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* [[One of Us]]: Many of the members of the site, and even one of the admins, frequent [[TV Tropes]] and can consider themselves avid tropers. Even without [[TV Tropes]] as a criteria, you'd be hard pressed to find a member or handler who doesn't have some sort of interest that puts them square in this category.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: Subverted to hell in many, many instances. Sydney Morvran, winner of V0 (the final 'test run') is the most prominent example of this. He ends up being the sole survivor of his first game by using his best friend as a human shield after all the rest of his friends started attacking one another in a paranoid fit. Then Syd was put into the next game as punishment for not killing anybody.
* [[Out Withwith a Bang]]: Happens to a few characters in V1 and in V2. As Mr. Danya put it during his announcement of Matt Drew's death at the hands of [[Femme Fatale|Sera Wingfeld]]:
{{quote| '''Danya:''' "Let's just say that Sera Wingfield took him to heaven before she sent him to hell. Hey, she was good to the man."}}
* [[Rare Guns]]: The SPAS-12, Auto-Mag, Desert Eagle, and even the two-of-a-kind full-auto Pancor Jackhammer, all make multiple appearances.
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* [[Consummate Liar]]: Cody Jenson (at least pre-psychotic) was a devilish liar, stringing along Adam Dodd for quite some considerable time before the latter even started to get suspicious. (Jenson pretended he was another kid, leading to Adam talking to him about how much he wanted to kill... well, him). When he finds out later who Jenson really is, Adam is needless to say, not pleased.
* [[Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday]]: The day of the school trip (when the abductions took place) is that of Jacob Starr's sixteenth birthday.
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: Happens to {{spoiler|Amber Phillips}}; a helicopter that's shot down crashes on top of her.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Done briefly, where after the machete-wielding Andrew Klock is wounded with a corkscrew in his fight with Cole Hudson he pulls it out of himself and attacks Cole with both weapons, eventually lodging the corkscrew in an artery.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' started out... oddly, to say the least. Many handlers are surprised when they read all the way back to version 1, which was more lenient about realism and good writing than the current version. This results in seeing character concepts that wouldn't work nowadays but made it through in a previous version, or seeing deaths that would be laughed off if you tried them now.
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* [[Ironic Nursery Tune]]: Cillian Crowe singing 'happy birthday' to himself, while not exactly a nursery rhyme, embodies this trope perfectly. That is, if you consider that he was currently thinking about ''killing'' the person he was talking to at the time - insisting on showing him his 'present' (a meat cleaver).
* [[Is This Thing Still On?]]: Terrorists McLocke, Kaige and Rice accidentally activate the PA system in their headquarters, treating the students to a charming rendition of a [[Slash Fic]] (involving two ''of'' the students) they found on the web. [[Bad Boss|Danya]] is not pleased, particularly when they go from reading the fic to insulting him and the entire organisation.
* [[Leaning Onon the Furniture]]: David Jackson does this in a flashback, leaning back in his chair so it rises onto its back legs, and putting his legs on the table. However, this wasn't so much to be rude as to relax, as he was exhausted from [[Training From Hell|practice]] earlier. Amusingly, he is sitting back to back with Jack O'Connor, his teammate, so not only is his chair resting against Jack's, but they converse (with a [[Shout-Out]] to [[Battle Royale]]) without even facing each other.
* [[Made of Iron]]: While there were other examples, Jacob Starr has been the most egregious example by far. The SOTF community's term for this trope - the Jacob Treatment - was even named after him.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Adam Dodd doesn't only have one of these, but two. The first of these is allowing himself to become separated from the other members of his group - among them his girlfriend and other close buddies of his. {{spoiler|They all proceed to be killed, and in one case, raped}}. Adam, of course, blames himself for this. His second stems from an incident where his (mentally unstable) brother attacked him. Adam regrets throughout version 1 his failure to forgive his older brother {{spoiler|until one of the very last scenes of the V1 endgame}}.
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* [[Laser Sight]]: One of the guns had a laser sight, though it went unused.
* [[Ludicrous Gibs]]: {{spoiler|Caitlin Evans}} spontaneously explodes due to a violent chemical reaction inside her stomach.
* [[Murder Byby Mistake]]: Bryan Calvert shoots at who he believes to be principal murderess Mariavel Varella. He shoots and kills {{spoiler|Whitney Acosta}} by mistake instead.
* [[My Nayme Is]]: Andi Ayala, Derrin Istoli and Greggory Archer.
