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Belgariad/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Until late in Book 4.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Garion becomes frighteningly proficient with both weaponry and sorcery.
* [[Moses in Thethe Bulrushes]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]
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* [[Time Abyss]]: Easily the oldest living human at 7,000 years. Only the gods and a certain tree have any time on him.
* [[The Tramp]]: Wanders the world dressed as a vagabond.
* [[Underdressed for Thethe Occasion]]: Greets kings while dressed as a tramp.
* [[Wizard Beard]]
* [[Wizard Classic]]: In appearance if not necessarily attitude.
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* [[Intergenerational Friendship]]: With Garion. He's old enough to be the boy's father, yet their relationship is very much that of two good friends.
* [[The Lancer]]: To Garion.
* [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]]: At the beginning Durnik is just a Sendarian blacksmith in the company of a master thief, a competent warrior and two sorcerers. He become more and more prominent as the story goes along though.
* [[Power Glows]]: {{spoiler|His hammer in the second series.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger]]: To the Disciples of Aldur.}}
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* [[The Berserker]]: Barak's an unwilling heroic example. Apparently this kind of thing is common in Cherek warriors, even the ones who ''don't'' turn into bears.
* [[The Big Guy]]: He fullfills this role in ''Pawn of Prophecy''. In the later books he's [[The Hero]] of [[The Big Guy]] Band, doing his best to keep the likes of Hettar, Mandorallen, and Relg in line.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: Barak's "curse" is to turn into a bear when Garion {{spoiler|Heir to the long-empty throne of Riva and Overlord of the West by treaty}} is threatened. A rampaging, unstoppable bear. At first he thinks it's just a progressive ailment and attempts suicide, but once he gets filled in on the trigger conditions (i.e., his family is now the hereditary protectors of Garion's family), he contemplates tasteful ways to work it into his coat of arms. Who wouldn't want to advertise that?
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: With a sword in one hand and a battleaxe in the other.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]: Called "The Dreadful Bear" for a reason.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: A male version
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: A very good man in a fight, he's also very politically savvy, good at reading peoples' intentions, and has a philosophical way of looking at things.
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* [[Gentleman Thief]]
* [[Guile Hero]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: If he likes you, he's sarcastic. If he doesn't like you, he's sarcastic. If he's worried, he's sarcastic. If he's feeling fine, he's sarcastic. Only a few things ever break through his shell of smartassery.
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]
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* [[A -Cup Angst]]: Her related argument with an unsympathetic armorer is ''hilarious.''
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: With Garion to a truly hysterical degree.
* [[Bling of War]]: Wears gold armour to impress the troops. It's justified as the armour isn't meant to protect her and she's not going to do any fighting. It's solely for it's appearance.
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* [[Rousing Speech]]: She's damn good at this. In fact it's why she was born in the first place.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: [[In -Universe]] example. Dryad names always have an X in them, but hers seems to break the rule. In ''The Malloreon'' it's explained that it can also be spelled "Xe'Nedra."
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]: She's thrown some impressive ones.
* [[Tsundere]]: Ce'Nedra makes most anime Tsunderes look ''amateurish''. A good capsule description of her is "[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Asuka]], only having traded in all of her self-esteem issues for even more self-centeredness."
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::'''Sir Mandorallen, Baron of Vo Mandor'''
* [[Armour Is Useless]]: Averted so very hard. Mandorallen's armour is probably the only reason he's still alive.
* '''[[Badass|BADASS]]''': He slays lions with his bare hands. He attacks [[All Trolls Are Different|Algroth]] packs for fun. He threatens Tolnedran legions by himself. He refuses to fight an enraged [[Kill the God|Garion]]--because he doesn't want to hurt him. In a [[World of Badass]], Mandorallen manages to stand head and shoulders above the rest.
** [[Badass Normal]]: All that crazy stuff we just mentioned? He does it with no powers or supernatural aid of any kind.
* [[The Big Guy]]: The most archetypal example. In the Big [[Five-Man Band]] he's Big Squared.
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* [[Horny Vikings]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Runs his nation, leads his army, and commands his fleet. He's also very intelligent and does his best to keep abreast of world events and assist Belgarath.
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: Subverted. When Ce'Nedra demands the Alorn kings follow her, Anheg sides with the conservative Brand and does all the talking...in order to preemptively sabotage any arguments Brand might raise against her.
