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{{quote|'''Anakin''': ''"I hate you!"''<br />
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The reasons might vary, but bottom line is, the once tight bond between the character in question and his former friend(s) is severely damaged, if not completely broken. Instead of love and sympathy, at least one of them feels aversion, distrust, disdain for the other. Whether they start actively fighting each other or simply share a broken bond and avoid each other will vary, but since things sometimes don't work out the way they are supposed to, they can't reconcile by the end of the episode.
In contrast to a member being [[Put Onon a Bus]] (which doesn't necessarily mean these two tropes can't coincide), this trope focuses on the extraction of a character from his usual environment, due to aversion, distrust or a misunderstanding. However, the character is being kept as a part of the story, which is what differs this from simply being [[Put Onon a Bus]] - the extracted character is ''not'' being dropped by the writers.
This situation might eventually be resolved by things slowly [[He's Back|getting back]] [[Status Quo Is God|to normal]] or -- [[Downer Ending|it doesn't]].
Might trigger a [[Beard of Sorrow]], [[Ten -Minute Retirement]], a [[Face Heel Turn]] or even a [[Heel Face Turn]], a [[Took a Level In Badass|degree in badassery]] or - a [[Despair Event Horizon]]. The list goes on and on.
Contrast with [[Heel Face Turn]], compare with [[Achilles in His Tent]], [[Deus Exit Machina]], [[My Greatest Failure]], [[Grey and Gray Morality]] and [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]. Compare [[Evil Former Friend]].
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** In the manga, by all appearances, {{spoiler|Arashi ends up [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] at the hands of Hinoto. With the same result, fighting for the Dragons of Earth. }}
** If there's going to be an X1999 example, it ought to be {{spoiler|Kamui and Fuma. They were best friends as children, and destined to be on opposite sides of the battle for the future of mankind. Whichever side Kamui chose, Fuma would automatically take the empty seat on the opposite side as a substitute "Kamui".}}
* Ash and Gary of ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'' fame. They were good friends and neighbors when they were very young. It's explained that they fought over a Poke Ball they found and broke it, and stopped being friends over it. {{spoiler|It turns out each kept his half of the Poke Ball, and they are on better terms again.}}
* ''[[Berserk]]'' - Guts and Griffith used to be the best of friends during the Golden Age arc. Then Guts left the Hawks over a general dissatisfaction with Griffith's methods, and Griffith's life went straight to hell, and by the time that Griffith was rescued, he all but despised Guts. Guts, however, still held on to his feelings for Griffith up until the Eclipse, where Griffith's [[Moral Event Horizon|monstrous]] [[Face Heel Turn|betrayal]] would destroy the bond of friendship between the two men forever.
* Pretty much the whole point of Part 2 in [[Naruto]]. Sasuke is the patron saint of this. Even his new allies who were ready to give their lives for him were quickly discarded.
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** Jiraiya and Tsunade with Orochimaru. Jiraiya confronts Orochimaru during his escape from Konoha, and reminds them that the Sannin were friends since their team was formed when they were ''five years old'', but Orochimaru mocks his efforts.
* Oooooh ''man'', [[Code Geass|Suzaku and Lelouch]]...big time.
* Happens to Yomi and Kagura in [[Ga -Rei Zero]], the prequel anime to the manga. Yomi's fall is pretty heartbreaking, and they only further make it more painful {{spoiler|by the [[Big Bad]] who unleashes an attack on Yomi which doesn't kill her, but severs her voicebox and nerves so she's only barely able to communicate by using her finger, and can't speak. The scene where she's trying to cry in the hospital after her fiance is forced to break off their engagement is particularly [[Tear Jerker|heartbreaking.]]}}
* ''[[Tower of God]]'': Baam and {{spoiler|Rachel.}} In this case, it doesn't end well, and the falling out started before Baam even realized it: {{spoiler|The moment he followed her into the Tower.}} In the end, she drowns him and he barely survives, crushed by the fact that {{spoiler|his only family, friend and possible lover}} now hates him, where the only thing he truly feared was being alone.
* Miaka and Yui in ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]''. Yui becomes Miaka's worst enemy after Nakago manipulates her into believing that Miaka doesn't care about her or her feelings for Tamahome.
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== Comics ==
* Depending on the mythos of that universe -- and [[Depending Onon the Writer]] -- Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr ([[X-Men (Comic Book)|Professor X and Magneto]], respectively) started out as best friends and bosom buddies, until they broke off because of differing opinions.
** In at least ''one'' universe, the 'bosom buddies' business caused (or at least helped) both of their respective marriages to break up. This has not helped the people who protest the [[Ho Yay]] between the two ''at all''.
