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* In the 11th book of [[The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries]], Sookie and Eric visit a [[Vampires Own Nightclubs|vampire-owned]] night club that was bondage/Elvis/whore-house themed.
* ''[[Vampirates (Literaturenovel)|Vampirates]]'', a book series about [[Self Explanatory|you-guessed-it]].
* ''[[His Dark Materials]]'' has the Panserbjørne, the Guardians of the Svalbard archipelago, a race of armor-clad warrior polar bears (in fact, "panserbjørne" is Danish for "armored bears"). As a matter of fact, the author gleefully tells us that This Is The Coolest Thing Ever.
* ''20,000 Leagues Under the Sea''. Pirates, a nuclear [[Steampunk]] submarine, giant underwater monsters, and a mad scientist.
* ''[[Peter Pan]]'' is an early version of this: flying immortal juvenile delinquents fight [[Pirate|pirates]], Indians, and demonic crocodiles in a bizarre fantasy land inhabited by mermaids and fairies--which makes this [[Older Than Radio]].
** The Disney animated adaptation has said juvenile delinquents wear full-body animal skins, which just pushes the awesomeness past the red line.
** In the 1991 Steven Spielberg spinoff ''[[Hook (Film)|Hook]]'', those same delinquents are now multiracial punk skateboarders who fire catapults full of eggs.
* ''[[The Princess 99]]'' has an alien punk rocker from the future fighting zombies, elves, and wizards in a mixed up [[Clock Punk]] fantasy setting that's based on 1920s New Orleans...but with wizards!
* Certain [[Discworld]] stories might count as this, considering just how many bizarre concepts tend to be packed into one novel. A good example would be ''Monstrous Regiment'' in which a [[Sweet Polly Oliver]] joins a military regiment along with a troll, a vampire, [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|two women who happen to be in love]] - one of them is a pyromaniac and the other is perpetually angry, a religious fanatic {{spoiler|who bears a strong resemblance to Joan of Arc}}, a [[Sergeant Rock|sergeant]] and [[The Igor|an Igor]] and they all fight in a war in the name of a god {{spoiler|who is dead, and a dead mortal who is in the process of ascending to godhood}}. And it turns out the entire regiment is an {{spoiler|[[Amazon Brigade]]}} and didn't know it.
** ''Carpe Jugulum'' is a book about witches fighting vampires, with the help of [[Violent Glaswegian]] [[The Smurfs|Smurfs]], a phoenix, and [[Church Militant|a fighting priest]]. Also, [[The Virus]] {{spoiler|is inverted: "I ain't been vampired. You've been Weatherwaxed."}}
** ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Jingo|Jingo]]'' is a book where a [[Cowboy Cop]], a [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolf]], a man who's [[King Incognito|secretly a king]], a [[Our Trolls Are Different|troll]] and a [[Everything's Deader Withwith Zombies|zombie]] team up with Bedouin to stop a war in a plot borrowed from [[Lawrence of Arabia]], but with more [[The Beautiful Game|football]]. Meanwhile, two [[Too Dumb to Fool]] other cops, a [[Magnificent Bastard]] tyrant and an expy of [[Leonardo Dada Vinci]] are on a secret mission in a submarine. Oh, and there's [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|a city built by squid.]]
* In [[Dune]], there are a few different characters with special abilities. There are the Navigators, who can see in four dimensions. There are Mentats, essentially human computers. There are also the Bene Gesserits, magical witches that have the commanding Voice. And then there's Paul Atreides, the Kwisatz Haderach. This Troper's nickname for him is Paul "multiclasses-in-everything" Atreides, because he is essentially ALL OF THESE! The only person worse than him is his son, who even jumps species to get the extra skills he didn't already inherit from his father.
