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Robots and wizards, spaceships and dragons, lasers and fireballs. [[Mix and Match|Mix these ingredients]] in your cyborg witch's boiling pot of Dark Matter, and you get [[Title Drop|Science Fantasy]].
[[Science Fiction]] and [[Fantasy]] stories can be difficult to tell apart under normal circumstances, as all but the very [[Mohs Scale of Sci Fi Hardness|hardest]] sci-fi introduces some hypothetical technology that one has to take on faith, like [[FTL Travel]] or [[Humanoid Aliens]]. And at the other end of the scale, even [[High Fantasy]] works have consistency requirements like [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]], which can blur the line into [[Sufficiently Analyzed Magic]].
[[Science Fantasy]] works, on the other hand, take traditional Fantasy and Science Fiction tropes and throw them in a blender, purposely creating a setting that has the [[Mix and Match|feel of both]]. Expect to see a lot of classic Fantasy tropes (e.g. [[Sword Fight|warriors with swords]], [[Our Dragons Are Different|dragons]], [[Hermetic Magic|wizards]], [[Bright Castle|castles]], and [[Our Elves Are Different|elves]]) ''and'' a lot of standard Science Fiction tropes (e.g. [[Cool Starship|spaceships]], [[Alien Tropes|aliens]], [[Energy Weapon|lasers]], [[Tropes On Science and Unscience|scientists]], [[Robot|robots]], and [[Time Travel]]).
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Subtrope of [[Speculative Fiction]], under which all [[Fantasy]] and [[Science Fiction]] falls. Compare [[Urban Fantasy]], [[Gaslamp Fantasy]], [[Space Opera]], and [[Planetary Romance]]. Contrast [[How Unscientific]], where the mix of genres seems out of place.
Supertrope of [[Wizards Fromfrom Outer Space]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Scrapped Princess (Light Novel)|Scrapped Princess]]'' blends fantasy and sci-fi elements, with a world seemingly in [[Medieval Stasis]] where magic and [[Tron Lines]] abound. Then adds [[Ruins of the Modern Age]] {{spoiler|and the Skid into the mix and the existences of Xeferis, and Natalie, who're [[Empathic Weapon|dragoons]] that link with their masters. And the Peacemakers, who are a powerful race of alien overlords who can enslave the minds of all who gaze upon them. To say nothing of their true power!}}
* ''[[El Hazard]]'' is another series that blends science fiction with fantasy, featuring a story centered around [[Stable Time Loop|a time paradox]] set in a land rife with magic and supernatural wonder. Yet, there are remnants of ancient technology as well, such as the Stairway to the Sky, the Eye of God, and the demon dolls.
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima (Manga)|Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' seemed to be straight [[Urban Fantasy]] at first, what with the [[Vancian Magic|mages]] and [[Golem|golems]] and [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]]. Then [[Ridiculously-Human Robots|Chachamaru]] came in. And the [[Mad Scientist|Mad Scientists]]. And the [[Magitek|Magic Internet]]. And the magical [[Playful Hacker]] vs [[The Cracker]] face-off in cyberspace. And the [[Mars|Martian]] [[Time Travel|Time Traveller]] from the future with [[Humongous Mecha]] and [[Mecha-Mooks]]. And most recently, it seems that {{spoiler|the magic world is actually on Mars.}} It ends up as sci-fi and fantasy in a blender.
* In ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', the Space-Time Administration Bureau that the main characters work for is like ''[[Star Trek]]'''s Federation, except where ''Star Trek'' would have a piece of [[Techno Babble]] to power its futuristic devices, ''Nanoha'' just uses magic. Magical [[Energy Weapon|Energy Weapons]], magical [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]], magical [[Hollywood Cyborg|cyborgs]], magical artificial intelligence with Windows-esque error codes...
* ''[[Outlaw Star (Anime)|Outlaw Star]]'' has spaceships and aliens, but the [[Space Pirates]] use Chi Magic and the most popular [[Pleasure Planet|resort world]] in the galaxy was originally a [[Mana]] mine. The main character's signature weapon is a fireball-flinging [[Magitek]] pistol.
* ''[[Urusei Yatsura (Manga)|Urusei Yatsura]]'' technically may be a sci-fi, but essentially all of the aliens are some form of [[Youkai]] from [[Japanese Mythology]]: Lum is from the Planet Oni, Yuki the yuki-onna is from Neptune, etc. In practice, anything from Science Fiction or Fantasy can happen from [[Time Travel]] to [[Onmyodo]] exorcisms, [[Rule of Funny|so long as it's funny]].
* ''[[Wolf's Rain (Manga)|Wolfs Rain]]''. Technology meets mythology.
* ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' starts out as a new rendition of a fantastic Chinese folk tale, and the titular [[MacGuffin|MacGuffins]] are blatantly magical -- but then we get alien invaders, space travel, and androids and it all gets weirder from there.