* ''[[Spider Man|Spider-Man]]'': Peter Parker and Harry Osborn. Their rivalry took place some time between Peter 'pinching' MJ from Harry and killing the Green Goblin {{spoiler|Harry's father}}.
* In webcomic [http://evilplan.thewebcomic.com/ Evil Plan]'' Stanley {{spoiler|Kinesis, (back in college) }} and William sever ties after {{spoiler|a fight about the telekinetic chip.}} Possibly subverted, as it was recently revealed {{spoiler|that they're still on speaking terms. Why this is has not yet been explained.}}
* In the [[Silver Age|Silver]] and [[Bronze Age|Bronze Ages,]] [[Superman]] and [[Lex Luthor]] were friends when they were young.
* Bruce Wayne/Batman and Harvey Dent/Two-Face embody the trope perfectly.
* In ''[[All Fall Down (Comic Book)|All Fall Down]]'', the Pantheon tries to reason with {{spoiler|Pronto}} this way. They don't quite succeed.
* [[Captain America|Steve Rogers]] and [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]] in ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'', which was basically portrayed as a particularly volatile break-up/divorce. With Steve [[Death Is Cheap|coming back from the dead]], their relationship has since improved, not a little because fighting each other tore them both up pretty badly in the first place.
* The Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy, thanks to Juggy's [[Heel Face Turn]].
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== Fan Fiction ==
* In the [[Katawa Shoujo]] fanfic [[Reconciliation (Fanfic)|Reconciliation]] Hanako has this with Lilly and Hisao. The fic takes place after her bad ending, in which {{spoiler|she snapped over being pitied by Hisao and angrily said she hated him and Lilly}}, then isolated herself from them out of guilt. This leads to an awkward moment when Hanako introduces her publicist and friend Sho to Lilly, who is unable to describe Hanako as anything more than someone she knew in high school, despite never having been angry with her for how she acted. {{spoiler|By the end, the two have renewed their friendship and Lilly visits Hanako in Japan to catch up}}.
* Obviously crops up in ''[[Inner Demons (Fanfic)|Inner Demons]]'', as the entire plot is driven by Twilight Sparkle succumbing to her [[Enemy Within]] and becoming the new [[Big Bad]] her friends have to fight.
** Also an element in [[Deuteragonist|Apple Bloom's]] subplot. Her friendship with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders (primarily Scootaloo) falls apart after an argument in which she makes it clear she wants to take her search for her Cutie Mark more seriously. {{spoiler|Later on, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are [[More Than Mind Control|talked into]] [[Face Heel Turn|Face Heel Turns]], while Apple Bloom stays on the side of the protagonists.}} Notably, Sweetie Belle clearly still cares about their friendship and wants it back {{spoiler|which is why she tries to talk Apple Bloom into switching sides as well}}.
* In ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons (Fanfic)|Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]'', this trope could be said to define Ronan and Taliana's relationship, along with [[Face Heel Revolving Door]] on Taliana's part. After several chapters of Taliana repeatedly switching sides, Ronan arbitrarily loses patience with her and gets a divorce from her. She makes several more attempts to kill Ronan for Madara, but he's still attracted to her {{spoiler|despite her being his mother}}, and they have sex on a few occasions. {{spoiler|Then the author broke up with the girlfriend who served as Taliana's inspiration, and Ronan kills her while claiming that [[Retcon|he knew all along that she was evil]].}}
* In ''[[Weekend Atat Hisaos (Fanfic)Hisao's|Weekend At Hisaos]]'', Hisao ends up encountering his friends who, in the prologue to the game, stopped visiting after a few weeks, and hears that they have a get-together planned with his former crush Iwanako. It takes some coaxing from Shizune and Misha before Hisao decides to attend, but the meeting goes fairly well {{spoiler|and his old friends end up getting invited to his wedding a few years later}}.
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{{quote| '''Anakin''': "I hate you!"<br />
'''Obi-Wan''': "You were a brother to me... I loved you." }}
* ''[[13 Going Onon 30 (Film)|Thirteen Going On Thirty]]'' deals with this. Jenna abandons Matt when she becomes more popular. They reconcile, though. Has something to do with [[Time Travel]].
* In ''[[Fire Over England]]'', Sir Richard Ingolby, the English <s>[[Pirate]]</s> [[Privateer]], unknowingly attacks the galleon of his former friend, Don Miguel de Casanz -- when they encounter each other in battle, Ingloby tells his son, Michael, "We were friends once." "Enemies now!," shrieks Michael, and attacks.
* ''[[Spy Kids]]'' had Gregorio and his estranged brother, [[Machete]]. [[Noodle Incident|Neither one can remember why they are estranged]], so they team up.