* [[No Ending]]: V2 ends with {{spoiler|Bryan Calvert receiving a [[Hannibal Lecture]] by [[Big Bad|Danya]]. Bryan attacks Danya,}} and... well, nothing. As of v5, people ''still'' don't know what happened after that. There was supposed to be a part two, but at this rate we'll never know other than [[Big Bad|Danya]] and [[The Dragon|Wilson]] got out of the situation alive. A final end may or may not be upcoming, however.
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* [[Aloof Ally]]: Dominica Shapiro's part in [[Five-Man Band|SADD]] was very much one of these, although she was slowly becoming more and more of a part of the team.
* [[Angry Black Man]]: Troy McCann tends to drop into this from time to time. Notably, he ''intentionally'' made himself out this way in order to be more like the rap stars he idolizes.
* [[A Plague Onon Both Your Houses]]: Anna Vaan to Lenny Priestly:
{{quote| '''Anna:''' My mother's dead, and so's my sister, just like yours is gonna be at the end of this god damn GAME!}}
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Bobby Jacks apologizes to Ivan Roeghmills before cutting his throat.
* [[Asexuality]]: Bobby Jacks has been clearly shown to hold absolutely no attraction to anybody. Even when he suspects a fellow classmate has a crush on him his reaction can be summed up as 'Hm. Interesting'
* [[Asian Gal Withwith White Guy]]: Adam Dodd ends up getting Izzy Cheung, though considering the [[There Can Only Be One|pre]][[Kill'Em All|mise]] and the [[Bolivian Army Ending|ending]], it's hard to say what really happened next.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Adonis Zorba.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]}}:{{spoiler|J. R. Rizzolo}} is the winner of V3.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: this happened to Dominica Shapiro, who initially joined the group SADD on the off chance their plan would work, with the intent on a double cross if not, but gradually became more and more part of the group properly.
* [[Bifauxnen]]: Dacey Ashcroft is described as being very ambiguous in gender - especially since she is very tall for a girl and in general, just doesn't act 'girly'. That she deliberately perpetrates this charade doesn't help matters for the confused.
* [[Big Man Onon Campus]]: Arguably Steve Digaetano, probably the most popular guy at Southridge. He isn't perhaps a [[Jerkass]] of the highest order, but he certainly has his moments.
* [[Born Unlucky]]: Karl Van Buren, a ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' v3 character, seems to have this problem, as he's notorious for having extremely bad luck. Some of the things noted in his backstory include, in no particular order, almost drowning, the plane he was on sucking in two people, an ax falling down and hurting people while he was reading about an ax murder, and a transvestite commiting suicide and landing on his car, among other things. He doesn't last very long in-game, having had his neck snapped by Gabriel Theobaldt. He even gets posthumous bad luck, as Victor Kurchatov comes across his corpse and... [[Squick|you don't want to know]].
* [[Calling Card]]: [[Ax Crazy|Blood Boy]] does this at one point: carving a smiley face into one of his victims. (Blood Boy wore a smiley face mask).
* [[Casualty in Thethe Ring]]: Part of Bobby Jacks' backstory is that he accidentally killed an opponent in a boxing match.
* [[Caught Withwith Your Pants Down]]: This happens to Beth Vandelinder - as Melina Frost walks in her. Particularly squicky as Melina then forces her to ''keep going'' before effectively ''[[Rape Asas Drama|joining in]]''. [[Depraved Bisexual]] indeed... Oh, and Melina uses a vase to help.
* [[Cute Mute]]: Dawn Beckworth. Mute and most certainly cute. Although not particularly supernatural.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Melina Frost. She lead the [[Amazon Brigade|all woman]] group named the Poison Angels in an attempt to kill all the men on the island. She was about as [[Ax Crazy]] as it got. One of the best examples of her insanity is when she rapes Beth Vandelinder. With a ''vase''.
* [[Don't Explain the Joke]]: Carson Baye was a particularly unpopular character in V3 due to his habit of referencing anime, then immediately explaining the references. Although, there were a number of other (mostly [[In and Out of Character|out of character]]) reasons for this too.
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: Mods are often forced to do this to inactive characters. A massive wave of inactivity in V3 forced the admins to (allegedly) kill off a large number of characters off screen en masse, including major characters such as Neil Sinclair, Julie Mikan, Darnell Butler, and even Adam Dodd.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bees]]: Katherine Blanco dies after a severe allergic reaction from a bee sting. [[Big Bad|Mr. Danya]] is less than sympathetic.
{{quote| '''Danya''': Sometimes, kiddos, you don't have to wait around for the competition to kill you. Some of you are so imperfect that Mother Nature decides to do it herself.}}
* [[Extremity Extremist]]: Bobby Jacks almost invariably resorts to his fists in combat. He is, however, a boxer, so that isn't a huge surprise. He doesn't seem to have many compunctions about using his head either. It's mostly a case of sticking to what he's good at. (In fact, the one time he tried to kick somebody he immediately got his ass kicked).
