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=== Played for Comedy ===
* These tend to show up in [[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]] books.
** Sam Vimes is familiar with giving and receiving, for one. Also from the Watch books, Carrot Ironfoundersson received a [[Balls of Steel|codpiece]] as a going-away gift from a friend of his (adopted) father, though he was initially naive enough to think no one would dare strike someone else there.
** One of these inspires a villain in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]'' after he tries to put the moves on Polly "Oliver" Perks when she's [[Recursive Crossdressing|dressed up as a boy dressed up as a girl.]] Yes, that makes sense. The same book also has a scene where the protagonist is bitten by a horse to the place where her family jewels would be, were she actually male (she keeps a bundle of socks there, instead). The sole male witness quickly faints, and after he comes to Polly hastily explains that her trousers were baggy enough the horse didn't do any damage.
** One dwarven saying is, "When their hands are above your head, your teeth are level with their crotch." The implications water the eyes.
** To Cohen the Barbarian and his Silver Horde, psychological warfare consists of spending the night before a big battle intimidating the enemy with chants of: "We're going to ''cut'' your ''[[Unusual Euphemism|tonkers]]'' off". Performing this operation on your worst enemy and then offering it as a present is likewise their idea of how to impress a woman.
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Guards Guards|Guards Guards]]'', [[Butt Monkey|Corporal Nobbs]] kicks Detritus the Troll in the stones, and nearly breaks his foot.
{{quote| "Have trolls got stones?"<br />
"Stands to reason." }}
** Also from ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Guards Guards|Guards Guards]]'': Sergent Colon to Nobby Nobbs. "You know all about 'voonerables', Nobby. I've watched you fight."
** Mort gets one from {{spoiler|Death himself}}.
** In order to properly shoe unruly stallions, Jason Ogg threatens to do this to them. With a ''smithing hammer''. Likewise, You Bastard the camel recognizes a similar implied threat in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Pyramids|Pyramids]]'', in the form of two bricks. This references an old joke about a bet between two French Foreign Legionaires, one of whom claimed he could make a camel jump straight up in the air...
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'', after blocking two [[Armor-Piercing Slap|Armor Piercing Slaps]] from Perdita, Vlad the vampyre discovers that he's got no hands left and Perdita has a knee in reserve.
** Arnold Sideways of the Canting Crew, a band of near-legendary Ankh-Morpork beggars, is considered a useful asset in a fight despite having no legs because "a man with good teeth at groin height has things his own way". He also has a boot on the end of a stick, meaning that many thieves desperate enough to attack the beggars would find themselves kicked in the head by a man four feet high.
** Granny Weatherwax gives an Elf a double handed punch in the area in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]''.
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Going Postal|Going Postal]]'' and ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Making Money|Making Money]]'', Adora Belle Dearheart gives, threatens, and attempts a few of these. And in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Making Money|Making Money]]'' Moist von Lipwig gets one from Owlswick Jenkins.
** In Ankh-Morpork, this is generally preceded by the phrase "Kick him 'inna fork!"
** "''This'' is how you win a dogfight!" -- Gaspode the Wonder Dog's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Small Gods|Small Gods]]'' Om does this to an eagle near the end of the book, as the Annotated Prachett notes, eagles don't actually have that particular piece of anatomy [[Rule of Funny|but no reason to let that get in the way of a good joke.]]
* [[Jim Butcher]]'s ''Proven Guilty'', in ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)|The Dresden Files]]'', uses this near the end of the book, when Harry and the others are escaping from the bad guys, but are about to get overrun by trolls. Harry stops, turns, and uses his sword to stab the lead troll in the jimmies. This is accompanied by the line, "If you've got danglies and can lose them, that's the kind of sight that makes you reconsider the genitalia-related ramifications of your actions real damned quick."
** In the short story ''Heorot'', Harry is up against a grendelkin, who's immune to Harry's magic. When the monster corners him, Harry gets some breathing room by winding up with his staff and getting him in [[Unusual Euphemism|the fire]]-[[Gag Penis|extinguisher]].
* In the ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]'' novel "Last Human", a character incapacitates a horrific rampaging leopard monster with a combination of 1. A serum that radically increases a person's luck and 2. A rubber band.
** In an earlier novel, "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers," a hologram attempts to thump a desk in frustration, only for his hand to pass clean through it and slam painfully into his groin.
** In "Backwards" Lister earns a shard of glass through his crotch during a Virtual Reality gaming session.
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* Played straight in ''[[Inheritance Trilogy|Eragon]]'' in a story to tell how [[The Empire]] came to exist.
