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* In ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'': At the end of Asuka's first day of school, her shoe locker is entirely filled with love letters.
* Nagisa in ''[[Futari wa Pretty Cure]]'' gets unwanted love letters from [[Even the Girls Want Her|other girls]].
* Megumi in ''[[Tenshi Nana Konamaiki]]'' gets love letters from both sexes, as well as her [[True Companions]] and [[Instant Fanclub]].
* Hazumi in ''[[Yami to Boushi Toto Hon no Tabibito]]'' receives love letters from one particular girl whose identity she heartbreakingly fails to figure out.
* Shows up almost as often as cooking duels in [[Ranma One Half]]
** Very early in the series, Kuno sends what appears to be a challenge letters to Ranma's girl form. It turned out to be a love letter, much to Ranma's distress. Kuno goes on to do this several times over the course of seven seasons.
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* Subversion: In the ''[[Love Hina]]'' Christmas movie, Keitaro stumbles upon what he thinks is a love letter from Naru to Seta, but, being Keitaro, has mistakenly jumped to a conclusion.
* ''[[Asagiri no Miko]]'' bases one episode largely around a misunderstood love letter.
* Kyon gets two in one episode in ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]''. {{spoiler|The first is anonymous, and it turns that Ryoko used it to lure him somewhere private so she could kill him without any witnesses. The second leads to a confusing encounter with Mikuru from the future.}}
** Kyon reads out a heartfelt confession and ''marriage proposal'' {{spoiler|to Yuki Nagato}} in the 6th novel, {{spoiler|but he's only relaying the words of a classmate}}. Then it gets thrown out of the window and read by [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Haruhi]]. <s>Oh dear</s> [[Hilarity Ensues|Yare yare]].
* A chapter of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' revolves around one of these made in the form of a jigsaw puzzle.
* In one episode of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]'', Professor Chronos wrote Judai a fake love letter and signed Asuka's name in order to trick Judai into trespassing onto the girls' dorm, thus giving Chronos an excuse to expel him. His plan was messed-up somewhat when ''Sho'' found the letter and thought the letter was meant for him.
* In the Valentine chapter of ''[[Fruits Basket]]'' Yuki gets a huge amount of chocolates and letters in his shoe locker (apparently this happens every year), except instead of creating a pile each girl would throw the previous one in the bin. The overflowing bin. Hanajima instead decides to steal the current chocolate for the sake of it, much to Yuki's annoyance because he's a gentleman.
* In the first episode of ''[[School Rumble]]'', Tenma Tsukamoto spends all night writing a long love letter to Oji Karasuma. He spends all day and night reading it, and finally ignores it when he realizes the letter wasn't signed. Later in that same episode, Kenji Harima writes a (considerably shorter) love poem to Tenma, and she adores it. Naturally, someone else she just happens to meet in the park after school (who is big enough to pound Harima into paste without a second thought) finds out about the poem [[Glad I Thought of It|and takes the credit for writing it]]. Later Harima beats the guy to a pulp.
** A few episodes later, Tenma is watching a period drama, and gets the wonderful idea to shoot a love letter at Karasuma with a bow and arrow. She follows him across town as he nonchalantly dodges every attack, unintentionally makes Harima parody ''[[The Matrix (Film)|The Matrix]]'', and follows Karasuma into a bank just in time to FOIL A BANK ROBBERY.
* Tomari from ''[[Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl]]'' gets love letters from other girls. This is very much to her dismay, even though she does fall in love with her old childhood buddy Hazumu after he changed into a girl.
* In ''[[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Azumanga Daioh]]'', Yukari brings up a love letter whenever Nyamo looks to be about to dish some dirt on her. What exactly happened with this love letter [[Noodle Incident|is never clarified]], although [[Fanon]] generally states that Nyamo wrote it to Yukari at some point as part of a [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]], wanting to [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|take it to the next level]].
* There's a deliberate contrast in ''[[Powerpuff Girls Z]]'', as Miyako (Bubbles) undergoes daily [[Love Letter Lunacy]] (she doesn't mind), while Momoko the Love Lunatic (Blossom) gets none. Karou (Buttercup), meanwhile, is at one point shown with an [[Instant Fanclub]] (all girls).
* In ''[[Lucky Star]]'', Kagami appears to get one. Turns out the guy just wanted a trinket that would be embarrasing to ask for in public.