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* [[Instant Death Bullet]]: Usually averted, but played straight in the v3 Endgame when {{spoiler|Rizzolo shoots Lulu in the gut, and she falls dead instantly.}}
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: Lenny Priestly will do ''anything'' to make sure his twin sister Elizabeth is safe. Literally anything, as he kills people for this reason. Though possibly a subversion, as it has been implied that he used her as an excuse to kill, especially since he went [[Ax Crazy]] and stopped being an [[Anti-Villain]].
* [[Locked in Aa Freezer]]: Alex Steele gets locked in the freezer by Guy Rapide. He tries to escape by [[Shoot Out the Lock|shooting the lock out]], but instead has a bullet ricochet into his chest.
* [[Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter!]]: Sean O'Cann has a 'word' with God. Over the course of V3 up to that point, his best friend, cousin, and boyfriend had all been killed, as well as it being very likely he would go the same way.
* [[Meta Guy]]: Quincy Archer is the resident [[Meta Guy]], writing a blog about the fake SOTF and the tropes it shows, and then commenting through out the stories on the actions of the various villains and heroes. {{spoiler|He commits suicide, but if he hadn't, one of his [[Karmic Death|personal favorite villains]], JR Rizzolo, would have left him to burn.}}
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* [[My Nayme Is]]: Ivye Dewley and Khrysta Lawrence.
* [[Near-Rape Experience]]: J.R. Rizzolo's torture of Laeil Burbank ALMOST starts out with a rape scene, but then Riz decides it'd be a better idea to [[Eye Scream|cut out her eye instead]]. This was due to Riz' writer planning a rape scene, but deciding at the last minute that he wasn't up for it.
* [[Never Bring a Knife Toto A Fist Fight]]: Subverted when Ric Chee and Bobby Jacks fight with [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]. When Bobby realises that, conversely to his expectations, he is getting beaten down mercilessly (by a guy with no combat expertise whatsoever) he pulls out a scalpel and {{spoiler|immediately fatally stabs Ric.}}
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Bobby Jacks pulls off the firearm based version with Andy [[Mc Cann]]. Bobby hears the latter cry out behind him and shoots him in the head with a pistol without even turning around.
* [[Paper Cutting]]: Maxie Dasai gets hit in the face [[Annoying Arrows|by an arrow]] and comes away with a minor wound across her cheek, somehow managing to avoid any serious harm.
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{{quote| '''Lulu''': See this thing, Lenny? Now you take your fucking hands off your handgun or I'll blow a hole through your head.}}
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Lyn "Laeil" Burbank of [[Survival of the Fittest]]'s third version. After confessing her love to a female friend, she gets bullied by her classmates for being a "dyke". Once she gets on the island, she kills her cousin (who was one of her major bullies) by [[Groin Attack|stabbing him in the groin repeatedly]]. Afterwards, she decides that she was going to die anyways, and that she was going to [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|get revenge on everyone who ever bullied her]]. {{spoiler|The last thing she sees before she dies is a hallucination of forementioned female friend forgiving her.}}
* [[Quicksand Sucks]]: Shows up in v3, where it's used to kill both {{spoiler|Melina Frost}} and {{spoiler|Beth Vandelinder}}, one getting stuck in the sand long enough to be stabbed, the other being [[Taking You Withwith Me|pulled in head-first by Melina and drowned.]]
* [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]: Lenny Priestly kills Gabe McCallum's love interest Viki Valentine. Later on, Gabe gets his revenge on Lenny by {{spoiler|shooting dead his twin sister Elizabeth, who'd had nothing to do with the death}}.
* [[Rope Bridge]]: There's a rope bridge over a ravine, but subverts the collapsing part by having it be about as durable as you'd expect from a bridge on a military base. Gabe McCallum [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this while crossing it and wondering if it'll fall, reminding himself that the military wouldn't risk men and equipment by making a bridge that wasn't sturdy.
* [[Sad Clown]]: Sean O'Cann, to which the page quote applies almost perfectly. Prior to the point in the game (Day 3) that he found out his best friend, boy friend, and cousin died (three different people, before anyone says anything) he still cracked a joke every now and then. Afterward though, Sean begins making all sorts of remarks, not all of which are in the best taste, and sometimes are [[Dude, Not Funny|just plain offensive.]]
