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Oh come on. [[Long Runner|You know]] [[The Simpsons (animation)|who these characters are...]]
Oh come on. [[Long Runner|You know]] [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}|who these characters are...]]
== The Simpson Family ==
* [[Badass Family]]: Even though they usually deal with their own individual problems, when they work together you ''will'' see this trope in its greatest affect.
** [[Badass Normal]]: They're just your typical everyday sitcom family, yet has established better feats than people in real life had.
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: In [[The Simpsons Game]], they all obtain superpowers that fit their characters while fighting entire corporations, video game characters, alien invasions, and {{spoiler|even '''GOD''' himself!}}
** [[Badass Adorable]]: Admit it, their idiocy can be endearing at times that you'd wish you were a part of them.
** [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: The Simpsons on your average day fight over the remote control. In their not-so-average days, the federal government of the United States of America. And win.
* [[Born Lucky]]: In-Universe, at least in the eyes of some people, most infamously Frank Grimes.
* [[Dysfunctional Family]]: Like you wouldn't believe.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: Depending on the plot or episode, the family changes their roles in this trope depending on the situation at hand, Bart and Homer are typically [[The Hero]]es though.
** [[The Hero]]: Bart or Homer<ref>Funny thing, Bart used to be the main character of the show until Homer proved to be popular enough to overshadow him.</ref>
** [[The Lancer]]: Bart or Marge for Homer, Lisa for Bart (and vice versa)
** [[The Big Guy]]: Homer, as he's appears to be the [[Stone Wall|toughest]] family member, also sometimes Bart to a lesser extent. Maggie, on the other hand, has done some of the more "hands on" work with {{spoiler|guys like Mr. Burns}}.
** [[The Smart Guy]]: Lisa, as she has the most common sense and the least personality flaws (barring a few occasions).
** [[The Chick]]: Marge and Lisa
** [[Team Pet]]: Santa's Little Helper and Snowball (II)
* [[Idiot Ball]]: Homer and (to a far lessor extent) Bart carry these the most, but even Marge and Lisa are guilty of this trope.
== Immediate Family ==
=== [[The Protagonist|Homer Jay Simpson]] ===
=== [[The Protagonist|Homer Jay Simpson]] ===
{{quote|"Lord help me, I'm just not that bright."|''Some Enchanted Evening''}}
{{quote| The father, the dope, and more or less the [[Main Character]] of the show. [[The Protagonist|Homer]] is overweight, almost completely bald, and rather selfish and stupid, but is a good person at heart and has a bright outlook on life. Voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]].}}
* [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Dad]]: Granted, even in his [[Jerkass]] characterization, he's less so than [[Family Guy|Peter Griffin]], but still. Though he's always [[Disproportionate Retribution|strangled Bart]].
** And then there's the original shorts, where he's almost as bad as Peter.
* [[Adult Child]]
* [[Angrish]]: Frequently lapses into this, whether he is justified or not.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: He's the king of this [[Trope]].
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type I, IV, or V]], [[Depending on the Writer|depending on the episode]].
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]
** Some of us can already hear in our heads the sound of [[The Protagonist|Homer]] uttering that EXACT''exact'' phrase.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: He once legally changed his name to Max Power.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Big Eater]]
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Big No]]: And yes, he presses his hands against his head.
* [[Born Lucky]]
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: He is more Falstaff than falstaff.
* [[Breakout Character]]: Originally, Bart was the main protagonist. But then Homer became the main protagonist.
* [[Bumbling Dad]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Even with all his [[Jerkass]] tendencies, you do feel sympathy for what he goes through at times.
* [[Catch Phrase]]:
{{quote| "''D'OH!!!!''"<br />
"Woo-hoo!"<br />
"Why, you little...!!!"<br />
"Mmm, [insert food here]..."<br />
"''[[Screams Like a Little Girl|AAAH!!]]''"<br />
"Bo-ring!" }}
* [[Charlie Brown Baldness]]
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: For all his flaws, he's the most loyal friend you can have, as he'll always help his friends with the problems of the today's episode they're facing. Hell, you don't even have to be a close friend of him to get his help, he'll surely help you even if he only met you just some moments ago. Even his enemies, like Mr. Burns or Selma, might get his aid if he's on a good mood.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Falls victim to this a lot.
* [[Convenience Store Gift Shopping]]: [[The Protagonist|Homer]] has a very bad habit of doing this sort of thing. It was justified in the episode ''"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire''", however, as he really didn't have any other option than to buy his family cheap Christmas gifts (including a dog toy for [[Brainy Baby|Maggie]]) because he really couldn't afford any regular gifts due to [[Big Bad|Mr. Burns]] denying his workers a Christmas bonus.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Strangling his son is a great example, as tempting as it is.
* [[The Ditz]]: Though considering he does his best to listen to Marge, one could argue that he isn’t truly stupid.
* [[The Ditz]]
** [[Genius Ditz]]: It turn out he can be a brillant [[Chessmaster]] against [[Big Bad|Mr. Burns]] in ''"C.E. D'oh''". "Check and mate" indeed.
*** He's also a gifted polyglot, capable of speaking even Penguin.
*** He's also quite a musician, capable of composing and playing many instruments. He even had two musical careers (when he was a member of the B-Sharps in the 1980s and when he was a member of Sadgasm in the 1990s). He also composed the hit single "Everybody Hates [[The Ace|Ned Flanders]]." It gained a following in Springfield and, when he co-produced with David Byrne, it became hit with many covers.
** He's an awful blackjack player, but he's so skilled at poker that he frequently wins without realizing it.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: He'll eat anything from fancy bathroom soaps ("The Front") to plastic lobsters ("New Kid on the Block") to dishwashing liquid ("[[Action Mom|Marge]] Gets a Job") to ''radioactive waste'' ("E-I-E-I-[Annoyed Grunt]" and "Hello Gutter, Hello, Fadder"), and on two separate occasions, has eaten live fish, and a live seal.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Homer's gluttony, depending on the episode, can be taken to extremes. This can range from Homer eating to the point of being bloated and watching his belly bulge out and obscure his view of his feet, to Homer deliberately gaining weight to push past 300 lbs so that he could avoid exercising at work and doing his job at home.
* [[Fat Idiot]]
* [[The Fool]]
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* [[Functional Addict]]: Depending on the writer
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Idiot Hero]]: He has shown signs of hidden intellect though.
* [[Informed Deformity]]: He is considered extremely fat and unfit. Actually he is only 239 lbs, and tall to start.
** [[Family Guy|Peter Griffin's]] got him beat. Even in the same universe, so do Comic Book Guy, Chief Wiggum ([[Hypocritical Humor|who actually had the nerve to call Homer fat]]), and Mayor Joe Quimby, for starters.
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*** Note that the stated examples came ''after'' repeated complaints of [[The Protagonist|Homer]] being such a [[Jerkass]]. Most likely an [[Author's Saving Throw]].
* [[Large Ham]]: Don't try to deny it!
* [[Lazy Husband]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: In the game version, he rolls around like a cannonball and hits like a truck with his ball powers. Not to mention he can charge at enemies with a great burst of speed.
* [[Loser Son of Loser Dad]]: Perhaps in part to the Simpson gene, which affects the Y chromosome.
* [[Mad Libs Catchphrase]]: "Mmmm, [blank]."
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* [[Mangled Catchphrase]]: "''Exactly.'' Heh, heh...D'oh!"
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Subverted in an episode when Homer is playing poker with Lenny, Carl and Moe at Lenny's house. He draws four cards and curses his bad hand, before poorly trying to bluff the other players. Lenny and Carl fold, but Moe knows that Homer is bluffing and calls. Homer then reveals that he has a straight flush, and Moe becomes so frustrated at Homer beating him that he ends up choking on his own rage. It looks as though Homer cleverly tricked Moe into playing the hand, but the next morning he tells the family that he didn't even realize he was winning.
* [[Obsessed with Food]]
* [[Omniglot]]: Has spoken German, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, a little bit of French (describes "Trash Night" as "La Nuit des Poubelles"), and [[Speaks Fluent Animal|penguin]]. No. Really.
{{quote| "I can understand food talk in any language."}}
* [[One of the Kids]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Call [[The Protagonist|Homer]] what you want, [[The Protagonist|Homer]] still cares about his kids. Willing to become a Helicopter Parent for them, steal chocolate eggs for his baby, throw a pie at a guy mocking [[Granola Girl|Lisa]].
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Call [[The Protagonist|Homer]] what you want, [[The Protagonist|Homer]] still cares about his kids. Willing to become a Helicopter Parent for them, steal chocolate eggs for his baby, throw a pie at a guy mocking [[Granola Girl|Lisa]].
** In regards to Lisa, he is also such a Papa Wolf that he'll even defend her honor against Marge. A notable of this was in the episode $pringfield, when, thanks to Marge's gambling addiction, she forgot to help Lisa with her costume (Nevada) for a school play despite promising to do so. Suffice to say, Homer was quite angered, to the extent that he drove over to the casino, located Marge, and then started shouting at her in nonsense before he shouts that he's angry because Marge broke a promise she made to her daughter.
** In regards to Lisa, he is also such a Papa Wolf that he'll even defend her honor against Marge. A notable of this was in the episode "$pringfield", when, thanks to Marge's gambling addiction, she forgot to help Lisa with her costume (Nevada) for a school play despite promising to do so. Suffice to say, Homer was quite angered, to the extent that he drove over to the casino, located Marge, and then started shouting at her in nonsense before he shouts that he's angry because Marge broke a promise she made to her daughter.
** [[Abusive Parents|Bart, whom he strangulates regularly as a running gag, however, is comparatively SOL.]] Even then, Homer spearheaded an effort to dig Bart out after Bart fell down a well, took some nasty physical punishment while disguised to be a battle-robot that Bart controlled, and forced crooked T-shirt manufacturer Goose Gladwell, who cheated Bart out of the ideas he'd come up with for T-shirt slogans, by threatening Goose with a ''portable nuclear fission reactor'' until Goose paid Bart the money he deserved.
** [[Abusive Parents|Bart, whom he strangulates regularly as a running gag, however, is comparatively SOL.]] Even then, Homer spearheaded an effort to dig Bart out after Bart fell down a well, took some nasty physical punishment while disguised to be a battle-robot that Bart controlled, and forced crooked T-shirt manufacturer Goose Gladwell, who cheated Bart out of the ideas he'd come up with for T-shirt slogans, by threatening Goose with a ''portable nuclear fission reactor'' until Goose paid Bart the money he deserved. Skinner also learns what happens if you [[Break the Haughty| toy with Bart's emotion just to see him broken mentally]] expert Homer to show up to help Bart get even.
* [[Perma Stubble]]
* [[Perma-Stubble]]
* [[The Protagonist]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: He drives a {{color|pink|pink}} Sedan.
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* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Manly Man to Ned's Sensitive Guy.
* [[The Slacker]]
* [[Stone Wall]]: He's not physically fit ''or'' able to fight efficiently, but his damage resistance is extremely high.
* [[Stout Strength]]: He isn't physically fit and he ''hates'' working out (he doesn't even know how to pronounce the word "gym"), but he's one of the physically strongest characters.
* [[Super Serum]]: Beer has this effect on him in at least one episode.
* [[Taking Advantage of Generosity]]: Especially when borrowing stuff from Flanders.
* [[Throw It In]]: "I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-''A''-R-T!" Castelleneta wasn't supposed to do that misspelling, but accidentally did so during the recordrecording. As he himself reasoned, though, "Well, I'm stupid."
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: Homer started out stupid, but not really more so than anyone else. [[Word of God]] admitted that he was made stupider with each passing season to try to outdo what came before and remain fresh. (This trend ended at the start of Season 13, where the writers made a conscious effort to make him smarter.)
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: post-[[Flanderization]]
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Early episodes, it was pork chops and doughnuts. Later episodes, it was just doughnuts, though [[The Protagonist|Homer's]] appetite doesn't discriminate (see [[Extreme Omnivore]]).
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: In the episode "Homer Goes to College," Homer is convinced his college experience will be exactly like the [[Wacky Fratboy Hijinx|party atmosphere]] college is often depicted as in [[Animal House|movies]], not realizing he's in a satire that thoroughly subverts the trope.
