it in Disney's version of ''[[The Little Mermaid (Disney)|The Little Mermaid]]'', but that one was very much expected.
* Scar in ''[[The Lion King (Disney)|The Lion King]]'' was evil all along, he even killed his brother when he had the chance.
* In the movie ''[[Ice Age (Animation)|Ice Age]]'', Diego is [[Evil All Along]]. He makes a [[Heel Face Turn]] however, and becomes a member of the crew in the sequels.
* In the ''[[Kim Possible (Animation)|Kim Possible]]'' [[The Movie|movie]] ''So The Drama'', the boy for whom Kim falls turns out to be evil.
** And a [[Robotic Reveal|robot.]]
* In ''[[Atlantis: theThe Lost Empire (Disney)|Atlantis the Lost Empire]]'', Rourke and the other mercenaries (basically, everyone on the expedition ''but'' Milo) were [[Evil All Along]]. Fortunately a [[Downer Ending]] is averted when everyone but Rourke and Helga do a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* {{spoiler|Mr. Sykes, Ernie & Bernie}} from ''[[Shark Tale]]''.
* {{spoiler|The Mayor of Dirt}} from ''[[Rango]]''.
* ''[[Toy Story (Animationfranchise)|Toy Story]]''
** {{spoiler|Stinky Pete}} from ''Toy Story 2''.
** And {{spoiler|Lotso}} from ''Toy Story 3''.
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== Films -- Live-Action ==
* ''[[Indiana Jones (Franchise)|Indiana Jones]]''
** Used in ''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Film)|Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'', in which the guide at the beginning runs away with the treasure.
** Neither Professor Jones Sr. or Jr. smelled the [[Honey Trap]] in ''[[TheIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Film)|The Last Crusade]]''. Was anyone else surprised?
** Also in ''[[Indiana Jones and Thethe Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (Film)|Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Thethe Crystal Skull]]'', Indy's friend {{spoiler|turns out to have lied about being good near the end of the movie, though it's kind of obvious even before he admits it. He's shown having left a trail of beacons for the Soviets to follow.}}
* In ''[[Star Wars]] [[Revenge of the Sith (Film)|Episode III: Revenge of the Sith]]'', Senator Palpatine turns out to be Darth Sidious, the head of the Sith. [[The Chessmaster|And he's been playing both the Republic and the Separatists, along with the Jedi, for complete schmucks.]] Of course this was not a surprise to anyone seeing as people knew he'll be the emperor.
* In ''[[Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon]]'', Jen Yu / Yu Jiaolong had pretty much everyone fooled and feeling sympathetic. After all, in this day and age, who doesn't feel sorry for an aristocrat's daughter who dreams of a warrior's life, being forced into an [[Arranged Marriage]]? Then the movie gets deeper, and reveals the lengths she is going to in order to pursue her dream, learning martial arts from the [[Evil Mentor| notorious thief Jade Fox]] using a [[Artifact of Doom| cursed sword]] and becoming a cold-blooded killer. Still [[Tragic Villain| somewhat sympathetic]], but not as much.
* This is done as a [[Wham! Line]] in ''[[Evil Dead]]''. (The 2013 remake, not the original.) In the first scene of the movie, a man is shown grabbing a teenage girl, then ties her up and douses her with gasoline, as she pleads for mercy through tears. Since this is a horror movie, it seems obvious who the villain is here... Until the girl's eyes gain [[Hellish Pupils]], her voice turns inhuman, and the pleas turn to profanity-laced threats. Who's the monster here? ''Not'' the guy with the gasoline...
* In ''[[The Ring]]'', Samara is set up as a [[Tragic Villain]], and when Rachel recovers her body, it seems she might have a chance at redemption. No such luck; there is ''nothing'' redeemable about Samara, and she has no regrets whatsoever for her crimes. Rachel is only spared because she copied the tape, enabling Samara to widen the scope of her evil, and the only way her son can stay safe is for him to do so too. Of course, in retrospect, there were quite a few signs of this that Samara was darker than she appeared, but few could predict just how ''much'' of a monster she was.