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{{quote| '''Kathleen''': "Oh Adam, there's no way you could shoot me with that gun. You see, people like you aren't fit for these kinds of situations. Sure, you're basically a big load of muscle with more than enough attitude to compensate, but compared to people like me, you're nothing. Ultimately, it's the smart, the beautiful, and the well-prepared that are going to make it far in this game, and when it comes to you-"}}
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Adam Dodd, {{spoiler|the only survivor of version one}}.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: An odd variation (a non-villain example), from ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' is Matthew Wittany, V3's resident [[Woobie]]. A fan of photography, he carried around an album filled with pictures of boys he found attractive. Anderson Walker, the subject of most of these pictures, was not best pleased when he discovered this. Neither was his boyfriend, Sean O'Cann.
* [[Sweet Polly Oliver]]: [[Huge Schoolgirl]] Dacey "Dawson" Ashcroft pretends to be a guy due to the negative attention she received in her previous school, feeling it easier to get through highschool if everyone believes her to be a man. Luckily, she doesn't look all that feminine, and unlike some of the other female Southridge students lacks large breasts.
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: Melina Frost from kills Beth Vandelinder this way. After the latter stabbed another almost fatally and left her to die in quicksand, the former grabbed hold of her hair in her last act and dragged Beth under with her, killing them both.
* [[The Fatalist]]: Adam Reeves in Survival of the Fittest. Also a Social Darwinist.
* [[The Load]]: Cara Scholte. Maxie Dasai has to literally pull Cara around for a good half a day and was prevented from fleeing from a dangerous encounter with [[Complete Monster|Adam Reeves]] in concern for her companion's well-being. Sure, Cara was catatonic at the time, [[Rape Asas Drama|but given the outcome of the fight...]]
* [[The Messiah]]: Neil Sinclair. No matter how many times he is knocked back by more [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|cynical or pessimistic]] characters, he keeps on trying, time and again, to gather as many students he can in an attempt to escape. His hugely idealist approach includes but is not limited to inviting a classmate into the group who had previously ''killed'' one of the other members of his group - S.A.D.D.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: In a fight between [[Psycho Lesbian|Laeil Burbank]] and [[Evil Redheads|Melina Frost]], Madison Conner suddenly appears and attacks Laeil to keep her from killing Melina before she can. Laeil also swears to be the only one to kill Melina, as well as kill anyone who tries to beat her to it. {{spoiler|She fails on both accounts as Melina and her killer [[Mutual Kill|kill each other]]. [[Villainous Breakdown|She doesn't take it well.]]}}
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* [[The Unpronounceable]]: Vilhjalmur Sigurbjornsson. Though his first name is often shortened down to [[Some Call Me... Tim|Will]], his last name still causes problems for Danya.
* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]: Maxie Dasai does this with a gun.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: During the big stand-off between SADD and Bobby Jacks, Arty Williams stumbled onto the scene with a password-locked cell phone, upon which he tossed SADD the cell phone (telling them the password,) telling them it might be their ticket to getting off the island before running off to get himself killed in a (failed) attempt to save Ivan Roeghmills from a hostage situation. SADD decides to honor his noble sacrifice by never mentioning him or the phone ever again.
* [[While Rome Burns]]: A particularly notable version occurs, where Carson Baye plays on his DS while a gunfight is starting around him.
* [[Whip It Good]]: Brendan Bredard is assigned a bullwhip as a weapon, which he later uses to strangle Luis Chezinski to death.
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== Version 4 ==
* [[Accidental Murder]]: A couple of deaths have occured this way; {{spoiler|Jackson Ockley}} (shot by {{spoiler|Ilario Fiametta}} with a lipstick gun) and {{spoiler|Jake Crimson}} (pushed over by {{spoiler|Garry Villette}} and cracking his head on a cinderblock), {{spoiler|[[Gentle Giant|Craig Hoyle]]}} (shot by {{spoiler|Nik Kronwall}}), {{spoiler|Mia Kuiper}} (impaled on a tree branch by {{spoiler|Bridget Connolly}}), and {{spoiler|Steven Hunt}} (shot by {{spoiler|Brendan Wallace}} in the leg and bled out).
* [[Adam and Oror Eve]]: Eve Walker-Luther and Eva Lancaster.
* [[Afraid of Blood]]: Liam "Brook" Brooks and Rena Peters suffers from this. Sadly, they're also on a deserted island and forced to kill their classmates... {{spoiler|although after the girl he loves dies, [[Axe Crazy|Liam's not the least bit scared of it anymore...]]}}
* [[All Drummers Are Animals]]: Maria "[[Lampshade Hanging|Animal]]" Graham, certified [[Cloudcuckoolander]], plays the drums for Blank Nation.