** The very first chapter of ''[[DragonballDragon Ball]]'' has a motorbike-in-a-bottle.
* ''[[Aria (Manga)|Aria]]'' is a subversion. Set in a replica of Venice on the planet Aqua (née [[Mars]]), there are elaborate technological control systems [[Terraform|maintaining the environment]] -- floating islands for climate control, underground facilities for enhancing the planet's gravity -- the works. Then the cast is caught up in supernatural time travel and ghosts of the past appear. This sounds like the setting for a gripping tale of planetary exploration and the technological and social struggles of the colonists as they deal with a mysterious past. But really, it's just an excuse for [[Scenery Porn]], as the female gondoliers float through a beautiful, peaceful city in their [[Slice of Life|happy-go-lucky lives]].
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime)|Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'', anyone?! Starts out as a [[Real Robot]] show with some religious symbolism, but quickly goes down the rabbit hole of Christian/Jewish/Kabbalistic prophecy, angels, and a legendary weapon on the Moon. Here's the obligatory link to [[Mind Screw]] which must come with every reference to ''NGE'' under state law.
* ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Anime)|Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'' features magical girls and witches that really ''are'' magical. However, this entire arrangement was set up by a {{spoiler|hyper-advanced alien race harvesting the energy of magical girls'/witches' emotions in an attempt to hold off the heat death of the universe}}.
* ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index (Light Novel)|To Aru Majutsu no Index]]''
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== Fanfiction ==
* ''[[Undocumented Features (Fanfic)|Undocumented Features]]'', a [[Mega Crossover]], fuses many [[Fantasy]] and [[Science Fiction]] sources into a single narrative. For example, a [[Norse Mythology|Norse God]] used ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|dimension door]]'' to get his party onto the [[Star Trek|Klingon]] [[Space Pirates]]' ship, whereupon their sorceress summoned a protective [[Petal Power|wall of roses]] as they hacked the computer to gain control of the ship -- all while a [[Space Battle]] was going between the two ships outside.
* ''[[The Conversion Bureau (Fanfic)|The Conversion Bureau]]'', is set [[Twenty Minutes in The Future]] with A.I. handling most menial tasks, holograms everywhere, cybernetic upgrades readily available, and the early phases of space colonization. With the emergence of Equestria there are also spell casting unicorns, weather controlling pegasi, monsters from across many mythologies, and two [[Physical Gods]] of the moon and sun.
* ''[[Glorious Shotgun Princess (Fanfic)|Glorious Shotgun Princess]]'' is a crossover between the (comparitively) hard [[Sci Fi]] of [[Mass Effect]], and the clearly fantasy (and [[Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting|Kung-Fu]]) world of [[Exalted]].
== Film ==
* The genre of ''[[Star Wars]]'' was explicitly stated by [[Word of God|Lucas]] to be space fantasy.
** It's the story of a farmboy who meets an old wizard, learns magic and swordfighting from him, and then fights an evil wizard and a dark knight. [[Heros Journey|He travels]] throughout strange lands were he meets monsters, rescues princesses, and....flies a spaceship. Because all this takes place in another galaxy where space aliens fight with laser guns and manual labor is done by robots. The prequels participate in some [[Doing in Thethe Wizard]], but even they don't try to explain the ghosts and the prophecies. The massive [[Expanded Universe]] gives us dragons, magical artifacts...and also features [[Doing in Thethe Wizard|mass dewizardification]], depending on the writer.
* The ''[[Transformers (Filmfilm)|Transformers]]'' film series is, at its core, an epic fantasy story told in modern times with [[Humongous Mecha|giant transforming robots]]. It has the usual elements such as a mythical origin story, ancient artifacts of great, ambiguous power, discussions of fate, destiny, and the call to adventure, themes of absolute good versus absolute evil, and messiah and anti-Christ figures.
* ''[[Tron (Film)|Tron]]'' starts out with what looks like a fairly standard [[AI Is a Crapshoot|evil AI]] plot, but then the main character is shot by a laser and "digitized" into a computer. He finds himself in a magical world where computer programs are people that worship godlike "users," and takes part in an epic quest to defeat an [[Evil Overlord]] (the Master Control Program) using a powerful artifact (an identity disc containing data that can destroy the MCP). The movie would probably be best described as a pure fantasy story, were it not for the fact that it was [[Setting|set]] inside computers.
* ''[[The Matrix]]'': Neo is "[[The Chosen One]]", prophecied by an ''oracle'', and he has special powers that allow him to fly, bend spoons, and dodge bullets. Oh, but it's only cause he's in a computer simulation run by intelligent machines.
* The [[Godzilla]] and [[Gamera]] franchises have monsters of both magical and scientific origin fighting or teaming up with each other, sometimes within the same movie.
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== Literature ==
* The ''[[Young Wizards]]'' series by [[Diane Duane]], especially from the third book onwards. What do you do with your [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]] [[Functional Magic]] that looks suspiciously like programming? Go to Mars. And then explore the rest of the galaxy and meet up with aliens.
* In the ''[[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Artemis Fowl]]'' series, the faeries have both real magic and higher tech than humans.
* Heinlein's ''[[Glory Road (Literaturenovel)|Glory Road]]'' is a reconstruction of pulp adventure novels with an ordinary modern day man swashbuckling his way across several savage planets inhabited by "dragons" and other such beasties in search of a device that recorded the memories of all the Empresses of the Fifty Universes.