* Sean Cullen's ''Hamish X'' series is about a [[Ridiculously Human Robot|robot]] [[Parental Abandonment|orphan]] with [[Eyes of Gold]] who wants to [[Become a Real Boy]] and [[Turned Against Their Masters|Turn Against His Masters]]. It contains a [[Zeppelins Fromfrom Another World|zeppelin]], [[Inherently Funny Words|cheese]], cheese pirates, a [[Lost World]] that is [[Beneath the Earth]] in Switzerland and populated entirely by orphans, ninja orphans, a [[Hive Mind]] of robot raccoons named George, [[Bedouin Rescue Service|Bedouins]], a mammoth, [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys|giant snow monkeys]], and an evil [[The Virus|assimilating]] robot [[The Men in Black|MIB]] from the [[Uncanny Valley]] with [[Fluffy the Terrible|candy-related names]]. And yet, when a minor character is seen reading a comic called ''Vampire Cat Robot'', the narrator makes fun of him for it.
* In Thomas Pynchon's ''Mason & Dixon'', a French chef named Armand Allegre is pursued by an [[Implacable Man|Implacable]], [[Invisible]], [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Clingy, Jealous]], [[Killer Rabbit|Killer]] [[Punk Punk|ClockPunk]] robot [[Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate|duck]][[Looney Tunes|with a speech impediment]] [[Road Apples|and a fully functional digestive system]] [[Do Androids Dream?|who wants him to find her]] [[Opposite Sex Clone|Currently Genderless Beta-Copy]] or else she will take [[Revenge]] for all the ducks he has cooked.
** There's also the overarching story about a depressed widower astronomer and a womanizing, land-surveying Quaker studying the orbit of Venus while snarking all over Dutch people and then measuring borders [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series|IN AMERICA]] while discussing dragons. And that bit is true. Less true are the [[Funny Animal|talking dog]] who knows everything, the Chinese fung shui master who is afraid of turning into a Spaniard, the [[Church Militant|rabbi secret agents]] trying to track down rogue golems, golems built by Jesus, the Swedish conspiracy, the Spanish Inquisition's involvement, the ghost, and some witches. And it's all written in [[Antiquated Linguistics]].
* Another Pynchon novel, ''Vineland'', involves hippies, [[The Mafia]], [[The Men in Black]], ninjas, and a possible ''[[Kaiju]]'' attack.
* Peter F. Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy is the story of humans fighting back againstan invasion by dead souls possessing the living to escape a horrible living death afterlife and gaining superpowers in the process unleashed when an alien made of pure energy interrupts a satanic ritual and nearly winning until Al Capone comes back and takes over whole star systems then the dead take some planets to over universes except one is a horrific nightmare realm with an enemy made up of a squillion different species liquefied and mashed together into a blob of pure scary and then the guy who started it all summons the scary blob to our universe and everybody nearly dies but someone else saves the day by piloting a living starship to where a god hangs out and talks it into helping. The impressive part is this is actually done in such a way that every premise is plausible and the impacts they have on the world are realistic.
** Hamilton does this. ''Fallen Dragon'' is about mercenaries in [[Organic Technology|organic]] [[Power Armor|power armor]] sent to colonies by [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|the corporations]] that set them up. One planet refuses to bow and using unknown artifacts called [[Lost Technology|Dragon Pearls]] are able to mount [[La Résistance]]. They fine that the Dragon is the remains of an engineered race of living starships/recorders built by [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien]] [[Neglectful Precursors]] that are able to rejuvenate the hero and send him [[Time Travel|back through time]] so he can get his girlfriend back.
** ''Pandora's Star'' is about an empire of far-flung planets connected by ''[[Cool Train|trains]]'' that has been infiltrated by [[Hive Mind|aliens]] that escaped from a [[Dyson Sphere]] before its completion by [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] that moved on to bigger things. One hero's quest is guided by [[Our Elves Are Better|elves]] who trigggered the Earth tales of [[The Fair Folk]], who seem to be [[Screw You, Elves|unconcerned with the fate of man]] and who travel between planets by ''walking''. There's also a lot of [[Smoking Hot Sex|sex.]]
* Elizabeth Bear's ''Edda of Burdens'' series: as of ''Book One: All The Windwracked Stars'', we have a post-apocalyptic steampunk valkyrie historian, a two-headed immortal flying cyborg warhorse, magico-genetically spliced catgirl police officers with the souls of dead angels, reincarnated rentboys with superstrength, and a few completely casual mentions of '''battle [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|shoggoths]]'''.
