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Ah, film, a global medium. It's certainly provided a number of [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|moments to cheer about]].
* [[Peter Cullen]] was the voice actor for Optimus Prime in the ''[[Transformers Generation 1]]'' cartoon. When it was announced that he would play Optimus Prime in the [[Transformers (Filmfilm)|2007 film]], the Transformers Wiki [http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Peter_Cullen put it best]: "[[Running Gag|And there was much rejoicing.]] (One person started complaining. He was torn limb from limb, skewered and eaten.)" It [[Unpleasable Fanbase|didn't silence all of them]] -- we're talking about [[Fan Dumb|fanboys]] here -- but it did get the fandom to rally behind the movie and arguably make it the success that it was. Another big rally cry here was the very impressive trailers that showcased brief images of the actual robots, including Optimus Prime transforming with the classic sound effect. Considering Cullen's Optimus was described as "[[Parental Substitute|a surrogate father to a generation of latchkey kids]]", it's hardly surprising.
** The studio tried to pull this off again with ''Revenge of the Fallen'', when they cast [[Frank Welker]] to reprise his role as Soundwave, whose super-processed, artificial-sounding voice was one of the most distinctive in the old cartoon. Then they left out all the processing in the finished film, leaving us with Welker's "[[Inspector Gadget|Dr. Claw]]" voice.
** Then, with Transformers 3, the fanbase was [[Broken Base|split]], as usual, on whether the third film would be like [[Sequelitis|ROTF]]. First, came the announcement (probably faked) that [[The Scrappy|The Twins]] wouldn't return. Then, Bay said that they would get rid of the "humor" that overruled the second film. The big announcement was the reveal of the villain...Shockwave. Cue massive rejoicing.
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** Inverted when he was told he wouldn't be [[Winnie the Pooh|Eeyore]] anymore. A sad day indeed.
*** Tempered for [[Winnie the Pooh]] and Pixarfans with the casting of [[Pixar Regulars|Bud Luckey]] .
** ''[[Leonard Nimoy]]'' as Sentinel Prime (Optimus' predecessor) was near universally praised. Nimoy has [[Transformers]] history voicing Galvatron from ''[[Transformers: theThe Movie]]''.
*** More importantly, for years, Nimoy didn't want to talk about playing Galvatron (it was part of his [[I Am Not Spock]]) phase. He's definitely done a 180 about that.
* Perhaps the original example of this trope is with the first [[Tim Burton]] [[Batman (Comic Book)|Batman]] [[Batman (Filmfilm)|film]] and the decision to cast [[Michael Keaton]] in the title role. Batman fandom did a collective, "''[[Playing Against Type|Michael Keaton]]?!?!?''" and complained so loud and so furiously that Warner Brothers decided to take action with some emergency marketing. The centerpiece was a quick teaser that proved so popular that it silenced many fan complaints with the hope that Burton and Keaton were right after all. People were attending theaters just to watch the trailer and walking out when it was over, not even seeing the movie they paid for.
** Probably the ultimate trump card to play when someone complains that "X is going to be Y" and they don't think it'll work out. Just tell them, "Mr. Mom was Batman? REALLY?" We can argue ad infinitum as to whether Keaton was the "real" Batman or Tim Burton's Batman. The point is, he did something no one expected he could do.
*** Nobody who saw Keaton in ''[[Clean And Sober]]'' had any doubt that Keaton was the man for the job. Pity the ''Batman'' films locked him in a rigid rubber suit and offered him little opportunity to do any actual acting.
*** It has been said that you should never cast an actor to play Batman. Batman is a stunt double in a rubber suit for all anybody actually cares. You cast an actor to pretend to be ''Bruce Wayne'', because ''that'' is the only real "acting" that Batman actually does.
**** The same thing happened with [[Tobey Maguire]]. One guy actually said that ''[[Jet Li]]'' should be [[Spider-Man (Filmfilm)|Spider-Man]]. Yes. ''[[Your Head Asplode|Jet. Li.]]'' Again, you're not casting someone to play Spider-Man, you're casting someone to play Peter Parker, which Tobey did very well (even if it ''was'' an extreme case of [[Dawson Casting]]).
*** Even though [[Franchise Original Sin|in retrospect it was an ominous sign of things to come]], ''[[Batman Forever (Film)|Batman Forever]]'' induced this in many teen and tween movie fans back in 1995. A third ''Batman'' movie? Ah, it'll just be another dark and depressing [[Tim Burton]] whine-fest like ''[[Batman Returns (Film)|Batman Returns]]''...Wait, it's being directed by ''[[Joel Schumacher]]''?! Of ''[[The Lost Boys]]'' fame?! And Batman himself will be played by [[Val Kilmer]] - Jim Morrison in ''[[The Doors]]''?! And [[Ace Ventura|none]] [[The Mask|other]] [[Dumb and Dumber|than]] ''[[Jim Carrey]]'' will also be in it?! This is gonna be AWESOME!!!
*** Talking of Batman, one should not forget the moment the then upcoming ''Batman Begins'' was announced, with the famous first teaser poster. The franchise had been in limbo for several years after Batman & Robin, and the thought of a new Batman movie was exciting news to every fan.
** Similarly to Micheal Keaton's [[Playing Against Type]], there was an outcry when it was announced that [[Heath Ledger]] would be playing the Joker in ''[[The Dark Knight]]''. Then the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jqq4j52Fb4 trailer came out] and the theater was filled with the sound of [[Evil Laugh|maniacal laughter]]...
* There had been doubts in the fandom over ''[[Indiana Jones and Thethe Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (Film)|Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Thethe Crystal Skull]]''. Cue the ''awesome'', '''''awesome''''' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Gqi2IeIL0 trailer].
** Also the announcement of the return of Karen Allen as Marion, reuniting the OTP for anybody.
** But then there was that [[Fan Dumb|bit with the fridge]].
* Any casting decision and armor image for the ''[[Iron Man]]'' [[Iron Man (Filmfilm)|movie]], which proved to be very good omens. Particularly, [[Meta Casting|Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark]]: everyone was nodding when they heard that one announced.
** It gets better: [http://www.comicmix.com/news/2008/10/30/tartakovsky-armors-up-for-iron-man-2/ Genndy Tartakovsky storyboarding the action scenes for the sequel.]
