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''[[X-Men: Evolution]]'' was filled with a wide range of characters. Here is a page to learn more about the main cast.
'''Warning! Major Spoilers below!'''
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Rogue's red.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Power Incontinence]]: [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|"Power Surge"]] is dedicated to have her go through this.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: She possessed everything that can make a girl the [[Alpha Bitch]]. Beauty, popularity, and a jock boyfriend. Instead she was nice and willing to help anyone.
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Comes up during ''Walk on the Wild Side'' and never really touched on again. She calls Scott out on trying to help and bitches at Duncan for buying tickets to a dance, when its suposed to be the girl who asks the guy out, while complaining about always feeling like she's treated as the weaker sex.
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* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: Her love for Cyclops can never be returned.
* [[Badass]]: Due to the nature of her power, most Danger Room scenes have her instead use basic training and martial arts to deal with the robotic threats and use her powers sporadically. Shown off in ''Cajun Spice'', where she uses her power for mind reading only and mostly takes out the Rippers with just outmatching them in fighting skills.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Her powers mean she can never touch anyone without risking their lives.
* [[The Chick]]: The first brotherhood chick.
** [[Sixth Ranger]]: After her [[Heel Face Turn]].
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======= Voiced by [[Scott McNeil]] =======
The X-Men's top fighter and chief drill instructor to the students. His keen senses help him track down adversaries and alert him of danger ahead. His healing powers make him nearly impossible to defeat in a brawl. Adamantium claws are capable of shredding enemies and just about any inanimate object as well. His past is a mystery to everyone, including himself. It is a rather lengthy past as well because his healing factor has drastically slowed the aging of his body. He was already an adult by World War II. Unlike in other X-Men series, Wolverine plays a minor role in ''[[X -Men: Evolution]]'' and is more of a [[Papa Wolf]] than carousing [[Badass]].
* [[Badass Teacher]]
* [[Bruiser Withwith a Soft Center]]: He gradually warms up to Kitty.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: The guy was around helping Captain America in WWII.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Can be at times; see [[Training From Hell]] below.
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* [[Gentle Giant]]: Sure he ''looks'' big and scary, but he has the temperament of a teddy bear.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]
* [[Shout -Out to/To Shakespeare]]
* [[Team Dad]]: To the New Mutants.
* [[TV Genius]]
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* [[Character Development]]: Starts off as nothing more than an extra face. By Season four, he offically replaces Evan's role in the series, getting to hang out with the main X-Men.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Cannonball.
** [[Platonic Life Partners]]: With Jubilee. [[Ship Tease|As far]] [[Did They or Didn't They?|as we]] [[Put Onon a Bus|know anyway]].
* [[The Hero]]: To the New Recruits anyway.
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* [[Flight]]: His power allows him to fly like a rocket, however unlike most people, he can't stop or float, meaning his only way to land is to crash land.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Bobby.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Could have beat Logan in a race, but got cocky and decided to use his powers. Lost horribly because of this.
* [[Geek]]: [[Word of God]] bios for the New Recruits refer to him as such.
* [[Gentle Giant]]: The tallest of the New Recruits, but easily the nicest.
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==== Real Name: Jubilation Lee ====
Usually seen with Bobby, Sam, and Jamie, Jubilee is the second most seen female mamber of the New Recruits during Season 2. She's [[Put Onon a Bus]] despite proving to be rather popular amongst some of the fans when the [[Executive Meddling|executives]] decided there were too many characters. She has the ability to shoot firework-like 'plasmoids' either in the shape of actual fireworks or beams. Easily identifiable by her yellow jacket.
* [[Asian Airhead]]
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* [[Lethal Harmless Powers]]: She fires explosive plasmoids! Regularly seen firing them at friends/other students.
* [[One of the Boys]]: Only seen hanging out with Girls in two appearences, every other scene, she's always with Bobby (And to lesser extent Sam and Jamie), either for his crazy adventures, or for the [[Ship Tease]].
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Alongside Wolfsbane she was written out at the begining of season 3. {{spoiler|Came back in the finale to help fight Apocalypse}}.
** [[Unfortunate Implications]]: The only two new recruits to be written out were both girls, the given reason? Their parents didn't think it was safe for them to be there anymore(Jubilee was an orphan in the comics), it doesn't seem that bad, except that the most logical person to write out was Roberto, having little screen time and only speaking in one episode.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Constantly wears a yellow jacket when out of uniform. Season 2 ends with her clothes damaged enough to turn her normal jeans into shorts, making her look exactly how she did in the comics (Only with longer hair).
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The only one to get an episode of focus (Two actually) but also the most powerful. Magma, as her name sugests, can generate heat and fire, along with to some extent control lava. A princess in her home country, Amara is one of the more girly members of the group, not to mention a little of a [[Shrinking Violet]] at first.
