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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Sid.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: With one exception; see [[Ted Baxter]] below.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Eventually
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: In Season 1.
* [[Look Both Ways]]:
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type I.
* {{spoiler|[[Blood From the Mouth]]}}
* [[Can't Get Away Withwith Nuthin']]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Fuck it".
* {{spoiler|[[Died in Your Arms Tonight]]}}
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* [[Token Minority]]
* [[Uptight Loves Wild]]: [[Gender Flipped]] with Chris.
* [[You Are a Credit Toto Your Race]]: Gets a speech like this from the school administration when she's being interviewed for being a BBC Young Musician Of The Year finalist. They go on and on about how Jal is from a "disadvantaged background" when, actually, her father is a famous musician and she's probably the most well-off of the group.
=== Maxxie Oliver ===
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* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Creepy and completely ignores...
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Towards Maxxie.
* [[Yandere]]: She's not violent like this trope usually implies, but she's definitely unstable and doesn't really care who she has to hurt to get to Maxxie.
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* [[Daddy's Girl]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Life of the Party]]
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* [[Hands-Off Parenting]]
* [[Parental Obliviousness]]
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: It's never explained what happened to them, although we assume they are still in Elgin.
=== Graham Miles ===
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Essentially what happens after his Season 4 episode.
* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Has a lot of these moments, from telling Effy that Cook was sleeping with someone else to {{spoiler|outing Emily to her sister}}.
* [[Good Withwith Numbers]]
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]: {{spoiler|He and Emily have sex despite the fact that Emily is gay. He actually thought the two of them getting together was possible when Emily chose him as her Love Ball date - but that was only because of Emily's mother and sister's homophobia, and once Naomi showed up Emily happily went with her.}}
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Subverted {{spoiler|until the end of his Season 3 episode}}. Played with in Season 4 when Thomas points out that {{spoiler|a pity-screw from a lesbian doesn't really mean much, and he needs to find a girl who is genuinely interested to have sex with him}}.
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* [[Stepford Snarker]]: "I learned how to become a sarcastic bitch just to make it feel normal."
* [[Tsundere]]: See above.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: {{spoiler|Naomi cheats on Emily in Season 4 with [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|Sophia]], a storyline that was possibly [[Foreshadowing|hinted at]] with the song "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry" that plays at the end of 309.}}
== Family ==
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{{quote| Played by: Harry Enfield}}
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Partway through Season 3 (when he finds out about Anthea's cheating).
=== Angela Moon ===
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* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Room Full of Crazy]]: Cadet locker, rather.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Taken to the extreme. Sophia has a whole locker shrine dedicated to Naomi. Items include covertly taken snapshots of Naomi, Naomi's bracelet, [[Squick|an old toothbrush of Naomi's]], and a Garibaldi wrapper Naomi had thrown out.
* [[Tragic Dream]]: Naomi. Art school.
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* [[Mind Rape]]: Attempts this on Effy. {{spoiler|Almost succeeds.}}
* [[The Shrink]]: A particularly extreme Type 1.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]
* [[Yandere]]
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{{quote| Played by: Victoria Wicks}}
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: After Season 3.
=== David Blood ===
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* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Tries to do this, only it doesn't go well.
* [[Canine Companion]]: [[Stock Animal Name|Rags]] the dog, it's pretty much his breaking point when his [[My Beloved Smother|mother]] threatens to take his dog away.
* [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms]]: Or Ultra-Wanking .
* {{spoiler|[[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: With Mini, starting in the first episode of season six.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Secret Relationship]]: Again, with Mini.}}
* [[Friendship Moment]]: He has this with Mini in his season 5 episode, as she comforts him after {{spoiler|his father ends up in the hospital}}.
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** Particularly in his Season 5 episode to {{spoiler|Grace}}, who {{spoiler|is only trying to help hook him up with a crush.}}
*** He does get a little better though after a few [[Break the Haughty]] moments.
** He's gotten more [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|likeable]] since then due to his relationship with {{spoiler|Grace}}.
* [[Sensory Abuse]]: Temporarily loses his hearing after listening to the "heaviest" record ever made.
