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{{quote|"Some kind of celestial event. No - no words. No words to describe it. Poetry! They should have sent a poet. So beautiful. So beautiful... I had no idea."|'''Dr. Ellie Arroway''', ''[[Contact (Filmfilm)|Contact]]''}}
An event that's simply awesome for the cast and audience alike, usually showing just how amazing the world is. Examples usually, though not always, involve [[Flight|being in the air]], as this allows for the whole world to be shown. Or, you know, large parts of it. The characters will all be in awe, and the music will be either super-upbeat, serene and full of reverb, or not there at all. Expect the art work to suddenly [[Animation Bump|take itself more seriously than usual.]]
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Sometimes these moments happen during gameplay where you do something extra-awesome for the very first time. See also [[That's No Moon]] though that usually consists of fear, and [[Above the Ruins]] for when characters are looking down at something that's been destroyed.
They Should Have Sent a Poet is an alternate trope namer. Not to be confused with thinking that [[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Dio Brando's Stand]] [[Evil Is Cool|is awesome]].
See also [[Scenery Porn]] and [[Visual Effects of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Visual Effects of Awesome]] (may indeed be considered the cinematographer/animator/special effects crew's [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]]). Can make someone realize they have something [[Worth Living For]].
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* ''[[Spirited Away]]'', as the main character walks into the bath house.
* ''[[Macross]]'' / ''[[Robotech]]'': Arrival of the Zentraedi fleet.
* In the ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'' anime, a Pidgey dreams of flying into space. He does, and tells Meowth how beautiful the Earth is, before he can't fly any higher and descends.
* Happens a lot in ''[[Rebuild of Evangelion]]''. It's good to see that they're using all of the money from the franchise in a good way for a change.
* ''[[Voices of a Distant Star]]'': Several of these moments for Mikako: Seeing the Lysithea, the Jupiter/Io flux tube, the plains of Agartha (the last of which immediately preceeds an almighty [[Tear Jerker]] moment so be warned).
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Pretty much every part of the Mars scene in ''[[Watchmen (Comic Bookcomics)|Watchmen]]''. Though it's more of "Mars Is Just Awesome But Earth Is Shit."
* The comic ''[[Fifty Two|52]]'' has a "the Multiverse is just awesome!" scene. "Welcome home."
* A lot of the surrealism in ''[[The Sandman (Comic Book)|The Sandman]]'' can be like this. A little girl becoming a bird, any scene where we are shown the castle of the Dreaming or in a dark version the palace of Lucifer, all the Gods visiting Morpheus in Season of Mists, Morpheus' hair and Delirium shaping little soap bubbles into a multitude of signs and figures in Brief Lives.
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== [[Film]] ==
* When John Preston stops taking his meds in ''[[Equilibrium]]'' is this trope: his first look at the world outside is to see beauty for the first time, and we're carried along with it.
* ''[[Contact (Filmfilm)|Contact]]''. As well as the awe-inspiring sequence that contains the second page quote - a staggering symphony of visual effects and music built around Jodie Foster's note-perfect performance - the movie opens with a amazing pullback that, starting from Earth orbit, proceeds to give you the faintest hint of just how INCREDIBLY HUGE the universe is, complete with a kind of audio time-travel, backwards through the history of broadcasting. Sadly, for hardcore geeks, the audio and video are not accurately synchronised, although for anyone else this surely counts as an [[Acceptable Break From Reality]].
** The same goes for the original pullback-into-the vastness-of-space short film ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUUkjWsNC9k Powers Of Ten]'', starting with a couple lying on a blanket in a park and pulling away until our entire galaxy is just a speck of light - then coming back, and zooming in to the atomic level.
* ''[[Atlantis: theThe Lost Empire]]''. Milo [[Sand in My Eyes|tears up]] a little as he looks down on the amazing underwater city of Atlantis from the top of a huge statue.
* ''[[The Lion King]]'', [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhXFCaU92mQ the very beginning].