* [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]]: Ends up getting two episodes of focus.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Similar to the one below, Amara was aparently gonna be one of these, assumed to have happened off screen.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]: Not really mentioned or touched upon, but official bios confirm she's still a princess.
* [[In Name Only]]: Has little to do [[wikipedia:Magma chr(28)comicschr(29)|with her comic self.]]
* [[Naive Newcomer]]
* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Race Lift]]: She's actually from Brazil in both show and comics, but her comic self was, for a difficult to explain reason, a blond haired, blue eyed caucasian girl.
** [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Actually]], Brazil is a country [[wikipedia:Brazilian people|with LOTS of demographic diversity]] due to the high quotient of immigration. I.e., it's the country with the second largest white population in ''the whole of the American continent'', only behind the USA.
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: With Tabitha.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl to Tabitha's/Jubilee's Tomboy.
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* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: She's a mutant human girl who can turn into either a full wolf or half wolf/human hybrid, her clothes slowly disapear while transforming (Likely made of unstable molecules, this being a [[Marvel Universe]] after all) only to reform while transforming.
* [[Not Completely Useless]]: Most of the time her power to turn into a ''dog'' seemed almost completely useless, until the kid's needed her to sniff out Beast after he'd been kidnapped by some Big-Foot hunters.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Until she was called in to help in the finale.}}
* Scotireland: Downplayed. She has a very little to non-existant accent that almost sounds like the voice of a fairy.
* [[Ship Tease]]: She played around with Sam & helped Jamie with Homework which may explain her ships with them, butthe most popular Rahne-related ships with Roberto, based on the episode ''Retreat'' (being the only episode both of them actually speak in full sentances)
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Aparently hitting him in the face with a ball when using your powers in a non-powered game of Volley ball is a sure fire way to set him off.
* [[Berserker Rage]]: His codename ''is'' [[Really Lame Pun|Berserker]], after all.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: [[Word of God]] claims this as the reason they created him, they wanted a New Recruit who has a 'Badboy' vibe, someone who acts tough but is really nice. In the show however he's almost always expressing the heart part.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Hey, it's [[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy|Eddy!]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Surprisingly, he comes off as one of the most mature of the New Mutants. Yes, he has a temper but that doesn’t distract that he’s the least seen when the other members are doing their normal shenanigans
* [[Psycho Electro]]: Not as powerful or as psychotic as some, but does have serious anger issues which were adressed at times and did hold himself out against STORM (who at the time was upgraded by Apocalypse).
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Part of Evan's character development. At the start of the series he's a type I; he's the less serious minded of the cast, regularly skipping out on meetings and acting really hot headed. After his secondary mutation, and seeing the living condition of the Morlocks, Spyke grows into a Type III, taking to vigilantism to protect mutants who are being bullied and attacked by humans, but his heart remains in the right place.
* [[Bad Withwith the Bone]]
* [[The Big Guy]]: He's the most reckless and prone to violence.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]
* [[Commuting Onon a Bus]]: Part of the main cast for the first two and a half seasons. He leaves the X-Men during the third season to join the Morlocks. He is all but forgotten about till he reappears in a season four episode.
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Fad Super]]
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* [[Hot-Blooded]]: It makes the future evolution of his powers quite fitting.
* [[Incendiary Exponent]]: Flaming spikes after "Uprising".
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Just Like Robin Hood]]: Though he never actually steals, he partakes in Street Justice to protect mutats.
* [[The Rival]]: To Quicksilver in their introductory episode.
* [[Skeletons in Thethe Coat Closet]]: An involuntary version of the trope "Uprising".
* [[Token Minority]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: After joining the Morlocks.
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Attempted one and almost succeeded, but settled in as a [[Wild Card]].
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Starts out as a [[Jerkass]] in the first season, before becoming a [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]] at the start of the fourth season.
* [[Love Redeems]]: Somewhat. He definitely tries to change for Kitty, but can go only so far, and decides to not stay in the New Mutants group after his disastrous and brief stunt there. His heroic acts in ''No Good Deed'' had nothing to do with Kitty, which showed he had it in him all along. He also showed up with the rest of the Brotherhood in ''Ascension part 2'' to help the X-Men fight Apocalypse after first refusing. He immediately goes to save Kitty, which can be either seen as their romance being reignited or a simple [[Pet the Dog]] moment from him.
* [[Menace Decay]]: Went from a unsympathetic [[Psycho for Hire]] or [[Punch Clock Villain]] in the comics to an angry, yet notably sympathetic character in the show.