* [[Piers Anthony]]'s ''[[Apprentice Adept]]'' series fits perfectly. The setting is one world split across two realities. One of them is called Proton, which is high tech, while the other is known as Phaze, where magic prevails.
* ''[[The Dark Tower]]'' series by Stephen King, set in a [[After the End|post-apocalyptic]] world where oil refineries, nuclear-powered water pumps, and the music of [[ZZ Top (Music)|ZZ Top]] co-exist with wizards, succubi, and gunslingers who fight for truth and justice in the [[King Arthur|Arthurian]] tradition.
* [[David Weber|David Weber's]] ''[[HellsHell's Gate]]'' series is about two human. civilizations coming into contact with each other through inter-universal portals. One civilization, The Union of Aracana, is a very [[Magitek]] civilization with wizards, dragons (that are genetically engineered) and the the main fighting weapons are swords and crossbows. The other one, The Empire of Sharona, has [[Psychic Powers]] and other little things like rifles, machine guns, cannons, steam engines, armored personnel carriers, trains, battleships, etc... Neither side reacts well to the existence of the other.
* [[Anne McCaffrey]]
** The ''[[Dragonriders of Pern]]'' books feature intelligent, telepathic, teleporting, and occasionally time-traveling dragons. These are just genetically engineered upgrades of preexisting diminutive "dragons", which have similar powers, though this [[Lost Technology]] aspect isn't explored until the prequels. Later books also feature a supercomputer.<br /><br />McCaffrey has always maintained that the books are Science Fiction rather than fantasy, as everything is based on hard science, and she has spoken to many authorities in various sciences to work out the specifics of the world and the things that happen on it.
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* Terry Brooks's ''[[Shannara]]'' series takes place in our future, [[After the End]], and includes robots and mad computers, but also elves and magic. Generally sold as fantasy.
* The ''[[Dragaera]]'' books look at first to be typical [[Dungeon Punk]], with magic, elves (OK, "Dragaerans"), swordfights, et cetera. However, careful inspection indicates science-fictional underpinnings: humans ("Easterners") are from "small invisible lights" (meaning the stars, invisible in the Empire because of the enclouding), genetics and gene manipulation are well-understood, and some characters view abstract concepts like "the soul" as matters of engineering, not religion. Let's not even get ''started'' on the gods and the nature of magic...
* Randall Garrett's ''[[Lord Darcy (Literature)|Lord Darcy]]'' stories are a ''[[Sherlock Holmes]]''-style mystery series set in an alternate history with very rule-based magic. While technology (and politics) has barely equaled the gaslight-era by the 1970s, magic has effectively reached a bit higher than modern day technology. And magic isn't just useful, it's carefully codified, requiring as much study, repeatability and dedication (and certification, licensing and taxes) as modern engineering or medicine. Though now commonly billed as fantasy, most of the stories originally saw the light of day in either ''Analog Science Fiction'' or ''Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine''.
** Randall Garrett once stated that Lord Darcy’s world and ours shared the same laws of physics. He defined the “magic” of Darcy’s world as a form of psionics, which he thought of as a real-world phenomenon.
* [[Gene Wolfe]]'s ''[[Book of the New Sun]]'' series is set [[After the End]] in a [[Schizo-Tech]] world mixing feudalism (and a [[Low Fantasy]] style of narration) with space travel, androids, laser weapons, etc. However, there is a device the protagonist gets a hold of called the Claw of the Conciliator which appears to be magical with no scientific explanation. Generally sold as science fiction.
** One reviewer comparing the tetraology with the fifth book, ''The Urth of the New Sun'' described the first four books as "science fiction pretending to be fantasy", and the fifth as "fantasy pretending to be science fiction".
* [[Terry Pratchett (Creator)|Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Nomes Trilogy]] is a good example of genre blending. All three books are written as a Borrowers/Littles sort of "tiny people living undetectably amongst us" story, except that it is revealed that the Nomes are in fact aliens marooned on Earth who have devolved somewhat, who only realize what they are when "The Thing", a mysterious box that one of the characters carries, is in fact a sentient computer.
* [[Neil Gaiman]] and Micheal Reaves' book ''[[Interworld]]'' features a multiverse organized as an arc, with the worlds on one side being ones where magic is in control, and worlds on the other where science is the dominant paradigm. Each end is ruled by a multiplanar empire, one representing Magic and one representing Science, which are both trying to take over the entire multiverse. There is a third organization, made up of different versions of the main character, who fight both sides and have the ability to travel freely between worlds, who move about the center of the arc.
* In a similar vein, [[Roger Zelazny]]'s novel ''Jack of Shadows'' takes place on a planet which is half-magic (dark side), and half technological (sunlit side). The titular antihero moves effortlessly between both.
* A lot of Jack Chalker's novels and series mixed up the two, often with [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien]] (or sometimes human) tech providing a backdrop in which magical-like effects (sometimes called magic by the user who didn't understand it) were possible. The [[Well World]] series is an example of the alien version, while the ''Flux and Anchor'' series had the [[Applied Phlebotinum]] created by humans.
