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This has been played for laughs with a [[Token White]]. Otherwise, it usually pops up in the [[Very Special Episode]], after which the characters go back to totally ignoring the issue.
Much more offensive than [[You Are a Credit Toto Your Race]].
The logical conclusion of [[You Know What They Say About X...]]. See also [[Insult Friendly Fire]] for this sans racial components.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Possibly parodied in ''[[Wolfs Rain|Wolf's Rain]]''. When the wolves (disguised as humans from the viewers' perspective) are walking through a forest Toboe is puzzled by the lack of any animals. Hige replies, "You know you're a wolf, don't you? They probably ran away when they saw us coming."
* Parodied very, very heavily with Mechazawa in [[Cromartie High School]], whom ''no one ever notices'' {{spoiler|is actually a robot.}}
** And not {{spoiler|the [[Ridiculously Human Robot|human-looking kind]] either; he looks like a trashcan.}}
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* In ''[[Quantum and Woody]]'' issue #4, Quantum is repeatedly called "noogie" (a substitute for the n-word) several times by a homeless street-dweller. Quantum, whose costume covers his entire face and body, asks the guy how he knows he's black. "You're '''black?''' [[T-Word Euphemism|S-Word!]]"
* He doesn't say anything actually racist, but early in ''[[A God Somewhere]]'' a white guy is helping his [[Black Best Friend]] move to a new place. He opens the box he's been carrying to see a multitude of Black History books inside. Puzzled, he asks his friend why the friend has so many of these books and why he reads them. The friend just ''looks'' at him and after a moment the white guy is going "Oh, right..." then tries to explain that he sometimes forgets his friend is black. That doesn't exactly fly either.
* ''[[Spider -Man]] Family #9'': Jean Grey of the [[X -Men]] gives a speech about how people treat mutants, people always assuming the worst and treating you like a freak and running scared at the slightest provocation...then realises she's talking to [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity|Spidey]] and [[The Incredible Hulk|Bruce Banner]]. "Oop" indeed.
== Films ==
* In the film, ''[[The Jerk]]'', Navin (played by [[Steve Martin]]), after striking it rich, was talking to several financial advisers and people who wanted him to invest his newfound wealth. One guy was suggesting a housing/apartment complex and detailed that they would of course keep the "niggers" away. Navin, who was raised by a black family (oblivious to his own whiteness for decades), snapped at him, saying "Sir, you are talking to a nigger!" and proceeded to kick his ass with martial arts skills not shown before or after in the movie.
* At the beginning of ''[[Stand Byby Me]]'', Chris, Teddy, and Gordie are sitting in their tree-house, playing cards, when Chris decides to tell a joke.
{{quote| '''Chris:''' How do you know if a Frenchman has been in your back yard?<br />
'''Teddy:''' Hey, I'm French, okay?<br />
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* ''30 Rock'': Taken [[Up to Eleven]], to the point of parody. Jack proudly announces to a room full of old, white, rich, conservative business executives that he has a liberal girlfriend. Cue the other men coming out with all sorts of other "confessions"--their children went to public school, they listen to NPR, and . . .
{{quote| Black guy: I'm black!}}
* Subverted in the ''[[ChappellesChappelle's Show]]'' skit ''Black White Supremacist''. A blind black man grows up under the impression he is white. He becomes a prominent white supremacist writer until {{spoiler|he finds out he is black}}.
** Note that he stays a white supremacist. He even {{spoiler|leaves his wife for marrying a black man, even though this black man is himself}}
* In a [[Very Special Episode]] of ''[[Smart Guy (TV series)|Smart Guy]]'', Yvette and her friend Nina get jobs at a small store in the mall, where Nina is given the following job:
{{quote| '''Nina:''' It is my happy task to follow black people around the store to make sure they don't steal.<br />
'''Yvette:''' You know this is going to affect our friendship. }}
** And in the Black History Month episode of ''[[Smart Guy (TV series)|Smart Guy]]'', Marcus, Mo, and Mackey (another [[Token White]]) each write a report on Jackie Robinson and have to read it in front of their class. Mackey has to go last, and when nobody claps after he's finished he says, "It's 'cause I'm white, isn't it?" Their white teacher nods.