* ''[[A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010]]''; this movie starts with a bold insinuation that maybe, just maybe, Freddy Kruger himself had been unjustly accused, the true monster being society as a whole. Indeed, the scene where he's burned alive by an angry lynch mob does a good job of portraying him as more victim than villain, and that it was a miscarriage of justice brought about by mass-hysteria in the era of "Satanic panic". It was a chilling possibility that seemed somewhat convincing - until halfway through the film where it is clarified in grossly exploitative terms that no, he's the same sadistic pedophile and child-killer he always was. And given overall reaction to the film, it's obvious [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]].
== Literature ==
* ''[[Harry Potter (Literaturenovel)|Harry Potter]]''
** Subverted: it appears that {{spoiler|Snape}} was evil all along after {{spoiler|he kills Dumbledore}}. But then it turns out that {{spoiler|it was all part of Dumbledore's [[Gambit Roulette]] and Snape really was good}}.
** A more straight example: Peter Pettigrew, a.k.a. Ron's pet rat Scabbers, who turns out to be the one who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort and concealed himself as a rat for 12 years, leaving his friend Sirus Black to receive the blame.
** There's also the matter of Mad-Eye Moody in ''[[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Franchisenovel)/|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire|Harry Potter]]''. Even though it's not really Mad-Eye, but [[Ax Crazy]] Barty Crouch Jr. impersonating him, it's still an [[Evil All Along]] situation.
* Nicolae Carpathia in the ''[[Left Behind]]'' books, though nobody but the Tribulation Force and those who have once been in Nicolae's close circle of friends really know just how evil Nicolae is under the public persona he projected up to the midpoint of the Tribulation. After he is indwelt by Satan, Nicolae's façade slowly cracks and the public gets to see the true person underneath. Strangely, though, Jesus berated Nicolae in his [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], saying to him that [[You Could Have Used Your Powers for Good]], which became a point of contention for some readers.
* In [[Jack Vance (Creator)|Jack Vance]]'s ''The Gray Prince'', the titular Prince was a childhood friend to heroine Schaine; and for most of the book she firmly keeps in mind that, whatever his [[Big Bad Friend|present political views]], he once [[I Owe You My Life|saved her brother's life.]] And then it turns out he in fact hated their family to the point of deliberately allowing her brother to be horribly injured and only claimed credit for the deed later.
* Played with, though not exactly subverted, in [[Brandon Sanderson]]'s ''[[Warbreaker]]'', as {{spoiler|Denth the mercenary, who has been leading princess Vivenna in her quest to overthrow the government of T'Telir (under the pretense of following her orders), betrays her, murders her best friend, and tries to steal her [[Life Energy|Breath]].}} She is surprised, but {{spoiler|since he had ''quite literally'' been warning her the entire time that [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|he could not be trusted]], she felt kinda stupid, too.}} Best line: {{spoiler|[[Running Gag|"Do you know what I hate most about being a mercenary, Princess?]] Fulfilling the stereotypes. Everyone assumes they can't trust you. The thing is, [[I Warned You|they really can't.]]"}}
* ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)|The Dresden Files]]'': {{spoiler|Martin}} in ''Changes'' turns out to be a Red Court infiltrator. {{spoiler|[[Subverted]] in the end, as it turns out he performed a [[Heel Face Turn]] long ago and his apparent betrayal of the heroes was actually part of a [[Batman Gambit]] to wipe out the ''entire freaking Red Court'' with their own curse. Only Harry knows the truth.}}
* In ''[[Treasure Island]]'', Long John Silver at first seems like a friendly and helpful fellow, hired to be the cook for the expedition. It isn't found out until later that he is one of Captain Flint's original pirate crew, and possibly the only man Flint himself ever feared. The same goes for his men, and some are even more evil than he is, such as Israel Hands; Jim tries to help the injured Hands (who was hurt after he and the other pirates foolishly fought amongst each other), only for the pirate to turn on Jim and try to kill him.
== Live-Action TV ==
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* {{spoiler|Boyd Langdon}} in ''[[Dollhouse]]''. Turns out he was secretly the [[Big Bad]] all along and running a ridiculously complex [[Evil Plan]] with Echo and co. at the center. And he seemed like such a nice guy. Although he wasn't completely evil. He was more of a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] in the end.
