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The odd thing concerning this trope is that, usually, most everyone in the world enjoys the activity. This becomes even odder if the form of entertainment exists solely in one town in the whole world.
== Role-Playing Games ==
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* Most ''[[Dragon Quest]]'' games have exactly one (sometimes two) casinos in the world.
* The bubble-world of the first ''[[Gothic]]'' has a single fighting arena in the Old Camp. The Sect Camp is composed of narcotics-users, and their whole religious cult around the Sleeper, so they have something to occupy their time with. The New Camp is most egregious: asides from mining and rice-growing, there's not much to do. (Well, except for going to the pub.)
** In the German version, the Old Camp had (on the gallow platform at the entrance to the inner keep) the real world Medieval Metal Band ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Extremo:In Extremo|In Extremo]]'', performing their song ''Herr Manelig''. This was cut from all other language versions due to copyright problems.
* In ''[[Morrowind]]'' there is one strip club in all of Vvardenfell. Other forms of entertainment seem to be nonexistent.
** Ingame books describe or contain several plays, suggesting that theatre is popular, and there are many singers, poets and musical instruments scattered around the game. However, the game engine wouldn't be capable of showing the characters actually doing any of these things until ''[[Skyrim]]'' (NPCs couldn't even eat, drink or talk to each other until ''[[Oblivion]]'').
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