** His ''Four Lords of the Diamond'' series features four planets seeded with a sort of alien parasite that provides people with strange powers, each unique to one of the four planets. The third book in particular involves a planet where people can effectively perform magic, and it's even called magic in the book.
* Mary Gentle's ''[[Grunts (Literature)|Grunts!]]'' starts out as a stereotypical fantasy world told from the point of view of a tribe of Orcs. There's a Last Battle, a Dark Lord, a Nameless Necromancer, halfling thieves, [[Mordor|The Dark Lands]], and all the things you'd normally expect to find in a [[High Fantasy]] world. Then the orcs get their hands on modern firearms (from our universe via a magic portal). Cue an elephant made to fly with anti-gravity and a cloaking stealth dragon. [[It Got Worse|Then]] [[Bug War|Aliens]] invade!
* ''[[His Dark Materials]]'' should fit in this. There's plenty of things that should go well with science fiction (the fact that Dust is a particle, the numerous technologies that look as if they came from various degrees of civilization, from [[Steampunk]] worlds to things akin to those you'd see on hard science fiction (specially in the last book), the alternate evolutionary paths of life on Earth seen in some worlds like that of the mulefa, etc.), but there's plenty of themes that should connect it to at least [[Low Fantasy]] (the witches, the fact Dust is conscious, the armoured polar bears, etc.)
* In the ''[[Young Wizards]]'' series the magic used by the wizards is definitely supernatural, but magic can be used to travel to alien worlds which have very advanced technology, the space aliens can ''also'' be wizards, and Kit's non-wizard older sister bought a [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser gun]] which she saw on an alien cable-channel's infomercial. To say nothing of Dairine, whose [[Great Big Book of Everything]] is a computer, creating a race of sentient robots ''who can'' also ''be wizards.'' The spells are described as being a combination of science and [[I Know Your True Name|truename magic]]. Hence, the characters can do things like making a laser or particle accelerator out of magic.
* ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'': A blue centaur gives a bunch of kids the ability to transform into animals so they can fight monsters. Could have been a fantasy book, but it just so happens the "centaur" is an alien, and the morphing powers have perfectly scientific explanations (alters your DNA etc.)
* [[Orson Scott Card]], in the afterword to an audio recording of ''[[Ender's Game (Literature)|Ender's Game]]'', talks about trying to sell a short story based in the world of ''The Worthing Saga''. He mentions that one of his rejections mentioned that it was a good story, but it wasn't right for the magazine, as it was Fantasy rather than Science Fiction. He said that the reason it was considered Fantasy was because none of the scientific backdrop was present in the story. In the end, he concluded that the only difference between Fantasy and Science Fiction is that "Fantasy has trees, [[Sci Fi]] has rivets."
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'': Oh, where to begin. The original series was supposed to be firmly grounded in observable reality -- the Doctor himself identified as a scientist on a number of different occasions, because the series was originally intended to be an [[Edutainment Show]] -- but then the more zany science fiction elements took over. By now, it uses elements from all over [[Speculative Fiction]], from [[Eldritch Horror|eldritch horrors]] to Venitian [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]] to [[Cyborg|Cybermen]]. And it's all brought together by a [[Time Travel|Time Traveling]] TARDIS that apparently goes where and when it is needed.
* ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'' has ghosts, immortal people, and sentient Islands that can move...and also well thought out time travel, exotic matter, and electromagnetism as a key plot elements. Though, really, ''[[Mind Screw|no one knows what genre it is]]''.
* ''[[Power Rangers]]''
== Tabletop Games ==
* Usually, ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'' is average fantasy, but whenever [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|Phy]][[Always Chaotic Evil|re]][[Body Horror|xia]] is involved, it becomes this. Specially now that they have access to Blue mana.
* ''[[Shadowrun (Tabletop Game)|Shadowrun]]'' is the quintessential [[Cyberpunk]] [[Urban Fantasy]].
* ''[[GURPS (Tabletop Game)|GURPS]] Technomancer''. The first above-ground atomic explosion in the U.S. releases magic into the world. As a result, people can cast spells and weird hybrid creatures are born, but only in the area covered by magical fallout.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]''. Several supplements and campaign settings over the years have been based on this premise:
** Module S3 ''Expedition to the Barrier Peaks'', set in a spaceship that crashed in the [[Greyhawk]] setting.
** The ''Odyssey - Tale of the Comet'' boxed set, which also involved a crashed spaceship.
** Modules DA2 ''Temple of the Frog'' and DA3 ''City of the Gods'', both of which occurred in the [[Blackmoor]] setting.
* [[Spelljammer (Tabletop Game)|Spelljammer]] is essentially D&D as a [[Space Opera]] with magic-powered [[Space Is an Ocean|wooden ships]] sailing the phlogiston currents between stars.
* [[Eberron (Tabletop Game)|Eberron]] is one of the codifiers of the [[Dungeon Punk]] sub-sub-genre. Elemental binding magic allows for airships, mag-lev trains, and sapient constructs, among other things.
* ''[[D 20D20 Modern]]''. The standard setting is [[Urban Fantasy]], but there's plenty of options for adding sf into the mix. The bodak, for example, is a [[Our Zombies Are Different|zombie]] [[The Greys|Grey]].