* Cassidy in [[Veronica Mars]]: He starts by raping Veronica lying about it but he becomes truly evil in Season 2. He kills a bus full of his classmates, a witness could turn him in, and 3 people on a plane. This wasn't revealed until the finale but yes he was evil.
* On ''[[Game of Thrones]]'', it's difficult to find anyone ''truly'' wearing a white hat, but many characters believed to be [[A Lighter Shade of Grey]] turned out to be blacker than most:
** Petyr Baelish, aka "Littlefinger". For a while, most assumed he was on the side of Good, being an owner of brothels a forgivable crime among the sadistic murderers and rapists among the main cast. Eventually, however, he proved a [[Chessmaster]] and [[Manipulative Bastard]] on nobody's side but his own, using whatever means necessary - no matter how immoral or cruel - to gain the information needed to influence ''anyone'', be them friends, rivals, allies, or enemies. The concept of loyalty was unknown to him, which makes his final defeat (which was possible due to loyalty between siblings) ironic and karmic.
** [[Sinister Minister| The High Sparrow]] seemed at first to be somewhat benevolent; after all, Cersi was clearly the greater evil, and could a clergyman who opposes - and punishes her with public humiliation - be ''that'' bad? Well, yes, as his extremism clearly ended up going too far. An unforgiving perfectionist to a fault, he quickly became [[Well-Intentioned Extremist| the embodiment of "taking it to far"]], his form of justice only begetting more injustice.
** Walder Frey. Sure, guy was a pervert and a [[Dirty Old Man]], but he seemed harmless, most famous for not joining Robert's rebellion until he was certain of its success. He was at least loyal to his allies and liege. Then came [[Nasty Party| the Red Wedding...]] In hindsight, the revelation that he was a double-crossing fiend was actually easy to predict.
* This Trope is very, very common in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. To illustrate, in the first scene of the first episode a jock-type student is bringing his shy, reluctant girlfriend into the school at night, his words suggesting he's trying to reach first base, so to speak. Seeing as this series is about vampires, the first thought might be that this guy is, in fact, a vampire and is going to attack her. Nope. Other way around.
** And it doesn't get easier. The Scoobies think Morgan’s [[Demonic Dummy]] is the killer? Nope, the dummy is the good guy, Morgan is the killer. ("Puppet Show") The Scoobies think Amy’s mother is a witch and poor Amy is under her thrall? Technically true, except the person they think is Amy is her mother, who has stolen her daughter’s body. (“The Witch”) They think the students who kill poor Principal Flutie are possessed by demonic hyenas? They are, but the true threat is the zookeeper trying to gain their power for himself. (“The Pack”) And all that is just the first half of season one. The trend continues throughout the whole series, with Buffy and the Scoobies assuming a classmate or a more [[Genre Savvy]] adult is the victim of an obvious-looking threat, or only to discover the classmate or savvy adult is the mastermind behind the threat.
* ''[[Power Rangers SPD]]'', {{spoiler| the A-Squad are an elite team that the B-Team (the protagonists), admire, respect, and strive to be like. This admiration is misplaced. The A-Squad not only betray SPD and join the villains, they are the first Rangers in the franchise to [[Not Brainwashed| do so of their own volition]].}}
== Radio ==
* Several times in [[Charles Dickens (Creator)|Dickensian]] [[The Parody|parody]] ''[[Bleak Expectations (Radio)|Bleak Expectations]]'', the person helping Pip Bin with his latest scheme, such as the engineer who Pip employed to build a sewage system under London, is [[Paper-Thin Disguise|blatantly]] his evil nemesis Mr Gently Benevolent (in that case planning to dig out the capital, float it across the Channel with hot air balloons and sell it to the French).
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Dead or Alive (Video Game)|Dead or Alive: Dimensions]]'' Genra is revealed to be a manipulative and power-hungry man, willing to do anything to get revenge for playing second-fiddle to the main branch of the clan. and that his loyalty and honer is just a facade to hide it
* In the part in ''[[Mario and& Luigi: Partners In Time (Video Game)|Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time]]'' where Princess Peach gets a purple mushroom on her face -- itface—it's not Peach. It was Princess Shroob the whole time, trying to take over the future castle.
* ''[[Fire Emblem (Video Game)|Fire Emblem]]''
** In ''Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones'', this happens to Lyon. Of course, everyone knows he's being devoured by the demon king, but that doesn't stop the main characters from believing he's still good.