** Marvel also had a go at this with what can only be described as a preemptive [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|Fandom Rejoice]] moment with the film's [[The Stinger|post-credits sequence]] - {{spoiler|Nick Fury, the [[Ultimate Marvel]] version (based on [[Samuel L. Jackson]]), actually played '''by [[Samuel L. Jackson]].''' Though, part of the agreement to use his likeness in the comics was that he'd have exclusive rights to play the character in films}}.
** "[[Nick Fury]]. [[Samuel L. Jackson|Director of SHIELD]]. [[Marvel Cinematic Universe|I'm here to talk to you about the]] [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|Avenger]] [[The Avengers (Filmfilm)|Initiative]]."
** Jon Favreau left after ''Iron Man 2''. Fans only started to believe the third movie would work after Shane Black, of ''[[Lethal Weapon]]'' and ''[[Kiss Kiss Bang Bang]]'' fame, was signed to replace him.
* Marvel has also cast [[Brian Blessed]] as Odin in ''[[Thor (Filmfilm)|Thor]]''!
** Aaaaaaaaaaand ''slapped down'' by Anthony Hopkins, who is also a decent casting choice.
** For Australian fans, the casting of [[Home and Away|Chris]] [[Star Trek (Filmfilm)|Hemsworth]] as [[The Mighty Thor]]. The casting of [[Natalie Portman]] as Jane Foster is also a bright spot in the cast.
*** And [[Kat Dennings]], just because...KatDennings.
** And directed by [[Kenneth Branagh]].
** Idris Elba as Heimdall was part this and part [[WTH? Casting Agency]]. Now that the movie's out, [[Memetic Badass|there are definitely no regrets about that choice.]]
* So ''[[The Avengers (Filmfilm)|The Avengers]]'' was pretty great, huh? It's a shame we never found out who the master of that creepy guy who gave Loki his army was, but oh we-...oh, here he is! Wait, did he just mention {{spoiler|"courting death"}}?! Oh my God, is that {{spoiler|Thanos}}?! HELL YES!
* The trailer for ''[[Watchmen (Filmfilm)|Watchmen]]''. The fact that they salvaged a good song from ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]'' and made it [[Crowning Music of Awesome|even more awesome]] really says a lot.
** [[Jackie Earle Haley]] as Rorschach, who heard about it thanks to a fan petition to get him the role.
* The casting of [[Promoted Fanboy|Evanna Lynch]] as Luna Lovegood in ''[[Harry Potter (Filmfilm)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]''. There was wank over Helena Bonham Carter and the script and that kiss...then the fans saw their Luna and promptly shut up.
** In a similar vein, the casting of Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge. Which turned out to be a good omen for her performance in the film.
** Bill Nighy as Scrimgeour in the ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'' films. Is it possible to read the books and ''not'' immediately picture Nighy as Scrimgeour?
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** And the score for ''T4'' is being composed by ''[[Danny Elfman]]''. Engaging soundtrack geek [[Squee]] in 3...2...1...
** [http://io9.com/5224631/its-official-arnold-schwarzenegger-will-be-back-in-terminator-salvation This news].
* The makers of the new ''[[G.I. Joe]]'' [[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|movie]] may have pulled this off by releasing [http://www.aintitcool.com/node/36084 The first pictures of Snake-Eyes].
** ''[[Christopher Eccleston]]'' playing the villain [http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/080508/destro_l.jpg Destro] is enough to make fans yell, "[[Doctor Who|Fantastic!!]]"
** They hired Larry Hama, author of the long-running comic book and shaper of the franchise, as creative consultant, and they appear to have listened to his advice.
*** That's the big one. Let's just say that the Joe fanbase would be perfectly fine with ''GI Joe'' being turned into a yaoi storyline as long as they were assured Hama was involved somehow.
** While hiring the director of the [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Justin Bieber]] movie to film the sequel caused a [[Tainted Byby the Preview]], the casting of big name action movie stars such as [[Dwayne Johnson]] as Roadblock and [[Bruce Willis (Creator)]] as Joe Colton made some fans cautiously optimistic. When pics of Snake Eyes's new look came out, fans were happy. (They ditched the molded mouth.) Then the teaser trailer came out. Fans were very happy. (The lack of sci-fi and Cobra Commander's new look were two things of note.)
* [[Sean Connery]] being cast as Alan Quatermain in the film adaptation of ''[[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]]''!? Fuck [[In Name Only|the rest of the movie]]...[[Just Here for Godzilla|he's the reason I'm watching this]]!
** And that, my Troping Friend is what is known as the [[Rule of Sean Connery]]- any movie is automatically cooler because it is Sean F* cking Connery!
*** This is true, even if the movie is ''[[Zardoz]].'' How many people would've watched ''that'' if not for bikini-clad [[Sean Connery]]?
**** [[Everybody Remembers the Stripper|How about the chick feeling herself up in the shower?]]
* "They're making an ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'' [[X-Men (Filmfilm)|movie]]? I don't know...What? [[Patrick Stewart]] as Professor X? YES!"
** ''[[Most Wonderful Sound|Snikt]]''. As soon as the audience heard Wolverine popping his claws at the end of the first trailer, they started to believe...
** What brought up some people's interest was the fact was that the screenplay was done by [[Metal Gear|David "Solid Snake" Hayter]] (who notably ''didn't'' do the screenplay for the [[Sequelitis|third]] film).
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** ''X-Men: First Class'' had two announcements to please fans: the return of Bryan Singer (although only producing, he'll be unable to direct) and James McAvoy as young Xavier.
*** And Michael Fassbender as a young Magneto. That?
** "[http://www.411mania.com/siteimages/xmenfirstclassfirstpic_86604.jpg The cast shot] [[Tainted Byby the Preview|looks bad...]]" Cue [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8ccSiH4olo the trailer...]
* The fourth ''[[Mission Impossible (Filmfilm)|Mission Impossible]]'' is coming in 2011. You're still apathetic about it over Tom Cruise's unfortunate mouth-openings? Yeah, me t- ...[[Lost|Sawyer]] is gonna be in it?!? Well, hot damn!
** And [[Brad Bird]] is directing!
* [[Peter Jackson]]. Guillermo del Toro. ''[[The Hobbit]]''.
** Guillermo is also really in touch with the fanbase- he actually posts on theonering.net message boards.
*** Though [http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2010/05/30/36920-guillermo-del-toro-departs-the-hobbit/ he'll only co-write], since [[Attention Deficit Creator Disorder|he's attached to too many works]] to direct.