* ''[[Degrassi the Next Generation]]'', "Pride, part 1": When Paige asks Spinner to carry her beach bag, which happens to be floral patterned, he tells her that he can't, because it make people will mistake him for a "homo". Spinner then realizes it was a mistake to say that in front of Paige's brother, Dylan, who is gay:
{{quote| '''Spinner:''' I didn't mean 'homo' as in 'gay', I mean 'homo' as in...<br />
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* A funny moment in ''[[Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip|Studio 60]]'', when the black junior writer asks his co-writer whether calling senior writers 'sir' is a 'white thing?' gets the response; 'I'm not white, I'm British.'
** This is [[Truth in Television]], in that many Americans don't realize that racism works different outside of the US. In America, racists tend to just go by how a person looks, where as in most of the rest of the planet, the racists actually try to figure out something about your background to hate.
*** On an episode of ''[[The Daily Show (TV)|The Daily Show]]'', Brit John Oliver explains that Americans don't know bigotry, Brits know REAL Bigotry. "We're prejudiced against other, white Europeans. Michael Caine passed me in the hallway, heard my accent, headbutted me in the nose, and threw his laundry at me, and I have to do it, according to the rules of England! There is a little old lady in [some small British town], who feels hollandaise sauce is "Too Ethnic". She won't let her daughter date a Normans, because she hasn't forgiven William the Conqueror for the invasion of 1066 yet!"
*** Many nations could care less about race, and in fact may be so mixed that you couldn't even ''name'' a race, other than the melting pot that is "Jamaican" or "Cuban". But ''social class'' is an entirely different story. And then there's prejudice between different skin tones or hair colors ''within the same race''. Firecrotch. Quadroon.
* The British TV [[Biopic]] ''[[wikipedia:Hughie Green|Hughie Green]]: Most Sincerely'' has a scene, possibly taken from real life, in which Green and his producer are holding an audition for Green's TV talent show. Green is enthusiastic about one candidate, but his producer says, "You know he's black, don't you?" Green rejects this racist attitude out of hand and passes the candidate over his producer's objections.
* In the original UK version of ''[[Queer Asas Folk]]'', Nathan moans that his best friend wouldn't understand what he's going through because she's straight; she snaps "I'm black. And I'm a girl. Try that for a week."
* Similarly, Jake in ''[[Becker]]'': "I'm a blind black man, we just '''sail''' through life."
* The episode of ''[[Yes, Dear]]'' where Jimmy became a housemate on ''[[Big Brother]]'' might qualify here. Although nothing offensive was said, when Jimmy asks the resident [[Twofer Token Minority|black, gay housemate]] his opinion on the attractiveness of a female housemate, he responds with "You know I'm gay, right?". Jimmy attempts to correct himself and restart the conversation by making a remark about one of the men's abs instead.
{{quote| '''Black, Gay Guy (in confessional):''' "That's what I like about Jimmy. He didn't even seem to care that I'm gay.....or notice.....Tomorrow I'm gonna tell him that I'm black!"}}
* On episode of ''[[The George Lopez Show]]'' featured a racist scout leader for Max. During a discussion of how one can tell how different marks on an animal show whether they're aggressive, he mentions "Just like people." George questions this, to which he responds which one is cop gonna question, a cute blonde or a Mexican. George responds with this trope.
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** Of course, this may not necessarily be any better on Cox's part, since he seems to be suggesting race is determined by behaviors, as if Turk is less "black" because he listens to Neil Diamond and is best friends with a white guy.
*** Of course, some would argue being born into any particular group carries with it some obligation to participate in that group's culture, but that's a question that's waaaaay above our pay grade...
* Somewhat parodied in a deleted scene of ''[[Criminal Minds (TV)|Criminal Minds]]'', in which the line was not actually meant to be racist, but is jokingly taken that way. When Reid (white) tricks Morgan (black) into losing at Gin on the plane, he gloats, "When are you people going to learn never to play cards with a magician?" Morgan replies, "What do you mean 'you people'?"
** For context, because it's interesting: the scene is an alternate ending to an episode which deals heavily with race relations .
* In an episode of [[3rd Rock Fromfrom the Sun]], Dick has this happen to him multiple times in the same few minutes, so, in order to prevent it from happening to him again, he puts a sticky note on his secretary reading 'Nina is Black'.
