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Also [[Rule 34|for obvious reasons]] this leads to a lot of [[Power Perversion Potential]] and [[Fetish Fuel]] when said characters show up in fanfic. If a character does not possess any known Fantastic Arousal, [[Fanon|the fans may create one.]]
[[I Thought It Meant|Not to be confused with a character having a strange sexual fetish]]. For example, Milly May Hopkins of [[Gunsmith Cats]] and Nice Holystone of ''[[Baccano (Light Novel)|Baccano]]'' both have ekrixiphilia, a fetish for explosions and/or gunpowder (which means setting off grenades and shooting guns sexually arouse them), but they are not examples of [[Fantastic Arousal]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In one episode of ''[[Ghost in Thethe Shell]]: [[Stand Alone Complex]]'', the team infiltrates a party of wealthy and powerful men who show off their sex-driods. The host goes even further and loves to have sex with full-body cyborgs. While their brains are disconnected from the robotic body and are pretty much in sleep mode. The Major convinces him to plug his implants into her body while he does, but then just knocks him out and lets him experience a virtual simulation of it while she sneaks through his offices.
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'':
** [[Winged Humanoid]] Setsuna gets flustered when Asuna starts [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful|stroking her wings]].
** [[Robot Girl]] Chachamaru's whole [[Wind Up Key|key winding]] [[I Didn't Mean to Turn You On|incident]] is a variation. And then they introduced a method for Chachamaru to resupply mana to herself. It's treated [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|exactly the way you'd expect.]]
* The demons from ''[[My Balls]]'' ([[Refuge in Audacity|don't ask]]) have each a tattoo somewhere on their body that are both the focus of their demonic powers, and very sensitive to caresses.
* Lizlet from ''[[Omamori Himari]]'' is a Tsukumogami; to be more precise, she is {{spoiler|the spirit of a 100+ year old teacup. Said teacup}} is also apparently an erogenous zone, judging by her reaction when the title character strokes and licks it in an attempt to wake her up.
* Lala from ''[[To Love Ru (Manga)|To Love Ru]]''; again, the tail. Its most common use besides the pictured teasing is [[Scenery Censor|conveniently covering her crotch]]. Naturally, there's a chapter where Rito gets his hand stuck to Lala's tail. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* In the first episode of ''[[Utawarerumono]]'', Eruru gets annoyed with Hakuoro when he touches her tail. For a second she looks like she really likes it, then seems embarrassed.
* ''[[Yumeria]]'': Tomokazu had a daydream in which Neneko's ears were her "weak spot".
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== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* The ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Ah My Goddess]]'' fic "Vows" had the area between their shoulder blades (where their wings appear) to be an erogenous zone. Keiichi has to take lessons from Peorth to avoid injuring Belldandy (or getting injured)...
{{quote| '''Urd:''' Goddesses are required to attend a sex education course when they declare they intend to have a relationship with a mortal. Otherwise, they might lose themselves in the passion of the act and cause the man's heart to cave in on itself and then explode.}}
** No need for him to be jealous of ''her'' educators, as "her teachers are all goddesses".
* [[Good Omens (Literature)|Crowley and Aziraphale]] have a ''huge'' amount of wingfic out there.
** Also halokink.
** This Tropes recalls a rather ... rousing fic where Crowley has a tail. Said tail is very interesting to play with.
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** Most likely because [[Rumiko Takahashi]] though can't create characters that fans won't sexualize, ''she doesn't do porn'' - the implication hits hard when one realizes that Inuyasha will only let his [[Love Interest]] touch his ears.
* The amount of times in ''[[Invader Zim]]'' fanfiction that mentions Zim's antennae to be this trope (which surprisingly has some basis in reality if Zim is physiologically similar to arthropods) has basically made this [[Fanon]].
* Pretty much anything with elves in it will have their pointed ears be sensitive in this way, and the same follows in ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'' fanfiction for half-elves with that feature. (Not all of them have pointed ears, somewhat oddly.) In addition, it also seems to apply to angels' wings.