*** But didn't leave too late to do the [[PansPan's Labyrinth|puppetry work]] and [[Hellboy (Filmfilm)|monster designs]]!
** And who's playing Beorn? [[Ron Perlman|Ron Fucking Perlman]]!
** And this just in: [[Martin Freeman]] as Bilbo.
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** [[Saoirse Ronan]] as an elven archer. The pervert in me is squeeing.
** The trailer is in. And [[Martin Freeman]] ''[http://www.thehobbit.com/index.html is]'' Bilbo Baggins. World, get ready, 'cause you're about to be hit over the head with ''just how damn good'' this man really is.
* [[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|Speaking of hobbits]], Peter ''who?'' The guy who made those [[Typecasting|schlock horror flicks?]]...wait...what's that?
** Fans of ''[[Heavenly Creatures]]'' never doubted that Jackson was [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-vUl-1FJ9E the perfect choice].
** He convinced them to make ''how many'' films? For ''how'' much? '''[[Serial Escalation|At once]]?'''
** ''[[Scenery Porn|Did you see those set photos]] [[Doing It for Thethe Art|of Bag End]]!!!?????''
** [[Elijah Wood]] as Frodo Baggins? Forget acting, Elijah Wood, you ''are'' Frodo Baggins! Get him before his eyes grow to normal size! OK, this film ''must'' be made. But Liv Tyler is Arwen! She [[Ruined FOREVER|can't be any good]], surely?
** [[Ian McKellen]] as Gandalf? [[Christopher Lee]] is Saruman? This is getting good!
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** "''Stuart Townsend'' as Aragorn? Yes! Oh, crap, he pulled out. Now they'll get this nobody to do it...[[Hilarious in Hindsight|who's this Viggo Mortensen guy?]]
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-7x5D3v6jE This: the first trailer]. I remember seeing this in the cinema and thinking: this is going to be awesome.
* A ''[[Tron (Film)|Tron]]'' [[Tron: Legacy (Film)|sequel movie]]? What's the catch? ...Jeff Bridges is coming back to play Kevin Flynn? '''''NIIIIIICE....'''''
** And [http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2008/12/24/tron-20-adds-original-castmember-bruce-boxleitner-to-roster/ Bruce Boxleitner] as the program himself? '''''REALLY NIIIIIICE....'''''
*** Though Boxleitner was a given considering the fact that he reprised his ''Tron'' roles ''twice'' in ''[[Tron Two Point Oh (Video Game)|Tron 2.0]]'' and ''[[Kingdom Hearts]] II''.
** And [[Daft Punk (Music)|Daft Punk]] is doing the score. No, seriously!
** In [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLIzyI4lafw this YouTube clip from ComicCon 2009], you can clearly hear fans having a religious experience as their walk through Flynn's Arcade ends at...'''an actual lightcycle'''.
** '''<small>[http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Pixar-Writers-Brought-In-To-Work-On-Tron-Legacy-Script-19550.html AND NOW BRAD BIRD AND MICHAEL ARNDT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO WORK ON THE SCRIPT.]</small> [[This Is Sparta|YEAH!]]'''
** They shot epilogues for the DVD? THAT MENTIONS THE VIRAL COMPAIGN?! WITH RAM?!?! Pre-ordered now.
* When the cast for [[The Film of the Book|the film of]] ''[[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Twilight]]'' was announced, to say that fans went into an uproar would be an understatement. From complaints that Robert "[[Harry Potter (Filmfilm)|Cedric Diggory]]" Pattinson wasn't good looking enough to play Edward, to people whining that Bella was not being played by Emily [[A Series of Unfortunate Events|"Violet Baudelaire"]] Browning, there was [[Internet Backdraft]] to be seen miles away. And then promotional pictures, trailers and behind-the-scenes stories came out, winning back the fandom's support. Even so, there remained a [[Unpleasable Fanbase|small, but nonetheless vocal, faction]] still [[Accentuate the Negative|complaining about anything they could think of.]] All of them still went and saw the movie on the day it came out.
** As for the sequel, ''New Moon'', another was pulled off when Dakota Fanning was cast as [[Creepy Child]] vampire Jane.
* Will Ferrell in a ''[[Land of the Lost (Filmfilm)|Land of the Lost]]'' movie? I'll watch the trailer...lame...lame...lame...lame...SLEESTAK! Okay, you sold me.
* Way back in 1982, many fans of ''[[The Last Unicorn (Literaturenovel)|The Last Unicorn]]'' couldn't believe that any animated film adaptation could possibly capture the magic of the original...until they saw that the original author, [[Peter S. Beagle]], was writing the screenplay.
* ''[[Scott Pilgrim|Scott Pilgrim vs. The World]]''. Michael Cera as the titular [[Playing Against Type|Scott Pilgrim]], yawn. [[Mary Elizabeth Winstead]] playing Ramona Flowers, could be interesting. [[Spaced|Edgar]] [[Shaun of the Dead|Fucking]] [[Hot Fuzz|Wright]] directing the film, SCORE!
** Then the first image from the film was released, involving a [[Incendiary Exponent|flaming]] [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]] and a backflip. [http://www.edgarwrighthere.com/media/ultraculture.html The internet's response].
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtKAfoIllbo The first trailer has come. Epic Epicness!]
** And the game of the movie. [[The Problem Withwith Licensed Games|Eh...]] I guess Beat 'Em Ups are fun. Maybe...wait, Anamanaguchi is doing the music? And Paul Fucking Robertson is doing the sprites? Holy crap! Please welcome The New Ultimate Jesus [game]!
* The live-action adaptation of ''[[Where the Wild Things Are]]''. Hmmm, not really feeling it...wait, you said ''Spike Jonze'' is directing this? And Karen O of the [[Yeah Yeah Yeahs]] is writing the score? ''And the teaser trailer uses a rare acoustic version of '''Arcade Fire's Wake Up?!?''''' Two tickets, please!
** Then there's the promo video in which the book's author Maurice Sendak gushes over how great the film is.
** For many, the [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|Fandom Rejoice]] moment came when they saw the first trailer and saw, holy crap, real puppets instead of 100% CG.
* The ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' movie will be directed by [[Sam Raimi]], of ''[[Evil Dead]], [[Spider-Man (Filmfilm)|Spider-Man]]'' and ''[[Xena: Warrior Princess|Xena]]'' fame. ''YES''.