** Technically, the game is "whatever the GM wants". The only explicitly Science Fantasy campaign setting is "From the Dark Heart Of Space" from d20 Future. Though Dark Matter comes close.
* ''Dragonstar'' is a D20 [[Role Playing Game]] that combines ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'' fantasy roleplay roles with a [[Science Fiction]] setting with intersteller travel, robots and other features of futuristic technology.
* ''[[Feng Shui (Tabletop Game)|Feng Shui]]'' takes place in a universe where robot monkeys coexist with sorcerers and demonic creatures.
* The universe of the tabletop roleplaying game ''[[The Chronicles of Fate (Darth Wiki)|Chaos]]''. You know you're in for a case of [[Science Fantasy]] when your [[The Verse|verse]] is a [[Crossover Cosmology]] [[Multiverse]] containing [[All the Myriad Ways|every possible type of universe]], but that's just the beginning. Described as “cosmic fantasy”, ''[[The Chronicles of Fate (Darth Wiki)|Chaos]]'' is intended to have all the feeling of a fantasy setting, the only thing that makes it ''not'' explicitly fantasy is that it just so happens to have sci-fi “props” and window dressing. To quote directly from the book, “''Chaos'' is an over-the-top, epic cosmic fantasy. It's got dragons and spaceships, cyborgs and wizards, knights, aliens, superheroes, gods, demons, time travel, energy weapons, parallel universes, romance, quests, wars, duels, ancient conspiracies, buried treasures and lost artifacts, distant planets, weird creatures, corrupt politicians…and a guy named [[Archangel Michael|Mike]].”
* Similarly, the tabletop RPG ''[[Rifts (Tabletop Game)|Rifts]]'' is set a few centuries after the high tech world of tomorrow is utterly trashed by the return of magic. Human supremacist armies of cyborgs and [[Humongous Mecha]] traipse across the landscape. Atlantis has risen. Sorcerers summon demons and raise the dead. Rifts in spacetime spew out critters from other dimensions more or less at random. Elves and dragons and goblins (oh my) roam the wilderness. Killer cyborgs from another dimension want to kill all humanoid life on Earth. Gods battle Alien invaders. Vampires openly run entire cities. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
== Video Games ==
* Nearly every recent ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' has had this. Besides the series standard magic and [[Summon Magic]]:
** ''[[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV]]'' had a spacecraft capable of going to the moon and a [[Humongous Mecha]], although it's otherwise fantasy in all respects.
** ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'' had steampunk-esque technology and Edgar's tools, which included a chainsaw and drill. The [[Sand Is Water|sand-diving]] Castle Figaro was treated as using science rather than magic, although it's really not physically possible.
** ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'' had near-modern cities, guns, genetic engineering (sort of), electricity, and power plants. However, those power plants ran on the literal lifeblood of the planet, which also produced magic crystals that could teach you magic.
*** The spinoff game ''[[Dirge of Cerberus]]'' and the ''[[Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children|Advent Children]]'' film display that the ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'' world also has television and cell phones.
** ''[[Final Fantasy VIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VIII]]'' has [[Summon Magic]], magical [[Time Travel]], schools that convert into ancient moving fortresses, and a ship that got lost in space while launching an evil sorceress into a space prison. It also has Esthar, a [[Crystal Spires and Togas]]-like futuristic country.
** ''[[Final Fantasy IX (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IX]]'' is mostly fantasy, but includes quite a lot of [[Steampunk]] technology and {{spoiler|a [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced]] [[Magitek]] alien race to which both the protagonist and the [[Big Bad]] belong}}.
** ''[[Final Fantasy X (Video Game)|Final Fantasy X]]'' has machina, a slightly steampunk-esque technology that can make guns, grenades, mecha, and blitzball stadiums. On the other hand, there's an [[Eldritch Abomination]] running around killing everyone and the [[Our Souls Are Different|pyreflies]] that make up a person can reform into monsters after their death.
** ''[[Final Fantasy XII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XII]]'' has guns and more science fiction like airships than previous titles, but the airships are powered by magical [[Applied Phlebotinum|phlebotinum]]. And all the other magical elements.
** ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'' appears to be [[Science Fiction]] at first, with guns, more "realistic" airships, mecha, and genetic engineering. But most, if not all, of the tech is powered by fal'cie, magical beings. Who can also grant magical powers to chosen humans, [[Blessed Withwith Suck|although it sucks to be chosen this way for the human]].
* ''[[Star Ocean Till the End of Time|Star Ocean: Till the End of Time]]'' does this as well, by having Fayt and Cliff, who're members of the Pangalactic Federation, crash land on Elicoor II, a planet who's inhabitants are a [[Medieval Stasis|type-3 civilization.]] Fayt and Cliff go to great lengths to conceal the true nature of their identities to avoid unnecessary trouble, leading to predictable results. {{spoiler|Except for the part where they learn that their universe, and everything in it, is one big virtual game!}}
* ''[[Xenoblade (Video Game)|Xenoblade]]'' tends to mix the two so thoroughly that it can make one dizzy. It prologue starts with two warring [[Our Titans Are Different|titans]] whose dead bodies make up the entire world, then transitions to advanced humans fighting a war against relentless killer robots. The robots can only be stopped by a [[Cool Sword|legendary ancient sword called the Monado]], which somewhat resembles a [[Laser Blade|light-saber]]. Then the Monado starts granting the protagonist visions of the future, but that turns out to have a reasonable scientific explanation. Then it turns out that {{spoiler|the Monado is the manifestation of an evil god}}. [[hottip:*:And by the end of the game, you're fighting {{spoiler|[[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|giant robot ghosts]] [[Mind Screw|in outer space]]}}.
