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Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Leaping Through Time/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: {{spoiler|The rumor about past characters returning is true. [[Digimon Adventure (Anime)|Taichi Yagami]] is the first to be confirmed to return.}}
** On the Japanese side of things, users at [[Image Boards|2ch]] were ecstatic when the preview for episode 14 revealed {{spoiler|the return of Kiriha and Greymon.}}
** Episode 76's going to have {{spoiler|[[Digimon Adventure (Anime)|Taichi]] and [[Digimon Savers (Anime)|Masaru]]! And not as a cameo, they'll actually do stuff!}}
** Episode 76 aired, and {{spoiler|[[Digimon Tamers (Anime)|Ruki]] and [[Digimon Adventure (Anime)|Mimi]] return as well. It's not just the Goggleboys.}}
** AND the preview for the next episode {{spoiler|shows Shoutmon '''X7''' coming back!}}
** In Episode 78 {{spoiler|Akari and Zenjirou finally get Xros Loaders!}}
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** This may be intentional or not, but Dracumon's evolution to Yaksamon shows him ''ripping his own face off.''
** Sephirotmon was just plain ''creepy''. The scene where laughing children appeared from inside his mouth didn't help.
** {{spoiler|Quartzmon}} is even worse, even reaching ''[[Digimon Tamers (Anime)|D-Reaper]]'' levels of creepy.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Betsumon seems to attract a lot of hate from fans who find him just plain irritating.
** [[Replacement Scrappy]]: Tagiru is considered one for Taiki by some fans.
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** [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character]]: ''All three'' rival hunters. We never get any background information on them (what their family lives are, what motivated them to become what they are now, how Airu and Ren met their partner digimon), nor are they all that developed personality wise save for Airu {{spoiler|(and Ryouma in the last few episodes)}}. For many, this was disappointing due to their initial potential.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: When Taiki and Yuu find Betsumon's hideout, there are children seen sewing clothes in rows as if they were slaves. Think Chinese sewing factories.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|In a scene of episode 24 Gomamon tells Joe to hurry up because everybody is heading to Tokyo for the final battle. No one other than the leaders show up for the fight.}}
[[Category:Digimon Xros Wars: theThe Young Hunters Leaping Through Time]]
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