** And they explicitly told [[Uwe Boll]] to go fuck himself when he expressed interest in it. ''DOUBLE YES''.
* The ''[[Edge of Darkness (2010 (Filmfilm)|Edge of Darkness]]'' film adaptation. For some it was Mel Gibson and Robert De Niro (later replaced by Ray Winstone). For some it was Martin Campbell, director of ''[[Goldeneye (Film)|Goldeneye]]'', ''[[Casino Royale (Film)|Casino Royale]]'' and the [[Edge of Darkness (TV series)|original miniseries]].
* It's recently been confirmed by Fox that there will be another ''[[Alien]]'' film. "Ugh, you got to be kidding me, '''another''' ''Alien'' movie? It better not be another crappy ''[[Alienversus Predator|AVP]]'' movie...HOLY SHIT!! [[Ridley Scott]] is directing! And it's a prequel! [[Prometheus (Film)|Redemption is at hand!]]"
** [[Divorced Installment|Then came]] [http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/01/14/alien-prequel-prometheus-ridley-scott/ this]. The title of the article says everything.
** How about [[Noomi Rapace]] as the protagonist?
* Okay, there's ''[[The Princess and Thethe Frog]]'', with one group of people complaining that Disney's going to screw up and make it all racist and another group whining how Disney's caving in and making it too [[Political Correctness Gone Mad|politically correct]]. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcF4gzr_KJY Out comes the second trailer...] Whoops, everyone's busy squealing with excitement now!
** And [[Keith David]] gets a ''[[Villain Song]]''?!
*** With Randy Newman doing both the score ''and'' the songs, who can't be excited to listen?
** At least some of the fandom rejoiced ''much'' earlier, simply because Disney announced this as their first hand-drawn film since 2004.
** And there was a lot of rejoicing when it was announced that Anika Noni Rose, who stole quite a lot of scenes in the film version of ''[[Dreamgirls]]'', was going to voice the titular princess.
* While we are talking about Disney, ''[[The Great Mouse Detective (Disney)|The Great Mouse Detective]]'' is also a great example: "Oh...SherlockHolmes. [[Recycled in Space|Mice.]] [[Sarcasm Mode|How original]]. Thanks for killing another classi...hey, is that [[Vincent Price]]? As the main villain? It ''must'' be awesome."
** ''[[Older Than They Think]]''. It was actually based on a series of children's books about mice who lived in the basement of Holmes' building; Basil hero-worshipped Holmes and decided to emulate him.
* When ''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'' showed that [[James Bond (Filmfilm)|James Bond]] went back to the iconic PPK, the fans went wild. The P99 was never really liked in the fan community at all.
** After the disastrous ''[[Die Another Day (Film)|Die Another Day]]'' [[Tainted Byby the Preview|they're rebooting the Bond films with]] [[Replacement Scrappy|an actor everybody hates]]. Then they saw the movie, including had the book's "The bitch is dead" ending and suddenly fans were all "Pierce who?"
** It may be [[Development Hell|premature]], but [[Muse (Musicband)|Muse]] wants to do the next Bond [http://music.ign.com/articles/102/1025253p1.html theme]. Yes, ''[[Knights of Cydonia|that]]'' [[Muse (Musicband)|Muse]].
** They were going to do the entire score for the [[Clash of the Titans]] remake, but after recording 40 minutes of material decided it was too intensive to continue.
* They're making a movie out of ''[[Mamma Mia]]''? Oh God, musicals have just hit a new lo- wait. Did you just say they cast ''[[Meryl Streep]]'' as Donna? Fuck yes!
* Interest in a [[Sequelitis|fourth]] ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' movie was fairly low until it was revealed it would be a new story ejecting everything apart from [[Johnny Depp]] and Geoffrey Rush, whose awesome-cred had survived the [[Broken Base|third film intact]]. The departure of Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley was mostly welcomed, but not as much as the news that movie would be based on [[Tim Powers]]' book ''On Stranger Tides'' which had inspired both the first Pirates movie and also ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island]]'', which is often heralded as also inspiring the series. There is now much greater interest in the project.
** Ian McShane is Blackbeard. [[Sexy Beast (Film)|IAN MCSHANE]] is [[Badass|BLACKBEARD.]]
** ''Dead Man's Chest'' deserves a mention. At the end the crew is mourning Jack's death. However the voodoo lady promises that they can resue him if they were willing to meet [[Sequel Hook|at world's end]]. She also mentioned them needing a captain. Enter Barbossa, the first film's [[Big Bad]], walking down the steps, [[Trademark Favorite Food|chomping on an apple]], inquiring what's become of his ship.
** And it's an adaptation of ''[[On Stranger Tides]]'', one of the most influential (and best) pirate books ever written.
* A ''[[Doctor Strange]]'' movie? [[Adaptation Decay|Yeah, cause it worked SO well before...]] Guillermo del Toro you say? Well, I suppose it might be at least ''watchable'' - hold the phone, '''''[[Neil Gaiman]]?''''' ...I think I wet myself.
** So, who's playing him?
* People were uneasy about the ''[[Prince of Persia: theThe Sands of Time (Film)|Prince of Persia the Sands of Time]]'' movie adaptation, [[Video Game Movies Suck|admittedly with good reason]]. Details trickled out such as the casting of Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince...Dastan, giving a name to the [[No Name Given|previously nameless]] Prince. Then Jordan Mechner, the man behind the original game, was revealed to be involved ''very'' heavily with the project, and photos trickled out, [[Mr. Fanservice|mostly of shirtless-Gyllenhaal]]. No one seemed to be willing to commit to a strong opinion either way even after these revelations, though. It was the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgEt-4L3fKQ trailer], which contained intense action sequences with [[Le Parkour]] that was so emblematic of the Prince, as well as [[Deadpan Snarker|his trademark snark]], that had people saying "holy crap, this might actually be the [[Overly Narrow Superlative|greatest video game movie ever!]]"
** It gets even better if you [[All There in the Manual|read the manual]]. Aside from Jordan Mechner's involvement, who do they get to help with the stunts? [[wikipedia:David Belle|David Belle]], the ''founder of parkour''. If that doesn't equal Epic Win, I don't know what does.
** The movie was released to middling reviews that place it in the [[So Okay It's Average]] territory. [[Broken Base|People are split over whether it's a perfectly decent summer action movie or whether it's a terrible confusing jaunt with an awful script.]] Sadly, this probably ''does'' make it the [[Video Game Movies Suck|best video game movie ever made]] -- or, as some people hope, the best made ''so far''.