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|STAR, who took Danya hostage and boating a portion of the students out, who all manage to make it back to America.}}
** On a smaller scale, Joe Rios interrupts a shootout between Aston Bennett and {{spoiler|Quincy Jones}} by sneaking up on {{spoiler|Quincy}}, kneecapping him with a borrowed pistol, and '''clocking him in the jaw with his own gun.'''
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]: The Fiametta triplets. One (Rosa) is pretty much the poster girl for [[Looking for Love In All Thethe Wrong Places]], and has been known to hit on [[Anything That Moves]], another (Frankie) regularly uses drugs, and the last, and the one male out of the three (Ilario), not only is heavily pressured by his father, but has to look after the other two in spite of actually being the ''youngest'' (albeit by a matter of minutes), and is somewhat neurotic as a result. Add to that mix a clueless stepmother with no emotional connection to the children whatsoever and a father who only really cares about his son, showing it by... insisting that he ''must'' perform well at school and more or less ignoring his daughters, and you get this trope.
* [[Bi the Way]]: There's a lot more fluid sexuality in the class of v4 this time around. Mainly, compared to v2's 1 bisexual, v3's 1 bisexual, there are heaps more bisexual students than thought possible. Peter Siu, Brendan Wallace, Madelyn Prowers, Felicia Carmichael, Orn "Dutchy" Ayers, Charlene Norris, Megan Nelson, [[Word of God|Dawne Jiang]], Colin Falcone, Hayley Kelly, William Hearst...to say this is an overabundant trope says the least about its prevalence.
* {{spoiler|[[Bittersweet Ending]]: Sure, a ''lot'' of the students die, but unlike previous versions many of the students were rescued and made it back to America, [[Big Bad|Danya]] is seemingly dead, and the terrorists have been dealt an almost crippling blow.}}
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** Later, Simon Telamon falls asleep, after which he manages to remove his collar, only to engage in conversation with his girlfriend {{spoiler|Clio Gabriella, who had died two days previously}}. She herself reveals that the entire thing is a [[Talking in Your Dreams|dream]].
** Janet Claymont also has a dream conversation with {{spoiler|her dead boyfriend, Chadd Crossen,}} after she [[Driven to Suicide|almost tries to kill herself by drinking chlorine]] where he snaps her out of it.
* [[Death Byby Falling Over]]: Happens a fair bit. {{spoiler|Edward Belmont}} hits his head on a rock after being whacked with a stick by {{spoiler|Rachel Gettys}}. {{spoiler|Jake Crimson}} suffers a slow death, having struck his head on a cinderblock when pushed over by {{spoiler|Garry Villette}}, and {{spoiler|Timothy Skula}} dies when he hits his head on a rock after being shot by {{spoiler|Ilario Fiametta}}.
** The unusual number of "Death by falling over and hitting your head on a rock" deaths (both in v4 and v3) have led to a few humorous [[Epileptic Trees]].
* [[Developing Doomed Characters]]: "Pre-Game" for v4 existed to establish character relationships, romances, etc, and took up about '''''eighteen months''''' before anything remotely game-related happened.
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* [[Drop What You Are Doing]]: Reiko Ishida does something like this with a piece of bread she had been eating when she finds out that [[Dull Surprise|her twin sister Reika has been killed]]. This quickly reached [[Memetic Mutation]].
* [[Dying Declaration of Love]]: {{spoiler|Tiffany Baker}} admits her feelings for {{spoiler|Peter Siu}} as she's dying. Unfortunately, {{spoiler|Liam Brooks}} had feelings for her as well, so for him it was a Dying Declaration of ''Unrequited'' Love, {{spoiler|and partly what causes him to go down the [[Axe Crazy]] route}}.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]: There is a common joke among handlers that inactive characters are killed and eaten by an "Inactivity Bear". Also, in her first post, version 4 character Maria Graham has a dream where she was actually "Robo-Bear 5000", which was, of course, a robotic bear disguised as a student and was going to avenge its kidnapping.
** Of course, when Version 4's {{spoiler|Megan Nelson}} was [[Sure Why Not|due to die]]...
* [[Evil Brit]]: Maxwell Lombardi fast became one of these after killing {{spoiler|1=Augustus MacDougal, Harold Fisher}} and {{spoiler|Vera Osborne}}. At the time of his death, he had more than quadrupled his body count. [[Complete Monster|Without provocation.]]
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* [[Fan Service]]: Invoked by Andrea Raymer when Danya begins randomly detonating students' collars in retaliation to Liz Polanksi.
