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Baka and Test/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Patient Childhood Love Interest]]
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Since his summon can interact with the real world, it can do something ecchi things take photos of girls in the baths or such. Subverted in two ways, first he has to have a summon field and second if he can summon so can the people he's peeping on which leads to...pain.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Actively encourages the Yuuji/Shouko pairing.
* [[Shoot the Messenger]]: Basically it goes like this,
{{quote| '''Yuuji:'' Akihisa go declare war on class x(x being E-A)<br />
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* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: More or less half of what he tells people.
* [[This Loser Is You]]
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: {{spoiler|Shouko threw the match for him in the first season's finale so he would get his wish to have Himeji retake the test. But Himeji doesn't want to leave him, [[Yank the Dog's Chain|and thus all his efforts are wasted]].}}
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: All the time. One extreme case is spending most of what little allowance he has on ''video games instead of food''.
** The best one has to be he's a member of the FFF, guys who can't get girls and will kill anyone who does including their own. Akihisa also happens to be ranked first rate inquisitor and is the [[Chick Magnet]]...[[Pass the Popcorn|get some popcorn]]
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** So much so that said has its own persona, Aki-chan also a [[Even the Girls Want Her|few girls]] are head over heels for hir.
* [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]]: Pulled it off in the first OVA against two [[Jerkass]] students insulting Class F's [[Maid Cafe]]. It works. [[Wholesome Crossdresser|And he's dressed in a]] [[Meido|maid outfit.]]
* [[Your Approval Fills Me Withwith Shame]]: Mizuki and Minami think he's cute in girl's clothing. Even Hideyoshi thinks so. He doesn't take these compliments very well.
=== Yuuji Sakamoto ===
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* [[Not So Different]]: He and Akihisa are closer than they appear...not that [[Ho Yay|type of closer]] but more along the lines of [[Butt Monkey]], [[Henpecked Husband|whipped]], and well etc.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Rousing Speech]]: He likes giving these to his classmates, such as decrying the [[Ranked Byby IQ|IQ-based]] [[Urban Segregation|classification]] the school imposes upon its students.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: With Shouko. However, Shouko herself refuses to believe this.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Shouko. Most characters -- even ''[[Oblivious to Love|Akihisa]]'' -- [[Shipper Onon Deck|approve of this]].
** While were at it, let's count the number of ''[[Ho Yay|moments]]'' between him and Akihisa
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: Even if Class F wins a Summoned Being battle, Yuuji declines to penalize the losing Class with room exchange. He also has his own reasons -- as he confided to Akihisa, he doesn't want his classmates to become complacent, at least not until they beat Class A.
* [[Tsundere]]: Type A towards Shouko.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Akihisa -- they frequently [[Volleying Insults|hurl insults]] on each other, but when troubles comes they're quick to join forces.
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* [[The Big Guy|The Big Girl]]: Both in combat style and horizontal figure.
* [[BFS]]: Her Summoned Being's [[Weapon of Choice]].
* [[Buxom Is Better]]: Much to Minami's [[A -Cup Angst|horror]].
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor|Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: In the manga, a can of beer (in the anime, [[Frothy Mugs of Water|a glass of spiked chocolate]]) is more than enough to get her tipsy and either go bold or on a full-blown [[Yandere]] rampage.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]
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The other known female student in Class F. She spent most of her life in Germany, making her bad at reading kanji despite being fairly intelligent. Like Mizuki, she also has a crush on Akihisa -- which she expresses by literally crushing him with wrestling moves whenever he misreads her intentions, which is quite often.
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: She has a complex from her small bust size.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't mention [[Pettanko|about how small her chest is]].
* [[Between My Legs]]: In episode 4.
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* [[Expressive Accessory]]: Her hair ribbon sometimes perks up or falls down to reflect her mood.
* {{spoiler|[[First Kiss]]: With Akihisa.}}
* [[Good Withwith Numbers]]
* [[Gratuitous German]]: According to Hazuki, Minami goes on a breakdown babbling in German when upset.
* [[Green Eyes]]
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* [[Tsundere]]: Type A.
* [[What Does She See in Him?]]: Why does Minami like Akihisa? {{spoiler|[[Because You Were Nice to Me|He asked her to be his friend when she couldn't make any due to the language barrier]]. But being [[Idiot Hero|who he is]] he asked her in French instead of German.}}
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Whenever [[Idiot Hero|Akihisa]] presses her [[A -Cup Angst|Berserk Button]].
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Reddish-Purple Hair]]
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* [[Berserk Button]]: He really hates it when people sell him female clothing when he asks for male ones, as well when he wears male clothing and people make him switch to female ones.
* [[Bishonen]]/ Bishojo: You decide.
