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Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism/Film: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Star Wars]]'' is heavily on the idealist side of the spectrum: although the galaxy is no place for [[Wide -Eyed Idealist|Wide Eyed Idealists]], [[Knight in Sour Armor|more cynical]] characters tend to discover [[The Power of Love]]/[[The Power of Friendship|Friendship]], and [[The Good Guys Always Win]] ... [[Earn Your Happy Ending|eventually]].
** However, the [[Expanded Universe]] is much more cynical, Force Unleashed and Knights of the Old Republic 2 being the official [[Dark Fic]] of the series.
** Note that despite its overall idealist tone, the film generally considered to be the best in the series is ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]'', possibly the darkest. The same applies to ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'', which was considered to be the best of the prequel trilogy.
* ''[[Rambo (Film)|Rambo]]'' has its foot firmly planted in the cynical side. The pacifistic missionaries attempting to peacefully change civil-war torn Burma are naive and misguided, whilst the gritty, war-hardened mercenaries are the only ones who can defeat the evil forces leading that regime. It's showing its '80s action-movie pedigree. The common theme in most of those films was that diplomacy was useless against America's enemies, and that [[Strawman Political|lawyers and judges existed solely to let drug dealers and sociopathic murderers back on the streets]]. In both cases, one or two [[Badass|Badasses]] unconstrained by rules were all you needed to defeat Third World dictators or clear the streets of crime.
* ''[[Short Circuit (Film)|Short Circuit]]'' had this kind of conflict between the idealistic Newton Crosby ([[PHD]], who wanted to capture the wayward Number 5 intact and unharmed to study why it was acting the way it was) and the cynical Captain Skroeder (who had a bit of a [[General Ripper|technophobic streak]] and was understandably wanting to take the robot out before it could do any harm with its ''fully armed and combat-ready laser weapon''; [[Word of God]] has even admitted that despite being the villain for the movie, he is still doing the right and logical thing by trying to destroy Number 5). Also, the crew purposely used this trope in combination with [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]], wanting to get away from the "idealistic" approach of having the characters treat their start as always being "alive" and instead explore the question of how people would react to [[Instant AI, Just Add Water|artificial intelligence]] in real life (their answer being that no one would believe it for a second).
* Mexican films can be divided in two. Back in [[The Fifties]], during the Golden Age, Mexican movies were the most idealistic films you could ever imagine, with lovable characters who were the absolute incarnation of Christian poverty and all the implied heavenly bliss and richness of spirit, often becoming [[The Woobie]] of the rich guys who were the incarnation of the [[Seven Deadly Sins]]. On the other hand, pretty much every single Mexican film made in [[The Nineties]] and later lies ''far, far away'' towards the Cynical side of the scale, with plots often involving massive trainloads of suffering and misery, often portraying Mexico as a grim, gritty place, sometimes (e.g. ''Amores perros'' or ''Perfume de violetas'') ''even more Cynical than [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Evangelion]]!''
** This is justified due to censorship, since the Mexican government wanted to give the best image about the country after the [[Mexican Revolution]], but this changed in the 60s with the Luis Buñuel's movie ''Los Olvidados,'' who was the [[Ur Example]] of the genre.
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** Thought it can be debated that the trilogy is the poster child for swinging from one side to the other, AKA [[Earn Your Happy Ending]].
*** To elaborate, though Batman's idealism is shown to be heroic (refusing to let [[Knight Templar|Ra's al Ghul]] destroy the decaying city of Gotham, refusing to kill Joker, etc.), there are some moments in which the effectiveness of the cynical approach are played up ("letting" Ra's die, Batman's killing Two-Face, etc.).
* Even more surprisingly ''[[Batman (Filmfilm)|Batman]]'' also fits on the idealistic side, although not quite to the point of ''[[The Dark Knight Saga]]'', but for Batman's actions, he becomes publicly loved and gets the girl, and [[The Joker]] is dead. Although he had to take the cynical route of killing people to get there. It is mostly cynical, but it too is a case of [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]
** ''[[Batman Returns (Film)|Batman Returns]]'' on the other hand is even more cynical to the point of nihilism despite not being as dark as the original with more jokes and campy idiots instead of corruption. However Batman losses the girl, ends up being forced to do even more killing, the one person he loves ends up being morally ambiguous, and everyone hates him again thanks to The Penguin via the murder of The Ice Princess.
** In contrast ''[[Batman Forever (Film)|Batman Forever]]'' and ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]'' are heavily on the idealistic side
* ''[[Twenty Eight28 Days Later]]'' represents this scale through hardened survivor Selena, whose experiences have made her bitter and cynical and convinced that the only way to survive is to kill before you get killed and abandon anyone who might hold you back, and Frank, the optimistic cab-driver who is convinced that an outpost of survivors exists to the North who will protect and defend them, roping the others into helping him find them. Jim, the main character, is somewhere in the middle. Selena survives the movie, whilst Frank is eventually infected and killed by the very soldiers he came to find (who turn out to have been luring people there so that they could rape the women anyway). However, things are not quite as cynical and bleak as this makes out; Selena's cynicism is worn down by the fact that she is falling in love with Jim, who ultimately convinces her that there is hope after all and that abandoning others is not the way to go, and the final scenes reveal that she is working harder than any of them to contact the survivors they have come to believe are outside of Britain.
** Actually, the original ending involved Jim dying. The only reason cynicism didn't prevail is because test audiences found it too depressing.