* [[Surfing Samurai Robots]] is about an [[Alien]] that has a [[Cyrano De Bergerac|big nose]] and has come to [[Earth Is the Center of Thethe Universe|Earth]] in order to be a [[Private Detective|detective]]. Also, there are some [[Surfer Dude|Surfing]] [[Samurai]] [[Robots]], and {{spoiler|it turns out that the whole thing was set up by the [[Femme Fatale]]'s dad, who is a lizard.}} Once again...
* ''[[Complete World Knowledge]]''. Hoboes, presidents, mole-men, cane swords, ferrets, giant iguanas, druids, masturbation out a window, [[Jonathan Coulton]], zeppelins, Time Lords, a sequel to ''[[The Catcher in The Rye (Literature)|The Catcher in The Rye]]'', samurai, thunderbirds... apparently the only thing that doesn't exist in John Hodgman's mind is {{spoiler|Chicago.}}
* ''[[Pride and Prejudice And Zombies]],'' the classic Jane Austen romance retold with the addition of, well, not to put too fine a point on it, [[Zombie Apocalypse|ultra-violent zombie mayhem]]. And ninjas.
** Followed by ''[[Sense and Sensibility Andand Sea Monsters]]'', which features mutant lobsters, rampaging octopi, and pirates. And apparently [[Pirates of the Caribbean|Davy Jones]].
** Followed by ''[[Mansfield Park]] and Mummies'', which features spirits of ancient Egyptian pharoahs, vampires, collections of ancient Egyptian artifacts, and mummies.
** Followed by ''[[Emma]] and the Werewolves''. Stand by for the next two -- no doubt it will be a short wait...
* ''[[Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter]]''. [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|That's all you need to know]]
* ''[[The Gone-Away World]]'' by Nick Harkaway. How to describe it? An [[After the End]] ''Catch-22'' cowritten by Thomas Pynchon and Douglas Adams by way of ''[[Fight Club (Literaturenovel)|Fight Club]]'' with heroic Hazmat troubleshooters vs the evil megacorp. And oh yeah, {{spoiler|ninjas vs kung fu mimes}}
* Among the other contents of ''[[Un Lun Dun]]'''s [[Hurricane of Puns]] are trash bin ninjas called "Binja."
* Tobias Buckell started writing ''Crystal Rain'' by listing all the cool things he could think of. Mongoose men fight Aztecs with zeppelins, while the pirate hero (at least he has a hook and likes to sail) battles amnesia on a steampunk quest to the frozen north to recover the secrets of their offworld ancestors. And ''Sly Mongoose'' has sky cities and space zombies.
* The [[Crazy Awesome]] nature of [[The Dresden Files]] cannot be overemphasized. A polka-powered zombie tyrannosaurus! A cult of porn-star sorceresses! Ninja ghouls! Paladins with Kalashnikovs! Secret agent demon werewolves! A wizard with a vampire hairstylist brother! And so on and so forth.
** And because this warrants reiteration: A [[Badass Longcoat]]-wearing, [[First-Person Smartass|joke-cracking]] [[Private Eye]] wizard '''riding a [[Raising the Steaks|zombie]] ''[[Tyrannosaurus Rex|Tyrannosaurus]] [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs|rex]]'' [[The Power of Rock|powered by polka]] into battle''' [[Cool Versus Awesome|against]] a legion of ghosts and super-[[Everything's Deader Withwith Zombies|zombies]] controlled by [[Necromancer]] [[Evil Sorcerer|Evil Sorcerers]]. [[So Cool Its Awesome|Thank you and good night]].
* The [[Codex Alera]] series by the same author is full of this too. From the page description: "Magical Roman Legionnaires straight out of Avatar The Last Airbender versus the Zerg. And wolfmen with Blood Magic. And telepathic yetis. And white-haired neanderthal-elves. Riding ground sloths and terror birds..." And, later: "The political dealings of Dune meets a Greco-Roman Society powered by Pokémon." That leaves out the parts where some of the wolfmen get zombified (or maybe "possessed by body-snatching aliens" is a better description), the Zerg learn magic, and a [[Chrome Champion]] swordfights.
** The aforementioned wolfmen have morals and values at least partially influenced by fuedal Japan - which means that not only do we get wolfman samurai-analogues, but we also get ''wolfman ninjas.''
