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* [[Dance Battler]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
* [[Going for Thethe Big Scoop]]: She's also got the fate of the world/galaxy on her hands.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: When the going gets rough, Ulala's friends and fans are there to help her.
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]
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Calling himself "The Voice of Truth", Jaguar is a mysterious man who abandoned mainstream reporting so he could [[Going for Thethe Big Scoop|reveal secrets to the galaxy]] instead of just struggling with ratings. He's the captain of the [[Space Pirates|Space Pirate Broadcasting Station]], and commands the [[Cool Starship|Rougeship-A-Go-Go]]. When the Morolians invade, he clashes with Ulala a few times as he believes she's interfering with the investigation, but they later [[Defeat Means Friendship|team up]] to fight the aliens {{spoiler|and Blank}}. It's later revealed that {{spoiler|Jaguar used to work for Space Channel 5, and is actually the reporter who saved Ulala's life.}}
In the second game, he is captured in the prologue, so his whereabouts are unknown. {{spoiler|He was really brainwashed by Purge and became Shadow, but is freed by Ulala.}}
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=== Tropes ===
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Noize is supposedly only 15 years old, but he does quite a few amazing things.
* [[It Runs Onon Nonsensoleum]]: The Astrobeat Jr can run on nothing but pure Dance and Jiggy power.
* [[Large Ham]]
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=== Tropes ===
* [[A Twinkle in Thethe Sky]]: "I'll be BAAAAAAACK...!" *ping*
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Big Bad]]
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* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Until you make him mad. Then he starts yelling and unleashing the giant mechas.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Remember Blank's line about how he was always watching over Ulala? Well that line's similar to the line on the wallpaper: [[Fridge Logic|"I always want you watching over me."]]
* [[Genre Blind]]: His entire plan relied on [[Intrepid Reporter|Ulala]] [[Going for Thethe Big Scoop]]. Did he think she'd just call it a day before figuring out [[Brainwashed and Crazy|why]] the aliens were invading? Especially glaring because he'd ''already'' driven Jaguar to do the same thing, leading to them teaming up.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: [[Kenji Utsumi|Well whaddaya know,]] [[Metal Gear Solid|It's Colonel Volgin!]]
* [[It's All About Me]]: Blank wants the most popular broadcasting station in the universe - no exceptions.
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* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: {{spoiler|He's been brainwashing Hoorg and the Morolians the entire time.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mind Control Device]]: He manufactured giant televisions to keep the Morolians under control.}}
* [[Mecha -Mooks]]: On his last leg, Blank resorts to compromised security bots, [[Evil Knockoff|Evila]], and finally a [[Giant Mecha]] to deal with Ulala's gang.
* [[No Song for Thethe Wicked]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Pink sunglasses, that is.
* [[Rush Boss]]: Don't get cocky just because his battle is a short one, [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!|he'll make the battle harder if you mess up.]]
* [[Slouch of Villainy]]: Blank doesn't even leave his [[Cool Chair]] in the profile section!
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Ulala does her job a little ''too'' well for him.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: He designed his [[Perverse Sexual Lust|"lovely creation"]] [[Evil Is Sexy|Evila]] to look like Ulala - and while he does admit to having kept tabs on Ulala, he had no clue about her dancing abilities. [[Panty Shot|I wonder what he was really focusing on?]]
* [[The So-Called Coward]]: For the first part report 4, all he does is teleports away from Ulala and her gang. Heck, Extra Report 4 has him panicking and running from her! Then the final boss rolls around, [[Took a Level In Badass|and he stops playing around]] and starts making your life hell with [[Hopeless Boss Fight|Giant Evila.]]
* [[Unexplained Recovery]]: He returns in Part 2, only to be a hostage for Purge. Playing for 10 hours unlocks him as a playable character.
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=== Tropes ===
* [[Adult Child]]: Not played for laughs. In fact, his childish personality tends to get rather... disturbing later on.