=== [[Action Mom|Marjorie "Marge" Simpson]] (née Bouvier) ===
{{quote|The mother and typically both [[The Straight Man]] and [[Closer to Earth]], Marge is predominantly a homemaker, but does have her wilder side. Loving and supportive, her devotion to her family may be strained at times but is never broken. Voiced by Julie Kavner.}}
=== [[Action Mom|Marjorie "Marge" Simpson]] (née Bouvier) ===
{{quote| The mother and typically both [[The Straight Man]] and [[Closer to Earth]], Marge is predominantly a homemaker, but does have her wilder side. Loving and supportive, her devotion to her family may be strained at times but is never broken. Voiced by Julie Kavner.}}
* [[Action Mom]]
* [[Beehive Hairdo]]
* [[Bottle Fairy]]: Occasionally, though she's normally more of a social drinker.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Hmmmmmm..."
* [[The Chick]]
* [[Closer to Earth]]: Though admitedly she is only sane ''in comparison'' to [[The Protagonist|Homer]] as seasons progress. In many cases [[Not So Above It All|even he is shocked at some of her actions]].
* [[The Comically Serious]]: Noted for her rather dull and no-risk demeanor, occasionally getting dizzy thrills out of monotonous activities like household chores (she does desire excitmentexcitement and diversity every once in a while however, which is revealed to be a partial reason she likes Homer).
* [[Education Mama]]: Especially with [[Anti-Hero|Bart]], she even home-schools him for a period of time.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: [[Action Mom|Marge]] seems to buy into this quite a lot.
* [[Flanderization]]
* [[Gag Boobs]]: She briefly had a case of this in "Large Marge" in which she was accidentally given breast implants. Amusingly the first gag about it comes from her, no less, in which she describes that her "maguppies became bazongas!"
* [[The Gambling Addict]]: In the episode where a casino is built in Springfield, Marge loses quite a fortune at the slots. Since then, her gambling is mostly under control, though it is mentioned every now and then.
* [[Gossipy Hens]]: She does love her gossip, like when [[Brainy Baby|Maggie's]] baby monitor picks up on phone calls, she becomes addicted to listening to it.
* [[Hairy Hammerspace Hair]]
* [[Happily Married]]: For most of the show's run.
* [[Hard-Drinking Party Girl]]: Occasionally, though she's normally more of a social drinker.
* [[Hazel Eyes]]
* [[Hikikomori]]: Spends a period like this in "Strong Arms of the Ma". She eventually overcame this after using the weight-lifting set Homer bought from Rainier Wolfcastle.
* [[Hot Mom]]: Not only are there many references in-universe to her being attractive, but she's actually appeared on the front cover of ''[[Playboy]]'' in [[Real Life]].
* [[Housewife]]
* [[Impossibly Low Neckline]]: Her regular dress. It's even commented on.
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* [[Progressively Prettier]]: Although [[Action Mom|Marge's]] appearance hasn't changed, how attractive she is stated to be has changed from housewife to centerfold.
** Also present in the original Tracy Ulman show shorts. Marge started out as quite dumpy, but quickly began slimming down.
* [[Series Continuity Error]]: During the episode ''"The Blue and the Gray" Marge is shocked to see gray hairs in her blue hair, even though it was established seasons before that her natural hair is gray and that she dyes it blue. [[Word of God|The writers then make her hairstylist explain her blue hair dye causes partial memory damage]].
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: More pronounced as of recent, although it's understandable considering [[The Protagonist|Homer's]] increasing [[Jerkass|Jerkassness]].
* [[Talking to Himself|Talking To Herself]]: [[Action Mom|Marge's]] voice actress (Julie Kavner) also voices [[Action Mom|Marge's]] sisters, Patty and Selma, and Marge's mom, Jackie.
* [[The Voiceless]]: In the episode ''"Krusty Gets Kancelled''".
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Hot Wife to Homer's Ugly Guy.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== [[Anti-Hero|Bartholomew "Bart" Jo-Jo Simpson]] ===
{{quote| The original [[The Protagonist|protagonist]] of the show in early seasons, a self-professed hellion and mischief-making little punk, though not incapable of good things for the right reason. Voiced by [[Nancy Cartwright]].}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type III/IV --> Type V]]
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Sideshow Bob and Doctor Demento.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]
* [[Attention Whore]]: Many of his pranks are merely for recognition or approval from his friends.
** May stem from the fact that when he started school he was taught by the current lunch lady who constantly told him he was a failure. When this was brought to his parent’s attention they completely ignored it and instead brought Lisa a saxophone.
* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]: Cowabunga: Although [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] admittedly said it twice in early seasons, it was far from a [[Catch Phrase]].
** The reason people think it's a [[Catch Phrase]] is because lots of merchandise has him saying it. This is reflected in the DVD commentaries now and then. In fact, on the commentary for "[[Anti-Hero|Bart]] Gets an F," the writers actually express surprise when he does say it - thinking they never had him say it at all.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Severely injure Santa's Little Helper, and he certainly would have a good enough reason for wanting to severely injure the person who did it.
** Bart puts up with a ''lot'' under the appalling conditions at Kamp Krusty, making it through the day with firm belief that "[[Madness Mantra|Krusty is coming]]". When it becomes clear that Krusty ''isn't'' coming, Bart channels [[Apocalypse Now|Colonel Kurtz]] and takes over the camp.
{{quote| '''Bart''': All right, that's it! I've been scorched by Krusty before! I got a rapid heartbeat from those [[Continuity Nod|Krusty Brand vitamins]], my Krusty calculator didn't have a 7 or an 8, and Krusty's autobiography was [[Murder Arson and Jaywalking|self-serving with]] [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|many glaring omissions]]... but this time he's gone too far! }}
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]: Or at the very least Anti-Heroic.
* [[Book Dumb]]
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* [[Butt Monkey]] / [[The Chew Toy]]: Not as much as Homer, but he still attracts a lot of slapstick.
* [[Catch Phrase]]
{{quote| "Eat my shorts!"<br />
"Don't have a cow, man."<br />
"I'm [[Anti-Hero|Bart Simpson]]. Who the hell are you?"<br />
"Get bent"<br />
"[[Gratuitous Spanish|¡Ay, caramba!]]" (That last bit was actually his first words, in fact) }}
* [[Class Clown]]
* [[Clueless Chick Magnet]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Easily one of the snarkiest characters on the show, with the exception of Comic Book Guy.
* [[Dumb Blonde]]
* [[Enfant Terrible]]
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** On that note, he also defended her on at least one occasion. One notable occasion being when [[The Ace|Ned Flanders]] went into a total breakdown in regards to what happened and lashed out at everyone, and tried to defend her telling [[The Ace|Ned]] to back off. Later leads into an [[Even Evil Has Standards]] moment below.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: There are some things that even [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] won't do, such as stealing from church collection plates. One episode has him expressing worry that he's turning into a criminal when all he really wants to be is a petty thug.
** Also hurting animals, at least above insects. He genuinely loves and cares for his dog, as well as his once-pet elephant Stampy and at one time a horse he owned. Then there was the time he not only refused to shoot a bird, but when he accidentally did shoot it much to his horror, he raised the bird's eggs by himself. So, [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] can be a [[Jerkass]] to people, but he will NEVER''never'' be one to animals.
** Also, after trying to defend [[Action Mom|Marge]] from a breaking down [[The Ace|Ned Flanders]], Flanders eventually started violently tearing him down, and even suggested a new [[Catch Phrase]] when he is an adult: "Hey, buddy! Got a quarter?!". [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] even states that he is "both shocked and apalledappalled" at [[The Ace|Ned's]] statement.
** Also, when [[The Protagonist|Homer]] had him doing a grease racketing job, and [[The Protagonist|Homer]] was shoveling the grease into the back of [[Anti-Hero|Marge's]] car (without any containers), [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] objects and says "Mom's going to kill you!"
** He absolutely hates it when someone severely injures his pet dog, and had [[Big Bad|Mr. Burns]] not happened to have brought his gun, he certainly would have attempted to brutally beat him up when he arrived at the town meeting discussing [[Big Bad|Mr. Burns's]] vile behavior.
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: The foolish to Lisa's responsible.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: He showed a lot of creavitycreativity when he first started school, but was beaten down by the teachers and written off as a failure for not conforming to standards. ''When he was 5''. This is probably why he is [[Book Dumb]] and a [[Class Clown]].
** [[Abusive Parents|His father could also count.]]
*** Repeatedly being told you were never wanted does that to you
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* [[Momma's Boy]]: There is an episode where he briefly flirts with becoming one, but [[Action Mom|Marge]] realizes that she doesn't want that kind of relationship with him.
* [[Mouthy Kid]]
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] experiences this [[Trope]] whenever he realizes that one of his stunts has gone too far.
* [[Naughty Is Good]]
* [[Omniglot]]: Has spoken French, Vietnamese ("Mau! Di di mau!"), Japanese, and Spanish ("[[Catch Phrase|¡Ay, caramba!]]").
** In fact, he once learned fluent Spanish [[Wrong Genre Savvy|during a plane trip to Brazil]].
* [[Out of Focus]]: Still a [[Main Character]], but was THE''the'' [[Main Character]] early on.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: At the end of the 500th episode, {{spoiler|when Skinner's been forgotten in Springfield, Bart comes to get him on a wooden helicopter bike. Sure, Skinner hits the Jebediah statue and both of the nuclear plant's pylons (or whatever), but it was still pretty nice of Bart.}}
* [[Screwy Squirrel]]: [[Anti-Hero|Bart]] enjoys pulling pranks on authority figures ranging from the town priest to his teacher and principal to his own father. That said, he's more interested in driving these same authority figures nuts rather than causing any genuine harm.
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* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Not a full-blown example, but when Lisa started showing interest in Nelson, Bart did stick up for Milhouse.
* [[Taking Advantage of Generosity]]
* [[Totally Radical]]: During the early years of the show. He actually did say "Cowabunga" a couple of times.
* [[Troublemaker Hero]]: Whenever there is an episode focused on him, it mainly involves Bart making mischievous schemes.
* [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] / [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: Sometimes when he does something with the legitimate intent of helping someone "chill out", it backfires. A notable instance was when he got Mrs. Krabappel fired when he and the other students attempted to get her to become cooled down by spiking her drink with alcohol, because of Bart's experiences with his dad.
=== [[Granola Girl|Lisa Marie Simpson]] ===
The smart one and the middle child, Lisa is both a bookworm and something of the "hippie" of the family. Her intelligence, as seasons roll on, can sometimes make her into an annoying know-it-all. Has trouble fitting in with other kids her age. Voiced by Yeardley Smith.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Lisa include:}}
=== [[Granola Girl|Lisa Marie Simpson]] ===
{{quote| The smart one and the middle child, Lisa is both a bookworm and something of the "hippie" of the family. Her intelligence, as seasons roll on, can sometimes make her into an annoying know-it-all. Has trouble fitting in with other kids her age. Voiced by Yeardley Smith.}}
* [[All Girls Like Ponies]]: So much
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: [[Puppy Love|She had a crush on Nelson]] once, [[First Kiss|and he was her first kiss]].
** Parodied in one episode where she reveals her crush on a boy who works at the library. His "bad boy" behavior is pretty much limited to being annoyed at people who confuse the juvenile and young adult sections.
{{quote| '''Lisa:''' Ooooh...if only someone could tame him...}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type II]]
* [[Author Avatar]]
* [[Bi the Way]]: During "Holidays of Future Passed", she's shown in the family picture having been with three different women.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: In her original form, she was almost as childish and mischieveousmischievous as Bart. Toned down as [[Divergent Character Evolution]] kicked in, though she still has her moments.
* [[Bob Haircut]]: Gets this hairstyle, complete with dyeing her hair {{color|brown|brown}}, in the subplot of "To Surveil With Love".
* [[Catch Phrase]]: [[Granola Girl|Lisa]] didn't have a [[Catch Phrase]] since the beginning of the show until she said "If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room.", which is said in the end of the episode "[[Anti-Hero|Bart]] Gets Famous". [[Granola Girl|Lisa]] also said this in "[[Granola Girl|Lisa]] the Vegetarian", "Grift of the Magi", and "Dude, Where's My Ranch?".
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* [[Daddy's Girl]]: She's probably the only one of Homer's kids whom he makes a conscious effort to be a good father to. In addition, if anyone, even his wife, somehow hurts her in some way, he gets [[Papa Wolf|intensely angry]].