** Applies to [[Star Trek (Franchise)|Vulcans]] in fanfiction, too.
* In ''[[Touhou (Video Game)|Touhou]]'' fanworks, many of the [[Petting Zoo People]] girls are subjected to this:
** Ran's tails and ears are commonly played with by an unsuspecting [[Catgirl|Chen]] or by a bored [[Reality Warper|Yukari]], producing interesting reactions, spawning the [[Me Me]] '' A cat is added'' as a result of a particular piece.
** A gag comic has Nitori inflating [[Giant Spider|Yamame's]] poofy skirt. Gives her quite an interesting expression there...
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* [[Transformers|Seeker wings]]. Oh. My. Primus. Door wings and other kibble are pretty common as well, but Seeker wings are definitely the most popular in fan fiction.
** Possibly because Starscream, the [[Draco in Leather Pants|Draco-bot in Metallic Pants]] of the fandom, is a seeker.
* ''[[The Return (Fanficfanfic)|The Return]]'' has Succubus horns being very sensitive; it's also implied that their tails may act as a pseudo-inseminator. [[Brain Bleach|You may now wash your brain]].
** [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]], in battle, their tails extend writhing [[Absurdly Sharp Blade|filaments]]. The phrase [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw]]-blender comes up. Decidedly not a [[Clean Cut|clean cut]].
* ''[[Pokémon]]'': [[Wild Mass Guessing]] has caused fans of [[Olympus Mons|Arceus]] to believe that the halo surrounding him/her would turn out to be one of these, providing that Arceus ever found itself a mate, of course.
* Speculation abounds in the ''[[War CraftWarcraft]]'' fandom about [[Our Elves Are Better|elf]] ears and draenei tails and tendrils.
* ''[[Bleach]]'' [[Fanon]] does this to the edges of an Arrancar's Hollow Hole.
** And at least one writer has done this to Grimmjow's ears as well.
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* ''[[Toy Story]]'' fandom has it that pull-strings and wings are erogenous zones.
* ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'' fans have run away with the idea of Soul Gem Play (directly applying physical contact to a Soul Gem in order to stimulate the poor Magical Girl the Gem belongs to) after {{spoiler|that scene where Kyubey reveals the literal truth about the [[Soul Jar|Soul Gems]] by making Sayaka feel pain through her own Gem}}.
* ''[[Tron (Film)|Tron]]'' and ''[[Tron Legacy (Film)|Tron: Legacy]]'' fanon has it that programs' circuits are as sensitive as human genitalia (which programs are often but not always assumed to lack). This is supported by a deleted scene in the original.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanon has applied this to both Pegasus wings and unicorn horns.
* ''[[Star Wars: theThe Clone Wars]]'' fics often make Ahsoka's montrals ''very'' sensitive.
** This could perhaps stem from the canonical explanation that Twi'lek's lekku (their head tendrils) are extremely sensitive to the touch and is often used and/or exploited for sexual purposes. So most would assume any species with such similar features -like Togruta- would follow suit.
* ''[[Naruto]]''s Fanon foes this with his whisker marks on his cheeks.
* In the ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'' fanfic [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7438305/1/Bases Bases], Robin and Starfire have some complications with the physical side of their relationship, because for Star's race (canonicaly feline descended) breasts are neither a special nor an erogenous zone. Scratching her behind the ear, on the other hand...
* In ''[[Mass Effect]]'' fandom, turians and quarians are subject to this (it also doesn't hurt that a turian and quarian are two of the most popular love interests). For turians, fans have run with the idea that their fringes and mandibles are very sensitive to touch. As for quarians in fanfic... [[Up to Eleven|their whole bodies]] are basically erogenous zones, as since they're stuck in their suits for their entire lives, practically any kind of skin-to-skin contact can get them going.