* When Games Workshop announced the much-awaited ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' movie, the fan reaction was generally like "Meh, [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|Ultramarines]] [[Creator's Pet|again]]...", but then the people heard that [[Dan Abnett]] is going to write the script -- and there was much rejoicing.
** The voice acting talent includes John Hert, Sean Pertwee and ''Terrance Stamp''. Woweee!!
*** Amusingly enough, this won't be Pertwee's [[Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior|first]] [http://ultramarinesthemovie.com/ WH40K voiceover performance].
*** Much of the fanbase was quite put down upon seeing the two early trailers featuring less than fantastic CGI and rather bland action. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vF_VLZotWc And then this happened...]
* [[The A-Team (TV)|A-Team]] movie? Meh. Imagined they'd get around to it sooner or later, they're doing all the other 80's TV shows, and like the rest of them it'll probably be [[Curse Cut Short|sh-]]''[[Liam Neeson]] [http://www.themovieblog.com/2009/06/liam-neeson-as-hannibal-and-bradley-cooper-as-face-in-a-team-movie is Hannibal??]'' I ''love'' it when an adaptation comes together! (On the other hand, no [[Mr. T]].) On the OTHER other hand, [[District 9|Sharlto Copley as Murdock]].
** [[The Hangover|Bradley Cooper]] as Face.
** Liam loves it when a plan comes together!
** For me, it was the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8W6_0UcQWA teaser trailer] Bradly Cooper's voice just riles me up. And this just goes [[Up to Eleven|over the top]] with action. This film compiles everything vehicles shouldn't be doing, and does it all in the span in one film. Come on, a goddamn [[Tank Goodness]].
* "They're doing a live action version of the anime cult classic ''[[Speed Racer (Anime)|Speed Racer]]''? It's probably gonna be some generic "realistic" reimagining...wait, [[The Matrix|The]] [[V for Vendetta|Wachowskis]] are directing this?? And they've got an all-star cast, with John Goodman as Pops just to sweeten the deal?? This is gonna be awesome!!"
* From the start, it was blatantly obvious that the ''[[The Sorcerers Apprentice]] '' movie would be [[In Name Only]]. The trailer reveals {{spoiler|that brooms are still going to come alive!}}
* Richard Coyle is Moist Von Lipwig in Sky One's ''Going Postal''. YES!!!
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* They're remaking ''[[Conan the Barbarian 2011]]''? Yaaaawn. Wait, they cast [[Stargate Atlantis|Jason Momoa]] in the title role? Awesome!
** Just to sweeten the deal: for Conan's dad they cast ''fucking [[Ron Perlman]]!!!''
** And the [[Big Bad]]? ''[[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Stephen "Col. Quaritch" Lang.]]'' This one is a bit of a [[Base Breaker]], considering [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]]'s newfound availability to play "King" Conan.
* The smartest thing the producers of the upcoming ''[[The Avengers (Filmfilm)|The Avengers]]'' film have done, and probably ever will do, for the movie was to hire [[Joss Whedon]] as co-writer and director.
** The latest trailer: Was that a Skrull?
** ''[[Captain America: theThe First Avenger]]'' itself is now 92% more likely to be awesome because [[Joss Whedon]] is writing the script. As if '''[[Hugo Weaving|HUGO WEAVING]]''' as '''[[Red Skull|THE RED SKULL]]''' weren't cool enough already.
*** And [[Tommy Lee Jones]] is in the cast! (for Cap himself, considering Chris Evans was the best on those ''[[Fantastic Four (Filmfilm)|Fantastic Four]]'' films, no one complained)
*** [[Chris Evans]] as Steve Rogers has officially fallen into this trope with the [http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/10/28/captain-america-chris-evans-2/ recent Entertainment Weekly article] and, especially, [http://ifanboy.com/content/articles/FIRST_LOOK__Captain_America_Photos_from_Entertainment_Weekly the photos inside].
** [[Joss Whedon]] is also releasing at least [[The Cabin in Thethe Woods|three]] [[Much Ado About Nothing|more]] [[In Your Eyes|films]] this year besides [[The Avengers]].
* Another remake of ''[[Godzilla]]''? This is going to su--It's being made by [[Three Hundred300|Legendary]] [[The Dark Knight|Pictures]]!? AWESOME!!!!
** And being supervised by the director of Godzilla vs. Hedorah?
** Well, the monster is probably going to look la-[http://www.movieviral.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/gojira_page.jpg HOLY SHIT!] [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|And the fandom wept with joy....]]
** [[David S Goyer]] writing the screenplay is another good sign.
* [[Frankenstein]]. Directed by Guillermo del Toro. With Doug Jones as the [[Frankenstein's Monster|Creature]]. With creature design by Bernie Wrightson. ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT.''
** They're doing an adoptation of [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|At The Mountains of Madness]]? And Guillermo is writing and directing? He's assured it stays ''true'' to the story with no tacked on romance? And [[James Cameron]] is producing?
** Disney's doing ''The Haunted Mansion'' ''again''? Didn't you learn your mistake last--GUILLERMO DEL TORO! Let's face it, he makes everything better.
** Hmm, let's see...''Guillermo Del Toro!'' Your film is now [[Memetic Mutation|diamonds]]. It works!
* [[Pixar Regulars|Lee Unkrich]], you had all of us at '''[[Toy Story|Toy Story 3]]'''.
** The threequel got yanked from Disney's direct-to-video departments? Yeee-hah!
** OK, so it's Toy Story 3; it's going to be good, but nothing's gotten me riled - wait, what's at 0:43 in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXqfS5l27ug this YouTube video]...HOLY CRAP IT'S [[My Neighbor Totoro|MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO]].
* This was the original reaction to a ''[[A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010]]'' remake: Hmmph, might as well not bother, it's just another generic 80's slasher remake, who cares...wait, '''[[Watchmen (Filmfilm)|Jackie Earl Haley]]''' is playing Freddy?! WHOO!!!
** Subverted by many Nightmare fans, however. Only Robert Englund can properly be Freddy.
* They're making a remake of ''[[The Karate Kid]]'' what are they doing that f--[[Jackie Chan]] is in it?!
* Wait, an ''[[Atlas Shrugged]]'' film adaptation! Oh cool! Oh nevermind it's just some rich kid indie work, and Paul Johansson is John Galt? It just gets worse. But wait! They cast Ethan Cohn and are splitting it into two parts! There's hope!
