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* Seth from ''[[Street Fighter IV (Video Game)|Street Fighter IV]]'' to an UNBELIEVABLE degree. He could well be the videogame poster boy for this trope. He's received a huge amount of flack from reviewers and the fandom in general for his lackluster design, [[That One Boss|massively cheap AI]] and cloned move-list. [[Trolling Creator|Producer Yoshinori Ono]] acknowledges this hatred, recently stating "Everybody hates Seth, that's why he's back as the end boss in SSF 4. I want to torture people with him!" and admits "[[Forced Meme|Seth will remain a target of universal hate]]".
* Kurtis Stryker looked incredibly out of place in the ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' universe, as he was a plainclothes cop in a video game world filled with demons, cyborgs and [[Palette Swap]] [[Ninja|ninjas]]. From his initial appearance in ''[[Mortal Kombat 3 (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat 3]]'', [[Executive Meddling|the developers]] figured that he would become one of the series' new favorite characters and tried to elevate his power to near-[[Game Breaker]] status, but only made him a [[Tier -Induced Scrappy]]. Thanks to his new design in ''[[Mortal Kombat Armageddon (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat Armageddon]],'' he's been [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]. The backwards baseball cap is gone, at least...
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 9 (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat 9]]'': Quan Chi has definitely become a Creator's Pet due to how in ''MK9'', he is given a greatly increased role and ends up taking most of Shang Tsung's old role.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'':
** The player base is split about the leaders of their respective factions being this. The first, Thrall, has generally been accepted as Chris Metzen's pet character ever since his initial appearance, but not many have called him out on it, since the change of the Horde from bloodthirsty demonic army to a shamanic society of [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|proud warrior race guys]] under his leadership has been accepted as a good thing for the lore. Ever since the latest expansion pack, though, they've been treated to Varian Wrynn, the rightful king of Stormwind who was lost to his people until recently. The way his change in character, return and insertion into the game has been handled, however, has been heavily criticized. Not only does his character development run a clear parallel to Thrall's, but it has been done in a fraction of the time, in which his character made a complete 180 - a barbaric human to Thrall's educated Orc - it involved some major [[Ass Pull|asspulls]] and, to give him weight, culminated in his hijacking the lore of one of the most prominent quest lines the Alliance had: {{spoiler|the exposing and subsequent slaying of Onyxia}}. This has drawn bad blood from both factions, while getting others up in arms over Thrall's status as Metzen's pet. Currently, Varian seems more deserving of Creator's Pet status, as the developers keep pushing him in an ever more prominent role in matters even though a large part of the base hates him, while the main complaint of Thrall's detractors is that he's doing too ''little'' to oppose the inner conflicts, instead relying too much on advisers.
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* ''[[Guild Wars]] Factions'':
** The character of Mhenlo at times felt more like the hero than the player characters. In the cutscenes, he seemed to do most of the thinking and talking, and he appeared to be..."acquainted"...with most of the female population of Cantha. In addition, that chapter was full of [[Escort Mission|Escort Missions]], usually with him as the person who you had to keep alive. (It helped that Mhenlo was actually a healer who was good at keeping himself alive, though.) Fortunately, ArenaNet dialed his importance FAR back in later campaigns and didn't make that mistake again.
** Although Lieutenant Thackeray is coming close to taking his place. It's [[Foregone Conclusion|already been revealed]] that he's going to father an important character in the sequel with fan-favorite [[Broken Bird]], Gwen. However, he was only introduced in the Christmas event, and since then his interactions with her have been seen as ham-handed at best, and [[Strangled Byby the Red String|outright forced]] at worst.
* Joey MacAdoo in the ''[[Backyard Sports]]'' series. Saying nothing other than corny jokes (you gotta MACADOO it!) in his first appearance in ''Backyard Baseball 2007'', he was destined to become [[The Scrappy]]. The writers somehow thought he and Ernie Steele (who is also corny, but actually realizes he is making bad jokes) should be the poster boys for the series, evolving into a Creator's Pet. Even worse: In one of the few Backyard Books, Joey is the main character.
* Reaver from ''[[Fable II (Video Game)|Fable II]]'' could be argued as one, as the writers constantly paint him as a [[Badass]] [[Magnificent Bastard]] despite the [[Moral Event Horizon|numerous atrocities]] he commits throughout the game.
* Reaver returns in ''[[Fable III (Video Game)|Fable III]]'', and he still can't be killed. However, pretty much EVERY character hates Reaver with a bloody passion, and it's hard to find someone in the game who doesn't want him dead. Doesn't help much though, considering in Fable III, you have no choice but to rely on him as king/queen even though he tried to kill you earlier in the game. You're either forced to agree with his evil ideas or use his company to have your morally sound decisions reach fruition.
