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** The Harlequin as portrayed are probably the closest thing to "the good guys" in the setting. They also are severely underdeveloped.
*** They are implied to be trying to reunite the Eldar race but don't really care about changing the ideologies of their allies.
** The whole thing isn't helped by Black Library writers trying to give the Imperium a human face in order to make ''[[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts|political officers]]'' sympathetic.
** Some claim that ''the whole setting'' was never meant to be taken as seriously as many fans do. In a fine example of this trope and/or [[Poe's Law]], things intended as parody and [[Black Comedy]] were embraced unironically.
*** This has been gone back and forth with each edition, 1st was pure parody, 2nd took the story serious, 3rd took itself so serious and was so grimdark it became a joke, 4th and 5th are [[Lighter and Softer]] with real heroes and villains.
* The ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'' supplement ''The Book of Nod'' was originally a source of stories and a prop for the setting. Imagine the author's surprise when Noddism became a cult.
** Ditto that for the Sabbat faction in ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade (Tabletop Game)|Vampire: The Masquerade]]''. Originally little more than [[Our Orcs Are Different|vampiric orcs]], the Sabbat became the setting's most popular faction among players, despite (or perhaps [[Evil Is Cool|because of]]) the gory and sadistic supplements that described their behavior.
*** Some of the additional depth (and sympathetic elements) the Sabbat later received may have been an attempt to move the target a little closer to where fandom was aiming. They're still liberatingly horrible by and large, but with a few legitimate points to stand for.
* A good portion of the ''[[Rifts]]'' fandom symphasise with the Coalition States. The Coalition States, for the record, is a totalitarian, Orwellian, fascist police state that heavily restricts media, education, and free speech, seeks to control the entire Earth, and is [[Fantastic Racism|violently racist]] [[Humans Are Bastards|against non-humans]] - either they're wiped out on sight or forced to live in underprivileged ghettos until the day they die. [[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name|If any of this is lost on you, they're aesthetically, philosophically, and socially based on Nazi Germany]], which should tip people off that they're not supposed to be the good guys. Problem is, not only [[Evil Is Cool|are they badass]], but [[Straw Man Has a Point|a lot of nonhumans in the setting do pose an imminent danger to human civilisation]], leading to many people ignoring - or worse, glorifying - the Coalition's atrocities. The creator was so fed up with this that he included an [[Anvilicious]] [[Author Filibuster]] in a later book detailing that the Coalition is fundamentally evil, but this hasn't stopped a thing.
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