* [[Team Chef]]
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* [[Fan Disservice]]: Any of her sex scenes with Nick, due to how downright-painful it looks for her.
* [[Forgets to Eat]]: She possibly has an eating disorder.
* {{spoiler|[[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: With Alo, starting in the first episode of season six.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Secret Relationship]]: She doesn't want anyone to find out about her and Alo.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Have I Mentioned I Am Sexually Active Today?]]}}
* [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...]]: Says this to {{spoiler|Matty}}, about {{spoiler|Franky}}.
* [[I Just Want to Be Beautiful]]
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]
* [[In Love Withwith Love]]
* [[Internalized Categorism]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Making Liv drink a bottle of vodka after she's already had far too much to drink.
* [[Let's Wait Aa While]]: Atypical for a show where [[Everybody Has Lots of Sex]].
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]: Eventually.
* [[Make Way for Thethe Princess]]
* [[The Matchmaker]]: Tries to do this with {{spoiler|Franky and Matty}}, presumably to get back at Liv.
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: Mainly towards Franky.
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* [[How the Mighty Have Fallen]]
* [[In-Universe Catharsis]]: Smashing his father's kitchen with a golf club.
* [[I Want to Be Aa Real Man]]: [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Due to the influence of his father.]]
* [[Friendship Moment]]: With Franky, their conversation on the swing set, and when he stands up for Franky after a guy threatens her.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Before the onset of [[Character Development]].
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[The Masochism Tango]]: With Mini, they first appear to be [[Birds of a Feather]] but it becomes painfully obvious that they don't work as a couple.
** {{spoiler|As of his Season 5 episode he and Mini are no longer a couple}}.
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{{quote| Played by: Sebastian De Souza}}
* [[Ambiguously Gay|Ambiguously Bisexual]]: Mainly due to [[Word of God]] indicating the character the character was originally supposed to be bisexual, that and the character profile that lists ''[[Shortbus]]'' and ''[[My Own Private Idaho (Film)|My Own Private Idaho]]'' as his favourite movies.
* [[Black Sheep]]
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: {{spoiler|Arguably with either [[Triang Relations|Liv or Franky.]]}}
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* [[Mistaken for Subculture|Mistaken For Prostitute]]
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Literally, in the S6 finale.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Was announced as a new "main cast" character who would be introduced in Season 6.
* [[Straight Gay]]
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''British Counterpart: Sid Jenkins'' }}
* [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms]]: In Tony's episode and again in Cadie's episode, [[Squick|this time on Michelle's bed while holding her teddy bear.]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type I]].
* [[The Precious Precious Car]]: Steals his father's car only for it to blow up after being caught driving without a license, although it's actually [[The Alleged Car]] and it was precious for sentimental reason.
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''British Counterpart: Maxxie Oliver'' }}
* [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms]]: In her episode.
* [[All Gays Are Promiscuous]]: Tea isn't interested in a relationship; she just wants sex.
* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: Much to her dismay.
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* [[Gender Flip]]
* [[In the Blood]]: Turns out {{spoiler|her grandmother is also a lesbian, or at least bisexual}}.
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro -PAY"]]: Her name is pronounced TAY-uh, not like the drink.
* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]
* [[The Mafia]]: It's implied that her dad is a member.
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* [[Buxom Is Better]]
* [[Elegant Classical Musician]]: Like Jal, although Daisy plays the trumpet.
* {{spoiler|[[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: With Abbud, though the moment slightly hints [[Just Friends|at something more.]]}}
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: By Tea's family.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Like her British counterpart, Daisy tends to play this role - though she is a bit wilder than Jal was.
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* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: Has a thing for Tea.
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: How his relationship with Daisy {{spoiler|starts out}}.
* [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot]]: Why he went to Tea's "Big Gay Night Out." Was disappointed when they turned out to be much more interested in each other than in the dudes like him looking on.
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]: With Tea.
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=== Tina ===
* [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]]: Her episode.
* [[Expy]]: Of Angie from the original.
* [[Hot for Student]]
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