* A [[Green Lantern]] movie starring [[WTH? Casting Agency|Ryan Reynolds]]? Riiiiight-- [[Badass Creed|OH MY GOD.]] [http://io9.com/5596819/ryan-reynolds-recites-the-lantern-corps-oath-for-the-littlest-green-lantern This] is equal parts [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]] and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|adorable]]. Is the movie ''out yet?!''
* [[Superman Returns|The last Superman movie]] wasn't great. The sequel languished in [[Development Hell]], and at a certain point the studio decided to turn into a [[Darker and Edgier]] reboot. Then [[Zack Snyder]] was confirmed as the director...
** Aided by the fact that [[Christopher Nolan]] was producing and fan favorite Henry Cavill has now been cast as the Man of Steel. You will believe once again that a man can fly.
Line 201:
* After the lackluster performance of Prince Caspian at the box office (compared to the first film), there was doubt that the ''[[Chronicles of Narnia]]'' film series would continue, despite that Prince Caspian being one of the less popular entries in the series. Disney lost faith in the series and ended their involvement with Walden Media, leaving fans to speculate if another studio would pick them up. Then Fox swooped in, gave new hope to the series, and promptly delivered a mind-blowing trailer for ''Voyage of the Dawn Treader'', a near-universal fan favorite.
** Also for many, [[Liam Neeson]] and [[Tilda Swinton]] as Aslan and the White Witch, respectively. And holy crap!? [[Eddie Izzard]] voicing Reepicheep?! Unfortunately, Izzard won't be reprising the role, but Simon Pegg will be replacing him and may be just as awesome.
* Man, it sucks to be an American [[Horror]] fan these days. The only good horror movies are being made in Europe and East Asia, they all go [[Direct to Video|straight to DVD]] with zero promotion when [[No Export for You|(or if)]] they get here, and most American horror movies are either [[The Remake|remakes]] (of either the classics or of [[Foreign Remake|the aforementioned foreign films]]), [[Bowdlerise|heavily sanitized]] by [[Media Watchdog|the MPAA]], or [[B-Movie|Z-grade]] garba...wait, [http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=23744 you're telling me] that ''[[Hatchet (Filmfilm)|Hatchet]] II'' is getting a wide theatrical release? '''''[[Unrated Edition|Unrated]], with the [[Gorn]] fully intact?''''' Holy shit, there is still hope for American horror!
** Uh--Wow, [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|did that go sour!]]
* A [[Double Subversion]] occurred with ''[[Interview Withwith the Vampire]]''. The initial subversion was when [[Tom Cruise]] was cast as Lestat, [[WTH? Casting Agency|sparking protests]] from [[Anne Rice]] and a fair number of fans. The double subversion? Anne Rice saw the final cut of the movie and publicly took back all of her complaints about the casting, telling her fans they would love it.
* The Ender's Game movie is FINALLY [[Saved From Development Hell]]. Now who are they getting to direct it? [[X Men Origins: Wolverine|Gavin Ross?]] Oh well. Wait, is that the writers from the [[Star Trek (Filmfilm)|STAR TREK]] working on the script? They also did Transformers, so I don't know...[http://www.slashfilm.com/true-grit-star-hailee-steinfeld-play-enders-game/ WHO'S PLAYING PETRA?] Well, I have a little bit of faith in it now.
** Hey what's this Slashfilm article? [http://www.slashfilm.com/harrison-ford-actors-sought-enders-game/ Harrison] [[Precision F-Strike|FUCKING]] [http://www.slashfilm.com/harrison-ford-actors-sought-enders-game/ Ford] is playing GRAFF? Meh, I'm still not sure about it.
** [[Merlin|Mordred]] was cast as Ender!? YES!!!!
Line 210:
* Marvel's ''[[Runaways]]'' film was met with the normal amounts of trepidation. However when the casting notices failed to mention that Nico was Asian American you could almost here the collective fandom about to draw breath to scream. However, before they could Marvel issued another press release specifically stating that they were looking for an Asian American actress and the press release would be adjusted accordingly. This not only gave the fandom the idea that Marvel were trying to stay true to the original comic but [[The Last Airbender|it wouldn't be a repeat of other recent adaptaions]].
* It's been three years since the release of ''[[Grindhouse]]''. Not our fault that it failed in the box office since the Weinsteins released it on of all times, ''Easter''. [[It Got Worse|But then]] [[Executive Meddling|they had to]] [[Bad Export for You|split the two movies up in the rest of the world (without the trailers between movies)]] and [[Re Cut|on the Region 1]] home video releases (AGAIN, without the trailers between movies), [[Insane Troll Logic|destroying the reason why]] [[Robert Rodriguez|Rodriguez]] and [[Quentin Tarantino|Tarantino]] [[George Lucas Throwback|made it the first place!!]] Unless you have the money for the [[Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition|Deluxe Edition]] [[No Export for You|only released in Japan]], there's no way you can enjoy the original three-hour theatrical version of Grind...what's this about a [[DVD Bonus Content|"Don't" commentary]] [[Edgar Wright|Edgar]]? ''Grindhouse'' on Blu-ray? The theatrical cut on DVD and Blu-ray?! '''With ALL the fake trailers?!!!''' <ref>Plus the "Hobo With A Shotgun" trailer on Blu-ray</ref>. '''ALL IS FORGIVEN!!'''
* ''[[Resident Evil Afterlife (Film)|Resident Evil Afterlife]]'' will probably give us more of that [[God Mode]]/BlackHoleSue that is Alice, so why bother? Wait, {{spoiler|CHRIS REDFIELD himself is ''finally'' in it?!}}
** Also, Sienna Guillory was announced to reprise her role as Jill after not appearing in ''[[Resident Evil: Extinction (Film)|Resident Evil Extinction]]'', although {{spoiler|she only appears in the last 30 seconds as a [[Sequel Hook]] under Wesker's mind control.}}
** After four movies of being absent, {{spoiler|Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong}} were announced for the fifth movie.
* As if [[Sherlock Holmes (Filmfilm)|Guy Ritchie's adaptation of]] ''[[Sherlock Holmes]]'' wasn't fantastic on its own, you could practically hear the moment the internet broke when [[Stephen Fry]] himself announced he was cast as Holmes' brother Mycroft.
