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German-language [[Buddy Cop Show|Buddy Cop]] [[Police Procedural]] [[Action Adventure Series]] about plainclothes detectives working for the ''[[The Sixteen Lands of Deutschland|Nordrhein-Westfalen]] Autobahnpolizei,'' a police agency responsible for patrolling the ''Autobahn'' superhighways in North-Rhine Westphalia.
Think about it. A petrol-exploding, collaterally-damaging, bullet-spurting take on the legendary hardcore profession of... writing traffic tickets<ref>and this is about as "hardcore" as it gets on German motorways</ref>.
A [[Guilty Pleasure]] that combines the dead-serious tone and high production values of the ''[[CSI: Crime Scene Investigation]]'' franchise with car stunts worthy of [[Michael Bay]] or ''[[The Dukes of Hazzard]]''. Nearly every episode has at least two or three frenzied chase sequences and at least one multi-car pileup. It's said that the producer had it added to his contract that he could make ''at least'' one pileup and ensuing explosions in ''each'' episode.
During Germany's version of Cash for Clunkers, this show was happy to help you, deliberately paying your for your car so that you could later see it being blown up or crashed spectacularyspectacularly.
tl;dr version: German ''[[CHiPs]]''. With [[Car Fu]].
This series provides examples of:
* [[Abridged Series]]: The comedy show ''[[Freitag Nacht News]]'', which was produced by the same network, regularly featured an alternate dub parody.
* [[Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene]]
* [[Actor Allusion]] -- in the opening [[Chase Scene]] of "Operation Gemini," Semir commandeers a tanker truck to go after the escaping bad guys. (This being ''Cobra 11,'' it later crashes and [[Every Car Is a Pinto|explodes]].) The truck is lettered for a fictional company, "''Atalay'' GMBH". Semir is played by actor Erdogan Atalay.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]] -- the show is pretty generous about featuring the supporting cast members
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* [[Bound and Gagged]]
* [[Buddy Cop Show]]
* [[Bus Full of Innocents]] -- played straight in "Todesfahrt der Linie 834"; subverted in "Tulpen aus Amsterdam", where the folks on the bus were part of the conspiracy
* [[Chase Scene]] -- at least [[Once an Episode]], usually two or three times
** [[Baby Carriage]]
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** [[Fruit Cart]] -- "Hasen und Igel"
** [[Hero Stole My Bike]] -- "Alte Schule"
** [[Hot Pursuit]] -- the only kind they know
** [[Lemming Cops]]
** [[Magic Brakes]]
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* [[Cool Car]] -- Semir's 3-series BMW, Horst & Diether's Porsche 911 patrol car
** [[Cool Tank]] -- the stolen Leopard 2 main battle tank in "Ein Leopard läuft Amok"
** Cool Special Guestcar. One episode ("Freundschaft") featured the Maybach [[wikipedia:Maybach Exelero|Exelero]]
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] -- "Außer Kontrolle," "Flashback," and many others
* [[Cuffs Off, Rub Wrists]]
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* [[The Killer Becomes the Killed]] -- the jewel thief in "Am Abgrund", for instance
* [[The Lab Rat]] -- Hartmut
* [[Lampshade Hanging]] -- In nearly every episode, at least one ''Dienstwagen'' (official vehicle)--usually Semir's 3-series BMW or his partner's E-Class Mercedes--is demolished. (See [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgYE4DGzkss this fan-edited video], which is nothing but three and a half minutes of Semir wrecking one BMW after another.) In later seasons, the show has begun lampshading this.
** In the episode "Im Aus," the new ''Chefin'' (precinct captain), on her first meeting with Semir, berates him for wrecking so many ''Dienstwagen''.
** In an [[Affectionate Parody]] of ''[[CSI: Crime Scene Investigation]]'' and other criminal shows, made by the same program, Semir and his partner are seen at a fast food stand with Semir announcing "Hey, this is the first time we didn´t wreck our car!". Cue the movies [[Chase Scene]] to happen right there and subsequently, crashing into their car.
* [[Land Mine Goes Click]] -- "Unter Feuer"
* [[Law of Conservation of Detail]] -- if there's a car pulling a trailer and a tanker truck with hazmat placards in an [[Establishing Shot]] of the ''Autobahn,''
** there ''will'' be a crash,
** a vehicle ''will'' crash through the trailer, and
** the tanker truck ''will'' explode
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]] -- Diether Bonrath in "Zivilcourage"
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[[Category:German MediaSeries]]
[[Category:Alarm Fuer Cobra 11]]
[[Category:TV Series]]
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