* In ''[[E.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film)Extra-Terrestrial|ET the Extraterrestrial]]'', It's suggested ET finds Halloween this way.
** Also when {{spoiler|all the human characters get to see the aliens retrieve ET, who is still alive.}}
* ''[[Close Encounters of the Third Kind]]''
* The starchild sequence in ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey (Film)|2001: A Space Odyssey]]''
** The first glimpse of The Monolith on the Moon.
* ''[[The Matrix (Film)|The Matrix]] Revolutions'' has a scene near the end where a hovership breaks through the omnipresent cloud cover and into the sky. Up to this point, everything in the real world was under perpetual darkness (while everything in the Matrix had a sickly green hue). After two-and-a-half films worth of this visual oppressiveness, the sight of white clouds in a blue sky is shockingly beautiful, which Trinity notices.
** Also, the nearly-full Moon, untouched and looking down on the troubled Earth as it always has.
* ''[[Monty PythonsPython's theThe Meaning of Life]]'' shows us that the whole ''universe'' is awesome with the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44DlSj6bnn4 Galaxy Song.]
* [[WALL-E]], once he boards the space craft. Or when he's viewing the universe. [[Catch Phrase|Wow]] indeed.
** Especially when you [[Fridge Brilliance|remember an earlier scene]]; Wall-E may well have spent hundreds of years looking out at the empty sky. Being brought beyond the atmosphere means he gets to actually see what's out there for the first time.
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* ''[[Independence Day]]'': Arrival of the City Destroyers.
** And the ending in the desert as the main characters watch the flaming ruins of the invaders raining down. "Didn't I promise you fireworks", indeed.
* ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]'': [[Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Film)|V'ger]], among others
** Recent movie when they are seeing the Enterprise for the first time could count.
** ''[[Star Trek II: theThe Wrath of Khan (Film)|Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan]]'' climaxes with the fiery and regal birth of the planet Genesis.
** ''[[Star Trek: First Contact (Film)|Star Trek First Contact]]'': When Picard finally convinces [[Genre Blind|Lily]] that they are aboard a starship in orbit.
{{quote| '''Captain Jean-Luc Picard:''' ''Australia. New Guinea. Solomon Islands. Montana will be up soon, but you may want to hold your breath - it's a long way down! ''}}
* ''[[Star Wars]]'': The Death Star.
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* The 2008 movie of ''[[Journey to The Center of The Earth]]'' did this quite a bit with climbing the mountain and seeing the giant caverns, though the latter may be a little more ominous sometimes.
* Disney's ''[[The Black Hole]]'' as seen [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n9aca_qcxE here].
* ''[[Titan AEA.E.]]''. {{spoiler|Overlooking the freshly made Planet Bob.}}
* ''[[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Avatar]]''. It takes place on the moon of Pandora, where the life forms apparently evolved if only to be as spectacularly beautiful as possible, as the whole point of the film is they eye candy. There are plants like great sea anemones, telepathic trees and wafting creatures which glow.
* ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|The Lord of the Rings]]'', which also counts as "New Zealand Is Just Awesome".
* ''[[How to Train Your Dragon (Filmanimation)|How to Train Your Dragon]]'' when Hiccup takes to the air with Toothless for the first time in a sustained flight, and then Astrid as she learns just how awesome the world is and what Hiccup and Toothless can do.
* It's rare for films created for IMAX theaters ''not'' to invoke this trope.
* The ending of ''[[Brainstorm]]''.
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** Unless he's [[Dying Dream|hallucinating as he dies]], which is actually [[Mind Screw|quite possible]].
*** Not if {{spoiler|you read the other two books set in the same world}}.
* In ''[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'', Arthur Dent is awed by the diversity of alien life, having lived on Earth all his life. The others don't fully appreciate his wonder.
** There's a great little scene where Arthur is, naturally, awed by the sight of a double-sunset and goes on and on about how beautiful it was. And Marvin says: "I've seen it; it's rubbish."