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* ''[[Noir]]'' has Kirika's 'daisuki na Mireille', which spurs Mireille to {{spoiler|agree to an alliance with Breffort, go to the Manor, and rescue Kirika from herself.}}
* In ''[[Zettai Karen Children]]'', Kaoru tends to get love letters from girls--which she finds troublesome, since she prefers older women. The other two girls get ''loads'' more love letters though.
* In ''[[Toradora (Light Novel)|Toradora!]]!'', Taiga attempts to leave a love letter for Yuusaku in his bag--but accidentally puts it in ''Ryuuji's'' instead. When he finds it later and attempts to look inside, he discovers it's a sealed, empty envelope. She's so [[Dojikko|klutzy]] she ''forgot to put the letter in''.
* Kana gets one from Fujioka in the first episode of ''[[Minami-ke]]'', but then makes a horrible mistake: she asks her sisters for advice. [[Little Miss Snarker|Chiaki]], apparently sincerely, manages to interpret the letter as a ''challenge''. Kana is convinced, and meets with Fujioka in order to ''kick him''. (This is just the beginning of Fujioka's trials; at one point, Chiaki even finds an aggressive way to interpret his out-and-out saying "I like you" to Kana.)
* In ''[[Ichigo Mashimaro]]'', Nobue receives a love letter asking to meet her in front of the Hamamatsu Station. The girls try to change her dress and rehearse the meeting... it doesn't go well. {{spoiler|It was Miu all along (explaining the feminine handwriting), having gotten the idea from a manga she was reading. Miu crafts another letter from "Junya" saying that he's flying to India... but makes the mistake of signing her own name to the envelope.}}
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* ''[[Nyan Koi]]'' plays with this one interestingly. First Junpei receives a letter, which he thinks might be a love letter, from Nagi, but it turns out to be a challenge letter.
** Then he receives a second (handed to him) by Kotone, which he thinks is about another challenge, but is surprised to find is an actual love letter, only to get it ripped out of his hands only moments after he's read it by who he thinks is Kotone, but is actually her twin sister Akari who challenges him to meet her at a shrine by his house. He finds that Kotone actually does like him (to the point of being a complete stalker) and Akari is trying to keep from being requited. The challenge was more about his curse though.
* ''[[Akuma Dede Sourou]]'' begins with shy Kayano trying to give her crush a letter but handing it to [[Handsome Devil|another]] [[Bastard Boyfriend|guy]] instead, prompting a lot of harassment.
* One of the ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'' Drama Cd's revolves around the Digidestined discovering [[The Smart Guy|Izzy]] typing up a love letter on his laptop. They try to force him to tell them who it is, and when he doesn't, he tries to escape, leading them to tie him up and gag him. They spend the rest of the CD discussing who they think it could possibly be while the poor boy squirms. At one point they actually come to a conclusion that it ''has'' to be [[Spoiled Sweet|Mimi]], to which he protests as loudly as he could whilst being gagged. He eventually tells them who it is...{{spoiler|Too bad the name is edited out. They can hear it, we can't.}}
* ''[[Clannad (Visual Novel)|Clannad]]'': Sunohara writes an anonymous love letter to Kyou, telling her to meet in a certain place after school. Upon arriving, she finds a message left on the chalkboard, saying that her admirer is actually waiting someplace else. After four or five iterations of being sent to a new location, Sunohara's prank ends when Kyou catches him in the act of writing the next message.
* In [[D.N.Angel]]'s first chapter, Daisuke gives Risa a love letter, but she turns him down.
* In [[Magical Idol Pastel Yumi]], Yumi accidentally receives a letter meant for her classmate and ends up helping the sender get a date with the intended recipient.
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* The whole premise of the 1985 movie ''Secret Admirer''.
* ''[[Amelie]]'' features a very dragged out version of this that starts out with a note to pick up a lost scrapbook and ends in a romance.
* In ''[[The Science of Sleep (Film)|The Science of Sleep]]'' Stéphane puts a note under Stéphanie's door while he's asleep sleepwalking. Except a) he believed it was actually a dream, b) she saw him do it and c) it was asking for her roommate's phone number even though he isn't interested in her. The next morning he goes to get it back, realising his mistake, {{spoiler|except she's already read it}}.