{{quote| '''Andrea:''' ''"And uh, Danya, if you want to see more crazy shirtless Andrea, don't blow my collar!"''}}
* [[Flare Gun]]: {{spoiler|Maria Graham}} recieved a flare gun as an assigned weapon. Later, she shot somebody with it, and while it ends up bouncing off his chest, it ricocheted into the girl next to him and got caught in her shirt, [[Kill It Withwith Fire|burning a hole right through her before igniting and vaporizing her torso, and then burning down everything in a 20 yard radius.]]
* [[French Jerk]]: Alice Boucher is an example of this [[Trope]]: one of her biggest regrets about being in America is that she doesn't know any insults in English. Due to [[Character Development]] after being put on the island (as well as a change in writer), she grows out of this '''''very''''' quickly though.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Maria Graham, who's an odd mix of [[Genki Girl]], [[Cloudcuckoolander]], and [[Stepford Smiler]].
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* [[Griefer]]: Alex White holds the equivalent of a temper tantrum when he finds out {{spoiler|rescue boats have arrived, and because he's been playing and killed about four people, he's not allowed to be rescued. He decides he's going to blow up the boats just so no one can get off if he can't. Thankfully, [[Big Damn Heroes|Andrea Raymer]] puts a stop to that.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: {{spoiler|Raidon Naoko gets stabby on [[Asshole Victim|Maxwell Lombardi's]] crotch whilst taking him down.}}
* [[Gun Twirling]]: Harold Fisher tries this before killing [[Jerkass|Maxwell Lombardi]]. [[I Just Shot Marvin in Thethe Face|Naturally]], he drops the gun, which Maxwell puts to much better use.
** Joe Rios does it too out of sheer boredom, with much more success.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Isabel Guerra seems to have problems with this. Flashbacks show her recoiling from touch and she screams and falls into a bush after brushing hands with Dave Morrison. It even has been shown to extend to other people being intimate, such as her pretty much having a panic attack when trapped in the restroom with Rosa Fiametta and Felicia Carmichael making out during prom.
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* [[Lesbian Jock]]: Reiko Ishida, of ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'', is a rare example of one of these that does ice skating. Despite the fact that, as noted above, it tends to be seen as "girly", she is masculine enough (and, well, the obvious) to count as being played straight.
** From the same version is Charlotte Cave, [[Good Old Fisticuffs|a more traditional example]].
** Another possible example is Alice Blake. She belongs both to a fencing and gymnastics club, though her involvement in gymnastics is more of an [[Informed Ability|informed ability]] considering it hasn't really been mentioned outside her profile.
* [[Little Dead Riding Hood]]: Carol Burke is usually seen wearing a red hoodie. Said character is a [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]] in a [[Kill'Em All]] type story. This trope has actually been [[Word of God|confirmed by her handler]].
* [[Looking for Love In All Thethe Wrong Places]]: Rosa Fiametta. She managed to wise up a bit, but that just made future searches for Mr/Miss Right even worse.
* [[Love Freak]]: Orn "Dutchy" Ayers. At one point, he makes a speech to the [[Sinister Surveillance|cameras]] that he and his friends will prevail over Danya and the game due to [[The Power of Friendship]], saying that friendship will always win over evil. Worth noting, though, is during this speech he is showing the camera (which is broadcasting to live television) the island's map, in an attempt to help any rescuers find where they are. He's also portrayed a lot more sympathetically than most.
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: {{spoiler|Omar Burton}} quickly swings this way, deciding to kill the rest of the students so that his love {{spoiler|Sierra Manning}} can get off the island alive. {{spoiler|Naturally, he puts a target on himself very quickly and Julian Avery takes great pleasure in taking him out.}}
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* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: [[Played for Laughs]] / [[Rule of Funny]] with {{spoiler|Richard Han}}'s death. He falls off a mountain, and screams as he falls... only for him to enter another thread as he falls, apparently screaming the entire time and only stopping when he hits the ground and dies. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|It's actually pretty funny as hell]].
* [[Obfuscating Insanity]]: When she first appears on the island, Liz Polanski's first actions are to make herself appear as [[Ax Crazy]] as possible to ward off potential attackers. How does she do this? By, among other things, smearing her face with make-up and severing the head off one of her classmates' corpse and [[Alas, Poor Yorick|carrying it around for a while]]. It works, for the most part. Except on [[Cloudcuckoolander|Milo Taylor.]] [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[Off-Screen Breakup]]: [[Loners Are Freaks|Jonathan Jarocki]] and [[Perky Goth|Anna Chase]] broke up before they got on the bus, as revealed in Anna's opening post, mainly due to the fact that [[Strangled Byby the Red String|the pairing was almost unanomously hated among the writers]].