** {{spoiler|[[Mass Effect 2|Sucks to be Garrus, then.]]}}
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== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Men in Black (Filmfilm)|Men in Black]] II'': "Kay, he's a [[Punny Name|Ball]][[Meaningful Name|chin]]ian!". Though that was less for erotic reasons, and [[Groin Attack|more]] [[For Massive Damage]].
* In ''[[Little Nicky]]'', one character is cursed [[Cursed Withwith Awesome|with breasts on his head]]. Of course they are erogenous zones.
* ''[[The Star Wars Holiday Special]]''. Yes, a Fantastic Arousal in a [[Christmas Episode]]. [[You Do NOT Want to Know|Don't ask.]]
* The alien protagonist of ''What Planet Are You From?'' has an artificial phallus that audibly buzzes.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'' has Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon VI.
{{quote| Some people say her erogenous zones start some four miles from her actual body. Ford Prefect disagrees, saying five.}}
* In Robin Hobb's ''Ship of Destiny'', {{spoiler|Malta, as a result of spending a lot of time on the Rain River,}} ends up with a ridge on her forehead which appears to be, basically, a facial clitoris.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Alien Nation (TV series)|Alien Nation]]'': The Tenctonese women are aroused by, among other things, certain notes (coincidentally one of them is the TV test card tone), contact with their lower back but as a species their genitals are less of an issue sexually. (They're egg-layers, [[Mister Seahorse|sort of]]-- their sex is... [[Bizarre Alien Biology|complicated]].)
** Also, a blow to the armpit has the effect of a [[Groin Attack]] on Tenctonese males.
*** There was a scene in the movie where the human cop had to drag his Tenctonese partner out of danger while holding him under his shoulders; the alien had [[The Modest Orgasm|an unmistakable goofy smile on his face.]]
* Ivanova on ''[[Babylon Five5]]'' takes advantage of this trope to get out of having sex with an alien race that traditionally uses it to conclude negotiations. He goes away with the impression that human sex consists of putting your hand on someone's head and dancing around them singing.
** Although it is unclear how fooled he really was. It would appear most likely he was aware he was being manipulated, but could not object. His own headshake as he left, the meaningful, sarcastic look his interpreter gave her, and the note she received reading: "Next time: my way" (which came with a ''diaphragm''!) seem to indicate that he was indeed aware she'd tricked him, but could not bring himself to admit an "inferior" species had gotten the better of him, and he left to save face.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'': the Hynerian "ear brow" is very sensitive.
** And don't forget Zhaan's "photogasms". As one character put it "She's a plant. Put her in the light and watch her smile."
** Not to mention a Luxan's "tenkas." The tentacles on a Luxan's head are very sensitive, though in the show it's usually to pain. Though during the body-switching episode, D'argo notes that his "tenkas are a little sore," and he wonders what Chiana was doing with them. Knowing Chiana, she was enjoying her (new) self. A lot.
* ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]'' has the Ferengi, whose ears are an erogenous zone (and "oo-mox" is basically a sex act involving stroking the ears).
** The Ferengi thing is interesting because if you look at it as a stand-in for the penis, you have scenes such as Quark rubbing himself onscreen, a woman trying to get something from a Ferengi by rubbing his groin, and a woman who grabs a Ferengi by "the balls" to bargain with him. There was even a joke about [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|too much oo-mox making you go deaf...]]
** There is also a point in one of the ''DS9'' books where it is very strongly implied that Ferengi do not, in fact, have penises. Quark, Rom, and Nog go to see the doctor about a rash on their ears, and remark about it being "...the same as if a hu-man got it on their..." though the rest of the sentence is cut off.
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* ''[[The Tenth Kingdom]].'' For Wolf, it's the tail. He even gets do use it in a [[Something Else Also Rises]] sort of way now and then.
* An Italian comedy show once had a sketch featuring an interview with a woman with a wandering G-spot. [[Hilarity Ensues|Obviously, when the host shook her hand...]]