** Lyon is an [[Fighting From the Inside|interesting case]] where he actually [[Genre Savvy|invokes this trope]] to get [[The Hero|Ephraim]] motivated to [[Death Seeker|kill him]] so that he [[Cannot Self Terminate|could]] [[Dying Asas Yourself|die]] before the [[Big Bad|Demon King]] brings about the end of the world. He claims that all of their time they spent together as children he was pumping the siblings for information for the invasion of their kingdom just to make Ephraim angry enough to actually kill him.
** Also, Orson appears to be evil all along too, but unlike Lyon, you can actually play him as a character. Later he appears as a boss.
* In ''[[Another Code]]'' for the DS, Ashley's father's old coworker was evil all along, having killed Ashley's mother and stuff.
* ''[[Eternal Darkness (Video Game)|Eternal Darkness]]'': At the start of Lindsey's chapter, a friendly patron by the name of Paul Augustine leads him to the Cambodian temple where Mantorok is entombed. Then it turns out that Augustine was actually Pious using an illusion spell.
* In the Nintendo DS version of ''[[Drawn to Life (Video Game)|Drawn to Life]]: The Next Chapter'', you get a new Raposa to join the gang, named Sock. You find him in a town where he doesn't live, and he goes with you to find his real home. Well, you're supposed to believe that. Near the end of the game Sock asks for a valuable item, gets it from Jowee, and throws it away. He then appears to be Wilfre all along. It also goes for Mari a bit, although she just thought she would help everyone by it (she worked with Wilfre).
* In ''[[Pokémon Colosseum (Video Game)|Pokémon Colosseum]]'', the mayor of Phenac city is actually the head of Cipher. In ''Pokémon XD'', the same goes for Mr. Verich.
* In ''[[Pokémon Ranger (Video Game)|Pokémon Ranger]]'' an old man you help, named Gordon, is actually the head if the Go-Rock squad. In ''Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia'', a teacher in the ranger school, Mr. Kincaid, actually works for an evil organisation Team Dim Sun. Also The organisation Altru and their leader Blake Hall are evil, while you don't know that till the end of the game.
* In the first two ''[[Professor Layton]]'' games, the antagonist Don Paolo disguises himself as other people. He's disguised as Inspector Chelmey in ''The Curious Village'' and as Flora in ''Pandora's box''.
* The mysterious wizard who occasionally helps you out in ''[[Final Fantasy Adventure (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Adventure]]'' is eventually revealed as [[Big Bad|Julius]], who's been using you the entire time to get his hands on the girl and her Mana Pendant. [[Retcon|Retconned]]ned out in the ''[[Sword of Mana (Video Game)|Sword of Mana]]'' remake.
* In her ''[[Blaz Blue (Video Game)|Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]: Calamity Trigger'' story mode, Noel is accompanied by a mild-mannered pacifist intelligence officer named "Hazama." [[Late Arrival Spoiler|If you've seen trailers for ''Continuum Shift'']], you'll recognize him as Terumi, the [[Complete Monster]] [[Hidden Villain|behind the events of ''Calamity Trigger'']]. What did he want from Noel? To [[Mind Rape]] her to take Nu-13's place as a living weapon of mass destruction.
* [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Played with]] in ''[[Knights of the Old Republic (Videovideo Gamegame)|Knights of the Old Republic]]'', when it turns out that {{spoiler|[[Tomato in Thethe Mirror|YOU, THE PLAYER are]] Darth Revan, former [[Big Bad]] of the setting, bud didn't know it thanks to [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]] from the [[A Wizard Did It|Jedi Council]], leading to an [[Inverted Trope|Inverse]] of [[Criminal Amnesiac]] if you decide to return to [[The Dark Side]]}}.
* Maria in ''[[Silent Hill 2 (Video Game)|Silent Hill 2]]''. To add insult to injury, you spend a lot of her "good guy" time trying to keep her alive.