* [[Off Withwith His Head]]: {{spoiler|Hayley Kelly}} is particularly keen on this method early on, decapitating {{spoiler|Steve Barnes}} and {{spoiler|James Mulzet}} with a sword. Some collar explosions are also powerful enough to rip a person's head off.
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: Reiko Ishida is 4'9, which has been noted to technically make her a midget. However, she was an athlete before the island, and eventually racks up a high kill count.
* [[Please Wake Up]]: This is {{spoiler|Albert Lions'}} reaction to finding {{spoiler|1=Augustus "Dougal" MacDougal's}} corpse.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Albert'''}}: DUDE! CUT IT OUT NOW! [[This Is Sparta|WAKE! THE HELL! UP!]]}}
* [[Pointless Band -Aid]]: Orn "Dutchy" Ayers is mentioned as wearing a Band-Aid over the bridge of his nose. [[Word of God|His profile confirms]] that this is more of a personality quirk/casual accessory than the result of an injury.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Bridget Connolly, who is well-known for having knee-length red hair, though usually tied back. This was until she cut it while on the island, after hearing about {{spoiler|the death of her best friend, Raina Morales.}}
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Rosa Fiametta is an excellent example, and even comes complete with [[Anything That Moves]] tendencies. This has been explained as emotional issues, partly due to seeing herself as [[The Unfavorite]] among her siblings.
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== SOTF Mini ==
* [[Acrofatic]]: Ramona Shirley in ''Virtua''. Described as being pudgy, she is also a star basketballer.
* [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms]]: ''SOTF-TV's'' Mae St. Clair on the first night of the island. Cesar Perdomo also did it on the second day.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Taken literally in the ''Second Chances'' mini with Carol Burke. In both incarnations it's mentioned that she has a habit of dying her hair various colors. While in her original v4 incarnation it was dyed black, in ''Second Chances'' she is described as having dyed [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|green hair]].
* [[A Glitch in Thethe Matrix]]: In ''Virtua'', there's a locked drawer in the Sheriff's office filled with used sheets of paper. But the programmers forgot to put any writing on them.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: All of the Mini site games qualify to some extent, neither of them in the same continuity as the main site or each other. ''Second Chances'' takes it a step further, in that while the other Minis have original characters, it instead has characters from previous games returning in an alternate continuity.
* [[Angry Black Man]]: ''The Program's'' Bryant Carver.
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* [[Ascended Fan]]: Katie Tanaka was a big fan of Western movies. Take three guesses as to what the background for ''Virtua'' is.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: While there are a fair portion of killers in ''SOTF-TV'', Harold Smythe is by ''far'' the most batshit out of the lot. To some extent, Simon Mattheson of ''Virtua'' could qualify.
* [[Backed Byby the Pentagon]]: An in universe example is present in ''SOTF-TV'', where it is a TV show backed by the Government to keep people entertained.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: According to her profile, ''Evolution'' character Ashlie Jackson was one of these before coming to the island. Also, from ''Virtua'', Simon Leroy is a male example.
* [[Body Horror]]: Many of the "powers" in ''Evolution'' fall into this. Some are pretty "standard" as powers go, such as [[The Power of the Sun|solar-powered]] [[Super Strength]] and invisibility, "memory absorption", [[Telepathy]], and [[Shock and Awe|control over electricity]], while others are pretty [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|pathetic]]. Others, however, include things such as mold growing from the mouth and a character developing cat-like claws that are poisonous. The most notable one, though, goes to Johnny Marsh's "power", in which his ''skin'' is invisible, but the rest of him (muscles, organs, etc.) ''aren't''. This, of course, means that his muscles are completely visible like an anatomical model. This receives a [[Lampshade Hanging]] when the scientists puts a full-body scuba suit on him to avoid him scaring the other subjects and interfering with the research. And then there's Billy-Jay Clarke's death in which he suffers a power malfunction, causing his [[Eye Scream|eyes to catch fire and melt out of their sockets]]...
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* [[Does Not Like Men]]: ''The Program's'' Chanel Mortimer.
* [[Eagle Land]]: ''The Program'' is very much a Type 2, even though they'd say otherwise.
* [[Embarrassing Middle Name]]: Both from ''SOTF-TV'', Zachariah [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|"Andross"]] Johnston, anyone? Not to mention Mae "Myfanwy" St. Clair.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Harold Smythe in ''SOTF-TV'' when plotting about "saving" the other players.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Jacob Langston of ''SOTF-TV'' ditched his girlfriend and his former hookup so that Zach Johnston could teach him how to kill...after discussing plans to escape with everyone only moments before.