** Then came the sequel, {{spoiler|in which there is utterly no hope.}}
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* ''[[Juno]]'' has taken a lot of flak for just how far to the idealism end of the scale it goes re: its treatment of teen pregnancy and its consequences.
* ''[[August Rush]]'' is idealistic [[Tastes Like Diabetes|in the extreme]], to the point of being implausible - a 12-year-old learns to compose full symphonies and play multiple instruments without any musical training, AND he gets admitted to the Julliard School (not their preparatory program, like other pre-college musicians would, but the ''college itself''), ''and'' his cutesy piece manages to impress a 21st-century composition faculty so much that they get him a reading with the New York Philharmonic? ''And'' {{spoiler|it happens to be the same concert his mom is playing, and which his dad attends}}? [[Tastes Like Diabetes|No wonder]] so many critics panned it.
* Critics accused ''[[ValentinesValentine's Day]]'' of being a bit too much on the cynical side for a romantic-comedy (one reviewer compared it to "expecting milk chocolate but getting baking (bitter) chocolate instead"; another compared it to "getting bad Valentine candy from a pretty/handsome person" in reference to the brilliant but wasted [[All-Star Cast]]), especially compared to its [[Spiritual Successor]] [[Follow the Leader|predecessor]] ''[[Love Actually]]''.
* [[Tempting Fate|When you make a non-parodic deconstruction]] [[Film Noir|of a genre that is already quite on the cynical end of the scale]], do not expect [[The Element of Crime|the result]] to have [[Black and Gray Morality|much idealism left]].
* The 1976 film ''[[Network]]''. Talk about your cynical films! But the craziest thing of all about that film is that the film was actually considered a [[Slice of Life]] docudrama by TV news people, which makes sense considering Paddy Chayefsky (who wrote the film's screenplay) [[Shown Their Work|consulted with actual reporters and behind-the-scenes TV news people]] while writing his script.
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* ''[[What Dreams May Come]]'', a romantic drama film detailing a pair of lovers' journey in the afterworld, sets its soul on the idealistic end of the scale. It shows that against all odds, true love will always last, as a sincere lover is willing to sacrifice his or her everything to drag their loved ones out of even the darkest misery - and they get their deserved reward at the end.
* ''[[Meet the Robinsons]]'' was not a bad movie, but it was almost ''ridiculously'' idealistic.
* For a [[Black Comedy]], ''[[Horrible Bosses (Film)|Horrible Bosses]]'' is ultimately surprisingly idealistic. {{spoiler|Only one character is capable of murder.}}
* The [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]], as a whole, tends strongly to the idealistic side, which provides an interesting contrast to [[Mark Millar]]'s very cynical [[The Ultimates|Ultimates]] comic book run, which a lot of the movie continuity takes elements from. However, there are still some [[Bittersweet Ending|bittersweet moments]], if the endings for both ''[[Thor (Filmfilm)|Thor]]'' and ''[[Captain America: theThe First Avenger]]'' are any proof.
** A major part of the conflict in the Avengers' team will stem from Steve Rogers' "outdated and irrelevant" idealism clashing head on with Tony Stark's hedonistic and materialistic cynicism. Ironically, Steve and Howard (Tony's father) were friends and allies during World War II.
* The ''[[Alien (Filmfranchise)|Alien]]'' series ultimately lands on the far end of the cynical side. Aside from Ripley and a few other heroic characters, the universe of the movies is very much a [[Crapsack World]] where uncaring governments and profit-driven [[Mega Corp|MegaCorps]] place little value on human lives [[For Science!|as long as they can experiment on them]] with alien [[Super Soldier|SuperSoldiers]].
* ''[[Apocalypse Now]]'' is about as cynical as it gets. [[War Is Hell]] and [[Humans Are Bastards]] are the defining tropes of the film.
* ''[[Blade Runner]]'' is fairly cynical, with a heavily [[Dystopia|dystopian]] interpretation of the future and [[Grey and Black Morality]] at best. The ending is slightly more positive, though, because the film is ultimately about an [[Anti-Hero]] [[Heel Realization|realizing the error of his ways]].
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** But yet, it is still more idealist than any First Person Shooter out there since if it was done in the vein of [[Modern Warfare]], none of the mercenaries would have lived in the end.
** Have you seen the movie? A major point of the movie is how Sly's character [[Heel Realization|realizes his lack of humanity]] when he [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|questions]] why Sandra would stay behind and try to help her [[Crapsack World]] of a country, despite there being absolutely no chance of success (in his eyes, at least), which eventually leads him to try and take down the tyrannical government and the corrupt CIA Agents backing it despite it likely being a complete suicide mission. His buddies also tag along not because of the reward (that motivation died after they refused the mission the first time), but because they are his friends, and, as Lee's character said, "friends stick together". At the end, he gives the reward to Sandra in order for her to rebuild her country. Plus, [[Everyone Lives]]. Of course, it's not idealistic to the point of [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] (it is a throwback to the 80's Action Movies, after all), but it's definitely not a ridiculously cynical movie.
* ''[[Narc (Film)|Narc]]'' is a very cynical movie, which focuses on rough, poverty-striken area's and police corruption.
* ''[[The Breakfast Club (Film)|The Breakfast Club]]'' is extremely cynical in its view of high school life and humanity in general. Parents and authority figures are portrayed as apathetic at best or [[Complete Monster|total scumbags]] at worst, and its hard to say by the end which of the characters has the least controversial amount of blood on their hands.
* Compare ''Beauty and the Beast'' with ''King Kong''.
* ''Nil By Mouth'' is heavily on the cynical side, but might waver a bit depending on you're interpretation of the ending.
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