** It is implied that Lisa was neglected by Homer as a baby, when Homer observes some old videos of him completely ignoring her early talents, he is driven to tears in guilt.
* [[Dumb Is Good]]: Averted, as she is easily the nicest character on the show.
** She does however have occasional moments of [[Small Name, Big Ego|imense arrogance]] and vindictiveness fueled by her intellect (and her obvious awareness of it) to remind us she's [[Not So Above It All]].
* [[Divergent Character Evolution]]: [[Granola Girl|Lisa]] started out more or less as a [[Distaff Counterpart]] of [[Anti-Hero|Bart]].
Line 246 ⟶ 261:
* [[Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling]]: The responsible to Bart's foolish.
* [[Granola Girl]]
* [[I Can't Dance]]: She eventually mastered jazz dancing, but she's terrible at tap and ballet.
* [[Innocent Prodigy]]: Usually rather level headed and one of the most intelligent people in Springfield, however her brattiness and childlike naivenaivete perkspops up many times, especially where her [[Sibling Rivalry]] with Bart is involved.
* [[Intelligence Equals Isolation]]
* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff| Japan Loves Lisa]]: Lisa actually has a fan-based in Japan. Considering that Lisa takes her education very serious, many in Japan can relate to her. She’s also a Buddhist, which it’s the second most common religion in Japan, just behind Shinto.
* [[Jerkass]]: Has moderated but profound moments of this trope. She calls Bart's friend Andy a "loser" even AFTER''after'' he gets to write for Krusty.
** A lot of the things Lisa does is just so she can be praised which could tie in well with Bart being an [[Attention Whore]]. In fact she is a bigger one then Bart. Bart’s problem was difficult so it was ignored yet all they needed to do for Lisa was buy her stuff and praise her success. You’ll notice from "The PTA Disbands" and “The Joy of Sect” that if she is not given constant positive reinforcement she goes insane. "[[Money BART]]MoneyBART" has shown us that she is not above taking attention away from Bart himself.
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]
* [[The Messiah]]: The ''closest'' equivalent the [[Crapsack World]] of Matt Groening has, anyway.
Line 257 ⟶ 272:
* [[Mouthy Kid]]
* [[Mr. Exposition|Miss Exposition]]
{{quote| '''[[Granola Girl|Lisa]]:''' Dad! The flash [of the camera] must have scrambled [the robots'] circuits!<br />
'''[[The Protagonist|Homer]]:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|What are you, the narrator?]]<br />
'''[[Granola Girl|Lisa]]:''' Aah, just keep taking pictures. }}
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Lisa is willing to bend the rules, but only if she comes to that conclusion by herself. If someone tells her to lie, cheat, or even just conceal the truth, she will refuse, even if lying, cheating or concealing the truth would be to everyone's advantage.
* [[Not So Above It All]]: Though often priding herself on her intelligence and stoicism, she is still a kid and enjoys some of the same things as Bart (such as Itchy & Scratchy or prank-calling Moe). And as noted above, she is not above bending the rules completely.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Albeit with frequent [[Not So Above It All]] moments.
* [[Positive Discrimination]]: She is intelligent and Good, while Bart is a [[Jerkass]] and Dumb. There are occasional aversions to this however (see above).
* [[Proud to Be a Geek]]: Though she may lapse depending on the episode.
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Snap Back]]: Averted. The only way to get [[Paul McCartney]] on the show was to promise him that Lisa would stay a vegetarian forever.
* [[Soapbox Sadie]]
* [[The Stool Pigeon]]: Lisa is this in "Bart the Daredevil", "My Pods and Broomsticks", and in "22 Short Films About Springfield" when she told the Tall Guy who drove his car where Nelson is hiding after his "[[Catch Phrase|HA-HA]]" backfired on him.
{{quote| '''Lisa''': He's down there.<br />
'''Nelson''': [[Oh Crap|Crud!]] }}
* [[Smug Snake]]: On her bad days.
* [[Too Clever by Half]]: Frequently done. Lisa is a genius, but occasionally arrogant and misguided about it, not to mention lives in quite the [[Crapsack World]].
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: [[Played for Laughs]] in "[[Anti-Hero|Bart]] of Darkness"; the Simpsons get a pool, and [[Granola Girl|Lisa]] gains popularity among the kids of Springfield. Her intelligence fortunately comes back.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: For a while in the later seasons [[Granola Girl|Lisa]] could be quite rude and pushy about her beliefs. Recent seasons have mostly fixed this by having Lisa focus on self-improvement and making friends instead of political activism.
* [[Vague Age]]: In "[[Granola Girl|Lisa]] the Beauty Queen":
{{quote| '''[[The Protagonist|Homer]]:''' [[Granola Girl|Lisa's]] aged 7 to 9!}}
* [[Veganism and Vegetarianism]]: Lisa Simpson became a vegetarian during ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' season 7 episode "Lisa the Vegetarian" (the one with [[Paul McCartney]] as a guest-star), and the same episode showed that Apu had always been vegetarian. Unlike [[Negative Continuity|most changes on ''The Simpsons'']], this one to Lisa's diet stuck.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]
=== [[Brainy Baby|Margaret "Maggie" Simpson]] ===
{{quote| The youngest of the children. Typically a marginal figure, but does get her share of scenes. {{spoiler|Most famous for turning out to have accidentally shot Mr. Burns in the series' first two-parter episode.}} Voiced by [[Elizabeth Taylor]], [[Jodie Foster]], [[James Earl Jones]], [[Nancy Cartwright]], and [[Yeardley Smith]].}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV, as demonstrated with her competence with firearms and occasional similarities to [[A Clockwork Orange (film)|Alex DeLarge]].
Line 290 ⟶ 306:
* [[Brainy Baby]]: Numerous episodes have implied she's very smart for her age. She may be more intelligent than the rest of the family. Yes, even Lisa, as demonstrated when two-year-old Maggie effortlessly played her sax.
* [[Daddy's Girl]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: When she saw Itchy bonk Scratchy on the head with a mallet, she did the same thing to Homer. The blow knocked him out cold.
* [[Enfant Terrible]]
* [[Kid Hero]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: For an infant, she sure knows her way around a firearm. And then there was the time she knocked Homer unconscious by bonking him on the head with a mallet.
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: Her pacifier.
* [[Silent Snarker]]
Line 299 ⟶ 315:
* [[The Speechless]]: {{spoiler|1=Until her [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm6gGgQOD9o first word.]}}
* [[The Voiceless]]
** {{spoiler|Additionally, even in parts of episodes where the characters are shown older, Maggie still hasn't been shown tto talk.}}
== Extended Family ==
=== [[Shell Shocked Senior|Grampa Abraham "Abe" Simpson]] ===
{{quote| Homer's elderyelderly, cranky, senile father, a seargentsergeant in [[WW 2]]. For all Homer's failures as a father-figure, ''his'' father has proven he was worse. Voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]].}}
* [[Abusive Parents]]: There's at least one flashback that shows him strangling young Homer just like Homer now does to Bart.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: It turns out he's a [[World War II]] veteran and his stories about his fighting days are generally true. It resurfaces when Burns threatens Bart.
* [[Berserk Button]]: For god's sake, ''don't attempt to threaten any members of his family'' when he’s around. Just ask Mr. Burns, even he’s fair game.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Is often ignored, treated with contempt, and otherwise left to rot at the nursing home by his own son.
** [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Considering how he raised him, this may be justified.]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Partly due to his senile disposition, though he seems on par with most other Simpsons.
* [[December-December Romance]]: Has had several, with [[Action Mom|Marge's]] mom, Beatrice, and a hoochie dancer named Zelda.
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: "I was once the handsomest man in Buffalo!"
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: At times, particularly in his younger days, despite being a gruff, uniteresteduninterested father figure, he did dress up as Santa Claus for Christmas to cheer up Homer, and sold his house in order to allow Homer and Marge to buy a place of their own.
* [[May-December Romance]]: Is briefly married to [[Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places|Selma]], but they eventually realize it won't work and get divorced.
* [[The Munchausen]]
** Although there is the occasional implication that his rambling and nonsensical stories are ''actually true.'' There is also at least one implication that he is actually aware that he is rambling nonsense, but does it anyways because he thinks his grandkids don't actually pay attention to his stories anyways.
{{quote| "You mean I have to think of an ending to this nonsense?!"}}
* [[Grandparental Obliviousness|Oblivious Grandparent]]
* [[Senior Sleep Cycle]]
* [[Rambling Old Man Monologue]]: "So I tied an onion to my belt. Which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Now where was I... Oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time. You couldn't get white onions...."
** Actually parodied twice: The first was in ''"Double, Double, Boy In Trouble''", where in the middle of Grampa's ramble, "Bart" (actually Simon Woosterfield) exclaims shock and pride that Grampa shot a buffalo. Grampa then turns around and expresses shock that "Bart" was even listening to his ramble, and complains about now having to find an ending to his nonsense. The second is after Homer saves his life from an ax-crazy humanitarian journalist trying to kill him, and rewards Homer with the opportunity to have his "first ramble," indicating that its a family tradition to have the Simpson Male's do rambling.
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!]]
* [[Shell Shocked Senior]]
Line 331 ⟶ 348:
** To make it especially confusing, in one episode, Mayor Quimby is trying to determine the oldest person in town by having everyone stand up and then sit down when Quimby calls out a number greater than their age. At about eighty, Grampa sits down, and then at ninety, ''he stands up again.''
** One episode says he's 83.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: [[The Protagonist|Homer]] is suggested to be scarred by [[Shell Shocked Senior|Abe's]] [[Abusive Parent|Abusive Parenting]] (which is portrayed as eeringlyeerily similar to [[He Who Fights Monsters|Homer's own treatment of Bart]]). In turn [[The Protagonist|Homer]] stuffed him in a nursing home at the first call and often attempts to ignore his existence. They do get genuine moments of bonding at times however.
* [[When I Was Your Age]]: He loves these
=== [[Cool Old Lady|Grandma Mona Simpson]] ===
{{quote| A militant hippie in her youth, she had to leave Homer and her husband alike when Homer was young because she made an enemy of Mr. Burns and fled into the hippy underground. Sincerely loves her family, and desperately wants to be with them. Dies in her third appearance. Voiced by Glenn Close, Maggie Roswell, [[Tress MacNeille]] and Pamela Hayden.}}
* [[Cool Old Lady]]
Line 346 ⟶ 363:
** Although there is an episode where it implies she was negligent towards Homer when she was around.
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Voiced by ''four'' actresses in various appearances.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: A meta example. "Mother Simpson" aired during the seventh season and averting the trope was the initial impetus to producing the episode. Showrunners Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein admitted surprise that in all those years the status of Homer's mother had never been given on-screen.
=== Patricia "Patty" and Selma Bouvier ===
{{quote|Marge's twin sisters, addicted to smoking and notoriously crabby. Both dislike Homer intensely, and neither of them is interested in the male gender itself much (so much so that it is eventually revealed that {{spoiler|Patty is a lesbian}}), though Selma does want to have a child. Voiced by Julie Kavner.}}
{{quote| Marge's twin sisters, addicted to smoking and notoriously crabby. Both dislike Homer intensely, and neither of them is interested in the male gender itself much (so much so that it is eventually revealed that {{spoiler|Patty is a lesbian}}), though Selma does want to have a child. Voiced by Julie Kavner.}}
* [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male]]: Especially where Homer is concerned.
* [[The Beard]]: Selma is this to Troy McClure for a period of time. {{spoiler|She divorces him when he tries to have a baby with her, saying she couldn't bring a child into a loveless marriage.}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Be kind to [[MacGyver]] in their presence or pay the price.
* [[Covert Pervert]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
Line 367 ⟶ 384:
* [[Jerkass]]: Both but Patty is by a long shot the most embittered and spiteful of the two.
** They tried [[Moral Event Horizon|to ''murder'' Homer Simpson.]]
* [[Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places]]: Selma has about 4four or 5five failed marriages under her belt. Patty is a subversion in that, while she occasionally laments being the only single girl left in the family, when she sees Homer stuffing his face full of hors d'oeuvres she realizes that it could be worse.
* [[Obnoxious In-Laws]]
* [[Maiden Aunt]]: Both embody the "bitter spinster" archetype to a T.