* The ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' games have two such characters, both of whom were introduced in ''[[Super Mario Sunshine]]'':
** FLUDD from ''[[Super Mario Sunshine (Video Game)|Super Mario Sunshine]]'' seemed to have garnered a lot of hate because of the fact that you can't move on in the game without using it. Even worse, because of the controls having to be remapped to account for FLUDD's presence, Mario loses one of his most useful moves, the long jump, and this also caused many players to not be aware that the backflip was still present<ref>Press and hold R down all the way, not just with slight pressure and press A</ref>. The hate [[Up to Eleven|escalated]] when it replaced Mario's B-Down move in ''[[Super Smash Bros (Video Game)|Super Smash Bros]]. Brawl'' as fans greatly preferred his old B-down move in ''Super Smash Bros. Melee''. The old B-Down move is still there (As his Aerial Down attack), but [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]] still means lots of accidentally pumping up FLUDD.
** The biggest Creator's Pet is Bowser Jr. In ''[[Super Mario Sunshine (Video Game)|Super Mario Sunshine]]'', he was merely a [[Replacement Scrappy]] (for the [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Koopalings]]) who was far from alone in being annoying, but despite overwhelmingly negative fan reaction (particularly in the West), he has since reappeared in ''four subsequent installments of the main series'' (both ''[[New Super Mario Bros (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros]].'' games, and both ''[[Super Mario Galaxy (Video Game)|Super Mario Galaxy]]'' games), something not even true of beloved characters like Yoshi. He always has a very prominent role in the plot. Fans hate him, but the developers are in love with him. Since the Koopalings are back in ''[[New Super Mario Bros Wii (Video Game)|New Super Mario Bros Wii]]'', it seems at least one of the issues has been resolved.
* For several years, the creative team of ''[[The King of Fighters]]'' foisted the paradox that is Ash Crimson onto the world. [[Ambiguously Gay]], overpowered, [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|a strange, androgynous appearance]], and storywise is one of the strongest characters and is responsible for at least three characters [[Brought Down to Normal|losing their moves]]. The dev team absolutely loved him, but players (non tournament players, story obsessed nerds) wished he would he would step aside so that more orthodox characters could get a chance to shine. SNK acknowledged these complaints in ''KOF XIII''...by having him ''[[Ret-Gone|alter the past so he never existed]]''.
* ''[[Pokémon]]'':
** The fans got their Creator's Pet with the form of Pichu, a second-generation Pokémon promoted heavily ''two generations later''. It's known that Pichu is one of the creator's favorite Pokémon, but in the height of rumors about the fifth generation and with a new movie on the way (that would make all Generation IV Pokémon featured at least once in the anime), Spiky-eared Pichu (a female Pichu with a spike/notch-ended ear) made her first appearance. She was basically promoted as one of the main stars of the twelfth movie, that featured the ''God of Pokémon''. She made her way into merchandising, got an anime ending, and even got an appearance as a very special event-only Pokémon in ''[[Pokémon Gold and Silver (Video Game)|HeartGold and SoulSilver]]''. They also got as far as featuring a Pichu ''with AN UKULELE'' as a big surprise for [[Pokémon Ranger|an upcoming game]] (a spin-off, fortunately).
** Let us not forget about Plusle and Minun, who had a lot of exposure in marketing, movies and spinoffs despite lacking in stats and basically being "Pichu/Pikachu [[Recycled in Space|AS TWINS]]" designwise, for the sake of promoting double battles. Thankfully, they only had this much exposure during Generation III and the following "Pikaclones" had much less exposure...
** [[Series Mascot|Pikachu]] itself is treated as this, needless to say. It's far more popular with the young kids that make up ''Pokémon'''s traditional target demographic than with older fans (especially male). Yet, it constantly shoves its chubby yellow face into every single aspect of the franchise, even material related to the recent ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'' (games where Pikachu ''isn't even obtainable''), making it an "[[Sesame Street (TV)|Elmo]]" of sorts.
** Lucario came close, in that it got to be in its own movie, characters of its Gen. dress like it, and became a character in ''Brawl''. But aside from people who think he replaced Mewtwo in Brawl, Lucario was never an unpopular Pokemon.
** Zoroark also came close and didn't quite become a [[Creator's Pet]], but for different reasons. A blatant [[Expy]] of Lucario, it was shilled endlessly during the early days of Generation V as an attempt to repeat Lucario's success - and [[Hype Backlash|didn't reach the same level of popularity]]. However, instead of shoving Zoroark in everyone's faces, Game Freak shifted its main marketing for Gen V to other Pokémon such as pre-established [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Ensemble Darkhorses]] Reshiram and Zekrom, and the Zoroark hate never really materialized. Zoroark instead became a somewhat popular Pokémon (though [[Captain Obvious|not as popular as Lucario during its peak]].)