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* [[Femme Fatale]]: Surprisingly ([[Fan Service|or not]]) this seems to be a fairly common tactic among female characters in SOTF-TV. Marvia Jones, Panya Bishara, Sidney Rice, and to some extent Odile Jones (no relation to Marvia) have all tried to use this sort of method, with varying degrees of success for each. According to [[Character Blog|Survival of the Snarkiest]], this has happened quite a bit in previous seasons as well.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: All of the teams in ''SOTF-TV'' to an extent.
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: Sterling Odair and Amber Lyons from TV, along with (apparently) Kevin Fielding with Jeanette Buendia, David Myerez with Sidney Rice, and Jacob Langston with Mikaela Warner. In the latter's case, the "benefits" part of the arrangement ended when Jacob got in a more serious relationship with Madelyn Conner.
* [[Full-Frontal Assault]]: Jay Harland pulled this off on Ashlie Jackson in ''Evolution'' as his practical solution to his nocturnal invisibility powers [[Invisible Streaker|not extending to his clothes]].
* [[Gentle Giant]]: While mocking him for it has been hinted to be a [[Berserk Button]] of sorts for him, for the most part Michael "Big Mike" Gibraltar in ''Virtua'' has been described this way. He's about 6'3, weighs 225 pounds, plays hockey... and is actually pretty friendly, with a [[Real Men Wear Pink|fondness for fashion and vampire romance stories]].
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* [[Mad Artist]]: ''The Program's'' Madeline Harris, who is killing people to fill the gallery in her mind. She is very [[Serial Killer|prolific]].
* [[Made of Iron]]: [[All There in the Manual|According to]] [http://s1.zetaboards.com/SOTF_Mini/topic/4193307/ the lore], one of ''SOTF-TV'''s past winners was one Archibald "Archie" Stewart, who was this. Subverted slightly when he turned out to be wounded too badly to leave the arena (a shopping mall) under his own power, and nearly died in hospital.
* [[Man in Aa Kilt]]: Benny Lightfield from ''Virtua''. Definitely not of the fanservice flavor, though.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Odile Jones from ''SOTF-TV'' takes the cake.
* [[Male Gaze]]: In ''SOTF-TV'', Zach Johnson to Mae's butt and Bobby Goldman to Amber's breasts.
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* [[Personality Powers]]: Despite the fact that the powers are completely randomized, some of the mutations in ''Evolution'' ended up coincidentally fitting the characters' personalities. The most notable example would be Cristo Ruiz, a drug addict, having hallucinogenic venom secreting from under his fingernails. Lampshade hung in his profile's conclusion:
{{quote| '''Conclusion''': So the drug addict now secretes a hallucinogen. Hm.}}
* [[Playing Withwith Syringes]]: What The Organisation does in ''Evolution'' to induce the superpowers in the students. The [[Super Serum]] is a success, although the powers created have varying values of 'super'.
* [[Product Placement]]: ''SOTF-TV'' gets a lot of endorsements [[In -Universe]], due to it being a reality show. It reaches the point where one of the mentors has a habit of asking contestants to throw in a line to advertise Verizon.
* [[Rape Byby Proxy]]: [[Attempted Rape|Attempted]] ([[Squick|thank god]]) in a notable scene in ''SOTF-TV''. There's a scene where Sterling Odair and Amber Lyons start to "get intimate", only for [[Moment Killer|their mentor to interrupt humorously]]. It results in [[Mood Whiplash]] when Lou Becker, having seen everything, breaks in and tries to force them to continue. {{spoiler|Only to get a hatchet to the face as a result.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: As of the first announcement, Katie Tanaka has been planning this in regards to Simon Mattheson, and implicitly other major players.
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: ''Evolution's'' Kate Black and Taryn Gregory, to a tee.
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* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: [[Ax Crazy|Harold Finston Smythe]] in ''SOTF-TV'' tends to describe the act of killing someone as [[Deadly Euphemism|"saving"]] them. Similarly, in Virtua [[Genki Girl|Katie Tanaka]] quickly developed the habit of calling players "bandits".
* [[Useless Superpowers]]: Most of the Evo powers.
* [[Voice Withwith an Internet Connection]]: The mentors in ''SOTF-TV'', who occasionally give advice to the players. In terms of usefulness they range from actually pretty helpful to making [[Captain Obvious]] statements to not really all that helpful advice at all to ''suggesting the players advertise their product''.
* [[Wild West]]: The setting for Virtua.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: In ''The Program'', Durriken Lovel, as the youngest child of a Gypsy family is [[Gypsy Curse|cursed]] to have terrible luck. Of course, he's put in the Program.
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