Line 383 ⟶ 400:
=== Snowball II ===
{{quote| Lisa's pet cat.}}
* [[Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal]]: She only wears a collar and she doesn't even wear one all the time.
* [[Female Feline, Male Mutt]]: The female cat.
* [[Furry Confusion]]: When she and Scratchy show up together in ''"[[Treehouse of Horror]]''" IX segment, "The Terror of Tiny Toon."
* [[Humanoid Female Animal]]: Inverted to the point of [[Furry Confusion]] when she and Scratchy show up together in ''"[[Treehouse of Horror]] IX''" segment, "The Terror of Tiny Toon."
* [[Legacy Character]]: As the name implies, she replaced the original, white [[Posthumous Character|Snowball]], who was run over by a car. {{spoiler|And then she herself was replaced after being run over, with the replacements being run over too. The newest cat(Snowball V) was simply called Snowball II [[Lampshade Hanging|to save money on changing the food bowl]]}}.
=== Santa's Little Helper ===
{{quote| Bart's pet, a grayhoundgreyhound abandoned one christmasChristmas due to his never winning any races. Though Homer had just lost a bundle betting on him instead of the dog that Barney tipped him off to bet on, Bart took such a shine to him that Homer brought him home and the family adopted him. Once ran away and was taken in as Mr Burns' new guard dog, while another prominent interact with Mr. Burns was when he ended up purchasing the 22 pups he had fathered on a champion racing female greyhound, which all turned out to be world champions. As a result, Mr Burns can remember Santa's Little Helper, but not Homer.}}
* [[A Dog Ate My Homework]]: Santa's Little Helper does this once, much to Bart's surprise.
* [[Canine Companion]]
* [[Cone of Shame]]: Comes with doggiedoggy-wheelchair.
* [[Dogs Are Dumb]]: It varies.
* [[Female Feline, Male Mutt]]: The male dog.
Line 411 ⟶ 428:
{{quote| The nice guy next door neighbor to the Simpson family. Originally, Ned was just a "better American" than Homer, being affable, polite, intellectual, friendly, and sincerely religious. As the seasons went on, his "sweetness" and his religiosity grew until he became a byword for fanatical religious faith and doormat-like pleasantry. His being a doormat in the name of being nice to others faded. The religious zeal, however, remains. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[The Ace]]
Line 421 ⟶ 438:
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Hidely ho!"
* [[Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales| Conservatives Love Flanders]]: Though meant to be as a mockery, Flanders actually ended up having a fan-basedfanbase among conservative groups.
* [[Flanderization]]: [[Trope Namer]].
* [[The Fundamentalist]]
* [[Gag Penis]]: Shown in a dating tape Homer made to show Ned off to women. Ned was also upset with Homer for doing so (as well as publicallypublicly displaying his social security number).
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: The episode ''"Hurricane Neddy''" shows exactly what happens when Ned Flanders' breaking point is reached in terms of his sanity, as well as what caused his mannerisms.
** Also, in the episode ''"Home Away from Homer''", as soon as he realizes that not only were two college girls taking advantage of his kindness by renting out one of his rooms for them by making a softcore webcam series, but also that the entirety of Springfield mocked him behind his back and took advantage of his kindness despite his attempts at being a very kind neighbor to them, he undergoes a very deep depression, to the extent that he actually decides to go to a place in Pennsylvania that made Humble Figurines despite earlier having a belief that he shouldn't move to places based on logos.
* [[Hippie Parents]]: Or Beatnik, in this case
* [[Knight Templar]]: When it involves something he takes a religious stance about, he is unshakable in pursuing his goal.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Lampshaded by Homer: "I'm a big four eyed lame-o and I wear the same stupid sweater everyday...".
* [[The Messiah]] / [[Only Sane Man]]: Alongside Lisa Simpson, he is probably one of the few Springfielders who is not amoral or terrible.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Well before his Christian background was established, Ned was simply the nice guy that lived next door.
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: He does attempt to follow the Christian faith and be a kind neighbor, even renting out his room to people who need it. Unfortunately for him, many of the people of Springfield have a tendency to take advantage of his kindness and make it even worse. This eventually reached a breaking point when, after he allowed some college girls to rent out one of the guest rooms in his house, they ended up repaying his kindness by filming a softcore webcam video called "sexy slumber party" without Ned's knowledge, and Homer also leaked this to every single person in the town, to the extent that, when Ned Flanders ousts the college girls out of the room upon finding out about this, they cheer the girls on, thus shocking him about how all this time, the townspeople actually mock him behind his back.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Ned looks around Homer's age, but he's actually ''sixty years old''.
** How does he retain his youthful appearance? By following the "three Cs" -- '''c'''lean living, '''c'''hewing thoroughly, and a daily dose of vitamin '''c'''hurch.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Parodied in the episode ''"Homer to the Max''".
{{quote| '''Homer:''' Networks like animation 'cause they don't have to pay the actors squat!<br />
'''Ned:''' ''(voiced by [[Karl Wiedergott]])'' Plus, they can replace them, and no one can tell the diddley-ifference! }}
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: Orders satellite TV, only to have ALL''all'' the channels locked out.
** It's Justified, however, when one remembers when, after Bart, Lisa, and Maggie were placed in the Flanders home and watched an ''Itchy and Scratchy'' cartoon, even seeing the cartoon was more than enough to mentally scar Rod and Todd.
** Another episode deals with Marge babysitting them repeatedly and seeing how ridiculously over-protective he is, with Ned admitting that he's afraid of losing them because they're all he has after Maude's death.
** That said, he was willing to hire Lisa, even after or maybe because Her disastrous job looking after Bart.
* [[Pals with Jesus]]: Even though his religious zeal didn't develop until later seasons, even the early seasons had Ned being in obvious favor with [[God]], to the point that politely stating skyward "It's me, Ned" had his golfballgolf ball suddenly jolt forward to give him a hole-in-one and he once called down a lightning bolt with a prayer to God to save Todd, after which God gave him the "OK" hand sign and told him it was no problem.
* [[Parting Words Regret]]: "I can't believe my last words to (Maude) were 'no footlongs.'" [[It Makes Sense in Context]].
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: ''"Hurricane Neddy''" has one. Well, for Flanders, anyway.
* [[Rage Breaking Point]]
* [[Ridiculous Procrastinator]]: Inverted: He manages to start, and finish, his tax returns as early as New Years Day, which is exactly 105-106 days (depending on whether the year is a leap year or not) before the last day ofto file taxes (April 15th). It should also be noted that he is the only one, or at least one of the few, Springfielders to actually deliver their taxes before the deadline, as the episode that revealed this also had what is implied to be everyone in Springfield rushing to the Post Office to get their Taxtax Returnsreturns in at the last possible moment.
* [[Screams Like a Little Girl]]: Sings like one, too, [[Squick|which Bart finds very disturbing]].
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Sensitive Guy to Homer's Manly Man.
Line 454 ⟶ 471:
* [[Strawman Political]]: In later episodes. It's justified, however, when you take into account that a few times, his attempts at being a good neighbor often result in his good nature being exploited.
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: [[Trope Namer|Is it any wonder?]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: By the episode ''"The Squirt and the Whale''", Ned has officially stopped taking crap from Homer.
* [[Verbal Tic|Ver-diddly-erbal Tic]]
Line 460 ⟶ 477:
{{quote| Ned's wife, who he doted upon, until a horrific freak accident killed her. Voiced by Maggie Roswell.}}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: See below.
Line 468 ⟶ 485:
* [[Nice Guy|Nice Gal]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: After Roswell left, Marcia Mitzman-Gaven took over for what would be Maude's remaining episodes.
* [[Out-of-Character Moment]]: She's not all that nice when she's not around her family. Why, when Marge made her own franchise around pretzels (with Homer's indirect help by hiring Fat Tony and his croneyscronies to stop all other businesses behind her back), she and the other women hired ''[[Yakuza]]'' to stop her. It didn't work, apparently, and everything was forgotten about that incident.
=== Rod and Todd Flanders ===
Ned's two children, innocent to the point of being naive due to their upbringing and easily misled by the more worldly Bart. Voiced by Pamela Hayden and [[Nancy Cartwright]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Rod and Todd include:}}
{{quote| Ned's two children, innocent to the point of being naive due to their upbringing and easily misled by the more worldly Bart. Voiced by Pamela Hayden and [[Nancy Cartwright]].}}
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]
** Lampshaded by Bart when he got them to tell Ned they were gay.
Line 480 ⟶ 496:
* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[Children Are Innocent]]
* [[Everyone Has Standards| Rod and Todd Flanders HasHave Standards]]: While they are just as god-fearing like their dad, Ned, they do draw the line on some of his actions. In "You Kent Always Say What You Want", they thought Ned's demands of having Kent Brockman punished for his [[Precision F-Strike| words]] while interviewing Homer pushing it. They forgive Brockman for the incident, unlike Ned.
=== Hans Moleman ===
{{quote|A dwarfish, heavily wrinkled elderly man with thick glasses and terrible luck, who repeatedly shows up in the series. Voiced by: [[Dan Castellaneta]]}}
{{quote| A dwarfish, heavily wrinkled elderly man with thick glasses and terrible luck, who repeatedly shows up in the series. Voiced by: [[Dan Castellaneta]]}}
* [[Back From the Dead]]: He died many times, yet he still returns.
Line 494 ⟶ 509:
* [[Off-Model]]: Some episodes have Moleman with yellow skin; others with brown
* [[Shout-Out]]: In his first appearance in season 2's "Principal Charming", Moleman was actually called Ralph Melish (as seen on his driver license). The latter is a reference to Monty Python.
* [[Sword Cane]]: "You call that a knife? ''[[BFSBig Freaking Sword|This]]'' is a knife. [[Butt Monkey|Whoooa, down I go.]]"
* [[They Killed Kenny]]
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: In season four's "Duffless," Moleman reveals that he's 31 years old, despite looking like an old man. The reason: {{spoiler|Moleman's an alcoholic}}. Thanks to [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity]], Moleman's age has been projected to be at least in the ballpark of 80 and above (although one episode still hinted at the younger than they look trope when Moleman was doing a wheelbarrow race with his Dad at the Springfield Retirement Castle).
=== Ruth Powers ===
{{quote| Voiced by: Pamela Reed}}
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Hikikomori]]
* [[Hot Mom]]
* [[Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places]]: Implied, at least.
Line 510 ⟶ 525:
=== Laura Powers ===
{{quote| Voiced by: Sara Gilbert}}
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: To Jimbo Jones until she breaks up with him thanks to Bart's crank call.
Line 516 ⟶ 531:
=== Barney Gumble ===
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Dan Castellaneta]]}}
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Was arguably worse than Homer early on. He has tried to overcome it, but does relapse now and then.
* [[Alcohol-Induced Idiocy]]: As expected, he's done a few acts that can be attributed to this.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Sort of. His famous belch.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely|He Cleans Up Nicely]]: His hair is neater when he isn't drinking.
* [[The Ditz]]: Justified, as he's usually drunk.
* [[Fat Best Friend]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He's often shown to be artistically talented, skilled asat drawing, and at one point even putting together an artistic short film.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: Went streaking at the Springfield High School senior prom in 1974.
* [[Off the Wagon]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: There was a time when he was Homer's best and most frequently seen friend.
Line 533 ⟶ 548:
* [[Status Quo Is God]]: In a rare subversion on the show, Barney sobered up in season 11 and stays that way for several seasons.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Once charged a tab to Mr. Burns. He later woke up in a landfill.
{{quote| "Yeah, but it was worth it."}}
* [[Trash of the Titans]]: His apartment is such a mess that he can't find his dog.
{{quote| "He's in here somewhere."}}
=== Cletus Spuckler ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: In [[The Simpsons Game| the game]], the aliens found this by having him [[Anal Probing| probed]]
{{Quote| '''Cletus''': But, I Ain’tain’t going nowheres. Those Greengreen fellas started a feud that won’t be over until I poke something in their bullet holes.
'''Homer''': Gross but fair}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
Line 546 ⟶ 561:
=== Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns ===
{{quote| An extremely elderly man (over one hundred years ago by the more recent seasons, though in the earliest seasons he was only in his eighties) and the corrupt, malevolent owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Always has his eyes on the greatest profit to himself. Voiced by Christopher Collins [aka Chris Latta] (1989-90); [[Harry Shearer]] (1990-present).}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: [[Depending on the Writer|Sometimes]].