::'''Queen Islena of Cherek'''
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* [[Happily Married]]: By the end, and after an intervention from the Purpose of the Universe itself.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Merel appears to be a shallow, petty bitch. The "petty" and the "bitch" are right on the money, but there's more to her than meets the eye, and we see it as early as ''Pawn of Prophecy'' when she stands up to Anheg on Barak and Garion's behalf.
* [[Rape Asas Backstory]]: How her marriage with Barak started. She even locked the door and he knocked it down. No wonder she's incredibly spiteful to him at first.
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: In-story. Barak marries her, then finds out she's an incredibly shallow person.
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* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Regent for Life]]: Brand is part of a long line of Rivan Warders, who vowed to rule the island and protect the Orb until the Rivan King returned. Unlike his predecessors, Brand is actually able to give up this position.
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: Brand has very conservative values, particularly as regards women.
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* [[The Dragon]]: There are other contenders for the title of Torak's right-hand man, but Ctuchik is the most archetypal, running the Grolim priesthood and Cthol Murgos in his master's absence.
** [[Co-Dragons]]: Alongside Zedar and Urvon, though it's fairly obvious that he has primacy amongst the three.
** [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: Has no loyalty to Torak and plans to rule the world himself.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Ctuchik simply cannot grasp Belgarath's motivations for doing what he does.
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* [[Lack of Empathy]]: To the point where he doesn't even understand it.
* [[Lean and Mean]]: He's described as tall and cadaverous.
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: Never leaves Rak Cthol.
* [[Shadow Dictator]]: The real ruler of Cthol Murgos to hear Belgarath tell it, and yet many people (particularly in the West) aren't sure he even exists.
* [[Sinister Minister]]
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* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[Karma Houdini]]: 'Zakath did some pretty awful things that he's never punished for.
* [[Licked Byby the Dog|Licked By The Kitten]]: Zakath's pet [[Cute Kitten|Cute Kittens]] peg him as a [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]], an early indication that he's not the [[Complete Monster]] he's rumored to be.
* [[May-December Romance]]: With {{spoiler|Cyradis}}.
* [[Power Fist]]: Belgarath tells them not to kill anybody during the one battle. 'Zakath puts on a cestus and proceeds to smash it into the face of every man he rides past.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: His entire campaign against Cthol Murgos can be seen as this.
** [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]/[[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Plans to exterminate every single member of the Urga family--and possibly all of Cthol Murgos--because of what Taur Urgas made him do.
* [[Royal Rapier]]: Played with. 'Zakath is a trained fencer, and all his sword-fighting experience is with a rapier. Than Garion comes along and makes his [[BFS]] as [[One-Handed Zweihander|light as one]]...
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
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* [[Honorary Uncle]]: To Polgara (and Beldaran)
* [[Hooks and Crooks]]: Favours a hook in close-combat.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]/[[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Acts like a bastard because people expect it.
* [[The Lancer]]: To Belgarath
* [[Magi Babble]]: Beldin is the philosopher in the group, and his explanations tend towards the overly complex.
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* [[The Dragon]]: To Urvon
** [[Co-Dragons]]: Alongside Nahaz, who isn't under his dominion for long.
** [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: Intends to use Urvon as a [[Puppet King]] while he really rules Karanda.
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]
* [[Sinister Minister]]: Another Grolim.
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* [[Casting a Shadow]]: His face is concealed within inky shadows during his first appearance. They go where he does.
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Divine Onon Mortal)]]: Averted. Heck, Nahaz having consensual sex is still treated like rape given what happens to his partners.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Urvon
** [[Co-Dragons]]: Alongside Harakan; {{spoiler|One could argue he and Mordja are Co Dragons to the King of Hell}}.
** [[Dragon-in-Chief]]: Urvon is both insane and completely under Nahaz's domination, leaving the Demon Lord as the one who's really running the show.
** [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: To Urvon. He'll take his soul, the Orb, the Sardion, and dominion over the world in the name of his master.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: With Mordja
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
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* [[The Dragon]]: To Zandramas
** [[Co-Dragons]]: Alongside Naradas. {{spoiler|It could be argued that he and Nahaz are Co Dragons to the King of Hell}}.
** [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: He wants Zandramas' soul, the Sardion, and the Orb for the King of Hell.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: With Nahaz
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
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* [[Made of Evil]]
* [[Satan]]
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: Chained by UL at the moment of Creation.
* [[Take Over the World]]: Universe actually.
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