** [[Fringe|Jared Harris]] as Professor Moriarty? Very unexpected, but not a bad choice at all.
** And [[Noomi Rapace]] as...someone...
* Most fans were indifferent to the rumored ''[[Mass Effect]]'' movie, at best; as soon as [http://social.bioware.com/forum/Mass-Effect/Mass-Effect-News-and-Announcements/Mass-Effect-Movie-announced-2717410-1.html this thread] was posted, though...the people who made ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' and ''[[Watchmen (Filmfilm)|Watchmen]]'' are producing the movie? Casey Hudson as one of the executive producers?! It'll be an original story NOT an adaptation of the game?!
* ''[[Bill and Ted]] 3''. [[Keanu Reeves]] and Alex Winter will be returning as Bill and Ted, with the original creator/writer duo of Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon as well. To further cement things, in an interview Winter said that the movie will retain the spirit of the originals without giving into "retro cynicism".
* Early response to ''[[The Last of the Mohicans (Film)|Last of the Mohicans]]'' (1992), especially among Native Americans: that [[Mighty Whitey]] film about [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|disappearing Indians]]? Based on an adventure novel about [[Noble Savage|Noble Savages]] written in the 1820s? One year after ''[[Dances Withwith Wolves]]?'' DO NOT WANT. Featuring the [[Academy Award|Oscar]]-winning [[Daniel Day Lewis|actor]] from ''My Left Foot''? Wait...''Russel Means'' is playing the title character? The leader of '''[[La Résistance|The American Indian Movement?]]''' <small>And he's wielding a [http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/1992_The_Last_of_the_Mohicans/992LMC_Russell_Means_003.jpg spiked club?]</small>
* They're finally making ''[[Rent]]'' into a movie? They'll ruin it, I'm sure...wait, WITH ALMOST THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL CAST?
* ''[[Queen of the Damned]]'' movie? Okay...Oh God, ''[[WTH? Casting Agency|that's]]'' [[WTH? Casting Agency|Lestat?]] Wait, and he's singing? It sounds great, though...OHMIGOD IT'S THE GUY FROM [[Korn (Music)|Korn]]! (and in fact the musical score is the only thing that had some impact and good reception in that movie)
* A fourth ''[[Scream (Filmfilm)|Scream]]'' movie, after how much the third one sucked? And a decade after the films were last relevant? Puh-leezzz...wait, Kevin Williamson is coming back to write it? Time to mark April 15 on the calendar, this is gonna be ''awesome!'' <ref>Some explanation -- Williamson wrote the first two ''Scream''s, but not the third. Guess which one is the [[Black Sheep]] of the original trilogy.</ref>
** And [http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=26044 this international trailer] seems to have gotten the fans pretty pumped, judging by the comments.
* ''[[The Dark Knight Rises]]''. [[Anne Hathaway]] = Catwoman. [[Tom Hardy]] = Bane. This page will now self-destruct from awesomeness. Especially considering the terrible portrayal of Bane in ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]''. KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!
** Not only that, besides just having Bane as the villain, the movie is based on ''[[Knightfall]]'', and in fact was called that before [[Executive Meddling|the studio balked]]. Who knows? Maybe Nolan will pull a ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', and change it back at the last minute?
** As of February 4th, 2011, Joseph Gordon-Levitt [http://www.deadline.com/2011/02/joseph-gordon-levitt-in-talks-to-join-the-dark-knight-rises/ is officially in contract negotiations for an unknown role.]
Line 239:
* [[Steven Spielberg]] announced in mid-2011 that a fourth ''[[Jurassic Park]]'' film will be made.
* The 25th anniversary of ''[[Back to The Future]]'' brought not only remastered Blu-Ray versions of the movie and its sequels, but a video game follow-up starring [[Christopher Lloyd]], and theatrical re-releases of the movie. Great Scott!
* Oh great, an English-language remake of ''[[Old BoyOldboy]]'', one of the best 21st-century Korean films is going to be ruined. . Wait, [[Spike Lee]] is directing? Maybe this has potentia- HOLY CLUSTERFUCK, CHRISTIAN BALE MIGHT PLAY LEE WOO-JIN? And Josh Brolin is already signed on for Oh Dae-Su, as icing on the cake.
* Oooh, sweet, they're making a film version of ''[[Les Misérables]]'' the musical! With Cameron Mackintosh producing and Tom Hooper directing! Fantastic! And hey, [[Hugh Jackman]] is playing Jean Valjean. That could work! And [[Russell Crowe]] as Inspector Javert. Well, that will either go very well or very badly. [[Anne Hathaway]] as Fantine - wonderful! But nothing too spine-tingling yet...wait, '''[[Helena Bonham Carter]]''' as Mme. Thenardier??? YES PLEASE!!!
** I'm sorry, did you just say ''Colm Wilkinson'' (the original Valjean) is going to play the Bishop? BEST. CAMEO. ''EVER.''
Line 247:
*** This reaction was particularly pronounced because the earlier rumor of [[Taylor Swift]] had a lot of fans crying [[Ruined FOREVER]]. Then Barks was confirmed, and you could hear the thump of the ''Les Mis'' fanbase collectively hitting their knees and thanking their respective deities. (Lea Salonga's exact words were, "Thank the casting gods!!" Salonga is one of two contenders for Greatest Eponine Ever.)
** Hadley Fraser as the Loudhailer has also gotten a pretty positive reception, to say the least.
* [[Benicio Del Toro]] has signed on to play a "mystery part" in the sequel to [[JJJ.J. Abrams]]' ''[[Star Trek (Filmfilm)|Star Trek]]''.
** Aaaaaaaaaaand that seems to have fallen through. Wonder who's going to be repl- [[Benedict Cumberbatch|BENEDICT FUCKING CUMBERBATCH]] [http://trekmovie.com/2012/01/04/exclusive-sherlock-star-benedict-cumberbatch-cast-in-major-star-trek-sequel-role/ AS THE VILLAIN]!?
** [http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2012/02/24/star-trek-2-photo-benedict-cumberbatch-zachary-quinto/ AND NOW WE HAVE SET PHOTOS!! ] I have never seen Tumblr go that batshit before. AND WE STILL DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS.
* Aw geez, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CloKbXtD28 ANOTHER cliche romance comedy], right down to the guy casually saying the wrong thing as always? Like hell I'll see that. So what if it has Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Kermit the F- wait, ''THE'' Kermit the Frog? Miss Piggy too? "Are there [[The Muppets|MUPPETS]] in this movie?!" [[The Muppets (Filmfilm)|OH MY GOD THE MUPPETS ARE BACK! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!]]