* [[Blade Onon a Stick]]: His Summoned Being wields a naginata, a weapon traditionally wielded by women.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: Blue-green.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Not as bad as Akihisa, but no one will ever call him a guy on first glance, even when he insists otherwise. This obviously has caused him a bit of trouble in "I'm a guy" situations.
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* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]
* [[Friend in Thethe Black Market]]: Want fan servicy pictures of say Hideoyshi or Akihisa in girl's clothing? Well Mutsurini can get you what you want...for a price.
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]: He should be wearing army urban camouflage instead of his trademark ninja clothes if he really wants to blend into the environment. Same goes for his Summoned Being.
* [[Hollywood Hacking]]
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* [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male|Abuse Is]] [[Played for Laughs|Funny]] [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male|When It's Female On Male]]: For this show, it's a good thing, it is.
** To a scary degree-- she pokes his eyes until they're sore so [[Clingy Jealous Girl|he doesn't look at other girls.]] She tries to [[Double Standard Rape (Female Onon Male)|rape him]], [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|breaks into his house]], and [[If I Can't Have You|tries to kill him]] ''twice''. Once when she thinks that he said "Himeji's more my type than Shouko. And she's got bigger boobs too!" (he didn't). Then when she tries to drown him so she can give him CPR. No one bats an eye...yeah.
*** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Why should they, since no one ever complained about the constant abuse Akihisa suffers from on a regular basis?
* [[Batter Up]]
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* [[Mistaken for Gay|Mistaken for Lesbian]]: Because she is crazily in love with Yuuji she rejects all men who want to go out with her, which initially created the impression to others that she is a lesbian.
* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Proper Tights Withwith a Skirt]]
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]/[[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Rescue Romance]]: {{spoiler|The real reason why Shouko is so obsessed with Yuuji. He pulled a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment to save Shouko from 3 boys who tried to bully her after she tried to stop them from writing some vicious lies on his PE clothing; he tried to come up with an excuse not to help, but in the end saves her. Although [[I Was Just Passing Through|he tries to pass it off as nothing]], Shouko is really touched by that action that she vows to his mother to marry him someday.}}
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Yuuji. She's [[Shipper Onon Deck|egged on by other characters]] -- including ''[[Oblivious to Love|Akihisa]]''.
* [[Shock and Awe]]/[[Electric Torture]]: If [[Eye Scream]] isn't a viable option.
** [[Weapon of Choice]]: A [[Static Stun Gun|taser]].
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|Short, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Yuuji-sexual.
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Functions as this to Yuuji. Because she is his childhood friend she can see through all his plots.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: She trained herself in every way to be the perfect house wife to Yuuji, including this.
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: And yet she's doing her best to [[Victorious Childhood Friend|win Yuuji's heart]].
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* [[Megane]]
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Akihisa-sexual.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: He acts like this at times.
** In the novel though, he really does start falling into this.
* [[Stoic Spectacles]]
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Hideyoshi's twin sister. Unlike him, she is prideful, haughty and pretty arrogant, but has the grades to back it up.
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: She might have a bit of an issue with her breasts, which Akihisa kind of pointed when she put him into a wrestling move disguised as Hideyoshi... [[It's a Long Story]].
* [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male]]: She's the only one who hurts Hideyoshi in the light novels. Compare what she does to him like what Minami does to Akihisa.
* [[The Ace]]: She's beautiful, smart, atheltic, a decent cook (from [[Informed Ability|what little information is known about her]])... but [[Hollywood Tone Deaf|can't sing]].
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* [[I Can Explain]]: This type of trope pops up whenever Hideyoshi starts cosplaying, and people mistake him for her. Needless to say she gets pissed and starts breaking his joints.
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: In Volume 9 she actually helped Akihisa sneak back into the school as a class F vs C war was going on.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Masculine Girl to Hideyoshi's Feminine Boy, much to her dismay.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Yuuko means "superior child".
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* [[Stern Teacher]]
* [[Super Strength]]: One way to see his ability, considering he can carry 2 over the shoulder while also carrying 2 under the arms.
* [[Tap Onon the Head]]: How Akihisa managed to beat him(only time anyone managed this so far) during the study camp arc.
* '''[[The Juggernaut]]'''
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* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: The reason she likes Akihisa is because he went out of his way to buy her a 25,000-yen doll.
** Even if it made him [[Blessed Withwith Suck]].
* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
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* [[Het Is Ew]]: Unless it's [[Brother-Sister Incest|her and Akihisa]].
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Lethal Chef]] -> [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: Her food won't kill you like Himeji's but still... certain ingredients make you wonder about taste.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: With her younger brother Akihisa -- she's [[The Ace|smart]] but [[Lethal Chef|can't cook]]; he's [[Idiot Hero|idiotic]] but [[Supreme Chef|can cook]].
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