* In the 1942 musical ''You Were Never Lovelier'', Eduardo Acuña wants his daughter, Maria (Rita Hayworth) to get married, but she's very picky with her suitors. Eventually, he invents a mystery admirer for her, and starts sending flowers to her, accompanied by anonymous love letters, with the intent of presenting his choice for her husband as the writer of the letters. His plan goes awry, when she sees the guy delivering the flowers and thinks that he's the writer.
* In ''[[Atonement]]'', the lead male is frustrated trying to write a letter to the lead female, and writes a vulgar, sexually charged one to work out this frustration. Afterwards, he writes a perfectly lovely one and gives it to his love's young sister to deliver. Guess what? Remarkably, rather than wacky hi-jinks ensuing, the vulgar letter works.
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* ''[[Little Women]].'' Jo and Laurie are, respectively, horrified and amused by the growing UST between Meg and Mr. Brooke, so they play a few pranks on Meg involving love letters and rumors.
** "They" being just Laurie, considering the fact that Jo just wants it all to go away and swears most solemnly to her mother that she had no idea of Laurie's hijinks.
* [[PGP. WodehouseG. (Creator)Wodehouse|PG Wodehouse]]' characters would often write these, but [[Love Dodecahedron|accidentally leave them in the wrong rooms]].
* Sean Bateman receives these in ''The Rules Of Attraction''. {{spoiler|he doesn't even know the girl who's sending them to him is alive, and she eventually commits suicide. Nobody cares.}}
* In Jane Flory's ''Faraway Dream'', Charlotte Sutcliffe receives what she believes is a request from a friend to become his business partner. In fact, it was a marriage proposal. Justified, in that English is Mr. Curcier's second language. {{spoiler|They marry.}}
* Book six of ''[[RangersRanger's Apprentice]]'' {{spoiler|ends with Will getting a letter from Alyss admitting she loves him. He goes right away to tell her he feels the same.}}
== Live Action TV ==
* In the season one finale of ''[[Caroline in The City]]'', Richards writes a love letter to Caroline telling her to meet him at Remo's if she accepted. She coincidentally ends up there at the expected time without having read the letter causing Richard to humiliate himself and flee to Paris. Annie finds the unread letter in season two which leads to comical blackmail mayhem.
* The British 1970's-era TV Series ''[[Are You Being Served? (TV)|Are You Being Served]]''. In the first-season episode "Dear Sexy Knickers", a saucy note is delivered to the wrong person, who misunderstands who it's from. And when the sender is identified, the recipient is misunderstood. In the meantime, innocent people are cussed out and much [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* In the teen show ''[[California Dreams]]'', resident slime ball jerk with a heart of gold Sly wrote these for Lorena.
* In an episode of ''[[Full House]]'', a jerky visiting cousin decides to screw with DJ by writing a love letter to her and having Michelle deliver it. Since the note has no names on it, it gets passed around several times, until nearly everybody thinks it's about them.
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* A variation occurs in ''[[Much Ado About Nothing]]''. When it is revealed that Benedick and Beatrice only said they loved each other because they each thought the other loved them, love letters they wrote earlier are produced as "evidence" that they truly are in love.
* In ''[[LovesLove's LaboursLabour's Lost]]'' Berowne sends a love letter to Rosaline via country bumpkin Costard; meanwhile Don Armado sends one to Jaqenetta, also through Costard. Naturally the wrong letters get into the wrong hands.
** Later the King, Dumaine and Longaville are all seen writing love letters, overheard one by the next with [[Reveal]] after [[Reveal]]. Berowne calls them all out on it, until his own love letter is revealed.
* In ''[[Twelfth Night]]'', several characters decide to bring Malvolio down a peg and write a fake love letter to him from their mistress. Because he is a prideful fool, he immediately falls for it and believes Olivia is infatuated with him. When he follows the ridiculous instructions left for him in the note, Olivia thinks he's gone mad and has him locked up as a lunatic.
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** The music that plays during that scene is even entitled, "Foolproof Love Letter Scheme." A nice alternate title for the trope, I might add...
* In ''[[Persona 4]]'', the protagonist will receive love letters in his shoebox if he does good at tests, usually containing some useful item or other that a secret admirer has made for you. {{spoiler|And if you think it's one of your [[Love Interest|Love Interests]] who did it, you're in for a shock later...}}. As the Fortune Social Link reveals, Naoto is also plagued by these on a regular basis ('plagued' because the detective prince has better things to do than play around with romance).