Line 586 ⟶ 601:
[[File:smithers_123_2405.jpg|frame| Yes, Mr. Burns.]]
{{quote|The second-in-command and most competent minion of Mr. Burns, Smithers is fanatically devoted to his master (fortunately for Burns, who is so physically feeble and out of touch with the modern age he depends on Smithers to do everything for him), which is eventually revealed to be due to him being in love with him. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
{{quote| The second-in-command and most competent minion of Mr. Burns, Smithers is fanatically devoted to his master (fortunately for Burns, who is so physically feeble and out of touch with the modern age he depends on Smithers to do everything for him), which is eventually revealed to be due to him being in love with him. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[Anti-Villain]]
Line 595 ⟶ 609:
* [[Flanderization]]: Smithers was originally just the [[Yes-Man]] to Burns, though after a couple seasons, the writers began playing the idea that he was attracted to him. Al Jean has referred to this as Smithers being [[Single-Target Sexuality|"Burns-sexual"]] and this was pretty consistent for years. Recently, however, throwaway jokes have portrayed him as more openly gay and not interested in just Burns.
* [[The Dragon]] / [[The Lancer]]: It varies if Burns is, in the episode, in the good side or the bad side.
* [[Race Lift]]: In his earliest appearance ("There's No Disgrace Like Home"), Waylon is black. The creators then worried that the role of [[Yes-Man]] to a rich white man falling to a black man could have [[Unfortunate Implications]], and so the next time around, they drew him as white instead.
** [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Production later joked that Smithers had just returned from vacation and still had a tan.
* [[Only Sane Man]]
Line 601 ⟶ 615:
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Smithers admires Mr. Burns to a way-past-[[Ho Yay]] degree.
* [[Single-Issue Psychology]]: It was implied in one episode that Smithers' sexuality was caused by Mr. Burns telling him, when he was young, that his father died in the Amazon, killed by a tribe of savage women.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]
* [[Yes-Man]]
Line 608 ⟶ 622:
[[File:Lenny_n_Carl_6405.jpg|frame| Carl is on the right, Lenny is on the left. Remember that, now.]]
{{quote| Homer's two workmates and closest buddies. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]] and [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Alliterative Name]]
Line 615 ⟶ 629:
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: "I'm Lenny. This is Carl and Homer. I'm Lenny."
* [[Eye Scream]]: Lenny is way too prone to this type of injuries.
{{quote| "Ow, my eye! I'm not supposed to get [object name] in it!"}}
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Both may seem no smarter than generally anyone else, but they did earn master's degrees in nuclear physics.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With a heaping dose of [[Ho Yay]].
Line 628 ⟶ 642:
[[File:Grimey_Franks_622.jpg|frame|Look at me! I'm Homer Simpson!]]
{{quote|A new employee at the plant who is annoyed by Homer's behaviour. Goes insane because of this and ends up killing himself. Not very well received by the fans. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
{{quote| A new employee at the plant who is annoyed by Homer's behaviour. Goes insane because of this and ends up killing himself. Not very well received by the fans. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Homer is a big fat button. Also Grimey doesn't like to be called Grimey. Or Stretch.
Line 638 ⟶ 651:
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: "I don't need safety gloves, because i'm Homer Simp..." (electric shocks)
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: His lone episode "Homer's Enemy" is considered to be one of the darkest episodes in the entire run of the show.
* [[Expy]] / [[Shout-Out]]: Frank is based on Michael Douglas' character Bill Foster from "''[[Falling Down"]]''. They both wear glasses, white shirt, black tie, black pants. They both even have the same haircut.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: He's the only person to point that Homer shouldn't be half as successful, popular, or even alive given his behaviour and is driven mad when no-one else cares. Even the universe is against him, as he's trying to apply real-world logic to a cartoon world.
** Oakley and Weinstein summed it up best by referring to Grimes as what would happen if someone from the real world met Homer.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Stock Footage]]
* The Reveal: {{spoiler| In “The Great Louse Detective”, the life of Grimes hadn’t always been harsh as that he was able to find some relief with a prostitute, resulting in him having a son, who tried to have Homer killed for the events in “Homer’s Enemy”.}}
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The writers originally saw Grimey as an ex-mariner with a crew cut. Also Hank Azaria based Frank's voice on that William H Macy before changing to Michael Douglas.
** Azaria was actually in favor of Macy doing the voice. Though it was considered, showrunners Oakley and Weinstein thought someone with a better understanding of the show would do a better job.
== Springfield Shopkeepers ==
=== Jeff "Comic Book Guy" Albertson ===
[[File:comicbookguy.jpg|thumb|300px|Worst character image ever.]]
{{quote| Overweight and extremely nerdy owner &and proprietor of the local shop, "The Android's Dungeon", which sells comics and similar paraphenaliaparaphernalia. Legendary for his sarcastic, cynical outlook on life. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: See the article on [[Canon]].
Line 661 ⟶ 674:
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]: Type 1.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[Likes Older Women]]: Once dated [[Nerds Are Virgins|(and lost his virginity to)]] Agnes Skinner.
* [[Mad Libs Catchphrase]]: ''Worst/Best __ Ever''.
* [[Proud to Be a Geek]]: "[[The Simpsons Movie|Life well spent!]]"
** Although in one "Treehouse of Horror" episode, Comic Book Guys admits "I've wasted my life" the instant before he's killed by a neutron bomb.
* [[Take That]]: The writers of the Simpsons sometimes use Comic Book Guy to lampoon the show's [[Unpleasable Fanbase]].
{{quote| '''Comic Book Guy''': Last night's ''Itchy & Scratchy'' was, without a doubt, the worst episode ever. Rest assured I was on the Internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world.<br />
'''Bart''': Hey, I know it wasn’t great, but what right do you have to complain?<br />
'''Comic Book Guy''': As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me.<br />
'''Bart''': For what? They’ve given you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, ''you'' owe ''them.''<br />
'''Comic Book Guy''': Worst. Episode. Ever. }}
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]/[[Canis Latinicus]]:
{{quote| '''Bart:''' How come I've never seen that ''Itchy &and Scratchy'' before?<br />
'''Comic Book Guy:''' Perhaps because you are ''prepubescent ignoramus''. }}
* [[Straw Fan]]
* [[You're Not My Type]]: Was ultimately on the receiving end of this from Mrs. Krabappel in "My Big Fat Geek Wedding." He was oddly okay with it.
{{quote| "There are a million valid reasons. Which one did you choose?"}}
=== Apu Nahasapeemapetilon ===
{{quote| Owner of the local convienceconvenience store, "The Kwik-E-Mart", which is open 24/7 and cheap and so attracts plenty of customers despite its rather lacking standards of quality. Renowned as a workaholic, he is eventually partnered off with an arranged marriage and ends up the father of octuplets. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Was simply the convenience store clerk that only knew the family cause they shopped there. Over time, his screentime grew and he got [[Day in The Limelight|several focus episodes]].
Line 686 ⟶ 699:
* [[Bollywood Nerd]]: Doesn't come up a lot, but he graduated as top of his class in computer science back in Calcutta.
* [[Catch Phrase]]:
{{quote| "Thank you, come again!"<br />
"I can't believe you don't shut up!" }}
* [[Determinator]]: In one early episode, Apu says that the town government should hire more police officers, since he'd bebeen shot 8eight times that year. As a result, he almost missed work. ''Almost''.
** And then there was the time when he managed to work a 96-hour shift without having a break. It ended when he started thinking he was a hummmingbirdhummingbird and tried to drink nectar out of his brother's head.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Henpecked Husband]]
* [[Immigrant Patriotism]]
* [[Massive -Numbered Siblings]]: When he and Manjula could not concieveconceive a child they underwent IVF and Manjula had ''octuplets''.
* [[Veganism and Vegetarianism]]: The season 7 episode "Lisa the Vegetarian" (the one with [[Paul McCartney]] as a guest-star) showed that Apu had always been vegetarian.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Cheats on Manjula with the Squishee lady.
=== Moe Szyslak ===
{{quote| Famously ugly, surly and hateful owner of Moe's Tavern, the [[Local Hangout]] that Homer, Carl, Lenny and Barney frequent. Has a softer side under his crustiness. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Accent Relapse]]: Even though he is not a spy.
Line 705 ⟶ 719:
* [[Deep-Fried Whatever]]: Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Not quite, but later episodes do have Moe trying to kill himself so much that Suicide Prevention has blocked his number. It is also implied at least once that the only reason why he constantly attempts to commit suicide is because Reverend Lovejoy keeps on telling him that he has nothing to live for.
** In "Whiskey Business", Moe almost goes though it until Homer, Lenny and Carl hears a noise from his storage room. Marge is told about it.
* [[Flanderization]]
* [[Friend to All Children]]: He is probably the nicest guy to ever babysit Maggie.
Line 710 ⟶ 725:
* [[Gonk]]
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: Then he started boxing, which is the explanation for why he became so ugly that women find him repulsive.
{{quote| "They called me Kid Gorgeous. Then I was Kid Presentable. Then Kid Gruesome. Then finally, Kid Moe."}}
* [[Informed Deformity]]: While Moe is quite odd-looking compared to other characters, people act like he's hideous and even inhuman.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Despite his somewhat angry attitude at times, he does show a soft spot towards children and his close friends and customers.
* [[The Other Marty]]: Originally voiced in his first appearance by Christopher Collins, but Azaria dubbed over all his lines as Moe.
* [[Parental Neglect]]: Implied with, "Oh Papa, why didn't you ever hug me? I've seen you hug everbodyeverybody - even the mailman!"
* [[Punny Name]]: Not Moe himself, but he's always being asked for Al Koholik, Ivana Tinkel, and Hugh Jass.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: On Midge... er, Marge.
Line 724 ⟶ 739:
=== Kent Brockman ===
{{quote|"Now, at the risk of being unpopular, this reporter places the blame squarely on you, the viewers!"|''"$pringfield ([[Either or Title|Or,]] [[Doctor Strangelove|How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love]] Legalised Gambling]]''"}}
{{quote| The primary reporter for the local TV News channel. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[Delusions of Local Grandeur]]
Line 734 ⟶ 749:
=== Herschel "Krusty the Klown" Krustofsky ===
{{quote| The most famous celebrity in Springfield, due to being the host of the city's favorite children's entertainment program, "The Krusty the Klown Show". Born an Orthodox Jew, he was estranged from his Rabbi father due to his wanting to be a clown instead of following in his father's footsteps. Originally an optimistic fellow who just wanted to help people laugh, years in the ugly reality of showbusiness have left him grizzled, sarcastic, jaded and indifferent, striving only to make as much money as possible. Voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]].}}
* [[Ambiguously Jewish]]: Later confirmed.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Krusty had dealt with a lot in his life but to set him off, just throw an urinal cake at him. Lenny found this out.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Hey hey, kids!"
* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: "Let's just say that (Burns' film) moved me...''TO A BIGGER HOUSE!''"
Line 748 ⟶ 764:
=== Melvin Van Horne (Sideshow Mel) ===
{{quote| Krusty's sidekick on his TV show, a replacement for Sideshow Bob, Melvin Van Horne plays the part of an inarticulate caveman on stage, but is actually a very refined, dignified intellectual in his private life. Voiced by Dan Castellaneta.}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: He gets his moments, mainly with Krusty and the Krusty show. He doesn't learn to give up though and look for the good things in life.
* [[Classically-Trained Extra]]: Like Sideshow Bob before him.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: In the "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" episodes:
{{quote| '''Smithers:''' Mr. Burns was the closest thing I ever had to...a friend. But he fired me! And now I spend my days drinking cheap scotch and watching [[Comedy Central]]!<br />
''(later)''<br />
'''Sideshow Mel:''' Hmm...at the town meeting, [Mr. Smithers] mentioned that he watched Comedy Central. I made sure to note that, as it seemed quite unusual. }}
* [[Nice Guy]]
Line 762 ⟶ 778:
=== Rainier Wolfcastle ===
{{quote| A German who moved to Springfield and became an action movie star, Rainier Wolfcastle is legendary for the over-the-top nature of his movies and his bad acting. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[The Ahnold]]: Of the man the trope is named after no less. He is one of the best known examples and currently the image on the trope page.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Mendoooozaa]]!!!