* In ''[[Paladins Quest (Video Game)|PaladinsPaladin's Quest]]'', the student who goes with you to the forbidden tower on the academy grounds and goads you into accidentally freeing Dal Gren at the very beginning of the game is revealed at the end of it to be the [[Big Bad]] [[Evil Overlord]] Zaygos in disguise.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts (Videovideo Gamegame)|Kingdom Hearts]]'': Ansem, the researcher who was studying [[The Heartless]] whose reports the player has been running all across the worlds to find. Turns out, he's the [[Big Bad]] and [[The Man Behind the Man]]. {{spoiler|And both directly and indirectly responsible for everything that's been going wrong in the worlds for the past ten years or so! In a subversion, it turns out that the guy we were calling "Ansem" was actually the Heartless of the guy who stole Ansem's name. The real Ansem is more of an [[Anti-Hero]].}}
* In ''[[Bomberman (Video Game)|Bomberman 64]]'', {{spoiler|Sirius}} presents himself as Bomberman's ally and even aids him in reaching Altair's fortress and battling its guardians only so that he could steal the Omni Cube from Altair and use its power to conquer the universe. When his plan succeeds, he thanks Bomberman by putting "Destroy Planet Bomber" first on his list of things to do.
* We also have {{spoiler|Marx}} from ''[[Kirby Super Star (Video Game)|Kirby Super Star]]'' & ''Ultra''.
* The Soda Poppers from ''[[The Adventures of Sam and& Max: Freelance Police (Video Game)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' want revenge in season 2 of the game series.
* In ''[[OFF (Video Game)|OFF]]'', {{spoiler|The Batter}} intended to destroy the world all along.
* {{spoiler|1=LeChuck}} in ''[[Tales of Monkey Island (Video Game)|Tales of Monkey Island]]''. {{spoiler|1=From the moment that Guybrush Threepwood inadvertently [[Humanity Ensues|turns him into a human]] who acts like a [[Harmless Villain]] and helps out on Guybrush and Elaine from Chapter 2 up to Chapter 4 (all the while wearing his [[Glamour|charming]] [[Instant Allegiance Artifact|belt buckle]]), then [[In the Back|kills Guybrush in a clever ambush]] as soon as our hero cures everyone of the [[Hate Plague|Pox of LeChuck]]; Elaine sees that "with or without all that voodoo, [LeChuck is] still nothing but an evil sack of scumm".}}
* In the alternate timeline of ''[[Dead Rising 2 (Video Game)|Dead Rising 2]]: Off the Record'', it's revealed that {{spoiler|Stacey}} was the [[Big Bad]] all along. As soon as the reveal occurs {{spoiler|her personality jumps straight from [[Girl Next Door]] to cruel and sadistic [[The Baroness|Baroness]]}}.
* ''[[Baten Kaitos (Video Game)|Baten Kaitos]]''
** ''Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean'' does a very unusual form of this. {{spoiler|You know Kalas, ''the main character?'' He's actually been working for [[The Man Behind the Man]] this whole time.}}
** ''Origins'' does a more standard version: {{spoiler|Quaestor Verus is far worse than Lord Baelheit could ever be...}}
* The ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]'' "Lost Archives" DLC reveals that {{spoiler|Lucy had switched to the Templar's side before the first game's beginning. She even allowed Subject 16 to die from the bleeding effect when he discovered her betrayal. Everything she did throughout the games was a ploy she and Vidic devised to use Desmond to obtain the Apple of Eden. It would have worked too, [[Spanner in Thethe Works|if Juno hadn't programmed the Apple to force Desmond to kill Lucy.]] She's a particularly unusual example in that she gets killed before getting a chance to reveal her evil side.}}
* In ''[[BioshockBioShock (Video Gameseries)|Bioshock]]'', this is part of the main plot twist that occurs about 2/3rds of the way through the game. ( {{spoiler|Turns out Atlas, your main ally and [[Mission Control]], was criminal mastermind Frank Fontaine all along. Of course, suspicious might have been raised quickly, most notably when he tells you that the only way to gain Adam is to harvest the Little Sisters. (This little girl you caught is pleading for her life; will you harvest her to enhance your own powers, or spare her and let her go? The fact of the game is actually ''giving'' you a choice here should make most players question Atlas' claim.) The [[Space Whale Aesop]] here: maybe it's not a good idea to listen to disembodied voices in your head.}})
* Happens practically [[Once Per Episode]] in the ''[[Dead Space (Videovideo Gamegame)|Dead Space]]'' series. {{spoiler|1=Kendra in ''Dead Space'', Diana and Marker-Nicole in ''[[Dead Space 2 (Video Game)|Dead Space 2]]'', Tyler in ''Dead Space Mobile'', and Colonel Bartlett in ''Dead Space 2: Severed'' are all revealed to be secretly evil bastards after spending a large amount of time as your primary ally/[[Mission Control]].}}