** Yes, the fall of the Riders, the rise of the immortal tyrant Galbatorix, the near-genocide of the dragons, and the millions of lives lost to senseless war were a direct result of Vreal taking a kick to the nuts.
* Uncle Toby from ''[[Tristram Shandy (Literature)|Tristram Shandy]]'' was bedridden for months due to receiving a large stone to the groin during the siege of Namur. Laurence Sterne intentionally plays up the [[Narm]] of the situation.
* [[Simon R. Green]]'s novels have plenty of non-funny incidents of this, often followed by killing the unfortunate bastard while he's down (Green's generally fond of BRUTAL fight scenes), but one of his [[Nightside]] novels had a comedy version involving a ''mousetrap.''
* [[The Bible (Literature)|Deuteronomy]] contains an instruction ''against'' groin strikes. To quote [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2025;&version=31; chapter 25], verses 11 and 12 (New International Version): "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity." The implication is that going for the groin is fair game if you are e.g. in danger of [[Attempted Rape]], but not if you aren't in immediate danger.
* After Lord Dono Vorutyer (formerly [[Gender Bender|Lady Donna]]) takes his first [[Groin Attack]] during an <s> assassination</s> [[Sick and Wrong|gender reassignment reversal]] attempt in [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''[[Vorkosigan Saga (Literature)|A Civil Campaign]]'' he immediately apologizes to Lord Ivan about all of the times he'd seen men hit in the crotch and laughed.
* In ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'' Scout accidentally kicks a man in the groin when he is picking on Jem. The quote goes something like "I aimed for his knee but I kicked too high."
* This occurs sometimes to private detective [[Spenser]], in Robert B. Parker's series of novels. It is rarely effective because, as he points out to one female martial artist who tries it on him, it's a) not as painful as the media portrays and b) if you've been through enough other sorts of pain, you can work through it.
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{{quote| '''Patient''': I only know that I'm depressed, and it is terrible!<br />
'''Analyst''': Is it worse than a joelha? }}
* In one of [[John Gardner]]'s [[James Bond (Literaturenovel)|James Bond]] novels, Bond attacks a fellow [[MI 6]] agent, a woman, who is {{spoiler|the double agent he has been looking for, who betrayed and destroyed the spy ring she was part of.}} The fight begins with Bond kneeing her in the crotch. In the text, Gardner does point out that such an attack is painful for women as well as men.
* In both of [[Aaron Allston]]'s books in the [[New Jedi Order]], it's seen that while Vong wear armored skirts, they apparently don't have any protection beneath them. Lando shoots one, and this is apparently more pain than even a Vong can endure, because it's easily dispatched by his [[Fan Nickname|terminator]]. Out on Coruscant, Mara encounters another. The viewpoint character glances away for a moment and looks back to find that the warrior...
{{quote| [...] in the middle of a quite elegant snap-kick against Mara, was receiving her lightsaber thrust up and under his skirt plates.}}
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* [[Richard Marcinko]] enjoys writing these into his Seal Team Six books. Stands to reason, since it's a highly efficient way of getting an advantage in a life or death fistfight. Despite these books being mostly [[Self-Insert Fic]], with himself as [[The Captain]], he is not afraid to describe himself on the receiving end of a crotch shot.
** In one, he has to take a bunch of office-bound engineers and teach them how to play paintball. The dweebs learn quickly, and one deliberately aims for his crotch at point blank range.
* In ''[[John Dies Atat the End]]'', Dave gets into a fight with the character Shitload, who knocks him out with six successive hits to the groin. When Dave wakes up, the dog, Molly, walks over him, and all four of her paws land on his crotch.
* ''[[Tristram Shandy (Literature)|Tristram Shandy]]'' has an [[Narrative Filigree|exhaustively described]] scene in which a hot chestnut falls through a minor character's open fly.
* In the [[Bizarro Fiction|bizarro story]] ''[[Monster Cocks (Literature)|Monster Cocks]]'', this trope is both played straight and inverted. The hero, Jack, wishes to enhance his penis in order to win the heart of a co-worker, and orders a bunch of male enhancement treatments off the internet, at least three of which requires him to inject something under the skin of his genitals with some cousin of a piercing gun. The treatments prove to be successful--too successful, as his genitals become self-aware and attack and eat several people.
* In ''[[The Kingdom Keepers]]'' this is how Philby's mother escapes from [[The Bully|Luowski]]. "His mother bent her knee and drove the ball of her heel up and into a spot between the boy's legs that made Luowski's eyes squint shut as he screamed."