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: Inverted. He's almost hilariously deadpan and monotonal in most of his appearances. Perhaps as an [[Enforced Trope|enforced]] case of [[Bad Bad Acting]].
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: The [[Trope Namer]]
* [[I Am Not Shazam]]: He is sometimes called McBain by those not too familiar with this character. ([[In-Universe]] similarly.) See [[Show Within a Show]].
* [[Show Within a Show]]: Type II. A [https://web.archive.org/web/20130928135435/http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/216daf534a/mcbain-the-full-movie hilariously well-hidden example] that spoofs hardboiled [[Cowboy Cop]] and 80's action flicks.
=== Troy McClure ===
{{quote| An aging actor who starred in an incredibly wide variety of B-movies and short-lived serials, who frequently reminds people of the flicks he has starred in as a way to try and cling to a sense of still being a bigshot actor. Voiced by Phil Hartman.}}
* [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: Its thought that he gives "sleeping with the fishes" a new name.
Line 779 ⟶ 795:
* [[Mad Libs Catchphrase]]: "Hi, I'm Troy McClure! You may remember me from such ''[genre he's currently appearing in]''s as ''[title X]'' and ''[title Y]''." A few episodes play with this:
** In "Das Bus", he only appears in-character on a TV movie based on [[The Bible|the story of Noah's Ark]]. When Marge walks in and tells the family to get to bed, Lisa had this line:
{{quote| '''Lisa:''' You let us stay up to watch Troy McClure in such other bible epics as ''David vs. Super-Goliath'' and ''Suddenly Last Supper''!}}
** In "Treehouse of Horror IX", he was supposed to host a special on executions. When he was replaced with guest star [[Ed Mc MahonMcMahon]] after [[Phil Hartman]] died, we get this greeting:
{{quote| '''McMahon:''' Hi, I'm Ed McMahon! Tonight on [[FoxFOX]], from the producers of ''When Skirts Fall Off'', and ''Secrets of National Security Revealed'', it's ''World's Deadliest Executions''!}}
* [[The Other Darrin]]: In an early episode, [[Dan Castellaneta]] did a line of dialogue for him (presumably because Hartman was unavailable or the cost to just have him do one line).
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: Because he's an actor. A number of his appearances are simply different projects he's done.
Line 788 ⟶ 804:
=== Drederick Tatum ===
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Hank Azaria]]}}
* [[Badass]]: He manages to stop a prison riot by politely asking that everyone quiet down. (Even the ''guards'' back away out of fear.) In a later episode, Homer breaks his jaw getting punched in the face by ''a statue'' of him.
Line 797 ⟶ 813:
=== Principal W. Seymour Skinner {{spoiler|a.k.a. Armin Tamzarian}} ===
{{quote|"Elementary school is where I wound up, and it's too late to do anything about that!"|''Lisa's Rival''}}
|"Lisa's Rival"}}
{{quote| The highly put upon principal of Springfield Elementary School, a former Army officer and Vietnam survivor, harrassedharassed by Bart Simpson, put upon by his Superintendent, challenged by his groundskeeper, and under the thumb of his domineering, overbearing mother. {{spoiler|It's eventually revealed that the real Seymour Skinner went missing in action in Vietnam and he is actually a boy who Skinner saved, who took up Skinner's identity and came back to America. This revelation is not popular, and is even ignored in-series. To the point where when the real Seymour Skinner returns, he's [[Put on a Bus|put on a train]] and everyone agrees to keep calling Armin Tamzarian, Seymour Skinner.}} Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: You don't believe that a momma's boy like him can beat up two of Disney Corporation's goons.
Line 806 ⟶ 823:
* [[Former Teen Rebel]]: Was a worse prankster than Bart in his youth.
* [[Malaproper]]: He was quite prone to these in his early appearances:
{{quote| '''Skinner:''' Welcome kindergartenerskindergartners, I'm Principal Sinner-- Skinner! ''(kindergartenerskindergartners laugh)'' Well, that's it. I've lost them forever.}}
* [[Momma's Boy]]: Which leads to...
* [[My Beloved Smother]]: [[Trope Namer]]; he lives with, and is co-dependent with, his mom.
* [[Non-Giving-Up-School Guy]]: [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
{{quote| '''Skinner:''' I've been hoping I could find something that would be named after me.<br />
'''Bart:''' And you've never found anything?<br />
'''Skinner:''' Once. But by the time I got to the phone, my discovery had already been reported by Principal Kohoutek. I got back at him, though... him and that little boy of his. }}
* [[Retired Badass]]: Former army sergeant.
** He also mentions in one episode that he's an ex-Green Beret (US Army Special Forces).
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Parodied. Frequently has flashbacks to his experiences in Vietnam.
* [[Everyone Has Standards| Skinner Has Standards]]: While he’ll put up with destroyed self-esteem, absurd lessons to be taught, but he won’t put up with anyone attacking a child on his watch.
* [[Stern Teacher]]: He has it in for Bart Simpson, but it's hard to blame him when you realize just what Bart's put him through for so long. He's generally a lot nicer to the other students, and can even be civil to Bart when the latter isn't pranking him.
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: "This is our last chance to bone up. And bone we will!"
** After the kids trap him in the dodgeball sack and the class hamster Nibbles helps rescue them. "Good work Nibbles! Now, chew through my ballsack!" The hamster gives him a squicked expression, then runs away.
Line 825 ⟶ 842:
{{quote| The emotionally scarred, bitterly sarcastic teacher unfortunate enough to teach the very class that Bart Simpson attends. The two are fierce enemies, but their relationship is not totally hostile, and Bart has tried to help her on a few occasions. She even receives an award and recognition amongstamong the education circles when Bart reveals he is not merely some urban myth and that Mrs. Krabappel has survived being his teacher. Voiced by Marcia Wallace.}}
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: With Seymour
* [[Broken Bird]]: She hasn't been the same since Mr. Krabappel left her, and teaching Bart for the past 20 years hasn't helped.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: ''"Ha!"''
* [[Christmas Cake]]
Line 836 ⟶ 853:
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "Krabappel" is clearly a reference to "crab apple", a species of apple notorious for its bitter, sour taste -- and which is also used in America to denote a person who is extremely bitter, sour, cranky or generally bad-tempered.
* [[Mrs. Robinson]]: Also [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] to hell and back.
* [[The Character Died with Him| The Character Retires with Her]]: Due to the death of Marcia Wallace, Edna will be retired from the series likely starting with the 26th season due to this since Wallace provided Edna’s voice for the 25th season. Al Jean decided this is was right thing to do because he felt it would be ''irresponsible'' to simply find a replacement. [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/the-simpsons-tribute-marcia-wallace-chalkboard-message-video_n_4210838.html "Four Regrettings and a Funeral"] was dedicated in her memory.
* [[The Snark Knight]]
* {{spoiler|[[They Do]] and [[Official Couple]]: [[Portmanteau Couple Name|Nedna]] wins.}}
Line 842 ⟶ 859:
=== Elizabeth Hoover ===
{{quote| Dispassionate teacher of the class that houses both Lisa Simpson and Ralph Wiggum. Voiced by Maggie Roswell (1991-1999; 2002-present); Marcia Mitzman-Gaven (1999-2002).}}
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Once graded the kids' "Wind in the Willows" tests with flavored liqueurs (Kahlua and Drambuie).
Line 848 ⟶ 865:
=== Groundskeeper William "Willie" MacDougal ===
[[File:Crusty-caretaker the-simpsons 2992.png|thumb|200px]]
{{quote| Cantankerous Scottish groundskeeper of Springfield Elementary. Voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]].}}
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: "My Fair Laddy"
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Thought to be a one-shot character for "Principal Charming," but Dan Castellaneta's performance led to him coming back and becoming a fixture in the recurring cast.
* [[Badass]]: In "Marge Gets a Job", he fights a timber wolf with nothing but his bare hands.
** [[Brave Scot]]: It doesn't take much prove it.
* [[Bonnie Scotland]]
* [[The Caligula]]: Was implied to have tendencies of this when he decides to run for Mayor in one episode (don't ask). During his election speech, he admits that the very first thing he's going to do when he is elected Mayor is kill everyone in Springfield and then torch the town itself to the ground. And yes, he definitely was aware [[Is This Thing Still On?|that the mic was still on]], so he was honestly promising this to the public and not just joking.
* [[Cannot Tell a Joke]]: His comedy routine about Scottish golfers.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Was revealed in the season six episode "Homer Badman" (the episode where Homer is accused of sexually harassing a babysitter by grabbing her butt and calling her "Precious Venus") to be a camera-toting Peeping Tom. ("But every Scotsman does it!")
* [[Culture Equals Costume]]: Frequently seen in a kilt and plaid hat.
Line 864 ⟶ 882:
* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Oh, so many examples of this.
{{quote| '''Willie:''' Brothers and sisters are natural enemies like Englishmen and Scots, or Welshmen and Scots, or Japanese and Scots, or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!<br />
'''Skinner:''' You Scots sure are a cantankerous bunch.<br />
'''Willie:''' Ya just made an enemy for life! }}
* [[Multiple Choice Past]] He hails from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Loch Ness, and North Kilt-Town.
Line 871 ⟶ 889:
** He also claimed his father was hung for stealing a pig, but his father is shown to be very much alive in a later episode.
* [[Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales| Scotland Loves Willie]]: Despite being a mockery, Willie is well liked in Scotland and has a huge fan-base.
* [[Third -Person Person]]: Occasionally.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: After he finds out Skinner made up Scotchtoberfest as a sting for Bart.
{{quote| "Ya used me Skinner! YA USED ME!"}}
** In "The Great Money Caper," Willie stands trial and is found guilty for stealing Homer's car. Homer and Bart had actually been grifting, lost the car to a better grifter and lied about it. However, ''everything'' was [[Xanatos Roulette|a con by Marge, Lisa and the townspeople to teach them a lesson about grifting]].
{{quote| '''Homer:''' I can't believe everyone was in on it.<br />
'''Willie:''' WILLIE WASN'T! }}
* [[Violent Glaswegian]]
Line 881 ⟶ 899:
=== Superintendent Gary Chalmers ===
{{quote| The Board of Education superior to Principal Skinners, and thuslythus the man who has to show up at Springfield Elementary to investigate the goings on there. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Big Word Shout]]
Line 891 ⟶ 909:
=== Otto Mann ===
{{quote| Bart and Lisa's bus driver. Although he seems to be an unambitious loser, Bart idolizes him. Voiced by: [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: “Otto Show”
Line 899 ⟶ 917:
* [[Defictionalization]]: Otto's ''Bus Man'' comic from "Three Men and a Comic Book" was later made into a back-up story in ''[[Simpsons Comics]]''
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Although he's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, it is shown from time to time that Otto has artistic talent. He is a very skilled guitar player, and he even created his own comic book called "Bus Man" about a bus driver who fights vampires in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. He's also an excellent bowler. And he almost got tenure at Brown.
* [[Last-Second Word Swap]]: From ''"The Mook, the Chef, The Wife and Her Homer''": "Fuuuuu...nk."
* [[Metalhead]]: Otto is passionate about [[Heavy Metal]] and Classic Rock music, to the point where he actually left his bride at the altar because she tried to make him give up Heavy Metal.
* [[Military Brat]]: Otto's father is an Admiral in the United States Navy who disapproves of his lazy, pot-smoking son.
* [[Species Surname]]: Rare human example.
* [[The Stoner]]: When viewed under a microscope in ''"The Seven-Beer Snitch''", Otto's urine sample contains so many illegal drugs that it resembles a scene from [[The Beatles (band)|The Beatles]] film ''[[Yellow Submarine]]''.
== Students: ==
Line 909 ⟶ 927:
=== Nelson Muntz ===
{{quote| Originally the worst bully in Springfield Elementary, the closest thing Bart had to an archnemesis of his own age and the leader of Jimbo, Kerney and Dorf. As the seasons passed, though, he became more sympathetic and eventually began to clean up his act. As a result, his broken home started mending itself. Voiced by [[Nancy Cartwright]].}}
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: His short-lived romance with Lisa.