* ''[[Albion]]'', a game where a spaceship in the future lands on a world with magic instead of technology. A lot of the time is spent in primarily fantastic or scifistic settings, but they eventually mix, and both elements are present at least a little most of the time.
* ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'': An apocalyptic future with destroyed [[Domed Hometown|domed cities]] caused by a [[Cosmic Horror]], combined with a medieval [[Sword And Sorceror|sword-and-spell]] setting in the past. And it's all connected by [[Time Travel]].
* ''[[Touhou]]'': Stupid fairy vs. [[Humongous Mecha]]. [[Shrine Maiden]] vs. tanks. {{spoiler|[[Shrine Maiden]] wins.}} Magical aliens vs. Apollo 13. Nuclear reactor powered by a magical crow that ate a dead deity. Laser-blasting witch whose ally is a kappa with stealth suit. The list goes on...
* The ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' series has magic, souls ("hearts"), fantastic creatures, and a prophecy involving a hero of destiny... alongside spaceships armed with lasers, [[Mad Scientist|Mad Scientists]], advanced robots, and [[Magical Computer|Magical Computers]] including an [[Inside a Computer System]] level. The spaceships with lasers are firmly on the magic side of it. They are made from size-changing [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|gummi blocks]] that broke off of the sky. On your second visit to the [[Inside a Computer System]] world you have to bring a computer program modified by [[The Sword in Thethe Stone (Disney)|Merlin's magic]] to [[Tron]] so that he can do battle with the MCP.
* The ''[[Might and Magic]]'' series (which includes the first four ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]]'' games) takes place in fantasy worlds but with SF-elements (mostly involving [[Lost Technology]].) Not many people who haven't played ''M&M6'' knows that the Kreegan/Inferno town of ''Heroes 3'' is in fact populated not by demons but by hive-minded aliens (except for when the Inferno town is used to represent the ''non''-Kreegan demons that are also around in the setting). For those that only know the ''HoM&M'' series: one of the third game's expansion packs was supposed to add a cybernetic army but they changed their mind after receiving [[Fan Dumb|threats of boycotting the series and death threats from 'fans' angry at the intrusion of science fiction into their fantasy setting]].
* Similarly, the primarily high fantasy ''[[Ultima]]'' and ''[[Heretic]]''/''[[Hexen]]'' series briefly skirted with SF on a number of occasions, resulting in the occasional raygun, spaceship, time machine, or {{spoiler|demonic}} supercomputer.
* The ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' series of games, set in a future where a new, unlimited source of power has been discovered... called "Magic." Humanoid robots and artificially created killing machines coexist with people who can summon the power of the elements and fight with melee weapons (admittedly, melee weapons which can spit fire and lightning).
* The Amiga classic [[Shadow of the Beast]] is set in a Roger Dean-inspired fantasy world called Karamoon, which features sword-wielding orcs, medieval architecture, goblins, morningstars, mechanical claws, jetpacks, and (in the third game) robots.
* For a game-series with a fundamentally magic premise (books that act as portals, scribed in an ancient arcane language), the ''[[Myst (Video Gameseries)|Myst]]'' games incorporate an awful lot of sci-fi trappings: transport pods, electronic viewers, spaceships, submarines, giant mechanical engines, alien ecologies, orbital observatories, etc.
* Alongside it's many [[Standard Fantasy Setting|standard fantasy elements]] ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' also feature spaceships used by gods; time traveling, terminatorish robots with laser weapons; and astronauts (the mananauts and Sunbirds of Alinor), and in extension: more spaceships. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
** Also, the realms of Aeterius and Oblivion were originally presented as simply this world's equivalent of Heaven and Hell. Then ''The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard'' featured an observatory where the realms of Oblivion appeared as planets orbiting Nirn (the mortal world) and the gods as even more distant planets at the edge of a solar system. So, the Oblivion Gates? Those may or may not be [[Stargate|stargates]] in disguise.
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* In the ''[[The Longest Journey]]'' series, magic and technology once coexisted. Past misues of the two brought the [[Powers That Be]] to separate the two into Stark (technology, "our" world) and Arcadia (magic/medieval world). Attempts to alter this balance are what drives the plot.
* The ''[[Star Ocean]]'' series typically takes characters from a science fiction setting, and then plunges them deep into fantasy, while ever hinting at science fiction overtones throughout the stories.
* Starting around the sixth game in the series, the ''[[Wizardry (Video Game)|Wizardry]]'' games dove head-first into combining fantasy and sci-fi, where spells, magical creatures, and arcane artifacts are found hand-in-hand with spacefaring aliens, starships, and advanced energy weapons.