* Jasper Fforde's [[Thursday Next]] series (and the related Nursery Crimes series) focus on the titular protagonist's adventures in [[Book World]], where all characters in fiction are the roles played by [[Book World]] actors. Gully Foyle of ''[[The Stars My Destination (Literature)|The Stars My Destination]]'' polices Science Fiction. The Racy Novels genre is in a border dispute with Feminist. Her uncle Mycroft, a mad inventor, is sought by a multinational corporation for his latest invention, the Book Portal (which started the whole mess), so he hides in the backstory of the ''Sherlock Holmes'' series - as Sherlock's elder brother. If a reference sounds vaguely literary, it is. In the "real world", things are even stranger - cloned Neanderthals, dodos, and thylacines exist, as do time travel, werewolves, and the radical Bacon Society, which claims Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays, and is willing to start riots in the streets to prove their point. If you plan to visit, bring a clear jar filled with lentils and rice, and shake it every once in a while. If the mix starts clumping as if something was sorting it, watch out, entropy's going backward.
* In ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]'' Adam describes [[Show Within a Show|a story he once wrote]]:
{{quote| 'It was about this pirate who was a famous detective (...) 'Specially the bit in the spaceship where the dinosaur comes out and fights with the cowboys'}}
* There is a children's book in which the Loch Ness Monster teams up with little green men from Mars to fight evil spider aliens.
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** Theoretical here: It appears to be possible to be a demonic, elven, fey necromancer who is/was part machine and then become a ghost while technically keeping all of the former (rock star or other training also applicable), just so long as one doesn't start out human. [[Humans Are Flawed|Because humans are passive with magic.]]
* Gemma Files's ''Hexslinger'' series: An alternate history/dark fantasy/Wild West adventure with a gang of outlaws and robbers led by a Hard Gay couple, one of whom is a former corrupt preacher turned dark sorcerer, the other of whom is an expert sharpshooter {{spoiler|and potential sorcerer who becomes the vessel of an an Aztec god}}, who aid in the resurrection of a power-hungry Mayan goddess. The series also features a Navajo medicine woman, real-life historical figure Allan Pinkerton leading a secret group that scientifically studies the workings of magic and sends spies to monitor the sorcerous outlaws, and an evil Chinese albino sorceress who is also a child prostitute. And {{spoiler|the genuinely pious minister who is implied to have been resurrected by an angel in order to fight the evil sorcerers}}. All of this is just from the first book.
* ''[[Captain Underpants|The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen From The Future]]''. [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]].
* ''Clash of the Geeks'' is a short-story collection (and fundraiser for the Lupus Foundation of America) themed around a picture of [[Wil Wheaton]] wielding a lance, riding a unicorn pegasus kitten, and wearing a clown sweater, while attacking an orcish version of [[John Scalzi]].
* Fairly easy way to explain the [[Dune|Bene Gesserit]]: Eugenicist Psychic Ninja Slut Nuns
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* The T'lann Imass of the ''[[Malazan Book of the Fallen]]'' are zombie-shapeshifting-cavemen and their spiritual leaders are zombie-shapeshifting-werecreature-cavemen.
* [[Miya Black Pirate Princess]] is both pirate AND princess.
* [[Fairytale Novels (Literature)|The Midnight Dancers]] has Paul Fester, a juggling, flute-playing ninja clown.'
* [[The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel]]. It's not a [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] so much as a Fantasy Home Depot Plumbing Department. With an [[Action Girl]] [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]], [[Historical Domain Character|HistoricalDomainCharacters]] aplenty (the villains include Elizabethan [[Court Mage]] John Dee, Billy the Kid, and [[Niccolo Machiavelli]], while the heroes include [[Joan of Arc]] and [[William Shakespeare]]) and [[All Myths Are True]].
* By the end of the trilogy of [[Blood Bowl]] novels, one of the antagonists is a Black Orc reanimated as a vampire and then possessed by Khorne.
* The Ironborn in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire (Literature)|A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' are essentially [[Eldritch Abomination|Cthulhu]]-[[Religion of Evil|worshipping]] Vikings.
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