* An episode of ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' involved a demon species whose females had bony ridges along the spine that became red hot when they were in heat. The extremely patriarchal males of the species would cut off these ridges to keep their females docile, as sexual arousal was implied to make the women supernaturally strong. Of course, the whole episode was a big aesop about female genital mutilation.
* An episode of ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' has Arthur react with distinct pleasure when Gwen strokes his recently acquired donkey ears (long story).
* The pilot of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' had the (female) Cylons' spines glow during sex. This was dropped for the rest of the series, however, as a major plot point early on was how to detect the Cylons among the fleet and was pointed out that Baltar had a Cylon detector in his pants.
* From SNL we have the Coneheads, aliens with, what else? Cone-shaped heads! And they have some sort of game or something where they put a special ring on said cones. And guess what? This game has something to do with sex!
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** Also, an easily missed conversation in Lair of the Shadow Broker gives us the "Azure", or slang for an asari erogenous zone "in the lower reaches, near the bottom." The end of the DLC hints that this is in the lower back.
*** If you're still faithful to Liara, at the end, Shepard's hand goes to said spot, which instantly turns her eyes black with a smile on her face, along with a gasp.
* In ''[[The Adventures of Sam and& Max: Freelance Police (Video Game)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]: What's New, Beelzebub?'', there's a [[Sensitivity Training|Workplace Sexual Harassment chart]] which indicates the zones where [[Petting Zoo People|Sam]] should not be touched as his crotch and his floppy dog ears. [[Starfish Alien|Shambling Corporate Presence]]'s are in a variety of obscure places, the most obvious being [[Naughty Tentacles|the ends of his tentacles]]. [[Cartoon Creature|Max just has a big question mark over his body]] [[Killer Rabbit|along with a Stop sign and the caption 'approach with caution'.]]
* In ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'', [[Tsundere|Annah]]'s skin gets hot when she, uh, gets hot.
* In the Old World Blues DLC for ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', Dr. Dala is disturbingly fascinated by your breathing due to the fact that as a [[Brain In Aa Jar]] she hasn't had a body of her own in centuries. It's even possible to induce [[The Immodest Orgasm]] in her after finding this out.
* In ''Star Control II'', the Slylandro's "glowy bits" are visible to humans but not to Slylandro; the fact that humans can see them makes at least one Slylandro more . . . stimulated.
{{quote| '''Slylandro''': Ah... your species sees in a different spectrum than we do. We can't see those. As for what they are... erm... well, they're used for... um... [[The Talk|when a male and a female]]... uh, look, can we talk about something else?}}
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* The D'Bo sisters from ''[[Our Home Planet]]'' are somewhat of an odd example: Their antennae secrete a protein, that, simply said, at one point causes Rika's finger to have an orgasm. It hasn't been shown yet, but given that the antennae are said to be the most sensitive parts of their biology and that they're their reproductive organs (eww), fiddling with them should have this effect.
* In ''[[Two Kinds]]'', this trope is probably the reason why the Basitin consider non-bandaged feet obscene.
* For Uryuom in ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' [[The Empath|empathy / limited telepathy]] does [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2003-10-06 most of the job] (they are androgynous, anyway). It's [[Interspecies Romance|far from being limited to their own species]] and this property is inheritable. The genetic lottery leaves some [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half Human Hybrids]] [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2005-03-28 without] the human form of attraction and others with a combination of both.
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* Spoofed in a ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' short; a character wishes for unicorns to be real, after which one appears at his window and takes him away to have "fun adventures"... which include stripping down and polishing his "magic horn".
{{quote| "[[Does This Remind You of Anything?|If you polish a unicorn's horn long enough, it gives you magical unicorn mayonnaise.]][[Squick|That's what I used to make these sandwiches!]]"}}
* When she was freed from her cuffs by Robin in ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'', Starfire pulled him in and kissed him (her alien biology has a power that lets her learn languages through "lip contact"). She didn't know [[Inverted Trope|what a kiss really was on Earth]] at the time, but she later realizes that it means "more... or so [she] has heard."
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