* Played nightmarishly humorous in [[Dan Savage]]'s book ''Skipping Towards Gammorrah'', where he committs all [[Seven Deadly Sins]] in a grandiose manner. For Avarice, he goes on a nature retreat for rich people. It includes a very strenuous hike; he went commando because his underwear got soaked in sweat, but then his thighs started to rub together and chafe, then the rash started to bleed, [[It Got Worse|then the sweat from his balls made it sting]]. So after a couple miles of misery, he shamelessly held onto his junk for the remainder of the hike. Sounds like the groin did the attacking in this case.
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* In the [[Dean Koontz]] novel ''Life Expectancy'', protagonist Jimmy uses a nail file to the groin to disable Punchinello long enough to get himself and Lorrie clear of both their armed captor and the bombs he's placed. (This event also figures to an extent in later plot.)
* In the ''[[Inheritance Trilogy]]'', said to have been used in a duel by [[Big Bad|Galbatorix]] taking place a long time before the events of the book. The act was deemed "dishonorable," or something to that effect. Doesn't help that the story describes it with double-take language: the guy gets struck "in the fork of his legs".
* [[Ender's Game (Literature)|Ender's Game]] used the groin attack on bullies in order to make an example out of them to stop other people from picking on him. His guilt over hurting people, the graphic descriptions of his victims' reaction to the attack, and the fact that Ender, near the end of the book, finds out that {{spoiler|he actually '''killed''' two people like this}} push the whole thing into a rather horrible [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction of the trope. He didn't kill them by kicking them in the groin; those were humility shots after the damage had been done.]]
* [[Stephen King]] apparently has some fascination with this trope.
** ''[[GeraldsGerald's Game (Literature)|Geralds Game]]'' opens with the title character suffering a fatal heart attack after his wife Jessie puts a knee where it counts to stop him from raping her.
** In ''[[The Dark Half]]'', villain George Stark combines an old fashioned straight razor, an upward slashing attack, and the groin of an unfortunate cop. All described with typical King [[Squick|skill]]. Did you just wince? Imagine reading it.
** In ''Dreamcatcher'', one character meets his death at the teeth of one of the weasels, which first attacks the soon-to-be-deceased's groin.
** ''The Body'', later made into the film ''[[Stand Byby Me]]'', is discussed [[Groin Attack/Film|here]] (2 separate mentions of groin attacks).
** In ''[[Needful Things]]'', a police officer trying to break up a riot is shot in the groin.
** In ''Chattery Teeth'' (a short story in ''Nightmares and Dreamscapes'') the eponymous wind-up novelty toy ends up biting a carjacker to death. Guess whether it goes for the balls.
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** Played straight in the same novel when King Troas attempts to have his way with Ardatha Demonhand. She's not having any of it, and retaliates with a scalding-hot application of [[Red Right Hand|her namesake]], directly to his scrotum.
* Jack Fleming from ''[[The Vampire Files]]'' can usually wipe the floor with gangsters in a brawl, but being held down by a bunch of them while another moves to '''stomp''' on his privates is terrifying enough to force even him into [[Super Smoke]] form.
* ''[[Haunted 2005 (Literature)|Haunted 2005]]'': Shoo-rook.
* A villain in the [[NUMA Series]] novel ''Inca Gold'' deservingly gets one. He has the female lead hostage and [[Complete Monster|details the sexual tortures he's planning to subject her to.]] At that point, Dirk Pitt sneaks up, jams a gun into the guy's pants, and pulls the trigger.
* ''[[CarrerasCarrera's Legions (Literature)|Carreras Legions]]'': There are plenty of attacks on testicles and penises throughout the series, usually intentional, and never [[Rule of Funny|played for laughs]].
* ''[[Black Hawk Down]]'': In the novel written by Mark Bowden, when the Somalis capture Mike Durant after his Black Hawk helicopter is taken down, one of the Somali women goes towards him as he is being carried away and "yanks" at his penis and testicles.
* ''The King of the Crags'' by Stephen Deas has a... memorable example. With a ''crossbow''.
* The central character in ''[[Middlesex]]'' due to his [[Hermaphrodite|intersex]] [[Wrong Genetic Sex|condition]] was [[Raised Asas the Opposite Gender|brought up as a girl]] unaware that painful groin cramps he [[Pronoun Trouble|(than she)]] suffered from certain physical activities were caused by undescended testes.
* In ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire (Literature)|A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' it's strongly implied that {{spoiler|Ramsay cut off Theon's penis, probably after skinning it.}}
* ''[[In Death]]'': This trope has popped up a few times. Eve Dallas takes down the murderer in ''Visions In Death'' hard this way.
* There's a book, can't remember its name or even what it was about, whose cover shows a woman's stiletto heel coming down on a walnut. The imagery is...striking to say the least.
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