** And now, ''there's a SEQUEL''!!! HUZZAH!
* So they're making a [[Tintin (Filmfilm)|Tintin]] movie. OK - wait, [[Peter Jackson]] is producing? [[Steven Spielberg]] is directing? And [[Steven Moffat|STEVEN FRIGGING MOFFAT]] is writing the script?
* Gah, a Spider-Man reboot? Enough already Hollywood! Wait...the Lizard is the villain? FREAKIN' FINALLY!
** And a wise-cracking Spidey! ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME!!!
* [[Lion King]] re-released in [[3D Movie|in 3D!]]. It was such a success that Disney has decided to do similar re-releases with [[The Little Mermaid]], [[Beauty and The Beast (Disney)|Beauty and Thethe Beast]], [[Finding Nemo]], and [[Monsters, Inc.]].
* [[Pixar]] is making another [[Monsters, Inc.]] movie? After all this time? Come on, [[Cars]] 2 looks like such a trainwreck, are they losing their - it's gonna be a ''prequel?''
* Speaking of Disney, the mere fact that ''[[Wreck -It Ralph]]'' - previously known under the [[Working Title]] of ''Joe Jump'' - has been [[Uncanceled]] already counts; however, now there may be worries that a Video Game movie [[Video Game Movies Suck|is likely to sink]]-- what? Did you just say that...
** ...it's about the whole Video Games medium, and not a licensed movie? Cool!
*** ...it's about an 8-bit era character experiencing the modern-day game industry? Great! And the fact that [[Take That|the modern-day games are represented by a first-person-shooter]] is further evidence that [[Shown Their Work|someone's doing some homework]].
** ...[[Pixar|John effin' Lasseter]] is directing? ''Awesome!''
** ...they're getting cameos from game characters? [[Sarcasm Mode|Yeah, as if they're going to pull a]] ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?]]'' without [[Lawyer-Friendly Cameo|lawyer friendly cameos]]-- ''DISNEY IS NEGOTIATING RIGHTS FOR [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|WILY,]] [[Sonic the Hedgehog|EGGMAN]], [[PacmanPac-Man|PAC-MAN GHOSTS]], '''[[Mortal Kombat|KANO]] AND [[Super Mario Bros.|BOWSER?!?]]''''' [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Disney. Shut. Up. And. Take. My. Money. Already.]]
*** [http://segabits.com/blog/2012/04/25/confirmed-eggman-to-cameo-in-disneys-wreck-it-ralph/ Eggman is confirmed?!?] (cue the Sonic fandom [[Broken Base|reuniting]] and wetting themselves in excitement)
** And then came the first [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDQHVkYq4g trailer.] Disney's been [[Genre Savvy]] enough to include the [[One-Scene Wonder]] that the Villain Support Group is quickly building up to be. To quote a [[YouTube]] commenter<ref> from another uploaded version of the same trailer</ref>, "I GEEKED OUT COMPLETELY AT THE VILLAINS SCENE". If the movie wasn't hyped enough already, the physical faithfulness of Bowser's and Eggman's portrayals in the movie was more than enough to make said hype ''skyrocket''. Disney isn't messing around with this movie.
* ''*Sigh*''... they're doing another remake of ''[[Carrie]]'' just ten years after the last one. And [[Oh Crap|it's being made by Screen Gems]], at that. Uncreative imbeciles. Directed by Kimberly Peirce? Alright, ''[[Boys Don't Cry]]'' was pretty good, let's see who they're casting as... ''[[Chloe Moretz|CHLOE]] [[Kick -Ass (Filmfilm)|GRACE]] [[Let the Right One In|MORETZ]] IS PLAYING CARRIE?'' Cool, at least now there's a chance this might ''not'' suck! Although it does make one wonder just ''how'' they're gonna be able to shoot the opening shower scene without [[Jail Bait|running afoul]] [[Paedo Hunt|of the law]].<ref>Moretz will be only 16 when the movie comes out.</ref>
** Wow, [http://themadbutcher.deviantart.com/#/d4uf9mm this] is a pretty cool fan-made poster of Moretz as Carrie. Kimberly Peirce [http://www.horror-movies.ca/2012/04/fan-made-carrie-poster-attracts-directors-attention/ likes it too]? Even cooler! Looks like she knows what she's doing.
* Why is [[Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy|Ron Burgundy]] making a random appearance on Conan? To anounce a sequel after 8 years? ''Great. Odin's. Raven.''
* [[Tim Burton]] is making a ''[[Dark Shadows (Filmfilm)|Dark Shadows]]'' movie? Oh, man, this is gonna su- it's a ''comedy?'' Written by ''[[Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter|Seth]] [[Pride and Prejudice And Zombies|Grahame]]-[[How to Survive Aa Horror Movie|Smith]]?'' '''Set in [[The Seventies]]?''' Awesome!
** This troper, however, knows someone whose reaction was more like this: "THERE'S GOING TO BE A FILM BASED ON A SHOW I USED TO WATCH?! [[Squee]]"
* [[Mel Gibson (Creator)|Mel Gibson]] is getting weirder and more controversial each day. Don't think his career can get any worse. Wait, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGKfF6d8TH8 that's] his next movie? Man, this will rock! (though the fact that it won't be released theatrically in the US shows how bad he's fallen. Insert a [[Big No]] here.)
* Well, animated films have been getting better lately. All we need now is for good ol' [[Aardman Animations|Aardman]] to get back in the game. That ''[[Arthur Christmas]]'' movie they're doing COULD be all right, but you can tell from the trailer that it just won't be the same... wait, what's this? They've got another movie coming out in 2012? Called ''[[The Pirates! inIn Anan Adventure Withwith Scientists!]]''? It's in stop-motion? It's got Hugh Grant, [[David Tennant]] and [[Brian Blessed]] doing voices?!? ''[[Chicken Run (Animation)|PETER FREAKING LORD]] IS DIRECTING?!?!'' Dreams ''do'' come true!
* [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[The Stand]]'' is being made into a feature film, directed by [[Ben Affleck]], and will apparently be released in ''three installments'', a la ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|Lord of the Rings]]''?
* So they're making an ''[[Expendables]]'' sequel? Cool, who's joining? [[Chuck Norris]]? [[Jean Claude Van Damme]]? Excellent... wait, was that [[Arnold Schwarzenegger|Arnold]] firing a gun? ''ARNOLD'S BACK!''
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