* Shows up, of all places, in ''[[La -Mulana]].'' The dating-sim homage game Lemeza can play on his MSX features one of these that drives the plot. It's anonymous, and asks the nameless protagonist to come to the "legendary tree." It's all perfectly cliche from there on out. {{spoiler|Until it turns into a ''[[Snatcher]]'' homage.}}
* In the third ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' game, series [[Butt Monkey]] (literally) Larry Butz leaves a love letter for his latest crush. However, being the doofus he is, he manages to write it so it looks like blackmail.
** Larry fails at the same task in ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', when his sloppy handwriting causes the name of the recipient to be misread as "Wendy" instead of "Mindy."
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== Visual Novels ==
* In Miku's route of ''[[A Profile (Visual Novel)|A Profile]]'', Masayuki gets a love letter that his friends immediately assume is a prank until he gets mad at them for instantly assuming bad will. Their position is helped along by the fact the sender forgot to include her name. The sender, for that matter, is annoyed with those friends later because she heard them laughing about it.
== Webcomics ==
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* In ''[[Penny and Aggie]]'', Aggie tries to get Duane a date with Penny by leaving a note and concert tickets in her locker. Unfortunately, Penny walks up to the wrong guy at the concert (the note only gave a vague description to identify the secret admirer, which coincidentally applied to two boys) and doesn't see Duane at all. Plus Penny's friend Sarah spots Aggie planting the note, leading her believe that Aggie is a lesbian with a secret crush on Penny.
* [[Oglaf|Ivan the Apprentice]] receives a series of decreasingly sane ones {{spoiler|from his boss' [[Hot Amazon]] minions as a joke.}}
* In one of the early arcs of ''[[College Roomies Fromfrom Hell]]'', the guys have Roger send a note to the girls next door asking them out. Roger forgets to bring a pen, so he writes the note using blood from a paper cut. The cut clots before he finishes the message. As a result, the girls end up with a note with "We're coming to get you" written on it in blood slipped under their door. Violence ensues.
* A high-school-era ''[[Namir Deiter]]'' Valentine's strip had Cedric, whom Tipper was dating at the time, competing with [[The Rival|Gabby]] (her crush on Tipper not yet known to the audience) to see who could leave the more impressive note, bouquet, and chocolates in Tipper's locker.
* In ''[[Cardboard Angel]]'', when Mayuko's friends find out she has a crush on Satoru, they insist she write him a love letter as it is "the way it's done." Mayuko is coerced into putting over the top things in it and is forced to try to hand it off to him. Unfortunately, [[Alpha Bitch|Aya]] intercepts the letter and uses it to publicly humiliate Mayuko.
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== Western Animation ==
* In an episode of ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]'', Lisa sends a love note to the school bully Nelson, via Milhouse. Thinking that it was Milhouse who is the author of said note, Nelson pummels the crap out of him.
* In an episode of ''[[American Dragon Jake Long]]'', Spud writes a letter to his crush [[Alpha Bitch|Stacy]]. Trixie finds it and thinks it's to her from her crush Kyle. She goes to the location determined and enters a dark storage locker where Spud is waiting. [[Hilarity Ensues|You can see where this is going]].
* An episode of ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'' had Timmy write a love letter to [[Alpha Bitch|Trixie]], but lacks the courage to send it. [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|So his parents do it for him]]. Since magic can't interfere with love (including love letters) he has to enter [[Cyberspace]] to get it back.
* An episode of ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' had Jimmy writing a love letter for [[Call a Smeerp Aa Rabbit|Cerbee]] to Jez's dog, the plan was to give it to [[Rich Bitch|Jez]] to read to Jasmine. However, when Beezy gives it to his father, he says "This is from Jez," and it's only after they part that he wonders "Or was it for Jez?"
* In the "X-Treme Torture" episode of ''[[Total Drama Island]]'', Bridgette and Gwen find a love poem and spend the rest of the episode trying to figure out both its writer and recipient. They eventually discover it's meant for {{spoiler|[[Sassy Black Woman|Leshawna]]}}, who's apparently been getting them throughout the season; later, {{spoiler|[[Otaku|Harold]]}} admits to having written them all.
* In the [[Looney Tunes]] ''Mouse-Warming'', a teenage mouse falls for a girl mouse who's moved in across the hallway with her parents. Claude Cat notes the situation, and leaves him fake love notes (along with fake threat notes to her parents) in hopes of a quick meal. The mouse soon gets wise to it, and fakes a note to Claude to visit and make friends with the vicious dog in the yard.
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