Line 916 ⟶ 934:
* [[Character Development]]: Though it lead to [[Menace Decay]], Nelson has become softer and is often one of Bart's friends now, while the position of bullying tormentor have been passed onto Jimbo, Kerney and Dorf. Nelson's mother meanwhile cleaned up her act, and his [[Disappeared Dad]] came back.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: A couple of times has had to work with Martin - much to his chagrin.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards| Even Nelson Has Standards]]: He maybe a bully, but there are some things not even Nelson would do. He would only attack girls [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|if they deserve it]], like what happened to Sherri and Terri for picking on Lisa. Sure, he’ll go after Bart, but at least, he’s a [[Worthy Opponent]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: The main reason why Nelson is the way he is is because he is from a poor neighborhood, is neglected by his mother, has a [[Disappeared Dad]], and is looked down upon by his peers and teachers even though he is implied to have high potential.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: He is large, and noted above, he is implied to have high potential (although the school fails to recognize it). He also was once shown to be very good at planning, actually giving Marge some tips on how to organize a method to get rid of a sport when she decided to get rid of mixed wrestling.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Kids Are Cruel]]: Initially.
* [[Menace Decay]]: The Nelson of today is whimpywimpy and pathetic compared to the Nelson of the earlier episodes. In a very early episode he was so fearsome Bart had to band together an ''army'' to stand up to him because the school was so terrified of him, and before that he regularly beat Bart bloody after school.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]:
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Usually towards Lisa. When he goes to live with the Simpsons for a time, he sees that Sherri and Terri's constant teasing has really affected her, so he proceeds to bully/prank them.
** Usually towards Lisa. When he goes to live with the Simpsons for a time, he sees that Sherri and Terri's constant teasing has really affected her, so he proceeds to bully/prank them.
** He attempted to comfort Milhouse after his parents got divorced as he related to his situation.
=== Ralph Wiggum ===
{{quote| Police Chief Wiggum's only son, heavily implied to be mentally disabled to some degree. Voiced by [[Nancy Cartwright]].}}
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: "I Love Lisa", "This Little Wiggy", and, to an extent, "E. Pluribus Wiggum".
Line 933 ⟶ 954:
* [[The Ditz]]
* [[Flanderization]]: Ralph actually had an intelligent side in the early seasons but this disappeared in later episodes.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Despite being...well...TheDitz[[The Ditz]], Ralph is an amazingly talented actor (''I Love Lisa''), tap dancer (''Last Tap Dance in Springfield'') and nose flutist (''Round Springfield'').
* [[Throw the Dog a Bone]]: At the end of "This Little Wiggy," Bart, Homer and Marge congratulate Ralph for saving the day, even though it was Lisa's plan. Lisa goes along with it after Bart says, "C'mon, let him have this one, Lis. After all, it's Ralph."
* [[Vague Age]]: In "The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase", Chief Wiggum describes him as "between the ages of six and ten".
Line 939 ⟶ 960:
=== Terri and Sherri ===
{{quote| Voiced by Russi Taylor}}
* [[Alpha Bitch]]
Line 957 ⟶ 978:
=== Milhouse Van Houten ===
{{quote| Bart's closest friend, who acquires a bit of protection from his nerdy nature by being so close to the class clown and mayhem expert. Voiced by Pamela Hayden.}}
* [[Anchored Ship]]: {{spoiler|Lisa recently admitted that she may or may not have feelings for him. [[Status Quo Is God|We all know how this goes.]]}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Milhouse has suffered everything from inheriting Bart's permanent record (which will disqualify him from all but the hottest and noisiest jobs) to being beaten into a coma by Nelson after he mistakes a love note Milhouse passes him from Lisa as coming from Milhouse himself, to having his manliness insulted in an episode set in the future when an adult Lisa is about to get married:
{{quote| '''Lisa''': I feel kind of weird wearing white, Mom. You know, Milhouse...<br />
'''Marge''': Oh, Milhouse doesn't count. <br />
''They both laugh'' }}
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Towards Lisa.
* [[Forced Meme]]: Was one on [[4chan]] for a while, leading to the meme "Milhouse is not a meme."
* [[Future Badass]]: First subverted but then straight. "Bart to the Future" reveals that he'll look just as his father in his adult years. Then the episode "Future-Drama" reveals that Milhouse'll become a muscular, shorter version of He-Man in his teens.
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]
Line 973 ⟶ 994:
=== Jimbo Jones, Dolph Starbeam, and Kearney Zzyzwicz ===
Just like Nelson, they’re often bully students at the age, but they also in engage criminal activity around town like shoplifting, petit and grand larceny, breaking and entering, vandalism, destruction of property, and child endangerment just to name a few. However, these men do have some in-depths unlike most criminals thought out Springfield.
* [[Ambiguously Jewish]]: In “24 Minutes”, we learn Dolph is a Jew.
Line 987 ⟶ 1,008:
{{quote| The preacher at the church that the Simpsons family and the Flanders family attend. He really doesn't care much about his job or his "flock" at all, and can even be read as not actually being that religious, is often no more reasonable on religious matters then Springfield's other religious characters -- he just usually has ulterior motives, typically relating to increasing the money he gets from the church. It's revealed that his original caring nature and sincere drive to help his congregation was basically eroded by coming into contact with Ned Flanders and his fixation on being a "proper" Christian. Voiced by [[Harry Shearer]].}}
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Has saved Homer's life on at least one occasion, as well as Flanders in another occasion.
* [[Christianity Is Catholic]]: Averted. Although he wears a clerical collar, the church the Simpsons belong to is a weird pastiche of Protestantism<ref>though the Roman Collar is most associated with the Catholic Church, priests/leaders/preachers of Protestant denoinationsdenominations sometimes will elect to wear the collar or similar garments.</ref>.
** In fact, he ''does'' get into a nasty brawl with an [[Irish Priest]] after the two quarrel about the subject of Catholic vs. Protestant practices.
* [[Hiding Behind Religion]]
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]: After Ned's constant whining got to him, he just stopped caring.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: His description of his fight with the baboons at the zoo.
{{quote| And that's when I got ''mad.''}}
* [[Parental Neglect]]: Apparently the reason why Jessica Lovejoy was not a good girl.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: It is implied throughout the show that he has pyromaniacalpyromaniac tendencies: Namely, he is overly enthusiastic about burnings (such as burning Krusty merchandise when Krusty was framed, or when he got a van that was used solely for burning books besides the obvious use of actually driving it), and was also hinted to have set gasoline in the church and set it on fire possibly to get the insurance covered on it at least once beforehand.
* [[Preacher Man]]
* [[Rail Enthusiast]]
Line 1,004 ⟶ 1,025:
=== Helen Lovejoy ===
{{quote| Reverend Lovejoy's snooping, interfering, gossipy busy-body of a wife. Voiced by Maggie Roswell and Marcia Mitzman Gaven.}}
* Bifauxen: The Pastor, when visiting Reverend Lovejoy to break the bad news that he was, for three months, acting as Minister without a license, implies that Helen Lovejoy may have been a transsexual. Of course, this is contradicted withby her giving birth to Jessica, not to mention her being a girl at age 10.
* [[Think of the Children]]: [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Gossipy Hens]]
Line 1,012 ⟶ 1,033:
=== Jessica Lovejoy ===
{{quote| Reverend and Helen Lovejoy's daughter, who feigns being as sweet and pleasant a girl as one would expect of a Reverend's daughter, but who is actually such a bad girl she unnerves ''Bart''. Voiced by [[Meryl Streep]].}}
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
Line 1,020 ⟶ 1,041:
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes]]
== The Itchy and Scratchy Show ==
=== Itchy ===
The psychotic mouse member of the cartoon duo, a clear expy-cum-parody of [[Tom and Jerry|Jerry]] at his most [[Jerkass]]. He is usually the antagonist, and always brutally slaughters Scratchy in the show, no matter how little Scratchy may have done to deserve it.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Itchy include:}}
{{quote| The psychotic mouse member of the cartoon duo, a clear expy-cum-parody of [[Tom and Jerry|Jerry]] at his most [[Jerkass]]. He is usually the antagonist, and always brutally slaughters Scratchy in the show, no matter how little Scratchy may have done to deserve it.}}
* [[Amazing Technicolor Wildlife]]
* [[Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal]]
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,055:
=== Scratchy ===
The cat member of the ''[[Tom and Jerry]]''-parodying [[Show Within a Show]], Scratchy is almost never a bad person in his depictions, but invariably suffers nightmarish deaths at Itchy's hands.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Scratchy include:}}
{{quote| The cat member of the [[Tom and Jerry]] parodying [[Show Within a Show]], Scratchy is almost never a bad person in his depictions, but invariably suffers nightmarish deaths at Itchy's hands.}}
* [[Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal]]: He only wears [[White Gloves]]
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: He suffers one [[Once Per Episode]]
* [[Furry Confusion]]: When he and Snowball II show up together in ''"[[Treehouse of Horror]] IX''" segment, "The Terror of Tiny Toon."
* [[Humanoid Female Animal]]: Inverted to the point of [[Furry Confusion]] when he and Snowball II show up together in ''"[[Treehouse of Horror]] IX''" segment, "The Terror of Tiny Toon."
** But played straight in the "Grand Theft Scratchy" segment of ''[[The Simpsons Game]]''. The orange female prostitute cats look more humanoid than Scratchy.
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: There was an episode where he finally got even with Itchy, featured in "Homer Goes to College". Unfortunately, Bart and Lisa, and consequently the viewer, don't get to see it as the television is unplugged by one of the nerds currently living with the Simpsons (they needed the outlet for their rock tumbler). Once they got the TV plugged back in, the short is over and Krusty excitedly claims, "They'll never let us show ''that'' again! Not in a million years!"
Line 1,050 ⟶ 1,068:
=== Poochie ===
Homer's attempt at designing a new character to boost interest in the Itchy & Scratchy Show, who became loathed by the fanbase and was promptly removed with all speed.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Poochie include:}}
{{quote| Homer's attempt at designing a new character to boost interest in the Itchy & Scratchy Show, who became loathed by the fanbase and was promptly removed with all speed.}}
* [[Barefoot Cartoon Animal]]: When he is not wearing shoes.
* [[Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal]]: When he is wearing shoes.
Line 1,060 ⟶ 1,077:
* [[The Scrappy]]: [[In-Universe]].
* [[Totally Radical]]: Parodied
{{quote| "TO THE EXTREME!"}}
== Others ==
Line 1,067 ⟶ 1,084:
{{quote| A man cursed to have both huge feet (standard floppy clown shoes fit him ''perfectly'') and a natural hairstyle like a palm tree while also having the mind of a keen intellectual, he was, while originally not interested in becoming a performer, coaxed into joining the Krusty The Clown Show with the prospect of appealing to a huge audience of children with his own brand of edutainment. To his horror, though, his ideas were all ignored and he became the abused straight-man for Krusty's lowbrow slapstick. Jealousy and resentment eventually led to him framing Krusty and then assuming control over the show while Krusty was imprisoned, but Bart Simpson exposed him and sent him to prison. As a result, he carries a murderous grudge against both his former "partner" and the Simpson boy. Voiced by [[Kelsey Grammer]].}}
* [[Actor Allusion]]: He and his family are voiced by cast members from ''[[Frasier]]''
Line 1,074 ⟶ 1,091:
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Anime Hair]]
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Bart.
** And rakes.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
Line 1,086 ⟶ 1,103:
* [[Expy]]: Some viewers see Sideshow Bob as an awful lot like [[Frasier]] Crane. Only he doesn't have a radio show, he's more successful at romance, and he's a crazy maniac ([[Affably Evil|albeit one with very good manners]]) who wants to kill Bart.
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: His plans to kill Bart.
* [[Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight]]: This trope is what led to Bob's [[Start of Darkness]]. He accepted Krusty's job offer because he originally wanted to do a show that would be both entertaining and enlightening to the children who watched it, but his talents were utterly wasted on Krusty's lowbrow slapstick. Finally having enough, he framed Krusty for armed robbery so he could take over the show and remold it into what ''he'' wanted to do. Bob had finally realized his dream, and his show was earning great ratings...and then Bart exposed him for framing Krusty. Ouch.
** And while he hated the indignity of being the put-upon sidekick, when Krusty accidentally erased all those old episodes, Sideshow Bob vowed revenge for him erasing his past.
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Does he still want Bart dead or not?!
{{quote| '''Bob:''' You...you saved my life.<br />
'''Bart:''' Yeah, I guess that means you can't ever try to kill me again!<br />
'''Bob:''' Oh, I don't know about that... [[Mood Whiplash|Joking, joking!]] }}
* [[Hypocrisy Nod]]: "I'm aware of the irony of appearing on TV in order to decry it, so don't bother pointing that out."