** ''Wizardry VII'' was the first of the series to embrace this trope-while the party is firmly grounded in fantasy, and the world seems to be with the full range of usual fantasy creatures and items, there's also the fact that the party arrived on the world by a starship, the [[Big Bad]] has a robotic army, two more alien races are engaged in a power struggle over the planet from their landing zones, and one of the native races travels around in rocket-powered aircraft.
** ''Wizardry 8'' takes this to an even more extreme bent, where powerful magic and advanced technology happily coexist-you'll see sophisticated artificial intelligences talking happily with wizards, flamethrowers and rocket launchers wielded by elves, and an alien airbase guarded by potent technological and magical defenses.
* ''[[Pokémon]]'' takes place in a [[Constructed World]] full of magical creatures, [[Patchwork Map|impossible geography]], and polytheistic gods…and computers and electric power plants and psychic powers and spaceships.
* ''[[War CraftWarcraft]]'' 'verse's technology is roughly at pre-industrial level, where guns are getting common, but swords and bows are still viable. However, the range of technology available is quite large. [[Rock Beats Laser|Rock axes]] can down [[Magitek|demonic]] [[Humongous Mecha]], and [[Death Ray|Death Rays]] can be used against ancient evil gods. And the dimension-hopping giants that ride around in spaceships.
* ''[[Septerra Core]]'' wandered back and forth between the two, blending such elements as [[Steampunk]] technology, magic fueled by the planet itself, genetic engineering and a pantheon of gods.
* The ''[[Ar Tonelico]]'' series features girls who [[Magic Music|control magical powers with their songs]] and goddesses who control the giant towers that humanity has been forced to live in after a disaster destroyed the world's land. The [[All There in the Manual|backstory of the series]] reveals that this disaster was caused by the technology of a highly advanced civilization. The towers themselves were built by these civilizations. The villain in the first game invades the tower's systems with viruses that can take physical form and possess many of the tower's robot guardians. The magic wielding girls themselves are actually an [[Artificial Human|artificial race]] designed to use magical powers based on the intricate principles of "wave science."
* ''[[Doom (Video Gameseries)|Doom]]'' features an invasion by demons from hell ... thwarted by a ''space marine'' on ''Mars'' with a ''plasma rifle.''
** Demons with cybernetic implants. One of them is called Cyberdemon.
* The ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' universe also combines elements of both science-fiction (cyborgs, advanced weaponry, parallel dimensions, spaceships) and fantasy (magic, dragons, gods, demons).
* ''[[Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura]]'' is a mixture of more specific genres: [[High Fantasy]] and [[Steampunk]]. The overarching story is fantasy epic, set in a more dystopian land that includes race and class conflict and the growing pains of an industrializing society as themes. Magic vs. technology is less a war than an ideological clash that can at least find common ground in its goals if not its practical methods.
* ''[[Metro 2033]]'' takes place in a fairly standard [[Grimdark]] version of [[After the End]], with hostile mutants, scattered human survivors, and a climax that involves using pre-cataclysmic weapons. There are also enough murderous ghosts for one of the characters to have a theory on them (Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory were ''also'' atomized), including a bona fide [[Afterlife Express]].
* ''[[Cave Story (Video Game)|Cave Story]]'' takes place on a [[Floating Continent]], which is inhabited by fantastic creatures such as [[Funny Animal|bunny-shaped Mimigas]], ([[Non-Human Undead|undead]]) [[Sand Is Water|sand-dwelling crocodiles]] or humanoid cockroaches, ruled over by an old witch who's responsible for an abomination that keeps the island afloat from inside a chamber protected with terminals and water control. There's also an incubator corridor that keeps dragon eggs and [[Ridiculously-Human Robots]].
* The ''[[Megami Tensei]]'' meta-series is made of [[Science Fantasy]]. The original novels that started it all presented summoning spells written in computer code so that computers could conjure demons - and those demons able to inhabit the computers into which they were summoned. Some games are more or less so than others - ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' 1, 2, and ''[[Strange Journey]]'' are steeped in this genre, as are the ''[[Devil Survivor (Video Game)|Devil Survivor]]'' games and the first two ''Devil Summoner'' games (and parts of the ''Raidou Kuzunoha'' ones flirt with it). ''[[Persona 1]]'' and ''[[Persona 3]]'' are much more so than 2 or 4. Meanwhile, ''[[Digital Devil Saga]]'' is, well... just look at the name.
* ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'' IS this trope with a [[Hindu Mythology|Hindu]] and [[Buddhism|Buddhist]] twist.
* ''[[Phantasy Star]]'', though as the series progressed, it more thoroughly embraced the sci-fi side of things.
* ''[[Cosmic Fantasy (Video Game)|Cosmic Fantasy]]''.