* In the Puppy episode of ''[[Ellen]]'' Ellen discussing coming out to her therapist, who is played by [[Oprah Winfrey]]:
{{quote| '''Ellen:''' ''You don't understand. Do you think I want to be discriminated against? Do you think I want people calling me names to my face?''<br />
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== Machinima ==
* Episode 11 of ''[[Arby 'n' the Chief]]'' found the Arbiter playing GTA 4 online with some friends, when they were joined by an irritating, obviously white suburban kid pretending to be a tough black gangbanger. Upon yelling "Don't hate da playa, hate da game, honkies!", one of the Arbiter's friends responds "Uh, FYI I'm actually black", which causes the kid to say "Oh...really?"
* In ''[[Red vs. Blue (Machinima)|Red vs. Blue]]'', Church asks Tucker if he's black when he learns Tucker's first name is Lavernius. Tucker is annoyed that Church didn't know Tucker's race ''or'' Tucker's first name.
** Later, the Blue team sees someone wearing pink armour in the Red base. They gush over there being a girl over there, and how unfair it is that they didn't have one. Much to Tex's chagrin: 'You do realise that I'm a chick, right? And I'm standing right here?'
{{quote| '''Tucker''': ''Yeah, but we mean a '''girl''' girl!''<br />
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{{quote| '''Shepard:''' "You? I said a badass, not some scout whining like a Quarian with a tummyache."<br />
'''Tali:''' "[[I'm Standing Right Here|I'm standing right here!]] }}
* In ''[[The Adventures of Sam and& Max: Freelance Police (Video Game)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]] Season 2 Episode 1'', Bosco makes a comment that paranoia is 'what separates us from the animals'. Sam looks offended and caustically responds that the saying 'plays better with the [[Funny Animal|non-dog-and-rabbit crowd]]'.
* This can happen in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim]]'' as a side effect of [[Welcome to Corneria]]. In the [[Fantastic Racism|Fantastically Segregated]] city of Windhelm, [[NPC|NPCs]] are known to mutter about "damn Dark Elves" and "damn Argonians", even if the [[Player Character|Dovahkiin]] happens to be one. Borders on [[Too Dumb to Live]] if a player is trigger-happy.
* Can happen in ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' if you're playing a mage Hawke and you choose the right set of responses when talking to Cullen after a quest. He'll say that "mages aren't people like you and me," even if you're wearing obvious robes, carrying a staff, and ''he's seen you casting spells in front of him during an earlier fight''.
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== Western Animation ==
* On ''[[Drawn Together]]'', this is illustrated frequently between Foxxy Love and the [[Ping-Pong Naivete|(occasionally) overly-naive]] and sheltered Princess Clara in the series premiere and subsequent episodes.
* Variation from ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'': In one episode where Starfire is the victim of [[Fantastic Racism]], she asks Cyborg if he's ever had to deal with prejudice. Instead of uttering this phrase, he says "Sure I do. I'm part-robot."
** Though the questions makes sense from Starfire since she's an alien and hangs out with the very colorful Teen Titans. It'd make sense that she'd never come across racism.
* On ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', Toph's friends (especially Sokka) have a tendency to forget that she's blind. This tends to lead to [[Deadpan Snarker|many of Toph's great one-liners.]]
{{quote| ''Sokka'': It's so dark in here, I can't see a thing!<br />
''Toph'': [[Sarcasm Mode|Oh no, what a nightmare!]] }}
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* Used in an episode of [[Sixteen|6Teen]]. While trying to ditch a crazy stalker girl, she thinks Jude and Wyatt are identical twins. Now go over to the page. Wyatt is the black guy in the red sweater. Jude is the skater dude in the ski cap. This finally leads Wyatt to snap, delivering this little gem.
{{quote| '''Wyatt:''' We're ''not'' '''''twins'''''! ''I'm'' black, and ''he's'' '''''white'''''!}}
* ''[[My Life Asas a Teenage Robot]]'': Tuck manages several times in "The Wonderful World of Wizzly".
{{quote| '''Jenny:''' You think you're better than them!<br />
'''Tuck:''' DUH! They're just stupid robots! (Cue Tuck's POV of [[Bullying a Dragon|the 6-and-a-half foot, 600 pound]] [[Swiss Army Gun|walking weapons platform]] giving him the [[Death Glare]]) }}
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