** Also: The Magratheans built ''luxury planets.'' In the film we see the earth being built <small>FROM AN ELEVATOR IN SPACE!</small>
*** The film also subverts this impulse with Slartibartfast's casual line, "Voila! Himalayas. Good, eh?" Arthur, meanwhile, is too overwhelmed to speak.
* ''[[Around the World Inin Eighty Days]]''.
* The abandoned underground city of Moria in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]''.
** Also Lothlorien and, according to Gimli and Legolas, the caves of Helm's Deep. [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]] ''really'' liked describing [[Scenery Porn|scenery.]]
* In ''[[Alex Rider (Literature)|Alex Rider]]'''s sixth book, he's <small>IN SPACE</small> on a space station about to explode. He needs to get out quickly. He runs for the rocket but on the way he stops. Why? There's a window facing the Earth. He stops to stare at it. Let's face it, who would really want to waste an opportunity to do that?
* In '' [[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'', this is mentioned: when they're trapped on an alien ship, they look out the viewport and see the Earth, described as being beautiful.
** Also, in in #7, the Ellimist shows the Animorphs scenery and calls them beautiful
* In ''[[Young Wizards|Deep Wizardry]]'', when Nita and Kit bring Nita's parents to the Moon, and they look down at the Earth.
* In the ''[[X Wing Series]]'', Imperial City aka Coruscant under Imperial rule is seen from orbit a few times by people going to the surface. There's a little awe each time, especially since two of them had never seen it before. Loor thought he was going to be [[You Have Failed Me|executed]] and couldn't keep himself from marveling at the immense scale of everything, and how many people must live there. Gavin was distracted by what looked like writing in some alien script.
** In ''[[Rogue Squadron]]'', Wedge and the Rogues lift of Novquizor on a mission, and Wedge takes a long look at the planet, promising himself that if he survives he'll walk around down there and soak up some of that peace.
* In [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[Have Space Suit - Will Travel]]'', Kip is awed seeing the three Galaxies from the intergalactic court station.
* Most early ''[[Discworld]]'' books parody this, with the description of the approach of Great A'Tuin at the very beginning of the book.
** Also played completely straight in descriptions of the spectacular Rimfall.
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** [http://www.youtube.com/user/discoverynetworks?sicontent=0&sicreative=4842695353&siclientid=3987&sitrackingid=132706140&blend=2&ob=4 Life]
* Tell me you don't feel this when you [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPn-lTytfGo watch the intro] for ''[[Enterprise]]''.
** Heck, ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]'' opening sequences in general.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6cZLfK4Zjk James May On The Edge Of Space]!
** And to think, it was [[Top Gear|Captain]] [[Butt Monkey|Slow]] that got there!
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== [[Music]] ==
* "[[Louis Armstrong|I see trees are green/ Red roses too/ I see them bloom/ For me and you/ And I think to myself/ What a wonderful world]]"
* "[[U 2U2|See the world in green and blue!]] / [[Narm Charm|See China right in front of you!]]"
* According to ''[[Michael Jackson|This Is It]]'', quite a lot of the film footage incorporated into the show would have worked this theme.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[X (Videovideo Gamegame)|X3 Terran Conflict]]''- The opening scene features a quote from Neil Armstrong (see Real Life examples below).
* ''[[Mother 3 (Video Game)|Mother 3]]'' has two, both dealing with traveling through the air. The first time, the party runs up a mountain, then sleds down it inside a fridge to fly through the air and back to their town. The second time, similarly, consists of the party traveling via a bird-powered... err, bird cage.
** And in ''[[Earthbound (Video Game)|Earthbound]]'', Jeff (or the whole party) will travel the world via the Flying Machine, swooping down over nearby places.