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Girl Genius (Webcomic)|Girl Genius]]'' is [[Steampunk]] combined with fantasy. Most of the weird stuff can be explained by technology, but not everything. The magic includes stuff like the river Dyne (which is an apparently natural spring the waters of which make the drinker a mad genius, though in most cases it's instantly lethal), Geisterdamen (ghost-like beings), Frankenstein-esque reanimated corpses, Jaegermonsters (non-human beings with superhuman strength and [[Long Lived|lifespans]] who are former humans who drank the [[Super Serum|"Jaegerdraught"]]), multiple cases of [[Brain Uploading]], the [[Genius Loci|castle Heterodyne]]'s seemingly telekinetic ability to move chunks of itself...
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court (Webcomic)|Gunnerkrigg Court]]''. There are robots and other advanced tech in the Court, while the Gillitie Wood is full of magic-users (including [[Physical God]] Coyote). Transformation to/from forest creatures is an accepted part of the universe, and the Court has students and teachers skilled in "etheric sciences".
* ''[[Quentyn Quinn Space Ranger]]'' is a sequel to ''[[Tales of the Questor]]'' that takes place 700 years later in the interstellar age. At that point most Racconnans rely on [[Magitek|technology]] for most of their Lux use.
* ''[[The Dragon Doctors]]'' make heavy use of magic, but always use it rationally and scientifically (their leader even calls herself a "Magical Scientist"). [[Lego Genetics]] are referenced at one point as being only possible with the use of magic to treat traits as conceptual objects.
* [[Megatokyo (Webcomic)|Megatokyo]] has both light fantasy elements (mostly [[Magical Girl|MagicalGirls]]) and soft sci-fi (stuff related to the TPCD mostly). A [[Dark Magical Girl]] is best friends with a [[Robot Girl]] and said DMG used to control people's emotions through an MMORPG.
* Thanks to its [[Planet Eris]] and [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] setting, ''[[Sluggy Freelance (Webcomic)|Sluggy Freelance]]'' is filled with this trope. Santa Claus is infected with alien DNA. Witches and [[Talking Animal|Talking Animals]] lead teams of [[Space Pirates]]. A ray gun is used to blast a demon back in time. A centuries old sorcerer is President of the United States ''{{smallcaps|[[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE!!!]]}}''
* ''[[Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures (Webcomic)|Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures]]'' has both magic and futuristic technology, and combinations of the two.
* The ''Crushed'' subseries of ''[[Super Mega TopiaSupermegatopia]]'' is technically {{spoiler|the result of a space explorer using [[Sufficiently Advanced Technology]] to make}} a medieval fantasy world. This later gets ruined by {{spoiler|the Ragnaracoon}}, and mixed into an unapologetic mishmash of high technology and high fantasy called Meshworld.
* ''[[Webcomic/Broken Space|Broken Space]]'' ([http://brokenspacecomic.com site]) features aliens, demons, clockwork, [[Steampunk|steam-power]], magicians, guns, swords, strange Magitek weapons, and divinely powered starships.
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' has genetically altered super-mutant assassins, aliens, mad scientists and many magic users, several of whom are main characters. Oh yeah, and one of the magic users can create a fairy version of herself, and Tedd's been hacking a [[Magitek]] [[Gender Bender|transformation ray gun]] since 2002.
* ''[[Last Res 0 rtRes0rt]]'' is set several thousand years into the future, contains nanotechnology, flying robots, and a galactic society... and also contains lots of creatures that run off of soul-based magic, including vampires, djinn, and zombies. [[Furry Comic|Also, furries.]] It's labeled [[Cyberpunk]] -- but it's about as Cyberpunk as, say, [[Shadowrun]].
== Web Original ==
* [[Limyaael's Fantasy Rants (Blog)|Limyaaels Fantasy Rants]] has tips for writing [http://limyaael.livejournal.com/577404.html science fiction/fantasy hybrids].
* Animated [[Urban Fantasy]] web series ''[[Broken Saints]]'' uses a lot of the technology from (probably) [[Twenty Minutes in The Future]], and just labeled "state-of-the-art" in-story. However, it also includes [[The Empath|Shandala]]'s powers of healing and... [[Beware the Nice Ones|not-so-healing...]], and Kamimura's ability to [[Soul Jar]] his pupil, holding a [[Soul Fragment|fragment]] of said pupil's consciousness within his own mind. While the first ability {{spoiler|is revealed to be part of her genetic design}} (very sci-fi), they are both firmly in the fantasy realm.
* While most of ''[[Chaos Fighters]]'' novels are fantasy with minor science fiction elements inserted in the magic system, ''Chaos Fighters II'' and ''Chaos Fighters: Chemical Warriors'' are science fiction with significant fantasy style battles.
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Thundercats (Animation)|Thundercats]]'' has space travel, futuristic vehicles and the like, but also features a magic sword used by the hero and an undead [[Sorcerous Overlord]] as the main villain.
* ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'' has laser weapons, robots, biotechnology along with pseudo-gods, fairies and ghosts (Oberon's children) as well as various other mythological creatures.
* [[The Venture Bros]] had a [[Magic Versus Science]] contest between Dr. Venture and Dr. Orpheus (a parody of Dr. Strange), reaching its climax as Orpheus produces fire from his hands. Dr. Venture's scientific one-up? A lighter.
* ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]'' has goblins, futuristic robots, princesses, wizards, hologram projectors, magic, and mini-anti-gravity chambers. All in a post-apocalyptic Earth.
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