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*** In the context of kids being like gods, Lotso's last major quote gains an interesting significance: "Where's your kid now, sheriff?"
** In the end, the toys are rewarded with reincarnation as they are given to Bonnie. - Beacon80
* <<Warning, TS3 spoilers>> So, I finally watch TS3. and with it comes this: you know how in the first movie Buzz thinking he was ''really'' from Star Command was [[Played for Laughs|played just for laughs]]? And in the second movie when it's the "wrong" Buzz, it's also [[Played for Laughs|played for laughs]] because he thinks he's still at Star Command? It gets brought up again in TS3- but it's most definately ''not'' [[Tear Jerker|played for laughs]]- instead Lotso uses one of the funnier [[Running Gag|running gags]] in the first movie, and managed to make it somethign horrifying and terribly sad. Damn you Lotso... --[[Tropers/Loracarol|Loracarol]]
* The incinerator scene is the most brilliant piece of cinema ever made. Many people (Disney management included) see [[TS 3]] as the film that could finally break the glass ceiling for animation as far as being able to win a Best Picture Oscar. The biggest hurdle to overcome with this is of course the [[Animation Age Ghetto]] and people feeling it's an inherently lower art form. Pixar has obviously been the most prolific studio in trying to turn this around, but regardless of how [[Darker and Edgier|dark and edgy]] they make a film. as long as it is made to appeal to any audience they alienate the academy voters who believe solely in the realm of and [[True Art Is Angsty]]. So what do they do at the climax of one of the most beloved franchises of all time? They set it up to [[Kill'Em All]]. When it gets to that point, they end up subverting [[Like You Would Really Do It]] and [[Disney Death]] by playing them entirely straight. You as an audience member are thinking to yourself "there's no way....it's Disney...but then again, it's Pixar...." and they leave you hanging up until the [[Deus Ex Machina]] that is arguably the biggest CMOA in the series. Everyone in the theater is cheering and applauding but the whole thing was just a fake out. You move on from that point to the true ending and realize killing them off in the fire would have been a complete cop out. Sure, people would have cried, but it would have come off as a cheap ending wouldn't have had nearly the same effect as Andy giving them away did. The [[Bittersweet Ending]] ended up having a far greater emotional impact on the audience and did so without resorting to a standard [[Rule of Drama]] resolution.
** Something this troper realized. The reason that everyone survives? They all hold hands to meet their fate. Had they continued to fight and climb the garbage individually its very likely that they would get spread out and the claw would not have saved all of them. Instead, by staying together to the bitter end, they all live.
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* Anyone notice the final shot of the third film was the same thing as the first shot of the first film? The cloudy wallpaper opened the first movie and ended the last one showing that this ending is just another beginning.
* A [[Just Bugs Me/Toy Story 3|commonly raised point of]] [[Fridge Logic]] about the third movie is that the toys that were sent to the Caterpillar Room were not age-appropriate (in particular, the Potato Heads with their detachable, easily choked-on parts) and should have been removed by the adults. If you think about it, this fits in with Lotso's overall philosophy for two main reasons. Firstly, the toys are not age-appropriate for small children because they ''break easily''; under the rough treatment they receive from toddlers, those kinds of toys would be lucky to last a day or two before being ruined beyond repair and thrown in the trash. Secondly, if by some chance a child did happen to choke or be injured on an inappropriate toy, the most likely result would be that the daycare center would be closed down. What would most likely happen to all the toys? Thrown away, and thus fitting with Lotso's philosophy that humans ultimately don't care about toys and that they're just 'trash'. Lotso is essentially setting up situation wherein his nilhilistic world-view becomes self-fulfilling.
* [[Tropers/Ingonyama|This troper]] had an epiphany regarding Lotso himself, specifically the seemingly [[Misaimed Marketing]] involved with Disney's mass-production of Lotso toys. Turns out, it's not misaimed...it's targeted specifically at the kids who [[Sympathy for Thethe Devil|felt sorry]] for [[Draco in Leather Pants|the villain.]] The toy is cute and cuddly, and not at all indicative of Lotso's [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|true]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|status]] within the story, n stark contrast to every other Disney villain ever...''on purpose,'' to encourage kids to love their Lotso. It's like a [[Real Life]] Aesop in plush form.
** Also a great way to make [[The Reveal]] more shocking.
* Lotso says to Ken in the midst of the latter's [[Heel Face Turn]], "She's a ''Barbie doll!'' There's a hundred million others just like her!" And Ken turns and says, "Not for me, there's not." There's a lesson in there. Sure, it's [[Played for Laughs]], sort of, but think about it: we all pigeonhole people into fitting into certain categories: the [[Alpha Bitch]], the [[Jerk Jock]], the [[Brainless Beauty]], the [[Granola Girl]], [[Hollywood Nerd]] - all the time. But no matter how "stereotypical" someone seems, when you get to know them, and love them, they're instantly one-of-a-kind, totally irreplaceable. And that's true for toys and people.
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** All the toys you played with as a child were alive. All of them. Those times your parents stepped on them? The time you switched their arms around? They were aware of it all. And when they went into the toy box they were alone. Alone in complete darkness.
** It's hard to know how much pain they feel. They don't seem to hurt when decapitated, or if a limb falls off. But being ripped apart or set on fire is obviously not something they enjoy.
** [[Caught Withwith Your Pants Down|Your toys can see you]] [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|playing with something else.]]
*** [http://www.gg-guys.com/?id=66 As seen in this comic.]
*** On that note, imagine what it must be like to be a sex toy in the ''Toy Story'' universe.
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