* ''[[Ys (Video Game)|Ys]] SEVEN'' plays around with a lot of JRPG tropes. One of the major plot twists is that the [[Big Bad]] of the game is actually, of all people, {{spoiler|Tia, the flower girl who you meet early on and who seemingly takes the role of potential main love interest. Unlike, say [[Lunar|Luna]] or [[Lufia]], Tia was secretly evil from the start instead of being forced into a [[Face Heel Turn]] midway through the game.}}
* In ''[[Dead Island (Video Game)|Dead Island]]'', {{spoiler|Colonel Ryder White, the [[Mission Control]] that leads you through most of the game, turns out to be secretly evil (although this actually doesn't come as much of a surprise to most of the characters, due to their strong anti-authority attitude). He betrays your group near the end, steals the experimental cure for the zombie virus, and ends up being the final boss of the game.}} This is complicated even further in the single-player DLC where you actually play as Ryder White, and {{spoiler|it's revealed he was never the [[Mission Control]] at all, and it was really Kevin (another supposed ally) who was impersonating Ryder the whole time over the radio, and who manipulated Ryder and the original 4 heroes into fighting each other.}}
* ''[[River City Girls]]'', from the ''[[Kunio-Kun]]'' series; {{spoiler|Misako and Kyoko seem to be, right from the start, on the Grey side of a [[Grey and Black Morality]] conflict, but at least they seem well-intentioned, tearing River City apart to save their boyfriends from some horrendous fate. As it turns out, however, Kunio and Riki barely even know them and were never kidnapped; the two girls are [[Stalkers With a Crush]] and at most, [[A Lighter Shade of Black]]. Although, if you manage to unlock the hidden ending, Kunio and Riki at least offer to take them to dinner.}}
** The sequel {{spoiler|upgrades them to [[Byronic Hero]] status at least, as the threat they oppose is genuine.}}
* ''[[Braid]]'' combines this with {{spoiler|[[Tomato in the Mirror]]. The game fools you into thinking the protagonist - Tim - is the hero trying to save a [[Damsel in Distress]]. In truth, he is a [[Villain Protagonist]] trying to capture her, something you do not learn until the final level. All the traps you have to evade were, in fact, set by her and the [[Hero Antagonist]].}}
* James from ''[[Silent Hill 2]]'', kinda sorta, although also [[The Atoner]]. He claims at first he is searching through this hellish place after receiving a letter from his wife, whom he believed was dead, having succumbed to some disease. In truth, James killed his wife (a [[Mercy Kill]], at least, the part about the disease being true) and all the dark monsters he must face are embodiments of his guilt, created to force him to come to terms with what he's done. Success earns him redemption as a reward; failure results in horrific death and damnation as a punishment.
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'' and onward, Sindel was a hard character to like, given her part in the slaughter of the Earthrealm Warriors; not helped by her attitude in ''X'' where she tries to convince Cassie she is loving mother to Kitana (who is now a reverent due to what happened) and "offers" the same "upbringing" to Cassie. Despite this, fans still considered her more victim than villain, given her seemingly tragic backstory: forced to marry Shao Kahn after he invaded Edienia, murdered Sindel’s husband Jerrod, and eventually committing suicide from grief, then later resurrected as a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] slave, forced to become a living weapon. How can you condemn a woman who has been through that? Well, in the DLC story mode Aftermath, all that is proven to be a lie. Shang Tsung convinces the good guys to resurrect her precisely because her heroic, non-brainwashed personality will help ensure their success against Kronika. What she does instead is join with Shao Kahn and, between them, help Shang Tsung basically wreck everything the good guys have been trying to accomplish for their own ambitions while proclaiming genuine love for one another. As this happens it's revealed that her death was ''not'' a suicide, but murder by sorcerer Quan Chi; she was not forced to marry Shao Kahn but did so of her own will, much preferring how he would flaunt his power and privilege in true [[Evil Overlord]] fashion to Jerrod's being a ruler for and of the people. Worst of all, Jerrod was killed not by Shao Kahn, but by Sindel herself. Having revealed her true self as a beast even darker than she was as a reverent, Sindel lost ''almost''<ref>Some fans blame the developers for a bad storyline, and still hope future installments in the series might change the continuity to a more benign Sindel</ref> all the support she had.