** And in the series itself, in his first episode he's destroying his school and in following episodes his powers generate an [[Oh Crap]] response, to being love stuck on Kitty for the second season to then not even bothering any more either way to the third. In the fourth he becomes a [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]] and is shown to be the most powerful member of the Brotherhood, possibly even more so than the other villains not over 50.
* [[Steven Ulysses Perhero]]: If you switch his first and last names you get pretty close to his codename.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome|Tall, Dark, Handsome]] [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|AND Snarky.]]
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* [[The Casanova]]: Or at least, the potential to become one. The episode with the dance has Boom-Boom implying that the members of the Brotherhood (besides Lance) don't want to go because they can't get dates. Blob and Toad go with Boom-Boom. Pietro shows up with ''four'' random girls.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]
* [[Foe Yay]]: In his introductory episode with Spyke, which sets him up as [[The Rival]]. This doesn't show up in many later episodes though, mostly because Spyke [[Commuting Onon a Bus|joins the Morlocks]].
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He treats Toad like a little brother and is more of a [[Gentle Giant]] when Mystique isn't around.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Poor Blob. He took Jean being nice to him to mean she ''liked'' him. Unreasonable expectations indeed.
[[File:wanda_7000.jpg|frame|Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff]]
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* [[Ambiguously Jewish]]: In the episode ''Operation: Rebirth'', Wolverine rescues a young Erik from a WWII German controlled camp. Although it was not named in the episode, it was clearly a Nazi concentration camp.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type III. Sometimes Type I.]]
* [[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name]]
* [[Arch Enemy]]: How Magneto sees Professor Xavier.
* [[Big Bad]]: In the earlies seasons.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: {{spoiler|is defeated by Apocalypse and turned into one of his Horsemen}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: Both just after being saved from Apocalypse, and in the future Xavier saw.}}
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: [[Stargate SG -1|Teal'c]] plays an old badass in a sci-fi series? Guaranteed awesome!
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Brought upon the first of many dark arcs in this series.
* [[Leitmotif]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Parental Neglect]]/[[Abusive Dad]]/[[Parents Asas People]]: He shifts between these three tropes in his relationship with his children.
* [[Selective Magnetism]]
* [[Visionary Villain]]
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* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: {{spoiler|She is turned into one of Apocalypse's Horsemen.}}
* [[Evil Plan]]: She pulls off [[Magnificent Bitch|a great one]] on the X-Men by impersonating the then-missing Professor X and getting Wolverine to go missing so he won't identify her. Only [[Spanner in Thethe Works|Scott's surprise arrival]] foiled this.
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Evil Teacher]]
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* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Though when push comes to shove, she's always on the right side.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Jerkass]] --> [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: She becomes this to the X-Men girls as she tries to get them to loosen up in what can only be described as an entire [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]] episode.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: When Blob and Toad complain about them not having dates for a party, she takes both of them as her dates.
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* [[The Gambler]]
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: The exploding playing cards, not the bo staff.
* [[Ragin Cajun|Ragin' Cajun]]
* [[Simple Staff]]
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* [[Evil Laugh]]: He practically laughs more than he talks.
* [[Land Down Under]]
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Psycho for Hire]]
* [[Pyromaniac]]
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======= Voiced by [[David Kaye]] =======
Apocalypse is an ancient Egyptian mutant; he's the oldest character on the show, and also the most powerful. Milennia ago, he conquered Egypt and planned to use advanced technology (stolen from the previous Pharaoh, who had "[[Ancient Astronauts|descended from the sky]]") to reshape the world in his own image- turning many humans into mutants, and killing the rest. His court balked at the idea and [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|used his own technology to imprison him]]; however, Apocalypse was still able to reach out telepathically and manipulate his release. Steals the spotlight from Magneto as premier villain in the later part of the series.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
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* [[Talking to Himself]]: With Professor Xavier.
* [[The Quiet One]]: In contrast to [[Large Ham|other versions of the character]], this one hardly ever speaks at all. It makes him all the more creepy.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]
* [[Visionary Villain]]: His plan was horrific in its scope and cost, but you can't deny the man has vision.
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* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
* [[Strong Asas They Need to Be]]: Probably literally; whatever his own abilities, Apocalypse is clearly enhancing them, so that Mesmero's psychic strength varies from episode to episode depending on how much power Apocalypse is letting him use.
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* [[Hell-Bent for Leather]]
* [[I Work Alone]]: She keeps shoving away Wolverine when he tries to help. Turns out it's not only because of the threat from HYDRA or SHIELD, but she intends to kill off HYDRA and Logan might get in the way.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Of the [[Good Is Not Nice]] variety.
* [[Laser Guided Tykebomb]]
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]: Flashes one to the Hydra leader who did the experiments on her, after calmly setting explosives that will kill them all.
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