Line 1,104 ⟶ 1,121:
* [[Status Quo Is God]]: He will always have a venomous hatred of Bart and Krusty, despite having made up with each of them at least once. He interestingly holds nothing against the rest of the Simpson family despite a increasingly similar amount of suffering they have caused (Lisa has arguably became more pivotal in foiling his plans than Bart), and even publicly states his desire to kill Bart ''and only Bart''. He's even sided with his brother Cecil against Bart, even though Cecil tried to frame and murder him and Bart saved Bob's life from Cecil.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: In one episode, while on a houseboat, he honors Bart's last request to sing the entire score to the ''H.M.S. Pinafore''. During this time, they pass the cops.
* [[Vile Villain, Saccharine Show]]
* [[Villain Decay]]: Averted, but lampshaded. Bob is always devious and brilliant, but Bart has foiled his plans so often he isn't as afraid of him as he was in his first few appearances.
{{quote| '''Bart''': "Oh, it's you Bob. How ya doin'?" <br />
'''Bob''': "No scream? Not even an 'eep'?" <br />
'''Bart''': "Hey I'm not afraid of you, every time we tango you end up in jail, I'm 6-0." }}
** Actually, this is played straight in modern seasons, after his [[Moral Event Horizon|funeral scheme]] he goes downhill, in his next major role, he's [[Out-Gambitted|outsmarted]] by Chief Wiggum, [[Police Are Useless|Chief]] [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|fucking]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Wiggum]] and after that, his roles are limited to mere cameos [[The Chew Toy|where he gets abused]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[You Meddling Kids]]: "Krusty Gets Busted".
=== Gil Gunderson ===
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Dan Castellaneta]]}}
* [[Alliterative Name]]
Line 1,121 ⟶ 1,140:
* [[Expy]]: In his original appearances, he was a parody of Shelly "The Machine" Levene from ''[[Glengarry Glen Ross]]''.
* [[Straw Loser]]: Say what you will about Moe or Comic Book Guy, but at least they have a steady income and a roof over their heads. Gil will never have the former, and he's lucky whenever he gets the latter. He really seems to be at the bottom of the social ladder nearly all the time.
{{quote| '''Gil''': Oh, Ol' Gil's gonna collect big from insurance. I'll be eating ''food'' tonight! }}
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Since Phil Hartman's death, the Simpson family has been hiring Gil as their lawyer instead of Lionel Hutz.
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: Gil was shot and apparently killed in Season 19's "I Don't Wanna Know Why The Caged Bird Sings." [[Status Quo Is God|No explanation is given for his return/survival.]]
Line 1,127 ⟶ 1,146:
=== Professor John Frink, Jr. ===
{{quote| Local mad scientist and nerdy genius. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Bungling Inventor]]: Several of his inventions have malfunctioned, with [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarious]] results.
* [[Depending on the Writer]]: Sometimes Professor Frink's inventions malfunction, and other times they work perfectly well, depending on the needs of the plot. The self-tapping dance shoes he invented for Lisa ended up going out of control, but the auto-dialling machine that Homer used in his electric panhandling scheme worked just fine.
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Jerry Lewis]]' character in ''[[The Nutty Professor (1963 film)|The Nutty Professor]]''. To the point where Lewis himself voiced Frink's father, John Frink Sr., in "Treehouse of Horror XIV".
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]
Line 1,140 ⟶ 1,159:
* [[Background Character]]: Is usually this, except for the "Homer's Night Out" episode
* [[Belly Dancer]]: She's dressed as a belly dancer for a bachelor party on the season one episode, "Homer's Night Out" and has often appeared in her belly dancer garb in other episodes.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Homer introduces Bart to her (at Marge's request), to show him that women are not mindless sex objects.
* [[What Exactly Is His Job?]]: Works at every gentlemen's club in Springfield, under several different stage names.
=== Kang and Kodos ===
Cyclopian aliens resembling giant green heads on writhing octopus tentacles, these two aliens from Rigel IV make guest appearances in some episodes but are most prominent in the "Simpson's Halloween" episodes, which are non-canonical horror anthologies.
{{quote| Cyclopian aliens resembling giant green heads on writhing octopus tentacles, these two aliens from Rigel IV make guest appearances in some episodes but are most prominent in the "Simpson's Halloween" episodes, which are non-canonical horror analogies.}}
* [[Aliens Speaking English]]: Rigellian coincidentally sounds just like English
* [[Cyclopean Creature]]: Only one eye.
* [[Cyclops]]
* [[Halloween Episode]]: Traditionally, they've appeared in every installment, whether cameo appearenceappearance or part of the plot in a Halloween story (TOH I: "Hungry are they Dammed", TOH VI: "Citizen Kang", TOH IX: "Starship Poopers").
* [[Naughty Tentacles]]: Averted. They impregnate Marge by zapping her with a special ray gun instead of actually having sex with her.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Moe simply uses a board with a nail through it. {{spoiler|It works as one of their kind, Rigellians, are weak to it.}}
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Interviews revealed that they were originally going to be regulars and only Homer could see them, but that proved "too weird," so they were moved to the Halloween specials. This is occasionally alluded to when they express bitterness at only showing up on Halloween, and eagerly accept a contract to do a commercial for Old Navy clothing when they decide that "work is work".
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Interviews revealed that they were originally going to be regulars and only Homer could see them, but that proved "too weird," so they were moved to the Halloween specials. This is occasionally alluded to when they express bitterness at only showing up on Halloween, and eagerly accept a contract to do a commercial for Old Navy clothing when they decide that "work is work".
=== Rich Texan ===
Line 1,165 ⟶ 1,183:
* [[Guns Akimbo]]
* [[Reckless Gun Usage]]
* [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]]: In one of the first episodes he appeared in, he was representing a group of oil tycoons who make foolish purchases. Some of their past "investments" included a stained-glass bathrobe, and the world's fattest racehorse.
* [[Strawman Political]]: Along with post-[[Flanderization]] Ned, he serves as the show's primary target for [[Take That|TakeThats]]s directed at Republicans/conservatives.
** How much he is one is debatable, as he did once mention that he's going to tell his gay son that he loves him.
*** [[Truth in Television]]: Dick Cheney (one of the most conservative Republicans around) loves his gay daughter dearly and is a big supporter of gay marriage as a result.
Line 1,173 ⟶ 1,191:
{{quote| Chief of Springfield Police Department, Chief Wiggum is portrayed as lazy, gluttonous, out of shape, incompetent (if not mildly corrupt) and dim-witted. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type I
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: The episode ''"Pranksta Rap''" reveals that if he's motivated enough, he can make some great police work.
* [[Dirty Cop]]
* [[Doting Parent]] / [[Good Parents]]: Which trope depends on the episode. His saving grace is his interactions with Ralph: Wiggum is very encouraging of his son, and they have a very close and healthy releationshiprelationship. Arguably, they're the most well-adjusted parental relationship on the show.
* [[Fat Idiot]]
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: In "Mother Simpson," flashbacks reveal Wiggum had asthma, but Mona and her group's releasing Burns' germs cured him - allowing him to join the police academy. Years later, he repaid the favor by tipping Homer off about the authorities coming for Mona.
* [[Inspector Javert]]: Sometimes.
* [[Inspector Lestrade]]: When Bart or Lisa play [[Amateur Sleuth]].
Line 1,189 ⟶ 1,207:
=== Joseph "Diamond Joe" Quimby ===
{{quote| Springfield's mayor and head of a rich and politically influential clan. Known for his womanizing, general corruption and for changing his political stance at the drop of a hat if he thinks it will increase his popularity with the voters. Voiced by Dan Castellaneta.}}
* [[American Accents]]: Joe Quimby and his family speak in a broad Boston (Kennedese) accent, humorously picked up on by [[Jon Stewart]] whenever he's discussing the Kennedys.
Line 1,197 ⟶ 1,215:
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: Diamond Joe would have you know that though he is a tax-cheat, a wife-swapper and a pot-smoker, he is no longer illiterate.
* [[Mayor Pain]]: [[Trope Namer]] for Type B.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: The Quimby clan displays many of the hallmarks of the seamier sides of the Kennedys, although Diamond Joe in some stories also resembles other Democratic politicians, most notably Dukakis in ''Sideshow Bob Roberts''. Mrs. Quimby dresses like Jacqueline Kennedy.
* [[Strawman Political]]: As the series' most prominent recurring Democratic politician, he serves as primary target for [[Take That|TakeThats]]s aimed at Democrats/Liberals.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Has a wife, but has had ''several gazillion'' different mistresses throughout the series.
Line 1,204 ⟶ 1,222:
{{quote| Head of the Springfield Mafia. Voiced by Joe Mantegna.}}
* [[Exact Words]]: Fat Tony loves invoking these tropes: One instance is when, after Homer lost some money he borrowed from him in a football bet, Fat Tony, who learned of this, stated that Homer shouldn't worry, as he's sure that they'll "hammer out a payment plan." When he said "hammer out" a payment plan, he meant this literally, and certainly wasn't kidding, as he meant that he was going to have his goons restrain Homer and whack his right hand with a hammer multiple times.
Line 1,217 ⟶ 1,235:
=== Snake Jailbird ===
{{quote| A recurring petty thug and minor crook, most often seen mugging people or holding up the Kwik-E-Mart. Voiced by [[Hank Azaria]].}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: In more recent seasons.
Line 1,223 ⟶ 1,241:
** "Goodbye, student loan payments!"
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Bye!"
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: In "The Seemingly Never-Ending Story", {{spoiler| Moe Szyslak}} stolenstole Maya coins that Snake was going to bring to the Springfield museum, which caused him to turn to a life of crime as shopkeepers and cashiers. Snake was an archaeologist when it happened, so his life of crime is revenge out on convenience stores.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Has a [[Generation Xerox]] [[Overlord, Jr.|son]], and a long-term girlfriend.
* [[Known Only By Their Nickname]]: He's has been called Snake Jailbird since he was a teenager, first by Clancy Wiggum.
** [[Embarrassing First Name]]: His real name is Chester, but he's likely got used to being called Snake.
* [[Perma -Stubble]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Is actually an archaeologist, but became a thief
* [[Surfer Dude]]: Well, he has the accent, anyway.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: Is often seen with his girlfriend, Gloria, who left him for Mr. Burns, but then came back when she saw that Mr. Burns was ''truly'' evil, not just a [[All Girls Want Bad Boys|bad boy]] like Snake.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]
Line 1,235 ⟶ 1,253:
=== Lindsey Naegle ===
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Tress MacNeille]]}}
* [[The Alcoholic]]
Line 1,244 ⟶ 1,262:
=== Lionel Hutz ===
{{quote| Voiced by: Phil Hartman}}
* [[The Alcoholic]]: As implied in "Marge in Chains." He even argued his case before the court and was then informed he wasn't wearing any pants.
Line 1,250 ⟶ 1,268:
* [[Ambulance Chaser]]: In "Bart Gets Hit By a Car," Homer says upon meeting him, "You were the guy chasing Bart's ambulance."
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Averted. He's eccentric, odd and sleazy. And really, really bad at his job.
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: All of Hartman's characters were retired after his death, as the production team thought it would be in poor taste to simply replace him. (The fact that his children would be watching was often cited.) There is the very rare occasion where they will turn up in the background, though.
* [[Frivolous Lawsuit]]: His usual thing. Heck, he once sued the makers of ''[[The Neverending Story (film)|The Neverending Story]]'' for false advertising.
* [[Make the Dog Testify]]: Does this occasionally
* [[Ultimate Job Security]]: Frequently lost his cases, but kept getting hired by Homer and Marge regardless. Lampshaded:
{{quote| '''Marge''': You know, we should really stop hiring him. }}
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: He started as a lawyer and later became a real estate agent (As many of his clients end up losing their houses).
Line 1,262 ⟶ 1,280:
** {{spoiler| At the end of “The Parent Rap”, just as Harms was about to send Bart away for defending his parents, Snyder arrives and tells her the clown is down, saving Bart in the process.}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Everyone, including the Simpsons, is fair game when it comes to his sentencing, but he’s respected since he won’t take bribes, his sentences are sensible, and knowledgeable.
** [[Screw the Money, I Have Rules]]
=== Judge Constance Harm ===
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