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'':
** [[The Rival|Shadow]] is currently seen as this by half of [[Broken Base]]. He was once the most [[Ensemble Darkhorse|popular character]] in the series with his debut in ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]'', having a deep and compelling backstory as well as being an [[Evil Counterpart]] to Sonic. After his apparent death at the end was [[Retcon|Retconned]] into him surviving with amnesia, a huge amount of plot focus was put on him in ''[[Sonic Heroes (Video Game)|Sonic Heroes]]''. Later, he got [[Shadow the Hedgehog|his own game]] that continued his story arc. Due to all of the focus on him, many fans have started to hate him for somehow managing to displace, if only temporarily, ''Sonic himself'' from being the focus of the series.
*** The Sonic-displacing is proven by Sonic being nerfed in boss fights against Shadow to a truly unbelievable degree and being given a thorough backseat moveset-wise. In [[Sonic X (Anime)|Sonic X]], 9 times out of 10, Shadow will have Sonic on the ropes with Sonic putting up no believable resistance given his consistent attributes throughout the series.
**** Even after [[Shadow the Hedgehog]], [[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]] continued this trend, giving not only Shadow but also Silver the treatment: it reserved the most interesting parts of the story to Shadow and Silver's episodes, while Sonic's story consisted in a tedious and uninteresting saveElise-from-Eggman-only-for-her-to-get-kidnapped-again loop; and made Sonic out to be the weakest of the three hedgehogs, with Silver expressing incredulity at how weak he was. There was even a cringe worthy scene in which Sonic got defeated by Silver ''in a matter of seconds'', followed by ''Shadow showing up and saving him'' as Silver was about to kill him. And that's not even getting to the part in which {{spoiler|Sonic actually got killed}}.
** Shadow is also the Assist Trophy (which work like Poke Balls) from Sonic's universe in [[Super Smash Bros (Video Game)|Super Smash Bros]]. Brawl, seemingly displacing other candidates such as Tails or Knuckles, who are relegated to running loop-de-loops in the background of the Sonic stage alongside Silver.
* This is always a risk with [[Exposition Fairy]] characters, such as Navi from ''[[Ocarina of Time]]'', and the titular ''[[Minish Cap]]''.
* The Soldier from ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'' is getting accused heavily with this for a number of reasons, including a recent spree of highly controversial updates that give him more weapons to work with (ignoring what statistically amounts to reskinned weapons, Soldier has 20 different weapons. Demoman and Heavy only have 16 each). The fact that he's Robin Walker's favorite class does ''not'' help defend his case.
* ''[[Blaz Blue]]'':
** While she is for the most part well-loved, Noel Vermillion is very much being a [[Creator's Pet]]. The creator made no excuse in declaring how much he likes her and puts many things considered good into her character and she seems getting pushed into getting like a [[Breakout Character]]. But as said above, she's still well loved despite some Hatedom and the in-game story was MUCH more merciless to her.
** While this hasn't reached to official 'director declaring love', Makoto Nanaya is getting close into being one. Her story in ''Extend'' practically was just stumbling at some places and doing nothing important. Yet, she's been given a lot of [[Character Shilling]] in form of Hazama considering her a [[Spanner in Thethe Works]] for his oh-so-perfect [[Evil Plan]], Relius suddenly declaring her 'having a powerful soul' and just can't seem to get enough of her and even Rachel ''not'' snarking at her (especially when compared to Ragna, where she spent every second of their on-screen time together being a snob to him). That's quite a way to go for someone at first presented as unimportant at first and doing nearly nothing in her story. But just like Noel, fans utterly ''adore'' her.
* [[Hot Scientist|Liara]] [[Bi the Way|T'Soni]] of ''[[Mass Effect]]'' is this to some. She is with you at the beginning of ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' without leaving you, appears to be [[Strangled Byby the Red String|pushing as the main love interest]] even when you romance someone else, and has a comic book and a DLC [[A Day in Thethe Limelight|dedicated to her]]. Also, she was never as popular as Garrus or Tali before both were accused of being a [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]], and she gets a lot more screen time and conversations than every other character in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''. This is partly because she cannot die {{spoiler|until the end}} but it also doesn't explain why things like the interactive comic [[Character Shilling|pans lovingly to her]], or having both Shepards call her "beautiful" and putting her figure at the foreground in every panel. In addition, quite a few people were confused {{spoiler|as to why their Shephard's final thought before death was to remember Liara's smile.}} {{spoiler|If you didn't romance Ashley/Kaidan, Liara's face appears in Shepard's flashback montage of his/her closest friends at the end of [[Mass Effect 3]], even if you romanced someone else.}}
* ''[[Runescape]]'':
** Some of the marketing strategies they use to get free players to buy members definately fall under this category. Once every few months, the marketing team comes up with some new gimmick that they endlessly harp on about in order to justify their existance. The current Gimmick is the Squeal of Fortune, which definitely qualifies for this status.
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