* Wesker, from ''[[Resident Evil (video game)|Resident Evil]]''. Even if you're going into the first game "blind" and know nothing about the franchise's overall lore, the leader of the STARS team (which the heroes are members of) is pretty suspicious. He [[Sunglasses at Night|looks evil]], [[Evil Sounds Deep| sounds evil]], tends to disappear just when he'd be useful and [[Bad Liar|never gives straight answers as to why]]; frankly, it comes as no surprise to most players when they find out he ''is'' evil, although he gets far ''more'' evil in subsequent games.
* In ''[[Shantae|Shantae and the Seven Sirens]]'', the heroine meets Armor Baron, a brother of her old foe Ammo Baron. Armor Baron insists he's more benevolent than his greedy industrialist brother, even offering to make "genie armor" for Shantae and Sky, so long as [[Fetch Quest|Shantae brings him the materials]]. However, it turns out Armor Baron is, if anything, even worse than his brother, as the "genie armor" turns out to be restraints that he uses to sell the pair to Squid Baron as "life-size" collectible action figures. He's also a [[Dirty Coward]], and if Shantae confronts him later, he pays her off to avoid getting his clock cleaned.
== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'', {{spoiler|Sasha}} has always been working for HeretiCorp - not a literal guide, but subtly guiding the heroes to do what HeretiCorp wanted nonetheless. Do an archive binge and see the subtle clues that were there all along.
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[The Gamers Alliance (Roleplay)|The Gamers Alliance]]'', several seemingly heroic characters such as [[The Mole|Cain]], [[Lady of Black Magic|Desdemona]], [[Tin Tyrant|Mordecai]] and [[Fiery Redhead|Vaetris]] end up having been evil all along during the Godslayer era.
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Totally Spies (Animation)|Totally Spies!]]'', Terrance and Dean first seem like Dean was evil all along. Then Dean turned out to be good all along. The same goes for the episode in which Tim Scam was introduced. It also applies for a lot of "villains of the day".
* In one episode of ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)|SpongeBob SquarePants]]'', Plankton pretends he's going to help SpongeBob to become more assertive. He actually wanted everyone away from the beach, which all the viewers already knew.
* In season two of ''[[Winx Club (Animation)|Winx Club]]'', the new teacher appears to be an evil impostor in the end.
* ''[[Alpha Teens On Machines (Animation)|Alpha Teens On Machines]]'' has an interesting example of this trope. {{spoiler|In the first season, industrialist Mr. Lee seems to be the team's mentor. In the second season, [[The Reveal]] is that he's been a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] ''and'' a [[Mad Scientist]] all along. He uses [[Lego Genetics|DNA samples]] from the Alpha Teens to create the Mu-Team, an evil, superpowered group of [[Psycho Rangers]].)}}
* Joe Tabootie from ''[[Chalk ZoneChalkZone]]'' in season 2,3 & 4
* The Angry Cop from ''[[The Goode Family]]'' episode "Gerold's Way or The Highway".
* Gobsmack in ''[[Pearlie (Animation)|Pearlie]]''.
* Vlad, the Russian teacher from ''[[Shuriken School]]'' was the main antagonist in the episode "Class Photo".
* Peppermint Larry from ''[[The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack]]'.
* {{spoiler|Cheif}} and {{spoiler|Lok}} from ''[[Tak and Thethe Power of Juju]]''.
* In his first appearance on ''[[Kim Possible (Animation)|Kim Possible]],'' Kim doesn't realize that Monkey Fist is a villain.
* In season 2 of ''[[Wakfu (Animation)|Wakfu]]'', Qilby appears to be a friendly mentor to Yugo. He's actually an insane [[Omnicidal Maniac]] scheming to claim the Eliacube so he can go back to draining entire worlds of their wakfu.
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