* ''[[American History X]]'' features this as a result of a [[Heel Face Turn]], combined with [[Rape Is Redemption]].
* The whole premise of ''[[X -Men (Filmfilm)|X-Men: First Class]]'' is to show how Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became friends and then ended up on opposite sides with different ideals. It's a theme in the original trilogy as well, where they are [[Friendly Enemies]] and the beginning of X-Men 3 depicts younger - and closer - versions of them, when they were still working together.
* Mark Zuckberg and Eduardo Saverin in ''[[The Social Network]]'' were once good friends but after {{spoiler|Mark had Eduardo kicked out of the company}}, all bets were off.
* [[Mission Impossible]] III between Ethan Hunt and {{spoiler|John Musgrave}}.
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** Also happens to the Old Man und Col. Tigh. Twice actually. The first time when {{spoiler|the exodus from New Caprica succeeds and Saul can't really deal with what happened}}, the second time when {{spoiler|the XO reveals to Admiral Adama that he has been a Cylon all the time}}. They manage to reconcile eventually.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' - The Doctor described [[The Master]] as having been his friend, once, before the latter [[Go Mad From the Revelation|went insane]] by staring into the Temporal Schism, a gap in the fabric of the space-time vortex itself. The first of the Tenth Doctor's two finale specials features reminiscences of their shared childhood. Apparently the Master was a rich boy: His father had estates. They played together on them.
* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]''- The angel Balthazaar, a former friend of recurring character (and fellow angel) Castiel. At some point during the Apocalypse, Balthazaar went rogue and has started making [[Deal Withwith the Devil|deals]] with humans for their souls. When Castiel discovered this, and Balthazaar tried to get him to do the same, he stated how disgusted it made him, and declared the two of them enemies.
** Gabriel and Lucifer could count. They used to be very close, as Lucifer claims that he taught Gabriel everything he knows. Lucifer then kills Gabriel because Gabriel sided with humans.
** Near the latter end of Season Six, Sam and Dean discover that Castiel {{spoiler|is working with [[Magnificent Bastard|Crowley]] to gain control of Purgatory and all its souls}}. Castiel tries to [[Necessarily Evil|justify his actions]], but the brothers want nothing more to do with him (especially as of the season finale, where he [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|jumped off the slippery slope]]). In an interesting inversion of the previous example, when Balthazaar discovers what Castiel is up to, he is [[Even Evil Has Standards|horrified]] at what his friend is becoming, and starts spying on him for the Winchesters. {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real|This ends up costing him]].}}
* [[Superman|Clark Kent]] and [[Lex Luthor]] in ''[[Smallville]]'', who go from close friends to [[Arch Enemy|Arch Enemies]] over the course of the show, while the breakup of their friendship is an obvious [[Foregone Conclusion]] throughout the earlier seasons.
* ''[[Gossip Girl]]'': Serena and Blair at the very beginning of the series.
* ''[[The Walking Dead (TV series)|The Walking Dead]]'': Rick and Shane - former best buds - share a tensed friendship since the outbrack. Partly due to the fact, that {{spoiler|Shane slept and is in love with Rick's wife}}.
* In ''[[Bones]]'', Zach turned out to be working for a [[Serial Killer]]. This [[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|puts a damper on his relationship]] with the other characters. He is promptly written out.
* Also happens in ''[[Scrubs]]''. Especially to Elliot and JD at the beginning of the fourth season. A milder case of the trope though.
* Snow White and the Queen in [[Once Upon a Time]], though due to the age difference it was more a niece and cool aunt relationship. As Snow White grew older and the Queen grew more bitter in her loveless marriage to the King, the two grew to hate each other.
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== Professional Wrestling ==
* Quite common in professional Wrestling, especially the WWE example of [[Eddie Guerrero]] and [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]] in 2005 comes to mind.
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* ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'': Cloud and Sephiroth. Or at least that's how Cloud initially frames how they know one another. {{spoiler|In reality, Cloud and Sephiroth were never friends, but Zack and Sephiroth were and did act out this trope}}.
** And in [[Crisis Core]] {{spoiler|Zack and Angeal in addition to Sephiroth and Genesis}}.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'': Quite popular in the series. [[Grand Theft Auto III (Video Game)|GTA III]] featured Claude and Catalina, [[Grand Theft Auto Vice City (Video Game)|Vice City]] features Tommy Vercetti and {{spoiler|Lance Vance}}, [[Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Video Game)|San Andreas]] has CJ and {{spoiler|Big Smoke and Ryder}}.