* [[A Twinkle in Thethe Sky]]
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]: Purge is an [[Camp Straight|extra-campy]] [[Teen Genius]] in a world already full of [[Widget Series|weird people]]. He wears a giant labcoat, funny goggles, and won't stop [[Giggling Villain|giggling]]. None of this stops him from {{spoiler|deflecting a fully charged laser}} or {{spoiler|nearly electrocuting Ulala to death.}}
* [[Big Bad]]
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* [[Bodyguarding a Badass]]: Purge may hide behind his robots for most of the game, but once Ulala destroys them and leaves him on his own? He reveals that he's tougher than he looks, even with a purple disco suit on. {{spoiler|You won't be laughing when he becomes a 50 foot tall god of dance and kills you.}}
* [[Boss Subtitles]]: [[Oh Crap|Super Duper Suit: Purge the Great]]
* [[Brought to You Byby The Letter "S"]]: Puts giant, stylized Ps on pretty much everything he builds.
* [[Camp Straight]]: Purge loves to pelvic-thrust and looks fabulous in purple. None of ''this'' stops him from hitting on Ulala a few times.
* [[The Coats Are Off]]
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* [[He Knows Too Much]]: [[Oh Crap|"You saw it..."]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Hi, [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Kaworu!]]
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Twice. First, the huge crowd he assembles to power his laser ends up giving Ulala a boost through [[The Power of Friendship]]. They then deflect his final attack, and turn his own laser back on him.
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: His "Purge the King" suit.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: His theme song is even called ''Genius Purge''. "I amaze myself!"
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* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Large Ham]]: Amongst a whole universe of them.
* [[Letting the Air Out of Thethe Band]]: When Ulala is challenged by Purge the Great, there's dramatic music playing while she dodges his attacks. However, near the end of the fight the music is slowly turning into white noise, and eventually stops altogether. {{spoiler|This gives Purge the Great the chance to catch Ulala off guard and fatally wound her.}}
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: Purge knows nothing about friendship, love, or empathy; with the exception of [[The Dragon|Shadow]], his entire dance troupe is composed of robots.
* [[Lyrical Dissonance]]: Purge's theme is happy sounding, but it's in [[Bilingual Bonus|Japanese Only.]] When you do find out what the lyrics are to his song... Let's just say you won't be able to listen to it the same way again.
* [[The Mad Hatter]]
* [[Mecha -Mooks]]: Purge churns 'em out in a variety of flavors.
* [[Mission From God]]: His excuse for forcing the entire universe to dance in unison.
* [[The Music Meister]]
* [[Never the Selves Shall Meet]]: An interesting case. Purge never meets his Clone/Son known simply as Purge Jr. But if you play as Purge and take on Jr, [[Only One Me Allowed Right Now|everyone in the galaxy calls him Ulala, and he sounds like her.]]
* [[Nobody Can Die]]... Except for Purge in the Cell Phone game.
* [[Not Good Withwith People]]: But then again, living alone with robots for 9 years does that to a person.
* [[Older Hero vs. Younger Villain]]: Ulala is 22, but Purge is only 18.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Purge the Great. It takes a lot of energy to make this form, [[I'm Having Soul Pains|and even then it hurts him a lot.]]
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* [[Sinister Silhouettes]]
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[So Long, Suckers!]]: [[Player Punch|"I had a relatively good time..."]]
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Comes off as one in the prologue - it turns out the montage of Ulala's last adventure (complete with [[Panty Shot|upskirt view]]) is a video he's been studying in his hideout.
* [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum]]: After Ulala breaks him down in Dance Dimension X and he reveals that he has no heart and does not understand love, Purge snaps. He decides that if he can't lead everyone to paradise, he's going to destroy them all, including himself. Thankfully, Ulala stops him... [[Fridge Horror|In the good ending.]]
* [[Time Master]]: The Japanese version explains that he has the ability to bend spacetime. [[Fridge Logic|With that info in mind, it becomes obvious that Purge bent spacetime in order to speed up the Ballistic Groove Gun's charging.]]
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