** This trope is the very symbol of Mother series.
* All of the 3D ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' games luxuriate in showing off their worlds. Upon entering an area for the first time. For ''[[Twilight Princess]]'', they took things farther. They added specific areas that seem to serve no purpose other than to give the player a vantage point for looking at things. The top of the tower in the desert, at about the middle of the game, offers a great place to marvel at the sheer size and scope of the world itself.
* This occurs when Max first sees the outside world in ''[[Dark Cloud (Video Game)|Dark Cloud]] 2''.
* The teleportation scene in ''[[Half-Life 2 (Video Game)|Half-Life 2]]'', which gave hint of just where the adventure was going to take as well.
** Also the ride up the Citadel, which shows the whole of City 17 at sunset, with gunships flying out below you.
* ''[[Morrowind]]'' does it with [[Game Mod|MGE]] and a higher view distance than normally possible in game is prone to shots like this.
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* Approaching Citadel for the first time in ''[[Mass Effect]]''.
* ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' loves this trope:
** In ''[[Final Fantasy III (Video Game)|Final Fantasy III]]'', leaving the [[Floating Continent]] for the first time. In the original NES version, there are ''very'' few hints that the (massive) world map is only a floating part of a bigger earth. Leaving it, and realizing the entire earth below is drowned underneath a vast ocean, is one of the most beautiful moments without dialogue in [[Final Fantasy]] history.
** The end of ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'' is this to a T - with Kefka defeated and the world restored, the heroes fly around the world in their airship, joking around with each other as scenes play of the towns and villages of the world rebuilding and the citizens living their lives again.
** Used as an in-game trope in ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'', when the characters are awed during Bugenhagen's lecture at the Observatory. The player will also have this reaction when first entering the World Map field, since the story has been confined to one big city for so long, then the whole world is revealed, showing that this is ''just the beginning.''
** All but two of the characters in ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'' spend most of the game believing the lower world of Pulse is literally Hell. Then they actually ''go'' there, and well, Pulse makes [[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Pandora]] look like Detroit.
* ''[[Treasure of the Rudra]]'' has many examples. The Observatory has an actual museum tour of the origin of space, entering the [[Floating Continent]] for the first time gives the characters a grand view of earth, and the cleansing sequences of the sky/earth/oceans are some of the game's [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|best moments]].
* Every time Altair or Ezio finish climbing to a lookout point in ''[[Assassin's Creed (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed]] 1'' and ''2''.
* A sunrise in ''[[Spore]]''. Especially a [[Alien Sky|binary sunrise]].
** And, if you're patient, a solar eclipse. Equally amazing on a planet or a gas giant's moon.
* Used a few times in ''[[Phantasy Star]]'' ''4''. When you first get space travel ability, for instance, and see the world racing beneath the ship as you take off, and the planet you're heading to filling your field of vision in space... or during the scenes where Le Roof manifests as a gigantic illusion of the entire galaxy all around our heroes, accompanied by the [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|Awesome Music]], Age of Fables. And in almost note-perfect fashion, when Rika leaves the underground laboratory where she's spent her entire life, and sees blue sky and sunshine for the very first time.
* ''[[Halo: Reach]]:'' Try flying around Forge World in a Hawk. You'll get this effect.
* ''[[Shadow of the Colossus]]'' had a truly massive in-game world, and the story only involves about a tenth of it. The rest is just there to look amazing.
* [[Ace Combat|"Hey Cipher, you hear me? Just look at the view. There's not much difference between those countries from up here."]]
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* [[The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim]] throws in aurorae for extra effect.
* ''[[Unreal]]''. The game starts inside a confined shipwreck, and then you step outside to a beautiful landscape. Awe-inspiring in spite of the age of the technology (Unreal Engine 1 ca. 1998).
* Happens in ''[[Beyond Good and& Evil (Videovideo Gamegame)|Beyond Good and Evil]],'' when you {{spoiler|first leave the planet.}} Jade, who has been in an [[Heroic BSOD|understandable funk]] for a significant portion of the past gameplay time, suddenly brightens up when she sees all the stars.
* ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'': [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRF9kXwkaHQ The First level]. Enough said. With some awesome [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXDwSsb48gM music.]
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Drow TalesDrowtales]]'', [http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=date&id=939 Ariel visits the surface for the first time].
** Also when she sees Chel'El'Sussoloth in its full glory for the first time.
* ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'' likes this trope.
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** Then played straight when she sees the [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20080531.html night sky] for the first time (although she spoils the moment at the end, anyway).
** [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20081223.html This] Christmas strip.
* [http://xkcd.com/442/ this] ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'' comic
** And the following [[Memetic Mutation|meta video]] of that comic [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQAk_T9SBbw here]
* [[Sinfest]] offers up quite a few of these. [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=4009 Usually] [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=2763 in] [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=2700 the] [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=3099 Sunday] [http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=4030 strips].
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[FostersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'' does this for just about anyone who enters the house for the very first time; almost every imaginary friend and then some will come walking down the hallways to the amazement of the visitors. To be fair, the imaginary friends do want to be adopted, and not being awesome doesn't do much for them.
* The extended "A Whole New World" scene in ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'', when the title character and Princess Jasmine were flying around on their [[Magic Carpet]].
* Fry in ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]''. One time they went to the moon (Faster than Fry could do a countdown for liftoff). Of course Fry loved it and Leela was thinking, 'it's just the moon, we travel to other planets all the time in the year 3000'. But by the end of the episode, Leela begins to understand how amazing the universe she lives in is to someone from the past.
* In the Rankin Bass version of ''[[The Hobbit]]'', Bilbo climbs the tree in gloomy Mirkwood to "have a look about." He emerges above the trees and all about him sees a profoundly beautiful wilderness with deep purple butterflies floating above. "There are moments that can change a person for all time. And I suddenly wondered if I would ever see my snug Hobbit-hole again. I wondered if I actually ''wanted'' to."
* Played with in the ''[[Ren and Stimpy]]'' cartoon "Marooned." The main characters camp out on an alien planet and Stimpy notices an etheral light streaming into their tent. The soundtrack swells as Stimpy oohs and aahs over the sight, begging Ren to come out and see the beautiful moon (although the viewer doesn't see it yet.) Ren finally relents and exits the tent--only to smash his head into the moon, since it is only about ten feet across and floating a couple of feet above the planet's surface.
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', Aang's meditation on unlocking the [[Super Mode|Avatar State]] concludes with a vision of the Avatar Spirit–a giant, [[Power Glows|glowy]] version of himself–floating in an orbit overlooking the entire world. Cue a [[Most Wonderful Sound|musical buildup]] and an awed smile on his face. [[Justified Trope|Makes sense]] given that the Avatar Spirit is literally the spirit of the world itself.
** [[Scenery Porn|Numerous other examples]] on a lesser scale, most notably on the first sighting of the Western Air Temple.
* The scene in ''[[Superman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Superman the Animated Series]]'' where Clark Kent discovers the ability to fly. This is done again in a much later episode when Kara/Supergirl is introduced and she flies.
* In the episode [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles|The Cutie Mark Chronicles]] of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', the [[Backstory]] of Fluttershy reveals that she had a moment like this when she fell into the forest from Cloudsdale.
== [[Real Life]] ==
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<!-- %%% Please no natter or natter-bait examples as to people which didn't awe. -->
* Upon seeing the Earth from the surface of the moon, astronaut Alan Shepard [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|bent down on his knees and wept]].
** Since he saw the same view, it's unsurprising that [[Buzz Aldrin]] ''[[Memetic Mutation|PUNCH'd]]'' Bart Sibrel. Imagine seeing something so inspirational, then having some douchetard assert that you didn't. Bastard [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|got off easy]], if you ask me.
** Neil Armstrong, similarly, said: "It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small."
*** Armstrong's own words, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind", brought [[Walter Cronkite]] to tears of joy and wonder -- and the rest of the world as well.
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