* ''[[Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake]]'': Solid Snake and Gray Fox. {{spoiler|They patch things up in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]''.}}
* ''[[Skies of Arcadia (Video Game)|Skies of Arcadia]]'': Fina and Ramirez.
* ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'': Leon and Krauser
** As well as Leon and Ada. They are not that distant, though.
* [[Dead Rising]]: Frank eventually meets Kent, a fellow photographer whom he gets along quite nicely with. {{spoiler|Until Ken seems to crave a little too much for sensation.}}
* The Cousland family and {{spoiler|Arl Howe}} in [[Dragon Age]]: Origins.
* Shepard and the Virmire Survivor in ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]''. Joining up with terrorists (no matter how noble your intentions) will do that.
** Worse at the start of ''[[Mass Effect 3 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 3]]'', although they're prepared to hear you out. Depending on whether you take the time to clear the air, they can end up {{spoiler|rejoining you, going to work with Hackett or, uh, dying at your hands. That last one's not too hard to avoid, though.}}
{{quote| '''James Vega''': You know the Commander?<br />
'''Virmire Survivor''': [[Broken Pedestal|I used to.]] }}
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* In ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'', Jade and Saphir (who now goes by the name Dist the Rose) are this trope, although Jade denies it and Dist claims to regret it ever having been true. {{spoiler|Their past association was broken when Jade chose to abandon fomicry due to personal and ethical concerns, while Saphir refused to stop trying to revive Professor Nebilim, considering Jade a traitor for giving up too soon.}} The party speculates they like each other better than either wants to let on, and it's usually [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Katawa Shoujo]] has Lilly and Shizune, who are also cousins. Lilly joined the Student Council when most of the older members had left, but got into many arguments due to their personalities clashing (Lilly thought Shizune was too harsh and tyrannical, while Shizune thought Lilly was too unreliable). In Lilly's route, {{spoiler|the two reconcile shortly before Lilly is to leave Yamaku}}. In Shizune's route {{spoiler|Shizune admits that she was in the wrong.}}
* In [[Knights of the Old Republic (Videovideo Gamegame)|Knights of the Old Republic]] Revan and Malak.
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== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'' this occurs between Macbeth and Demona, as seen in "City of Stone": best of friends when they first fought together against Duncan and won Macbeth his kingdom, things go south when Demona, mistakenly believing that Macbeth was about to betray her and her clan, betrays him first, causing him to lose his kingdom, family, and identity.
* Occurs in the second ''[[TMNTTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' 'toon between Leonardo and the Shredder's adopted daughter Karai, who in previous seasons had developed a rapport of sorts with him, despite their [[Feuding Families]]. When the turtles successfully stop the Shredder's plan {{spoiler|to leave Earth to conquer the Utrom homeworld, and end up getting him imprisoned and exiled}}, Karai takes it as a betrayal, and vows to avenge her father. Later, after Karai {{spoiler|destroys the turtles' lair and believes she's killed the other turtles and Splinter}}, she heads into April O'Neil's shop and asks her to give Leonardo a message. When April asks Karai (whom she's never met before) how she knows the turtle, she responds with the trope name.
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** This troper being from Germany has to think of Gerhard Schröder (who would become Chancellor of Germany years later) and his fellow social-democratic party (SPD) buddy Oskar Lafontaine who had an intense fight spanning years due to differing opinions.
* Pete Doherty and Carl Barât of [[The Libertines]] seem to have estranged over the years.
* It's always well publicised and seems particularly poignant when two musicians who are songwriting/performing partners and/or relatives fall out. Examples include [[The Beatles|John Lennon and Paul McCartney]], [[Simon and Garfunkel|Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel]], [[Guns N' Roses (Music)|Axl and Slash]], [[The Band|Levon Helm and Robbie Roberson]], [[The Kinks|Ray and Dave Davies]], and Burt Bacharach and Hal David.
* Before [[Genghis Khan]] was Genghis Khan, he was Temüjin, and he was best friends since child hood with boy named Jamukha. Eventually, Jamukha was declared a Khan himself. Temüjin refused to accept this, and the two who had been as brothers went to war with one another, with Temüjin being victorious due to his more progressive methods and tactics, along with Jamukha's forces betraying him. After [[Rewarded Asas a Traitor Deserves|rewarding the traitors]], Temüjin offered the defeated Jamukha a place by his side so that they could resume their friendship, but Jamukha declined with the following speech;
{{quote| '''Jamukha:''' What use is there in my becoming a companion to you? On the contrary, sworn brother, in the black night I would haunt your dreams, in the bright day I would trouble your heart. I would be the louse in your collar, I would become the splinter in your door-panel...as there was room for only one sun in the sky, there was room only for one Mongol lord."}}
* Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Big time.
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